All Comments on 'Emily's Ordeal'

by Dalton402

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Galama88aGalama88a7 months ago

Nice loving story

114FSO114FSO7 months ago

Great story founded in real life events. Though this story may be fictitious, the sequence of events makes this story completely believable. The devastation incurred of the failed marriages, along with the suicide could happen in reality. Stumbling upon the bits of information, along with following the clues and bits of information, displays good police work, and dedication to follow the evidence.

Great story. Unfortunately, I am unable to score more that 5-Stars. This is the first story by this author I have read, and I plan to read more, hoping this style carries on.

Thank you for writing.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson7 months ago

Trust? The wife went out dressed as a slut and prepared to act as wingman to a single woman she knew to be of dubious morals. All this despite her husband making his feelings clear and his concern for her safety.

She is a person undeserving of trust, and the consequences were entirely predictable.

The husband is a saint for forgiving her.

phill1cphill1c7 months ago

I gave the story a '5'. It deserves a 3.

There's no way a married woman should be going out on dates. period. All the shit that happened to her was the result of that ridiculous decision. The husband was guilty, not of not believing her, but of letting her go out in the first place.

So all the guilt he feels should be about not doing more to stop her from going out in the first place. Moreover, the wife is stupid. She has to stay to supervise a slut? PLEASE. That Dawn bitch has down 8-somes never mind two guys at once. And who fucking died and left the wife in charge of some slut's safety?! fucking absurd to the 9th degree.

Nah, i'm going back to '3'. I didn't really like how the husband was portrayed, as a total simp, "i'm sorry I didn't believe you..." STFU! and the wife is a moron, who has no maturity or street savvy, just a bitch in a dress waiting to get fucked. NOT likeable, either of them. Or the plot, which needed some human trafficking rails jumping to get it to the finish line.

miket0422miket04227 months ago

At the beginning of the story when Emily came sneaking home at 7 am she reflected on the fact that Will didn't like Dawn, he really didn't like the dress she wore that night and he was very clear that he didn't want her going out with Dawn. She ignored all of that.

Then once she was out with Dawn she made a series of very bad choices where she put Dawn ahead of her marriage each and every time.

Yet, she's going to remain angry at Will and not trust him despite how he reacted once he knew the truth?

Sounds about right. Good look into the emotional and mental interplay between a husband and wife.

My only quibble with this story is how well Will behaved and spoke throughout the whole story. Even the best husbands have a tendency to stick their foot in their mouth even in the midst of doing the right thing.

francemanfranceman7 months ago

It just goes to show that we don't all have the same definition of words.

Is this a mistake or an error?

For me, a mistake is the unintended result of a voluntary action or decision.

In the case of "normal" cheating, it's never an error, it's a fault.

Here, it seems that the story is made up of both voluntary and involuntary decisions.

So mistake or foul? In this case, it's borderline, and there will be as many different answers as there are people.

On the other hand, I find the husband particularly ridiculous for his excessive excuses and forgiveness, as if he were the one responsible. He's always a victim, either primarily through wilful cheating, or secondarily through set-up and manipulation.

Secondly, the wife is a selfish egomaniac!

Fuck, but never in the time it took her to discover she was being manipulated did she ever think about her husband, what he was going through, how he felt. It was all about her.

She was self-absorbed in her pain, in her grief, in her shame.......while for her husband it must have been even worse, she never thought about how he might be feeling!

He, on the other hand, is the son of Ghandi and Mother Teresa combined.

MwestohioMwestohio7 months ago

Hard to believe there are people that stupid in the world. Lost all memory after being given a drink by someone you just met? And don't ask for a blood test?

Nasty56Nasty567 months ago

Going out dress like a ho to be the wingman after the husband asked not to…sorry but no, the last part of the story doesn’t deal with the real issue…respect of your husband!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nope no way no how.

What is it with limp wristed Poms?

Oh woe is me I am Cucked……… I must run away,

But she was drugged !!!! Ohhh. everything’s just fine and dandy then.

Get this through your fucking thick neanderthal Skulls, When you get married you become one, Sorry sweets but I don’t like your friend … to bad so Sad

Why are you wearing that dress….. Im a 10 I have to look hot ,!!?

Woe is me I still love her….. righto lads abit of 4x2 to the head knock some sense into him.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

He had to ask forgiveness?

Stupid woman put herself out there against his wishes.

He warned her.

Slutted it up.

Then cried wolf.


