All Comments on 'Eliminating the Competition'

by man_as_dog

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great story, if there was an option for 10*, you would get it.

Finally a story where there are consequences for being a cheating whore. Loved it, keep writing.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 10 years ago
Consequences !

What ever attempts a man makes towards a woman to have sex. She Always has the last say before the cock enters her.

So it does not really matter how much charm, smooth talking a man does. If a woman does not want it to happen the man is just wasting his time.

If she allows her self to have sex then she just gave up on a marriage.

Sorry it is just that simple !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
What consequences?

Raul paid a price, sure. But not the weak, self-centered wife. She made a choice by not making a choice, no matter how much the writer tries to deny it by peddling her off as a clueless bitch who can't help herself. Why do all these stories make women act as though they can't find their butts with both hands?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
wife should have went missing with him

the wife should have been left in the desert with him

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistabout 10 years ago

What a strange bit of "House of Cards" Americana this was. "I'm a mindless whore, you're a murderer who takes advantage of institutional racism to get away with it...but at least we won."

javmor79javmor79about 10 years ago
Umm. What????

This story was not my cup of tea.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago

More about planning a murder than saving a marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I thought it was a good story.....

Other than knowing she was responsible for someone dying, the wife walked away scott free.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

to win and allow life to continue. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
been better had the wife also lay along side Raul on the King Ranch

always throw out the trash, after all it wasn't Raul that cucked him, it was the slut wife

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Silly Morals

So.. the man who seduced the woman is dead. He may not have known she was married. He paid a price for being interested in a woman.. we would all be dead if that happened every time. The wife was the problem.. she should have been turfed out and ruined.. killing an 'innocent' man... mmmmmmm. T C.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Murder to save a marriage, pretty sick dude

This is a murder story, she strays and husband commits murder. He needs real jail times. This guy didnot deserve to die because his wife fell for him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Another Phantom

How many times are women captured by some romantic or dominant other man? I have seen it in my own relationship, and it is difficult to understand or get past. Not a bad little story, although asking for Raul at the store was risky, and a few other things were also.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
it's a win

he's dead, husband's a murderer and she's a confused whore. She should be a dead confused whore.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 10 years ago
Once again,

we are given a writer's view of a possible way to handle a cheating wife. Did he say you should try this at home? It was an interesting story. Some people think like Paul, from this story thinks. We can disagree with how he handled the situation, but it's MaD's story. It's just another possibility and these things do happen now and then. Would most of us readers murder to keep a cheating wife? Hopefully, not. Would at least one of us readers? Probably.

Jack99Jack99about 10 years ago
Loved it

Too many stories the other man gets away with seducing the married woman, and all the blame and scorn is placed on her alone. In this case, the woman, while at fault, is at least honest. And the horn-dog seducer (who surely couldn't have missed the wedding rings) gets his much deserved comeuppance. Bravo!

looking4itlooking4itabout 10 years ago

Raul knew she was married. She was honest to a fault and even waved at him in the store with her husband and I highly doubt she took her rings off. Yes, she could have and should have said no but we'd all be much better off if other males would learn to leave married females alone. Raul learned the hard way that there are consequences to messing with another man's wife. Murder is heinous but frankly I liked this story.

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteabout 10 years ago
Paul? Raul?

What about Saul? Or maybe maul? As in, I want to maul authors who use nearly identical names for 2 or more characters.

: )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Interesting solution to the problem

Of having a cheating slut for a wife. I'm not sure he should have stayed with the cheating slut and she did get off with practically no punishment. I wonder if he'd do it again when she cheats the next time? Or if she'll tell him the next time, given what she suspects? Thanks for the effort. It was entertaining to read.

IronDragonIronDragonabout 10 years ago
Good story.

