Emerging Desires Ch. 01


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"Maybe you should call me Grace, considering." Ms. Crawford said. "You know, since I have now seen you at your most intimate." Grace paused and then continued. "You're probably wondering where I obtained these?" Grace offered. She picked up the phone and called an intercom number. "Come in please."

When the door opened, it was Kate who entered. A 19-year-old coed working at the library for both college credits and because she rarely had to do anything at all relating to work. With her Aunt Grace being the head librarian, it was little more than a ghost position where her only real responsibility was remembering to be there twice a month to pick up her check.

Grace held out her hand toward Annie wanting the envelope she still held. "Please." Grace smiled at her. "I'll need those back now."

Slowly, Annie stood and handed the photos back to Grace. Grace waved at the two girls. "I have to say, I don't understand any of this. But It clearly is of some interest to you. And apparently to my niece as well." Grace looked directly at Annie.

Annie slowly turned her gaze from Grace to Kate, who was offering her a smirk that seemed to be saying that she knew what was about to happen.

"Annie." Grace said and that caused Annie to look back to her boss. "I expect you will allow Kate to be a part of." She shrugged. "Well, what ever you call this." She opened her desk drawer and dropped the envelope in. "You understand?" Grace asked.

Annie just nodded.

"Fine." She pointed to the door. "Out you go then. Both of you."

Once the two girls were back at the main counter and the room was void of patrons, Kate whispered. "Sorry for that." She said. "I just didn't think you would let me participate if I asked you directly."

"You're right about that." Annie said. "Just what are you expecting from me?"

"When Kate said. "Nothing." It caught Annie off guard. She looked at Kate. "Well, nothing much." Kate added. Kate removed something from a pocket and slid it across the counter to in front of Annie. "I didn't show this to Aunt Grace."

Annie looked down to see a photo of her bent over the conference table with the black janitor kneeling behind her. They both looked to be in the throes of serious pleasure.

Annie quickly took the picture and shoved it into her own pocket. She looked at Kate. Kate shrugged. "Just introduce me to her." Kate smiled again.

At four the next afternoon, Annie found Kate in a quiet aisle, reshelving books from a four-wheel cart. Standing beside her she said. "You still interested?"

Kate's tongue slowly slid over her upper lip. "I am. But she has to understand." Kate paused. "I don't do anything." She watched Annie. "You understand?"

"Not a problem." Annie offered. "Top of the stairs. I'm quite sure you know the way. A little after closing."

Kate was still nodding when Annie disappeared down the hall. At six-forty-five, Kate emerged from the stairwell to see Annie leaning against a bookshelf. Her arms crossed; she tilted her head toward the old conference room door. "Your lady awaits." She said.

Kate started to walk past Annie toward the closed door. Annie reached for her arm. "Kate, you ever do anything like this again and I will bring down you and your Aunt Grace."

When the door opened, Annie caught a glimpse of Lisha setting on the table. Before the door closed, she heard Lisha say. "Damn, another tasty white honey. I do be the lucky one."

A little before eight. Annie stepped off of the bus and began the four-block walk home. It was a warm evening, the sun just setting. Near her apartment building, Annie recognized Beth's charcoal Lexus setting at the curb. The driver side door was opening. When Beth got out, she walked around the rear of the car. She was wearing a nice fitting black dress, hemmed about 5" above the knee. She had on four-inch heels. She looked amazing to Annie who felt a wash of excitement flush over her. She had not been with Beth in more than two weeks.

Annie stopped in front of her.

"I've missed you." Beth offered. When Annie remained still, Beth added. "So, you haven't missed me?"

"Of course I have." Annie said. "You know that."

Beth reached for the fingers of Annie's right hand. She held it. "I would like you to join me tonight or do you have plans?"

"No plans." Annie said.

"I'm spending the evening with a friend." Beth let that settle a few seconds. "Good friend." She leaned forward, kissing Annie's cheek, Her mouth trailed kisses down her neck. "Want to meet her?"

Beth watched Annie nod in the affirmative. "I'll need you to be agreeable this evening." Her lips found Annie's. Her tongue outlined Annie's mouth. "Can you be agreeable for me?" She watched Annie nod again. She smiled and patted Annie's butt. "Get in the car."

They had been driving for about ten minutes when Annie asked. "What is she like?"

Beth was coming to a stop as a red light. "What?"

"Your friend." Annie said.

"Does it matter?" Beth asked.

Annie just shrugged, but they both knew that it did indeed matter.

The car underway again, Beth patted the seat close to her. Annie watched and then scooted over close to Beth. Beth's right hand left the wheel and slipped between Annie's legs. Her skirt eased up to show most of her adorable, smooth, silky legs. Beth's little finger creasing Annie's panties between the wings of her labia.

Beth began. "Jane is twenty-six, tall, slender, gorgeous, and has black hair. The car stopped at another red light.