Zaccheaus93Zaccheaus937 months ago

The fact that she didn't trust will at the end doesn't make sense. Will obviously saw something in dawn that wasn't right, but Emily stupidly ignored her husband for an old friend that she didn't know anymore. And he warned her with how she was dressed and how she said she would act and who she was with that things didn't look good. But Emily still ignored him and went against his suggestion for her not to go. She put herself in the situation for this to happen. All the writing was on the wall about what would most likely go down and she chose to be ignorant of the situation, and allowed herself to go to a man's house that was not her husband or someone she knew and could trust. But she didn't trust will when all she said was she didn't know why it happened and he didn't believe her when she said that she was going to tell him. And then was mad he left her when she wanted him to stay, sort of like how she left that night when he said she should stay. I like the story but this aspect sort of pisses me off because she was upset with him for taking time to himself to deal with his wife's infidelity and the fact that she chose to be in that situation.

mighty1313mighty13137 months ago

how does she think they used a condom if she doesnt remember anything?

TajfaTajfa7 months ago

She went out dressed like a slut, drank too much and agreed to go to a "party" with two strange men. Then she didn't know if she could trust her husband because he didn't believe her? Sorry but she should be on her knees begging for forgiveness. Also, as soon as she was being blackmailed she should have phoned the police.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It only became unrealistic when you turned the story back against the husband as she could not “trust” him now because he left for a bit. Nothing in the story justified him not leaving at that point. Nothing yet was known of the evil plot.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Can't trust the husband he warned and beg to avoid the situation. She still ignored and got raped.. in the end he was right while she needed him she already betrayed him before going out.

Pappy7Pappy77 months ago

Wow, so she went out with a friend her husband didn't like or trust, she wore a dress that he asked her not to wear because it was too suggestive. She drank too much and left the club with a man to go to his house to party and got drugged. She got fucked bareback, stayed out past two different times she told her husband she would be home at, he was sent videos of her being fucked and when he left to get himself together she decided she couldn't trust him to have her back even though he stayed with her and helped all the way so now you have him groveling like he was at fault. SERIOUSLY?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Well done and complete

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer7 months ago

This is a disgusting story of a twisted "women can do no wrong", feminist crap. This married woman goes out for a girls night out with a single woman, to chase men! Her husband doesn't like the friend and thinks she's a sleazy slut and doesn't want his wife to go. The dumb wife ignores him and, what's more, dresses in a slutty club outfit.

What is worse is that doormat husband actually lets her go! The sleezy wife promised to be home before 12, not to drink too much and effectively, not to get close to single guys. She then proceeds to break ALL those promises. Gets drunk, gets drugged and gets fucked, with photos and videos being made. Still she doesn't tell her husband. When she finally tells him it is already too late. Of course he doesn't believe her story. She only gave him the bare bones of the story anyway.

When she goes to pick her phone up, why didn't dumbo go with her, if only to give her a piece of his mind?

BUT the most disgusting part of the story is when the writer twists it so that HE has to beg and grovel to get HER to forgive him!!! Really? The slut wife still didn't tell him what had happened when she tried to get her phone back. The ending is such a fantasy as to be unbelievable. But all that counselling for the husband to forgive her! BS. He should still have kicked her to touch. All she learned was that she simply has to go on a hunger strike and not wash/look after herself and pathetic doormat husband will cave. Not good!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Stupidness start to finish.

Big_Tim99Big_Tim997 months ago

I can live with the ending, it's some of the parts before I have a problem with.

She admits if it had been reversed she wouldn't have trusted him, but is hurt because he didn't believe her.

To top it off if she hadn't gone out with a single friend her husband didn't like, wearing a dress that was too suggestive, and went to a mans apartment, she would have been fine.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying she deserved what happened, but she put herself in that bad position.

jocko_smithjocko_smith7 months ago

LenardSpencer is right. A disgusting story of a twisted "women can do no wrong" bullshit.

If she'd dressed like she was NOT on the prowl, the way any married spouse should, it might not have happened.

If she'd taken her husband along,or s some sensible friends along to watch their drinks, or only drank from a glass she ordered and watched delivered, it might not have happened. Nothing wrong with a GNO, but being stupid is the problem.

If she'd have had a blood test as soon as she could not recall the prior night, she'd have proof that, while incredibly stupid, she did not voluntarily cheat.

