Enchanted Ch. 15

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The end of Enchanted, The beginning of so much more.
5.8k words

Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/31/2020
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The end of John's first adventure... and the beginning of so many more.

John woke up to the feel of flesh pressing against him. He groaned and blinked his eyes open. The hold wasn't bright, exactly, but it was well lit. Better than any other time he'd seen it, in fact. That peculiarity was filed away for later though. First he had to deal with the head of short, white hair that snuggled up against him.

"Steff," he mumbled.

"Shhh, it's early still. Sasha's got Red to bed finally and after everything... I just needed this," she whispered.

"This?" he asked and glanced down. Her legs were bare and she'd already pulled his robe up and over his hips.

She blushed and admitted, "You."

Her cool fingers wrapped around his limp flesh. He shivered at the sensation and began to fill even before she started to rub and stroke him. John leaned forward and kissed her, earning a moan for his efforts.

She squeezed his cock and moaned again. He was hard and ready for her in no time. She slid across him, sliding over his hips and settling on top of them.

"Put me in you," John whispered into her ear as she claimed her position lying on top of him.

Her breath caught at his words. She reached down and around her bent hips and rubbed her fingers along the bottom of his shaft. That pushed him up into the cleft of her arse and the sensation made her breath catch again. She pressed back against him, trapping him in a vice of flesh, and hunched her hips a little to rub him against her sensitive flesh.

"Aren't you ready?" he asked her.

"I'm so ready," she growled.

"I thought I felt you dripping on me."

She groaned and pulled herself up on him enough to guide the tip of his cock to the spread lips of her pussy. Before John could instruct her again she slid back down, sliding down a few inches onto him.

She stopped and buried her face beside his head. She bit down on his shoulder as she tried again. John pushed up as well, sliding more of his hardness inside of her. She whimpered around his flesh and they tried again. With the distance fully closed she shuddered on top of him and enjoyed a small orgasm.

John's eyes opened wide as her pleasure trickled power into him. He felt it swirl and join the magic he contained, then smiled as he noticed the changes in him.

His body was a sponge, it seemed. Not only had her essence seeped into him and been absorbed his flesh, but he hadn't need to refresh the magical link between them. His Mistress's gift of magic was still in him, but rather than roiling and surging about, it had become a part of him. It was rooted in place, connected to his flesh as surely as his skin and bones. It could not be taken away now, not without the same consequence as tearing out his stomach or lungs.

Steff recovered quickly and picked up her head to stare into John's eyes. "I swear by the west wind, did you grow bigger?"

"I... I don't think so," he said. The truth was, he didn't really know. Beytrixxa had changed him... again. This time she'd had to make him part demon. The magic being a part of him was what he'd wanted -- now he could hold more power and do more with it. There had been other changes too, she'd warned. He assumed the brighter hold was part of it. Demon sight. What else was there? Had his cock grown too? Too much and an average woman would want to touch him.

Steff was no average woman. She slid up and down, grinding herself on him and feeling her clit rubbed between them. She clenched her teeth and a moan hissed through them. John kissed her again, but that did little to muffle the noises she made.

"Keep that up and we'll need to stuff something in your mouth to keep you quiet," he breathed in her ear.

"Saints of the deep," she moaned and buried her face into his neck again. John thrust against her sliding into her and feeling her deepest depths with each thrust. Steff shuddered and moaned into him until she was drooling on his chest and neck.

John knew without knowing how that was well into her womb. He'd tickled it before but now it was on every stroke. Mistress had made him bigger, all right. Even doing what he was should have been impossible but her magic— his magic now— was making the impossible a fact of life.

John twisted her in the hammock and managed to get them so that he could take over and drive into her. Steff mewled and panted as he ground himself deep inside of her. Her legs were shaking around him as he set off as series of mini-orgasms inside of her. He was drinking of her too. Draining little sips of her energy, her life force, with each peak she hit.

Something else had changed inside of him. Before John had struggled to endure. He worked hard to keep control of his stamina, often having to rely on magic to be certain he gained more from his partners than he gave them when he covered them with his essence or filled their mouths and bellies. Only once had he finished inside his lover and that was the sea nymph that had already filled him to overflowing with her energies.

