Enchanted Ch. 15


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Sasha snorted. "Just like you mended your hand the other day?"

He nodded. "Yes, it was something like that."

He could sense Sasha's disapproval like a bitter smell in the air. He rose up and slid off the table without a word from either of them. Once his robe was back in place and John at the door she spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me? Saved me some time, or do you like showing off? I'm not interested in that sausage you're dangling."

"Honestly, I forgot," John bristled. He tried to calm himself a little before adding, "Sorry... and don't worry, I'd not disrespect your or Red like that."

She glared at him a moment and then nodded and softened her gaze. "A lot has happened... I'm sorry too. Everything's changed."

John nodded. "Yes, it has. Life is change. Like the seas. You and Red are better suited to it than you know. Calm seas and storms, you've faced them together and will do it again."

Sasha looked up at him and nodded. "You're a rare man, John."

"I'm starting to believe that," he agreed before opening the door and heading out onto the main deck. John looked around and nodded greetings to the few sailors keeping watch and tending the ship. He climbed up onto the fo'c'sle and peered off the bow, wondering how long it would before the water-sprite returned.

John studied the shore. There was more than just the sea nymph to worry about. The creatures that had tried to filet him for one. Then there was the giant fish that ate the beast that injured him. Reports of giant ferocious jungle cats and spiders the size of dogs were other threats. The tentacled horror in the upper lake was dead now, but who knows if it had any offspring.

John shuddered. The whole world was full of monsters and he just wanted to help the Red Witch and her crew get away. Then again, he was half demon now himself. Apparently he was in good company. Or maybe it took one to know one? Fight fire with hellfire?

John grinned and shook his head. If somebody saw him they'd think he was mad... if they didn't already.

John heard boots striking the deck and recognized the confident stride. He kept watch off the bow as Red walked up and stood beside him. She'd changed clothes but still wore a vest over a blouse and a pair of trousers that weren't torn open over her hip.

"How's your leg?" John asked.

"Sasha tended it," Red said. "Your back?"

"Good as new."

She grunted and watched the shoreline in silence for several minutes. Finally, when John started to get used to the silent camaraderie Red spoke again, "Steff said you think she'll show in the morning?"

"That's my best guess," John reasoned. "Should be soon, the Sun's touching the cliff's behind us."

Red didn't turn around to look. "I just want to be rid of this island," Red said.

John nodded. "That makes two of us."

They fell quiet again until the steady cadence of wood against wood intruded. John turned to see Steff crossing the fo'c'sle deck. She came to stand beside him and leaned into him. He put his arm around her as she sighed. Red glanced over and then away.

"Thought you'd still be sleeping," John said.

"I got cold."

John took her hand in his. "You are cold," he said.

"Told you."

He frowned and covered her hand in both of his to warm it. He gave her other hand the same treatment and cursed himself for pulling too much from her. With rest she'd recover, but he'd made a foolish mistake.

"It's pretty here," Steff said as he tried to share his body heat with her.

Red scowled.

"Pity, considering," Steff said.

"What are you talking about?" John asked.

"Once we're quit of this accursed island we'll never be back," Red snarled.

Steff looked around as the sun broke the cliff's edge behind them and cast golden brilliance over the jungle ahead of them. "This is where she died, Red. Don't you feel... something? Some connection to her, at least?"

"She's dead," Red snapped. "Dead and gone. All that's left is her body and our memories... and regrets."

"Don't regret nothing," Steff said. "She lived and she loved sailing with you. That girl was full of herself and full of the wind when she came aboard. Pretty and pretty much a fool, all the same. But she worked her arse off and learned all she could learn. She wouldn't leave me be either, until I finally gave her more work to keep her out of me hair. Then one day it splashes me in the face... I like this fool girl. She'd worked her hooks into me and I couldn't imagine a day on the deck without her."

"You sound like you loved her."

"I did," Steff boasted. "Like me own sister. She was my friend, Captain. Me friend and... for a bit, she and I shared something more. No, we wasn't no lovers like you and Sash, but we had a love all the same."

Red started to turn away. She only made it a single step when the water off the bow swelled and surged. It rose up until it was nearly as high as the fo'c'sle deck. The sea nymph emerged from the water, rising and turning solid as she took shape into the beautiful aquamarine skinned woman.

"Greetings," she said. "Do you seek passage to the open seas?"

"Damned right we do," Red growled. "Get us off this island."

The water sprite smiled. "Who will honor the agreement?"

"Wha—" Red turned to stare at John.

"I honored the agreement, you granted us passage already," John argued.

"You were granted passage," she agreed. "This is a new passage."

"Son of a—" Red swore until Steff interrupted her.

"I'll do it."

Red spun and stared at her. She shook her head but couldn't find words before Steff turned into John's embrace and looked at him and then Red. She took a deep breath and let it out, nodding to herself as much as the others.

"No!" Red spat out. "You won't do any such thing! I need you, Steff. The Red Witch—"

"The ship doesn't need me. The crew knows what to do and will do it no matter who yells at them or threatens to shove a log up their arse," Steff said. She smiled sadly at her distraught captain. "I'm tired, Red. Not tired because John fucked me good, tired of how we're always rushing here and there and how there's not enough light in the day to get it all done. Then we do it again the next day. I need... I need a break."