Like drunk drivers, I DON'T CARE what she "intended" by her actions: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just because "I was drunk" I'm still going to jail. And if I hurt or kill someone, what "I intended" doesn't count for shit.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider19557 months ago

What kind of BS is it when the husband isn’t trusted because he walked out after seeing what he saw. His wife screwing another man and she didn’t confess and said she didn’t remember it. Then she has the nerve to say she didn’t know if she could trust him. The storyline that went that way is absolute crap because it made the cheated on husband to be the evil one and the wife was fine. He warned her not to go out with Dawn. He warned he not to were the slut dress. Every time she rebuked him and did what she wanted. Yet, he is the bad one. 2 stars is a gift.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker7 months ago

Good story. In the U.S., the first step on hearing the blackmail demand should be to call the cops. Thank God a good friend intervened. And while the butch is still walking upright (one of my favorite expressions) at least she'll be doing it in Her Majesty's Confines. I love it, Good luck, kids. Communication. Don't leave. (And don't beat her, either) You can always divorce her later. The Bear approves. 5 stars, from the Colonies.


LT56linebackerLT56linebacker7 months ago

Then I read the other comments. A lot of them are right. It was one-sided. It just so happens that they wound up all right. Again, don't leave. You can always divorce her. The Bear agrees with most of the other comments. Still, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.


FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted7 months ago

Ha! She doesn't trust him and doesn't tell him immediately about the blackmail.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

I don't get how the wife was so offended that her husband didn't believe her during.

nestorb30nestorb307 months ago

Sorry but both characters kinda of dumb. Will never thought of ecstasy or rouffies when the wife said I don't remember what happened. The wife never thought of the morning after pill even though she was slightly concerned about pregnancy the next day. Just a bunch of small inconsistencies

looking4itlooking4it7 months ago

It’s His Majesty’s confines now LT

I couldn’t understand how the blame flipped so quickly. Even she didn’t believe herself when she got home and she had at least two chances to remove herself from the situation but instead blindly tripped forward into the trap. Okay he left, and now feels bad about it but it’s like she dumped it all on him and stopped taking some responsibility for not listening to her conscience.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Meh. However, interesting illustration of inappropriate behavior leading to disaster . People don't like to talk about it, because it's considered victim-shaming, but her real betrayal was going wingwoman like a slut in the first place, whoring around bars like a single woman, putting herself in the situation...against his wishes to boot. The story failed for me as it totally danced around that core issue...then compounded the stupidity by making the husband look like the bad guy.

Well-written, so I hope to see more from this author ... a little more realistic next time I hope.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x7 months ago

"He was a quarter Italian, and his Italian grandparents" - If he's a quarter Italian, then he has ONE Italian grandparent.


@phill1c Re: "The husband was guilty, not of not believing her, but of letting her go out in the first place." - Since when do husbands "let" their wives go out?


"I was so drunk" - You don't get drunk by mistake.


"I didn't want to go but Dawn did, so I felt like I had to go to." - So Dawn's her boss now?


"I had to stay so she wouldn't be alone." - If Dawn wants to stay, and Stella doesn't, then it's Dawn's own fault that she's alone.


"She said you need to go alone" - Who cares what she says?


"She has your phone and that means someone else took those photos." - No it doesn't. Dawn'snot in the pictures, so she could have taken them.


"If you did take something, then it will be out of your system by now" - With date rape drugs so common, why didn't she get herself tested?


Like you can trust a blackmailer! You pay now, and she'll be back in a few months for more.


"They have my phone" - They don't need her phone, they can just send it to their phones, and will probably will, so they'll still have it after they give her phone back.


She can block them on her social media accounts.


"I am so sorry, Em. You were telling the truth all along and I didn't believe you." - They don't know that yet, and it may be too late for the drug to show up on a test.


"You will never have to pay me back," - They're married, isn't his money hers, and vice versa?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

If the police were investigating Dawn and her cohorts they would have bee watching them quite a bit more closely. The story falls apart because there would have been an effort on behalf of the police to protect the next intended victim or victims.

Luckyguy1965Luckyguy19657 months ago

Will warned her and she did what she wanted to do anyway. When a person of either

sex looks like they are dressed to draw attention some times they draw the wrong attention

Darkie10Darkie107 months ago

Not feeling her attitude towards her husband. She knew he didn’t like Dawn and his instincts were correct.

3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Why did she have a right to be upset with Will and why did he roll over like a pussy, begging for forgiveness? He warned her not to go and not dress like a skank and she's the one who didn't say.anything when she got home. Also, why didn't she just cancel her phone and get a new one? Without access to the account, there's no video. If they kept her phone they must not have made copies. Still, it was an interesting take on this story.