He shouldn't have stayed with Wifey at the end, though. Sure, she was honest with him. Small point in her favor. Doesn't change the fact that she fell for the smooth Asshole's lines, though. Yeah, no. the whole "I love you both" line is a copout. Losing one's self-respect isn't worth it. What happens the next time she meets someone she just "clicks" with? Now that she knows what Hubby would do, she isn't going to be so truthful the next time around.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Still gave it 4 Stars for originality in dealing with the Asshole. Well thought out and well executed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Why stay with a cheating wife and Husband commits murder to boot

So what does he. Do the next time she cheats. Yet I read some people think this is cool. How do you live with this slut after the fact you just killed another person. Some t of the burn the bitch crowd are wired all wrong. She cheated ,did the lover really deserve the death sentence.

jezzazjezzazabout 10 years ago
Well written....but

If Paul used his id as a template, then that would be a us drivers license. If Raul was found with that Id, then no, he wouldn't look like a Mexican immigrant. He'd look like a us citizen and that would be an entirely different investigation.

Otherwise, it's a well written story. Some real talent there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Murder is a good thing

Iron Dragon approves and if this Ayatolla of the Eunecks gives his blessing then murdering the competition to keep a cheating slut is a good thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Well written

Although I still think that a divorce is easier and I am sure Raul would agree. To Jezzaz, an illegal immigrant would try to fake a US drivers' license to emigrate to the US...

connoisseur29connoisseur29about 10 years ago

BTB - no messin' around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

She is a cheating skank and will cheat again.===============Great story

svg1svg1about 10 years ago
Next Time

This silly, selfish woman got absolutely no consequences from being a slut. She didn't shed a tear for Raul. Fran told Paul that she understood why he did it. She had connected the dots. Jezzaz commented about the faked drivers license, but in the narrative, it stated that Paul made it look counterfeit for a reason. The reason was to make Raul appear to be an illegal immigrant if the body was found. Counterfeit documents are common. Fran got off scot free, plus she got instructions from Paul of how to get away with it the next time. ".... Just come home to me, and do whatever else you have to do. Just don't rub my nose in it. Be kind and don't talk about him or make it obvious that you're seeing him. And promise me you won't talk about me to him. ......" Actually, murder or loss of life is not an unlikely possibility in infidelity situations. In many real life accounts of infidelity, the excitement of the risk adds to the total excitement. The risk element is a turn on. The cheaters hope to not get caught, or, in Fran's case, to just get a pass. But they are willing to risk the marriage, financial ruin, turning the children's life upside down, in some cases loss of friends and family. Risk of STD's. And, yes, in some extreme cases, risk of loss of life is a very real possibility when emotions run high. For some reason, the risk is worth it to some people.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusabout 10 years ago
Nice job

The point of a poorly constructed fake US id is so that US Border agents would find a fake US id as expected. Well written and interesting story. Paul was amateurish in executing his plan that he was far more fortunate than he deserved. :) Still he did as he planned and 'true love' rules. Also someone (svg1?) said Fran did not shed a tear for Raul? Try reading the later part of the story again; Paul helped her through her grief over Raul (what a guy that Paul)!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Should have burned the bitch a little bit too by making her watch, then telling her if she said anything the same would happen to her. All Mexcans who fuck a Whiteman's wife should be treated the same way

SKHPSKHPabout 10 years ago
Are you serious?

Commit a risky murder on a man he does not know anything about - just to stay with a slut who does not keep her wedding vows? How many times during this marriage will he have to use his garrote again? Not the slightest consequences for the slut?

And in the end she is proud of her husband's criminal action?

Sorry, but that is far from anything I could imagine! (Perhaps I do not know the right people...)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Wow! all that trouble

He should have shared her and saved himself a lot of trouble..

svg1svg1about 10 years ago

To EspressoBolus, I took the grief that Paul helped Fran through as the grief of Fran's fucktoy abandoning her- not the grief of a murder. But, you could be right. Subtle difference.

dmhackdmhackabout 10 years ago
Risky business

The riskiest thing about an affair is that you can never predict how the other spouse may react.