"This isn't a break," John warned her. "This is spending the next hundred years, if no one else comes, with her under the water. You'll be safe, but you'll be with no one but that sea nymph. She'll want to learn from you... and bed you too, unless I miss my guess."

"Maybe she can teach me to swim with this," Steff said and patted her thigh above her wooden peg.

"Steff..." Red tried again and trailed off.

"I'm sure of it, Captain. I want this. I'm not making no sacrifice... I been thinking on it. Not this water thing with that water-sprite... but of what comes after. I... I can't do the Red Witch the service she deserves. Not after what happened. Not yet. If I stay, then I'm still close to her. Or at least I think I am. That's some of the same, innit?"

"Fuck," Red swore. She turned away and then turned back and pulled Steff from John's arms. She hugged her until her shoulders were shaking and her tears wet Steff's shirt.

Red stepped back and nodded. "I know... I know she's gone. But if you see her... you tell her. Tell her I love her."

Steff sniffed and nodded. "I will."

Steff turned back to John.

"You don't have to do this," John said.

"No, but someone does. You done this once, John. You showed courage when I near stained my leg with me own piss," she said. "It's my turn, and it's just as well. You and I... we can't last. I'll never know a man like you, John. Never find one that can do what you can, neither. You got a part of Little Red, and you got a part of me too, I think. You go on and do the things you was meant to do. I'll do this. It's no great thing, but it's something I can be proud of."


"Maybe, in a hunnerd years, I'll see you again?" she said and smiled. "I'll still look like this and you'll want me all over again."

John chuckled in spite of himself. "I'll always want you. And I'll miss you."

Steff kissed him and cupped his face in her hands. She kissed him again and turned away. "I'm your guest," she told the sea nymph.

The nymph shifted before them and took on the shape of a tall man. He was solid and had broad shoulders and legs, without being overly muscular. He also had a penis that hung low between his legs.

Steff laughed and glanced back at John. "Seems you've got some competition after all!"

The sea nymph came closer and reached out to Steff. Steff took his hand over the railing and hesitated as the sprite leaned forward. She took a deep breath and then waited a moment longer. John waited for her to look back a final time but she didn't. Steff leaned forward into the nymph's embrace and they kissed.

Steff stiffened as the water sprite filled her lungs with breathable water and then he pulled her from the deck and they splashed into the water.

John tried to take a step but the water welled up under the bow and sent him stumbling backwards several steps. The ship's stern rose a moment later, restoring his balance. John hurried forward and grabbed the rail but she was gone. He searched the water for any sign of Steff or the sprite to no avail. The Red Witch lurched forward, caught in the unnatural wave that bore it down the stream and across the island to the inlet to the sea.

* * * *

"I don't even know what I want to say," Red told him. "I lost eight crew with you on my ship. Not a one of them your fault, I know, but us sailors are a superstitious lot. I wish you the best in your travels, John, but I never want to see you again."

John chuckled. "Captain, I thank you for everything, and I share your loss. I didn't know Steff or Mare as long or as well as you, but they were dear to me all the same. As for the Red Witch... I wish you the best of jobs and crews both, Red. And I, too, hope to never set foot on it again."

John offered his hand but Red swatted it aside and hugged him. When she let go she turned and walked across the dock and back toward the long boat her crew was waiting at. John watched her go and let out a sigh.

"Now what?" Zynga asked. "Mistress is getting worried."

John rolled his eyes. "I know, I've been communing with her."

"Still, it's been a week again..."

"I know that too," John said. "Even the knot holes in the docks are starting to look appealing."

Zynga snorted. "It wouldn't work, but damn my eyes if I wouldn't love to watch you try!"

John chuckled and hoisted the pack onto his back. Red had given it to him so he could carry his spell books in it. He had a coin purse in his pouch and a larger sack filled with coins in the pack too, which only served to make it heavier.

"What next then?" Zynga asked.

"A tavern, I think," John said. "Let's get a meal and a drink, then I'll see to Mistress's needs."

Zynga nodded. "Good enough," she said.

"After that, a wagon, I think... I'd like to stay away from the sea a bit," John mused. "I've heard good things about the noble ladies of the free cities too. I've heard they have a need for magical assistance and pay well for those that understand discretion."

Zynga cackled. "Keep this up, Master, and we're going to get along just fine."

Here ends book one of John's story! Look for Warlock, Book 2 of John's tale.

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BigotedeFocaBigotedeFoca5 months ago

Very well done, couldn’t put it down. Definitely looking forward to Warlock.

bear1999bear1999about 1 year ago

Thank you for this tale...it was Enchanting

LobowraithLobowraithover 1 year ago

Loved it. Keep it up

jcus0511jcus0511almost 3 years ago

A great yarn filled with derring do, lovely sexy bits and winning characters. Some lapses in word use and incorrect use or missing words are an annoyance in an otherwise enjoyable story. Well done.

maddictmaddictabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed this story it has a little of everything. Noble ladies seeking discretion sound better than Knot holes

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