SouthdownSouthdown7 months ago

Poorly told story. The details are annoying. This is a clear case of divorce the dumb bitch... Naive nutcase gets drugged, raped and blackmailed, lucky she wasn't murdered some guys are just after sex then throw the body in the river. And as for her not trusting her husband This story went right off the rails!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Will: "Don't touch that, it's evil!"

Emily: Touch

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I think you write good stories. I also think Dawn, though twisted was right about Em. No one but a selfish, princess would turn the situation into disappointment of Will. Christ, she should kiss the ground he walks on for bailing her stupid ass out. Finally I agree with the commentator that pointed out she went out with an acquaintances from school, drank too much and then went with her and two blokes t a private house. Finally all ashamed and depressed she can't even explain to her husband what happened. "I am so sorry, so sorry...You disappoint me for not trusting what I couldn't remember or explain. Oh by the way there's pictures and a video so get me 5 k in Bitcoin. Please compare her I Q to room temperature. I guarantee room temp is higher.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is why I hate the "my truth" Bullshit. Zachheaus93 comments summed up the whole story. Her fault and then she twisted it around to make him the bad guy. This is why our legal system even with its flaws gets it exactly right saying "THE" whole truth and nothing but "THE" truth.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What Pappy7 said pretty much sums up the weakness of the plot. Emily screwed up and Will left to try and wrap his mind around what happened, knowing that he warned her about these very specific reasons for not going. And now Emily can't bring herself to trust Will??? Really?

After the trial was over and the three were put in prison Will should have at least investigated a divorce. Emily's rationale behind her lack of trust in Will should something happen AGAIN is a point of contention. Why should you think or would you think something could happen again? Emily? Is there something you're not telling Will?

Other than that particular point the story was fine. Distressing to consider in reality, but good fiction.

Harryin VAHarryin VA7 months ago

A truly awful moronic pathetically written story where the husband ends up apologizing.




The only thing the husband did was move out of the house for 3 days and then came back to take care of his wife. How was that a event that demands the husband apologize?


This is forced and ridiculous. Even worseis that after all the wife has done.... husband comes in and Saves the Day and stands by her. Yet she admits that she still doesn't trust her husband completely? Oh my God this is so bad.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Emily doesn’t trust Will? That’s a laugh! The plot was very interesting but the delivery fell flat. The counseling was juvenile.

Finally, the wife went out dressed to give the impression she was available. She even told hubby she was going to flirt. Her husband didn’t want her to go but she went anyway. He didn’t like or trust Emily’s “old friend” but she went anyway. She didn’t have to drink, but she did. And she doesn’t trust him?


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The Bear writes about itself in the third person. Edgy.

FordF150guyFordF150guy7 months ago

I agree with HarleyRider1955. I could not said it better and I had also given it 2 **.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The storyline went to crap starting with chapter 4. Nothing made sense because nothing was done the way actual people would've done things. 2*

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sorry, but I couldn't even finish this piece of crap. To start with, the premise you claim does not match the story you wrote. It wasn't a one time mistake. It was a serious of sober decisions that led her there.


She decided to reconnect with Dawn, knowing that her husband didn't approve because Dawn "had a dubious reputation and a tendency to give up her body too easily."


She decided to go out with Dawn despite her husband's objections.


She decided to wear a skanky dress despite her husband's objections.


Sorry, but she was stone cold sober when she made those decisions. She may have been drunk and/or drugged when the actual sex happened, but that was simply the end result of her own actions. If you wanted something that actually fit the premise, have her going on a girl's night out that her husband approved of and have her drink get drugged because they weren't paying attention. Or have her going to a bachelorette party and somebody still holding a grudge from high school spike her drink and set her up with one of the strippers. You know, make it something where she wasn't already defying her marriage prior the sex act...


Now, let's touch on another major inconsistency in the story.


"We drank some more, and then it was all a blank until I woke up."


"I thought we used protection, but he took the condom off."


Now, how can she have thought they used protection if it was all blank from well prior to engaging in sex until well after? Likewise, when asked if he was better, instead of saying she didn't know, she said, "No! He is nothing compared to you." Once again, if she wasn't even aware she was having sex, how could she know he wasn't as good as her husband at it?