Lex1Lex1about 10 years ago
@Anon - He should have shared her and saved himself the trouble

No, he should have left her and saved himself the trouble.

Lex1Lex1about 10 years ago
Did not solve the problem.

What this guy did was the same as fixing a leaky pipe with duct tape. He didn't solve the problem. He just did something that will mask it for the time being. If he's going to kill off his competition to keep her faithful, he might as well put together a serial killer kit like Dexter.

green117green117about 10 years ago
And here I was

thinking it was a flip on "A Boilerplate Rendition". Admittedly, more drama in "Boilerplate" and the 1 year forgiveness given by the wife for her lovers' murder here seemed a bit flawed. Much, much less passive aggressive in this one.

But, both solutions are flawed.

And, murder is murder. And once a murderer, always a murderer. Or something like that. Boy, these tales of moral imperative (or immoral imperative) tend to take the protagonist very, very seriously.

The mixture of sex and death, as always, was emotionally compelling.


Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 10 years ago
Oh boo-de-hoo

My heart pumps purple piss for one expired wanna-be lothario. But, hhbby should never have shown his face at the store asking for loverboy.... A crumb of evidence.

DunaDunaabout 10 years ago
Not worthy

I think to remain with his cheating wife is not a worthy thing. There is not any common kid or common firm, fortune. To kill somebody for a cheating wife is not too worthy thing too. I like Groucho Marx famouse aforizm:

When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep

green117green117about 10 years ago
by the way

it appears that the wife may not know hubby killed her lover...


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
this so sick and anyone who agrees with it is sick

murder a guy you do not know for a slut wife. what will they write next.????????????????

chytownchytownabout 10 years ago
She Should Sleep****

Very Lightly.Thanks for sharing

textosteronetextosteroneabout 10 years ago
My story would have been different...

Wife: I don't know how it happened but I am in love with another man and I slept with him earlier today. I love you both.

Me: Pack your shit and get out!

End of story!

I would have still killed the SOB that took her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Not that I'd agree to murder...

But, if this were the consequence for a man cheating or even flirting with a known married woman (in order to seduce her) there would be far less marriages that ended due to adultery or irreconcilable differences. Especially in an area where people might be prone to just disappear; you would think the character Raul would've been smarter than to mess with a married woman; you never know when a jealous husband could flip into a murderous rage, regardless if he gets caught or not. Nice story would've given 5* but, the wife should've received a little more punishment for straying; than just morning a lover who "disappeared".

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 10 years ago
Well-written, somewhat original, and depressing theme and outcome

Violence (except in self-defense) does not usually solve anything. As others have said, killing the lover won't keep wifey from cheating again. She'll just be secretive about it next time. But my main thought is the story probably belongs in a different category. Maybe non-erotic would be best, since this really was not erotic.

Were I the hubby, I would have just kicked her to the curb. Asking her to choose is absurd. Once she has cheated, I could never trust her again and my love would turn to resentment and dislike, even hate. So why bother? Let her have Mr. Hardware Store Employee -- great future he's likely to have -- hide my money and end the bullshit.

And about the perfect crime, there is normally no such thing. If Raul was fooling around with one or more ladies, the police (investigating his disappearance) would have most likely questioned Paul, checked his whereabouts, and then charged him. Is it worth going to jail for life for a skank? As they say in the vernacular, 'Not Hardly!' (I realize it was a double negative, but irony was what was intended, not proper grammar).

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 10 years ago
Nice Sketch

I don't agree with murder in any case, but the writing kept the reader's interest. I would have ended it with a twist, such as wife answering the phone and saying, "Sorry, Raul and I are together and I won't be coming home." Wrong Raul.

OneShotOneOneShotOneabout 10 years ago
murdered a man so he could have his whore

Now that's a victory.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

If you are really in love, these kinds of things don't happen, good fantasy I guess.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 10 years ago
Good Tale

First 2/3 was very good and lead to any number of endings.