Now John was in control of his release. The pleasure was constant, but he would finish only when he was ready to. He smiled at this knowledge and tested it as he rutted into Steff harder and faster. She keened and bit down on him again to keep her shrieks from waking up the sleeping sailors around them.

John slowed, content with his findings. He could fuck all night and all day if he wanted. He was living every man's dream, he realized. Every young man's, at least. Fortunately, John had lived a long life already, even if he was in the body of a man in his mid twenties once more.

"John... I can't... you're going to fuck me to death," she panted.

"Already?" he teased and ground himself against her so he pierced her deeply while mashing his groin against her slit.

Her eyes rolled back and she shuddered through another mini-orgasm. She came out of it gasping and cursing and then biting and kissing his neck and shoulder.

"You said be quiet," he teased her.

"And you said you'd be shoving something in me mouth to silence me," she panted.

John flexed himself inside of her. She groaned and pressed her head against his shoulder so she could pant and collect herself. When she'd managed it she lifted her head and looked up at him. "I want to drink you, John. Are you ready?"

John flexed inside her again, making her shudder in his arms. He nodded and she pushed, forcing him to roll back over. She slid off of him with a gasp and reached down to press her hand to her slit. She shuddered and looked at him, then shook her head again. "You got bigger," she confirmed and then slid out of the hammock and knelt down beside it.

John was wondering how she planned to do this when she leaned over and ran her tongue up his length. He hissed in a breath of her warm tongue instead of the nighttime air that cooled her juices still coating him. She licked him again, cleaning him dutifully before she picked him up with her hand and slipped her tongue into the slit at the tip of his cock.

John reveled in the sensations as she worked at his hole and then began to lick and suck on his head. She pressed herself deeper, taking more of him into her mouth until her was sliding against the back of her mouth.

Steff gagged and coughed before giving up and pulling back just enough to slide the first quarter of his length in and out of her mouth. Her hand stroked the rest of his shaft and the other slipped down to cup and rub his sack.

"I could let you do this forever," John breathed.

Steff moaned, the vibrations causing him to flex in her mouth and deliver a small surge of his pre-cum to her tongue. She slurped it up and sucked for more before finding he was only teasing her. She growled and dropped a hand from his balls to slip down to the wetness of her sex.

She pulled her mouth off and slurped up the spit in her mouth before urging, "Hurry John, the sun will be up soon."

John smirked. He knew better than that. The magical link between them wasn't even necessary any more. He just knew. "Is that right? You just want this to be over?"

She paused, her open mouth hovering over his sensitive head and her hot breath washing across him. She pulled back and swallowed before lifting her eyes from his cock to his face. She licked her lips and shook her head. "No... I'm thirsty."

John's eyes rolled back in his head as she tried to force him into her throat. He swore under his breath and decided enough was enough. She'd earned it and he'd already drank from her soul, it was time to return the favor.

"It's time," he whispered.

Steff clamped her lips around him just behind the head of his cock. One hand stroked up and down his length while the other rubbed circles around her button. John urged his release forward and bit his lip to keep from groaning loudly.

He flooded her mouth, surprising her with how much there was. Some of his cream slipped out but she tightened her grip and swallowed and felt his hot essence slide down into her belly even as the second spurt chased after the first.

John was swept up in his orgasm and it wasn't until he finally began to come down from his heights did he notice how Steff was shuddering and clinging to him. Her face was a mess of her spit and his cum, some had even dripped to her bare thighs from her chin. Still she suckled at him, mindlessly trying to draw out any that was left. Her eyes were closed and she was feeding him with her strongest release yet, even though his seed was packed full of power that was meant to replenish her.

John had to reach down and take her head in both hands. He pulled her off his sensitive tip and waited for her spasms to relax and her eyes to open again. When they did she relaxed and almost fell out of his hands to the floor entirely.

"Are you all right?" he whispered.

Steff stared up at him, her eyes hooded with exhaustion. She nodded and smiled and then licked her lips. Her eyes opened wider when she tasted him on her lips. She raised a hand to her face and felt the slimy mess. Her eyes widened still a third time as she looked at him. She began to slide and scoop it into her mouth then, sucking her fingers clean every so often to make sure she didn't miss any. She even noticed the drops on her thighs and scooped that up before setting her eyes once again John's manhood.