After that, it got truly stupid and I quit reading...

xtc5xtc57 months ago

IMHO, it was a great story until the you made Will the bad guy. He did nothing wrong as he had warned her not to go. All that happened going out, the dress she wore and the drinks she had as well as not telling him right away. Those things made me lose interest in the story. I still gave it 4 stars. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a load of BS, you could tell where it was going from the pointless questions in the intro. There is no moral dilemmas here. Why would you want to stay married to someone who actively puts herself in situations like this. She had warnings. She even had outs during the night. She kept going. Why would you take the blame when that person cleary doesn't have the judgement and social awareness needed to be a spouse? Also rape drugs don't work like that. If she was seen actively participating and enjoying, she should have memory of that. Nights out with strange men and yet somehow the hubby takes the blame. You can tell it's a 2023 story just from that...

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Glad to see trash handled properly.

mattenwmattenw7 months ago

Typical for our society. The victim becomes the perpetrator! What did Will do wrong? Nothing! What did Emily do wrong? Everything! So why does Will have to take the blame?

Because our society rarely uses their brains!

goodshoes2goodshoes27 months ago

2 stars. That says it all.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I agree that making himont to be the bad guy was wrong. He needed time to assess things and she turns on him?

Chimo1961Chimo19617 months ago

He was not the bad guy, she went out dressed like a hoe. She left with a guy, who then drugged her at his place. How did the husband fail the trust test? She got taped and filmed due to her need to help a friend meet men!

The husband was a sap in this case and really is playing sloppy seconds to his wife’s hoe night gone wrong.

Chimo1961Chimo19616 months ago

People who interfere in a marriage by rape, need to be publicly beaten and neutered. Male and female.

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

They hag quite the ordeal, but got their happy ending. I’m glad Dawn ultimately got what she deserved.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yes, I was enjoying the story until all of a sudden she started blaming her husband, and couldn't forgive him for "not trusting her". Bullshit. She fucked up and now it's his fault? Couldn't even finish the story.

Wow. Bye bitch!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Well, of course the story makes no sense to you if you're not misandrists.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Let me get this straight... she dresses like a slut, goes out with another slut to a place where sluts get picked up by losers and fucked, then she allows herself to be groped and seduced and eventually fucked but because somebody gave her a little spike to help her along at some point Will's the bad guy for not understanding? If she wanted to "save her marriage" she would have never gone in the first place. If Will falls for her complete shit show act and doesn't kick her cheating skank slut ass to the curb he is an idiot. If you don't want somebody to drug your drink, don't be anywhere around scum like that. If you go looking for trouble, guess what, ignorant bitch, it finds you. Nobody's fault but your own. He's supposed to save this stupid whore from whom? Herself? Tough shit, let her go, she'll only drag you down. If she does something stupider, next time, it will blow back on you. If she's dumb enough to hurt herself, it just shows you made the right call and got the hell away from the delusional whore.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nope...blaming will when he did everything but physically restrain her to stop her from going...file the papers

NicealloverNiceallover6 months ago

The story wasn’t bad until the part about the therapist where Dawn claims that she can’t trust her husband. The premise is ridiculous and not plausible. Will saved her ass after she went on a slutty date dressed like a tramp with a girlfriend reputed to be a slut. This was a girls night out which he disapproved. If anyone should have trust issues it should have been Will. The police action was a more enjoyable part. Dawn was naive and should have been happy that he took her back without any reservations. She should have been more grateful for his support.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What the fuck. Sick and tired of men always taking the blame for their whore wives. Give it a fucking break. What's with you idiotic authors. He should have divorced the bitch. She's not a keeper.

Rayjag1980Rayjag19805 months ago

3 stars at max simply because of how harsh the author's treatment of husband walking out. Based on ALL the facts at the given moment, it was a reasonable reaction. Then to make his reacton equal to or greater than the wife NOT listening to him, putting herself in a dangerous situation, being drugged and raped as the consequence is ludicrous.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0355 months ago

This should be under femdom / male emasculation.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit5 months ago

Frifghteningly realistic. When Emily initially told Will about her night, and the lack of memory, my first thought was whether she’d been drugged (I’ve always been concerned that when my wife travels). I consider myself a healthy cynic: I question people’s motivations (especially politicians). She was either blackout drunk, drugged, or lying. I’d have asked her to call the police to report it as rape. IMO Will’s anger was justified: she put herself at unnecessary risk.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What a ridiculous story written in a sophomoric and amateurish manner. She didn't trust her husband because, although she was at a strange house with her girlfriend and two men and got fucked (with video to prove it) he didn't entirely believe her. Just a stupid non-intelligent tale.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I call BS on how it was his fault and how she didn't trust him anymore. She was a slut in the making and if it wasn't this time it would have been next time. He was a pathetic wimp. Another femdom story making men the problem for their BS