Last 1/3 just didn't have the same impact.

Still, a 4* for sure.


zed0zed0about 10 years ago
Mostly Lame!

The wimp Paul went to a lot of risk and effort for a cheating slut. It is inconceivable to me, why anyone would want that tainted twat back, let alone stay married to it.

I could see killing Raul and making him disappear for shits and giggles AFTER the divorce.

It would further add to the payback of the slut wife, who gave up a good marriage only to end up with nothing, while believing her ass-hole boy friend abandoned her.

Now THAT would be a happy ending.

JounarJounarabout 10 years ago
a spineless murder

As so many others have said, hubby took way to insane a risk just to hold onto a cheating slut. All there years of marriage along with his suicide threat added up to jack shit compared to wifeys feelings towards a man she's known only a few weeks! Shit, the bitch grieved for weeks when she thought loverboy dumped her instead of going out of her way to try and make up to her husband for the shit she pulled.

Hell did the dead guy even know she was married?

bruce22bruce22about 10 years ago

There is no one to like nor respect in this one. As more than one pointed out, who knows when she will go off like a rocket again?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Like all these burn the asshole stories

They focus on the other guy. While that may have its points; it misses the problem the 'wife'. She choose to cheat. He did not make her. Therefore the burden of the blame and punishment should be on her.

Second, murder is a little off the scale when it comes to retribution. No slimy bitch is worth meeting Bubbda!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Mexican Messes with Married Woman Roulette !

At least 80% of the time, a stud who who plays with married women is free of being under the threat of bodily harm from husband. Usually the worst case scenario is a physical altercation in which case the odds are loaded on stud's side.

This is not one of those stories. The husband didn't cry, make threats and wasn't interested in dialogue with Raul. He harnessed the energy of recent anger in terms of action with cold blooded, borderline sociopathic cerebral process.

Those are the breaks when you don't care if your bedside partner's ring finger "esta occupada ". You must accept the accelerated risk of being struck by relámpagos errantes.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

and everybody lives happily everafter, .TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The stupid was strong with that one.

"Second, murder is a little off the scale when it comes to retribution. No slimy bitch is worth meeting Bubbda!....." a commenter posted.

First, I know not of the Bubbda of whom you speak. I know a Bubby, who washes cars, and a Budda, some fat assed religious figure....I will assume you meant the second, I don't think Bubby is a religious figure nor do I think Budda with his fat ass ever washed a car.

Second...murder is a little off the scale, you say? Hmmm. I almost assume you're an illegal alien from another planet. Last I checked, murder is pretty commonplace, and given the way the human race is formulated, murder will be around for quite a while yet. Some may murder for money, some out of a sociopathic deviance, but there's a few who will do it acceptable reason. Say, to keep from harm another person they love, no matter how foolish or misplaced the love. Some may do it out of vengeance, and we've got lots of that in this human race of ours as well. Murder may be off the scale, but cheating might be too. Hell, when you go to Vegas, you're playing the odds, knowing the odds are against you. Fucking around with a married spouse is also playing the odds, because there is no way to determine if or how much retribution will be delivered. So, to sum up, if you think something is off the scale, try avoiding the scale in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
He should have killed his cunt of a wife to

Yeah so he killed roul but he should have killed his cunt of a wife to. as it is the bitch got away with everything. He should have driven her out into the desert then staked her out in the sun and watched as her skanky ass fry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
hubby was a weak man for his wife

cheaper too get writ of wife and not kill anybody.she cheat again.

sinsational83sinsational83about 9 years ago

Hubby did good. and if the wife can read what is on his mind and thinks she knows what he did, I think it would serve as a reminder as what might happen to her if it happens again. actually this was a good story. Absolutely.

worth every bit of a 4 star rating.

kdcee79kdcee79about 9 years ago

Well written & told but this was retribution at the extreme end. I don't care what anyone does, murder is never the answer. It seemed that he got away with it but who knows what may happen in the future, plus, how, as a normal everyday person can you reconcile this deed with your future life. Also wasn't his wife just as guilty, she certainly must have said yes to Raul before they had their first & only session, so if she strays again, will he kill her also? Too many possibilities & loopholes remain to call this a finished tale. 3 ***

impo_61impo_61about 9 years ago
I understand the husband, but...