With her right hand entrenched against Annie's sex, her left arm came across to grip Annie's at the back of her head. She pulled Annie toward her, her tongue finding Annie's open mouth. She kissed her until a car behind them began to honk, the light was green.

"I'm telling you this because you still don't know that much about me." Beth explained. "Please don't ever question me again." She ran her fingers forward and back along Annie's thigh. "When I ask you to do something for me, I don't expect a debate."

Beth looked at Annie. Annie nodded. "Sorry." She offered.

"It's okay." Beth said. The car turned into a long driveway. It was dark but Annie could see that there was a wide expanse of well-manicured lawn along both sides. The car stopped in a circle drive. An enormous white mansion before her. Beth's finger went under Annie's chin. "Everyone deserves one I'm Sorry."

As the two stood at the large double entrance, Beth pressed the doorbell. Annie could hear chimes from inside. When the door opened, they were greeted by the face of a petite Asian girl dressed in a typical Maid's uniform. Crisp black dress reaching to near her knees. Although Annie noticed that it fit her quite snugly, the girl looked very professional.

The girl said. "If you would please to follow me. Miss Jane is in the parlor." Both Beth and Annie followed the girl, who Annie was realizing, had an amazing figure. Once in the parlor, the girl departed without introducing them to the woman seated at a small bar. She was sipping what looked to be a martini.

Beth went straight over and kissed the black-haired beauty. Beth had been right, Annie thought. She was tall and slender. Besides being gorgeous. She was wearing an ankle length black silk pajama set with a deep plunging neckline. Beth held out her hand and Annie came to her. As Beth slipped an arm around her waist. "Jane, this is my friend, Annie."

Jane reached out and took Annie's arm and took her from Beth's embrace without resistance from either. "Hello friend Annie." Jane said.

Annie nodded.

"How wonderful, a quiet one." Jane said as her hand roamed down Annie's back and began to gently caress her ass. "I do like the quiet ones." She leaned forward and kissed Annie's cheek.

"Do you mind?" Jane asked Annie. Annie offered something of a blank stare.

"Your ass feels amazing." Her fingers were massaging Annie's right butt cheek. Jane leaned forward. Her lips tracing along Annie's chin, across her bottom lip, finally covering Annie's mouth with her own. Her wet tongue offered itself and Annie's mouth opened slightly, accepting it. The kiss lingered for some time.

Annie sensed Beth moving behind her. When Beth's fingers unbuttoned her skirt and eased the zipper down; Annie knew she was about to experience yet another very interesting evening.

"Maybe we should let Annie here finish undressing herself." Jane said. She kissed Annie again. "I so enjoy watching my girls undress for me." Jane peered at Beth over Annie's shoulder.

"Go ahead, sweetie." Beth whispered and kissed the side of Annie's neck as she let the girl's skirt slip over her hips and settle to the floor.

When Jane's eyes returned to Annie, Annie smiled at her and as she began unbuttoning her blouse, she offered her lips to Jane's waiting mouth.

A couple of minutes later, Annie stood there, the toes of her right foot pointed to the side. Her panties dangling from them. With the flick of her foot, her last garment was cast aside.

Jane slipped off of her stool. Tipped back her glass, finishing the last of her drink. She took Annie's hand as she moved past her. "I'm taking this beautiful girl up to by bedroom." She was nodding to Beth. Jane led Annie across the room and opened the door leading to the foyer and a grand stairway. As she waited, the maid entered. Jane placed her free arm over the girl's shoulders and smiled back to Beth.

Jane winked at Beth. "If you're interested." Jane disappeared across the hall with Annie in tow. Beth did not see them ascending the stairs because the maid had pushed the door closed behind her. Beth just remained quiet as the girl made her way forward.

"I am Woo." She offered. "You want me? Maybe?" Beth smiled.

Upstairs. Events unfolded somewhat differently. The large double doors to Jane's bedroom were already open. At the entrance. Jane eased Annies back against one of those doors and pressed her hand on the middle of Annie's chest. Her lips found Annie's and she began kissing her with aggression. "Do you like women?" Jane whispered.

Annie just nodded.

"Go in there." Jane released Annie and nodded toward her bed. "I'm going to enjoy you." She said as Annie passed her. Jane followed slowly and her eye's watched Annie cross the room and knee herself up onto the big king bed. Laying on her back, Annie watched Jane as she began unbuttoning her one-piece black silk lounging suit. She was indeed beautiful and as that shimmering fabric slid from her, a truly incredible body came into view. Medium size breasts, long slender legs. Her body was tanned without the hint of any of the usual clothing lines.

Jane watched Annie as she cupped her own breasts, fingers exploring her firm nipples, over her abdomen, across her mound. As she eased both hands between her legs, Annie could see the hint of moisture on Jane's fingertips as she drew them between her labia. One hand remained on her sex. The other rose up to touch her lips.

Annie watched jane's tongue ease out to lick those fingers. "I like the taste of me." Jane said. She began moving to the side of the bed. "Do you want to taste me too?"