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Anything more than 1 star would be a disservice to the author and the readers

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Another man hater with a keyboard... They keep cropping up because we've been told to stop our toxic masculinity. Next person who says anything anti male to me in person and not hidden behind a keyboard will get bitch slapped till they turn into a bag of bruised jello

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

There's more knowing cuck's in the UK than any other place on earth and that's a fact you can take to a quizz show. And here we have one more.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Everything that happened is because the wife disobeyed her husband. He told her not to go out. She did it anyway. He should have divorced her just for that. She chose her “friend” over her husband. She’s not worthy of being a wife.

The husband should’ve walked away. Let her suffer the consequences of her choices.


Jlyn1Jlyn15 months ago

I had trouble with her trust issue with Will. She was the cause of her night out against his wishes, which resulted in her being abused.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He didn't want her to wear the dress either,

"I need to look hot," she had reasoned. I'm going to be Dawn's wingwoman. I'll do nothing more than some light flirting to help Dawn."

The wife put herself at risk through her own selfishness. Her husband had no need to apologize! It was her stubborn disrespect that got her screwed. I'm giving a generous 2 on this one.

pummel187pummel1874 months ago

WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when Will asks for her forgiveness she tells him "I don't know" ...... RUN WILL RUN..... RUN WILL RUN 😒 oh you poor bastard

RePhilRePhil4 months ago

The husband didn’t listen in to the conversation? Seriously? Started speed reading de that point forward. Glad I did! If not a 4 or 5 I don’t rate stars. No star rating here

RePhilRePhil4 months ago

Oh what the hell 5 stars in support of a LW writer. I’m not smart enough to not give full scores here

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This is the most ridiculous story ever. She went out dressed like a tart against her husbands wishes. He had even warned her about her friend. It's not like she got raped on the way home. She put herself into danger, repeatedly failed to act in her own best interests and suffered the consequences. The fact she was drugged doesn't just rewrite reality.

Emily's 180 as soon as she thinks she's in the right, just brings into question if she actually loves he husband or whether it was all just power play acting. No idea how marriage therapy could possibly solve this issue as ultimately just not putting yourself into positions of danger resolves it. Maybe she could have some therapy so she can feel better about herself and pretend that it wasn't a series of her own poor decisions that led to it.

The husband had nothing to feel sorry nor apologise for. His failure to support a wife that made a series of poor decisions isn't something he can be berated for.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So if my wife dressed like a slut to attract men and admitted she would flirt I would have told her you do that and we are done. I would have also went to that bar. Wo cares if she is pissed. That is disrespectful yet HE takes some blame in what happened as in how he reacted? Screw her.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

RUN as fast as you can she is not all that nice.

OlefishermanOlefisherman2 months ago

Again this author gave the woman (victim) a free ride. What ever happened to her husband's objection to her wardrobe on the night of her going out. She admitted she looked like a slut. She got treated like one also, drugged and raped. Who put her in that position. Rape is a violent crime and for that she was not responsible. However if she had paid attention to what she was doing she would not have been where she was. Instead hubbie gets the blame. Author is cuckold or a wimp. But hey it just a story and it his and he can write what he wants so he can get his rocks off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Emily never mentioned the drugs till the blackmail attempt. Her husband asked her not to go and even asked she not dress as a slut?

doctrptdoctrptabout 1 month ago

Man made to look as a bad oerson for the actions of his wife, who ignored his efforts to talk her out of going in the first place. That he walked out on the wife was a reasonable response. Her DID return, he WAS deeply hurt by her actions, her ignoring of his requests, and her non-plussed attitude on return. I read as it was well written technically, but this is not a fair story and the husband was NOT at fault. Almost a Cagivagirl story, it's so females are never wrong slanted.

PmillPmillabout 1 month ago

I liked the senario, the writting was good but that bit about her not forgive him for doubting her na he didn't have enough information to do anything but doubt her

shadrachtshadracht9 days ago

I think the wrong person was reluctant to trust the other. She *willfully and intentionally* put herself into danger despite the warnings and pleadings of her husband, yet she is struggling to trust *him*? Yeah, no. 2*

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I have a weakness for happy endings. When people face the worst, no matter how bad it is, I like people seeing come out better people for it. Remember what I write is fiction, it doesn't always have to make sense.