John held out a hand as she moved forward. "No... no more. Not now," he warned her.

"But... just a lick?"

John looked down and saw a milky drop had gathered at his tip. He sighed and nodded. "That's all."

Steff grinned and darted in. She grabbed his shrinking cock and squeezed along its length, adding to the drop until it risked falling free. She caught it with her tongue and swallowed it with a moan before returning to lick along the underside and up into his slit. She finished with a sucking kiss and then leaned back and smile at him.

"I didn't think women like you existed," John said with a chuckle.

"Neither did I," Steff said softly. She glanced around. No one was standing or sitting and staring at them, but they might have been watching from their hammocks or bedrolls. She shrugged and looked up at John. "There's something different about you, John. You taste... I don' t know the fancy words to use. I've never had anything like it. The ale served at a king's feast wouldn't taste as good, I'm sure."

John grunted and reached for her. He pulled her up and let his magic tidy her up before pulling her in for a kiss. "You're a rare find, Steff. Hard as a warrior's plate mail but inside, you're a treasure."

"A clam with a pearl," she said with a smile.

"There you go, a great big pearl."

She snorted. "You're the one with the great big... well, that's no pearl! Two pearls maybe, and then a mast fallen off a ship."

John smiled. "It's not sunup yet, come, lie with me."

She hesitated and then nodded and pulled her breeches back up. She tied the laces and made a few adjustments to the brace that held her peg leg before slipping into the hammock with him and letting him take her in his arms.

She sighed and settled in to his warmth. "That was for Little Red," she whispered. "I can't believe we shared you that once. That was... sad."


She yawned and said, "Aye, we'll never be able to do it again."

John winced. No, they wouldn't. Little Red was gone. He'd delivered the killing blow, but she'd begged him for the release. She'd given herself to him, even, knowing full well he'd take her soul. Better than the horror of the deep that was tearing her apart with its clawed tentacles.

"That's not your fault," Steff reminded him.

John sighed. "I know. I miss her too is all," he lied. Well, he did miss her, but there was more to it than that. He had her soul still, but it wasn't like they could talk or fuck or anything. More like she gave him a tiny bit of magic and he kept it tucked away like a trophy on a shelf.

He had other trophies too. Souls that weren't protected and cherished. Those souls were tortured and abused by the dark magic. Hell, for them, was whatever John decided.

"We'll be off this island soon," John changed the subject. "What then? Without Little Red..."

"It won't be the same," Steff finished for him. She sighed and shrugged. "I'm a girl of the sea, John. My place is here, on the Red Witch if Red'll still have me, or I'll find me another ship if not."

"Red will keep you," John said. "You're family to her now. She knows how close you and her sister were."

Steff nodded and let out a heavy sigh. John squeezed his arms around her and she bent her head down to kiss his arm. She yawned and relaxed. "I'm like a wrung out rope when you're done with me," she said. "Ridden hard and put away wet."

John chuckled. "That's why we can't do this often. I gain power from you, remember? Too often and you'll fade away."

She nodded. "You're a smart man, John, are you smart enough to know not to tell many people that bit?"

"I am. You and Little Red are special."

She smiled. "I need to get up. If I fall asleep..."

John held her tight. "You're human. Nobody on this ship will think the less of you for showing you're not all steel and spikes."

She chuckled and kissed his arm again. She rubbed against his crotch with her bottom and said, "You've got a silver tongue to go with that giant cock of yours."

"Careful or you're going to wake up my sea serpent."

She giggled. "I don't even think Little Red could take you back there now... how did you get bigger?"

John hesitated before shrugging and saying, "How else? Magic!"

"Of course," she sighed and fell silent.

John held her as she drifted off in his arms. She was a stubborn mule of a woman, she should have fallen asleep long ago. Only her determination kept her going. He'd taken too much from her, he realized. Aged her a little, even. John frowned and wondered if he could give some of it back to her. Not the years lost, of course, but something to perk her up at least.

John frowned after a few minutes of introspection. There was no way he could think of to do it.