Annie, not really knowing why, nodded.

"Wonderful." Jane eased herself up onto the bed beside Annie. She removed her other hand, still rooted between her legs. "For you." She held out her slick fingers, offering them to Annie. When they touched the tip of her nose, Annie inhaled deeply. Then those fingers lowered to her lips, traced around them, and slipped into her mouth.

Annie sucked them deep into her mouth. As Jane worked those fingers slowly back and forth, Annie's togue relieved them of their savory nectar.

Annie barely noticed Jane raising her left leg, straddling her chest. When those fingers were taken from her, Jane replaced them with her waiting pussy. Smooth, fragrant, moist. Fingers spreading her offering to this new girl.

Slowly easing fore and back, her sex settled onto Annie's extended tongue. Annie began flicking and lapping and savoring the sweet honey this woman offered. When Jane's orgasm arrived, other than the urgency of her ass movements, Jane offered no other indication of the enjoyment she was experiencing.

Jane just continued to fuck the girl's mouth. To bathe her face with her fluids. To revel in her pleasure.

Annie began a slow thrusting of her hips in time with Jane's pussy now caressing her mouth. But then Jane lifted slightly preventing Annie's access to her sex. She looked down at Annie. Her fingers caressed Annie's cheek. "You are lovely, sweetie."

Jane rose a bit further and Annie watched as she turned herself to face the opposite way. She smiled at Annie. "Again." She whispered. This time, Jane inclined a bit forward. With her hands on the bed, she pressed her pussy back to Annie's waiting mouth. Her fucking of the pretty girl began more aggressive this time. More urgent. Jane was in need. Her first climax was always a teaser for her. Her second one, the one she made her lover work for, the one that she hoped would make her spray her juices across the hot young body beneath her. That climax was the one she lived for. The one she treasured. It would last and she would savor it.

Jane never knew nor did she ever ask what any girl thought about how she enjoyed them. She was Jane Crawford. Forty-two-year-old owner of the largest modeling agency in Phoenix. The woman who took beauty and made them stars. The woman who had enjoyed so many of them along the way.

Her girls never said no. They always gave her everything she asked of them. It was what Jane expected. It was what Jane got. Her second orgasm came after a long, glorious climb from the depths to this now writhing, humping, thrusting, whore of a woman. Void of any thought except the exploding pleasure between her legs. She began to squirt her fluids across Annie's Tits, and stomach. And still she fucked her pussy on Annie's stabbing, thrusting tongue.

Jane's ass was vibrating as she came faster than Annie could lap it up. The continued humping began to eventually slow. When the assault was over and Jane rolled off onto her side, Annie just used the back of her hand to wipe her face. The two were both exhausted. The two were both sated, satisfied.

Annie was the first to slip off of the bed and make her way to the bathroom where she managed to give herself a tentative clean up. when she returned to the bedroom, Jane had gotten up as well and managed to get her clothes back on, although looking a bit disheveled.

When the two made their way down the stairs, Jane with her arm around Annie, and entered the parlor where they had left Beth and the maid, the scene was not exactly like Annie had expected. Beth was setting at the bar with a drink in her hand and fully dressed. The maid, on the other hand was lying on the floor, spread out nude. Her hair a mess, clothes in a pile and face smeared.

Jane walked over and kissed Beth. "Good Time?" she whispered.

"Indeed." Beth replied. "You?"

Jane had moved behind the bar. She opened a small box and removed a fold of cash. She slid it across the bar top to Beth who placed it in her pocket. Beth stood and walked to the door. As she passed Annie she whispered. "Well, let's go."

Nothing else was spoked until the two were in Beth's car and headed back toward town.

"What was that?" Annie asked.

Beth looked at her. "The sex?" She waited. Annie remained quiet. "Or the money?"

"Yes." Annie said.

Beth removed it and dropped it in Annie's lap. "Count it."

"I don't want to." Annie replied.

"Do it anyway." Beth said.

It took Annie a few minutes to unroll the cash and get it counted. "There's five thousand dollars here." Annie said it with a very surprised tone.

Beth's hand slipped between Annie's legs. She rubbed along the inside of her thigh. "You're welcome."

"You mean?" Annie started. "What? I."

"If I were you I'd find some good investments." Beth advised.

"But why?" Annie said.

"Because." Beth said. "There's going to be a lot more where that came from." Her little finger rubbed along Annie's very wet sex. "Again." Beth looked at Annie. "You're welcome." It took a few seconds, but she saw the start of a grin growing on Annie's face.

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AwkwardlySetAwkwardlySet4 months ago

I've always enjoyed your stories. Five stars from me and I am looking forward to chapter two.

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulster4 months ago

This was very enjoyable. I liked how this progressed and certainly look forward to ch. 2 and beyond 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Arch33Arch334 months ago

Certainly look forward to Ch. 02

Arch33Arch334 months ago

Hot sex through many women. Very cleverly written.

sars33sars334 months ago

sensational visceral eroticicism

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