I understand the husband, but I agree with @kdcee79! Kill your enemy isn't a solution! He must stay alive suffering every day, every time he looks in the mirror! maybe his wife would have chosen to become the caregiver of her paraplegic and impotent boyfriend!!! And as she didn't had a job, she had to whore herself to support both of them!!! Ahhhhhhhh, or she seeing her boyfriend like that she could understand that she was to blame for the destruction of her boyfriend and never strain again...

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
He only eliminated part of the competition

he also had to deal with

" . . right now, I just can't give him up, either. Maybe, when some time has gone by, maybe then I can let go of him. Or, maybe you can adjust..."

and she went looking for him and was upset when her calls were not returned. She never made the decision to stop seeing Raul.

As long as she doesn't see anything wrong with loving and sleeping with another man, it is not the other man that is the problem.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Started ok

Everything was fine until he told her she could still see the asshole as long as she was discrete. Even knowing asshole was dead he looses all respect for that alone. She now has a free pass to fuck around and you can bet she will eventually. Maybe we are suposed to believe that her figuring out Paul killed Raul (she have something for names with and aul sound?) that she would see he didnt actually mean what he said.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 8 years ago
She cheated

She cheated and other than losing her lover got off scott free. At the very least her husband should have made sure she understood that what she did had personal consequences. If he was determined to keep her then he should at least ensured that she would be less likely to cheat again. I'm thinking something like a discrete mugging, one in which her face is horribly disfigured. Or, if he still wanted her to look pretty then mutilation of her body, just enough so anyone wanting to fuck her would be repulsed when she undressed. Hey, sounds cruel but at least the cheating slut gets to live, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You should write a sequel

cause a woman like that will find another Raul in time.

4 Stars.

phil2213phil2213over 8 years ago
Why would he stay with the slag

The husband should've brought two bodies to the ranch. The husband was an outright wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Only one thing

She should have followed Raul on his one way journey. There is no way he can ever trust her. All she is now is a warm piece of ass. She got off way to easy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Should have killed her. Fucking cuck.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 8 years ago
Nce Tale

A good read, though for me the wige did getboff rather to easily. .. !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
To nay commenters who didn't think this story was any good

Richard Gere starred in the movie Unfaithful 2002. He also killed the wife's lover. He and the wife leave together at the end of the movie. Roger Ebert gave the movie 3 stars and a thumbs up! You complainers are idiots!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
@previous anon

Richard Gere? You comparing this to a movie? You serious? Anyway, you know, the problem here isn't that the man is a murderer, but that he is a cuck!

Pappy7Pappy7almost 8 years ago
It's kind of funny, the comments that is.

Most of the people who posted here that the murder of the stud was too much are the same ones who blame the husband if he doesn't do enough to "defend" his marriage. As for him being a cuckold, didn't happen willingly and was rectified immediately when he found out. The thing about stuff like that is; there is nothing you can do short of keeping your wife prisoner that will guarantee that she won't fuck someone else thus making you, technically, a cuckold. So, it seems to me then that we have a small window of opportunity to answer that challenge thus having a grace period so to speak before we are actually a cuckold. If we find out and do nothing, then let the name calling begin. Also killing the lover is never an easy decision to make, mainly because of the odds being in favor of you being caught. In this instance he did the right thing. Like was said in the story, the sooner done the least chance of their being a connection. And man, don't even think to wait until after the divorce. You become primo on the suspect list.