Movement down the ship caught his eye. He looked over and saw a creature with wings slipping between the sleeping crew noiselessly. John recovered from his shock and recognized his familiar, the imp Zynga.

Zynga saw him and stopped. She snorted strong enough a cloud of smoke blew from her nose. She shifted in front of him, changing into her halfling guise, and continued walking toward him. "Forgot you can see me now."

"I could see you before," he reminded her.

"Could you? Did you? All the time?"

He opened and shut his mouth. "You told me I could."

She shrugged. "A girl's got to have some secrets."

"Even from your Master?"

"Maybe," she pouted. She looked at Steff and raised an eyebrow. "You fucked her good, didn't you?"

"Things are different now," John whispered. "You know what happened?"

Zynga licked her lips. "Who do you think cleaned you up?"

John wasn't sure if he should chuckle and scowl. He couldn't finish inside of Beytrixxa or she'd claim his soul, so she made a habit of causing him to explode all over himself when they were finished with their communions. Since he was driven unconscious each time, Zynga was there take care of business. Because his Mistress and Zynga both delighted in the obscene, his cum was Zynga's reward. She gained power from it as well as enjoying it immensely. Not so different from Steff, he supposed. Or Little Red. Or...

Okay, they'd turned his cum into the ultimate aphrodisiac. It made sense, he supposed. John was sterile so this was the ultimate perversion of the saint's intent that a man's seed was the fountain of new life, just as a woman's womb was the garden of new life. Now John couldn't get a woman pregnant but they preferred his seed over another, more fertile, man's.

"Sun's rising, John the Long," Zynga teased him.

John scowled. "I said don't call me that."

"You've got a tree trunk for a cock!" Zynga argued. "You could go joisting with thing! Or at least use it as a club to knock someone out."

He shook his head and worked his way out of the hammock. Steff stirred and grumbled before falling back asleep. John rose fully and stretched before noticing he felt different over all. He looked down at himself and then to Zynga. "I feel different. Changed. Do I look different?"

"Not to them, no," she said.

"Good, I— wait, I do to you?"

"Before you had Mistress's Mark. Now you've got that and the blood of the infernal."

"Fires of Phlegethos," he muttered. "I think I read about such creatures. I thought they were cambions? Offspring of demons mating with mortals and using great magic to conceive?"

"Aye, that or, like you, mortals that have made a pact with the most powerful infernals to gain dark powers," Zynga said.

John grunted. "So I'm part demon now then. I thought as much but... still."

"Hey, it's a good thing," Zynga said. "Especially once you loosen up and stop with all this caring and loving nonsense. You'll be able to have fun forever now... or maybe your human part will still grow old and die, but that'll be long time from now. I'm sure by then you'll figure something else out."

John snorted and glanced at the books under his hammock. Spell books he'd recovered from Billie the One Eyed's treasure stash. He might not even need them now but...well, knowledge was power and learning to use magic the same way he once had would only serve him well.

"Uh oh, you better hurry," Zynga said. "Sasha's on her way."

John glanced down the length of the ship and frowned. He didn't see her, but Sasha shared a room with Red on the Quarterdeck. How Zynga knew John wasn't sure. He strode down the deck, slipping past Zynga and then heading for the stairs. He met Sasha at the top. She saw him and stepped back, waiting for him.

"You should have come to me before sleeping," Sasha greeted him. "Now I'll need to wash those gouges out again before stitching them."

John scowled. He'd forgotten about the claw marks on his back where some furry creature that towered over him tried to rip his spine out. He looked around and remembered that the east was off the stern. The horizon was glowing pink as the rising sun prepared to start the day off properly.

"Let's go then," he said and turned to head to the ship's small cabin used as a healer's tent.

Sasha followed him and waited for him to strip off his robe and lay down on his belly again. If she noticed his larger anatomy she gave no sign of it, not that she'd have been interested anyhow. It wasn't until he heard her gasp and then brush her fingers across his shoulder blade that John lifted his head.

"These are healed and scarred over," she said. "How?"

John reached back and felt along his back as far as he could. He felt the ridges of the scars at the upper end of the wounds but there was no stiffness or pain. John grinned. "Magic."