That being said, she should have been killed in all reality. Except that if she is found and Raul is found then hubby is soon in prison and goes from husband to wife, instantly. I don't think the story was all that badly written. I liked it and gave it a 4. Would have been a 5 but he put his life in the cheating bitch's hands because she knew he did it. Next time he plays that same card with her new lover, he's toast. She has already demonstrated that she will turn on him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why would the husband want this slut wife back???? Should have killed them both.....

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

but now its OK. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A cute couple

A cute sociopath couple that is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I wouldn't keep that slut. How many guys are going to have get killed when She feels that "click" that says she's gotta fuck him. Our hero said he'd love her enough to share her so she has the go ahead to find someone to take Raul's place and believe me, a cheating whore like this would do just that. So i hope Paul has enough body drops to handle the work load.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So Now The Wife Knows Her Husband Eliminated Raul

I have no problem whatsoever with husband's manner of eliminating his competition; but now his wife knows everything but the details. How long before she finds another competitor for her body? But this time she eliminates her husband by poisoning him or drugging him and having her new lover "eliminate" the husband? That happens fairly frequently.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Two weeks after meeting guy she beds him and wants her husband to share her.

Guess My definition of soulmate is different than theirs

jharpjharpover 6 years ago

I have to agree with Anymous 07/08/17. Her definition of soul mate was far different from the norm. A true soulmate wouldn't have done that to him. She would have resisted. Yeah the Husband saved his Marriage now but for how long? Is he going to have to keep knocking guys off? Or eventually off her? Especially now that she knows the truth? She was another woman when she was with her lover. What utter tripe. I know women who believe that crap too. Well he's stuck with her now.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago
Such a woman

is not worth keeping.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 6 years ago
Poor Raul

Killed over a worthless whore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

What a macabre couple. Of such are serial killers made.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

He killed the wrong one.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Poor Raoul

Poor Raoul my ass. He seduced a simple minded married woman. My only problem with the story is that he died too quickly. He should, also, been made aware of who killed him and why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This woman should have been made to suffer physically

If I were her husband there would have been a hell to pay but I agree, the male seducer has to go first to make a clean break. Her future is not very promising either. As soon as I would get tired of her.

TreymonTreymonover 5 years ago

He loved a ditz.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Two For the Price of one

Husband should have taken the wife on the ride with Raul

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Another interesting story from this author

Nice to have a husband written as something other than a soy boy. Keeping the wife is a mystery. She seems mentally impaired...not smart or in control of herself enough to be an adult.

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsabout 5 years ago
Best story I've read this week!

Ok she betrayed him once and will have to pay. But the loss of her fucker might be a reminder of what could happen to her.

I think slow strangulation was an appropriate death!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Another WIMP story 1 star just to vote

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Another LW

pussy-whipped husband. I wish this character would just die. I did like the murder of Raul, though.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Good again

Love the symbolic ending for Raoul. Wind blows South, he is home again. Still think he needed to know who killed him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I think you confused wimp with psychopath...

Man spends vast amounts of time and money to humiliate and possibly even injure or maim a wife he already knows is/has cheated on him? Badass.

Man gets rid of the competition before he can get cucked, retains his happy life and gains back his wife's respect... Wimp?

You are all such bitter, pathetic idiots I'd be shocked if you ever get a second date!

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

Raul got what he deserved. So what that Paul loved the broad beyond reason, it happens and he found a way to make it work. Good for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I would like to read the story of what happens the next time she finds a soulmate

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Excellent read that's how to solve the situation. That's probably what I would do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Shouldnhave left the wife on the fence next to him

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was mildly entertaining to follow Paul's activities after sitting in the SUV's driver's seat for several hours after Raul emptied his bladder there.

MikodaMikodaabout 2 years ago

This characters is still a wimpy cuck but with one ball left.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

Raul got what he deserved, but I wouldn't trust her one bit. To call her flighty is an understatement. She will "fall in love" again.

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