Entity Nest Ep. 030: ARMageddon


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"You said a portal."

"Si!" Rosalita took control over one of Jana's arms and began feeling around until she touched what appeared to be the back wall. Ian moving around Erin could see in the dark being a nocturnal creature.

"There's a large stone before us. A carved spiral like those seen all over the world engraved in it. The stone blocks our way."

"Does it?" Vivian sighed! "Join me, Rosalita. Share in your knowledge Bruja." Both of Jana's hands on the structure Vivian added, "Join us, Mister Portal."

"Mister Portal?" Erin winced! "Truman's here?"

"His astral form, yes." Vivian spoke out then gave way to a third active persona overriding Janice Stone. "I'm here too. Miss Montoya... I know this is uncomfortable to be so close to your daughter's... tormenter. You must understand I was taken over by the Baphomet. I had no control over its actions. I am not asking forgiveness, simply offering an apology at best."

"Prove yourself, Senor Porter." Rosalita told him. Erin was getting a headache.

"Get on with this people. Souls are being sucked off to God knows... yeah we all know where." Ian and Dreyfus both placed palms on her shoulder as a comfort. Cotton standing between Erin's legs looking up with dread. Beasts of burden!

"Yes!" Vivian agreed! "Together Rosa, Truman." Both hands swirling Rosa and Vivian began chanting two separate languages, Truman baying like a goat slightly. As if wishing to help Erin's necklace Gemma began glowing blue, it seemed to be struggling but did cast a glow trailing the engraved spiral, the wall lighting up until the stone shimmered and released a bright white light. A gust of wind nearly knocked them all over as... "Portal..." Truman spoke! "Door!" Vivian added! Rosalita finishing with, "Time!" Yes... time to move on. Stepping through the portal the group found their eyes adjusting to the harsh sunlight of mid-day. The beauty of the surroundings sharing a long-displaced antiquity.

"Uhh? Did we step out on Paradise Island?" Erin swallowed! In the distance hundreds of women walked about naked. Goats herded into pens. Horns blaring as if readying for some event.

"Close enough." Vivian told Erin! "The body of water out there is the Black Sea."

"Black Sheep?" A jest under pressure.

"That too. This is the temple of Arias. The birthplace of the first Baphomet. The mother that resides in my granddaughter is the High Priestess here. We must prevent her from birthing the Shepard."

"Hold up! The Shepard is... the first Baphomet?"

"Oh, yes! Immortal thanks to the Priestess."


"You might know her better as... Lilith."

"Wonderful! Adam jilts her and she goes all Billy on him?"

"Power hungry."

"Shit! I just realized something. Eve... EVVE! Two Vs merged it becomes eWe."

"Very good, Miss Parrish. We think very much alike. I believe, had we had time to know one another before my mind was... made to appear crazy we might have become great friends."

"Maybe! I need to trust you more first. Rosalita? Getting vibes in there with these two?"

"I fear I can only think for myself Erin."

"Don't double cross me Viv... Truman."

"Are you ready to learn the truth behind your gem?"

"Gemma? Yes! Is she connected to this?"

"Oh, yes! It is here she is sent to hell."

"Hell? I've been channeling hell since I found... NO! I refuse to believe Gemma is bad. I'm tired of hearing people call her evil. She's done nothing but good in my eyes."

"Guys!" Ian reverted to human form, he like Dreyfus now nude. "Let's just get on with this and figure it out as we go along."

"Gentlemen?" Vivian turned! Truman omitted! "I need you to hide up on the rocks and await our signal. On this island there are only women outside of one male vessel that will become the Shepard. That goes for you too, Ms. Stone. Your dog, your host is male."

"What about the goats? They're male too because I see horns." Erin brought up!

"Yes! Males to be sacrificed to the Darkevil."

"Darkevil! Kyra mentioned that Geneiveve Souillon uttered that name. The devil of a different dimension. related though, right?"

"When God lost his temper and clapped begone... the vibrations we all felt in the cemetery... they opened various dimensional rifts, splitting the Devil's power to prevent him from one body, one power set. The Baphomet's were sired to bring them souls in hopes to one millennium exceed enough life energy to fuse themselves back together and go against the creator. You ask how I know this."

"Yep!" Erin motioned the guys to go hide, Dreyfus and Ian beginning a lengthy climb. Ian reverted back to his wolf side and placed Cotton in his jaws to carry Brimley up the steep rocky crags. "Let's hear it."

"An angel told me."

"Angel? Who?"

Vivian stepped to Erin and used an index finger to gently touch Gemma, blue light flickering its surface as if remembrance. A flood of images entered Erin's brain, just like when she was up in the attic. The image of a beautiful woman who burst into flame. Wings burning away as she fell to a stone slab. A woman's face appeared, smiling at Erin from beneath a cloaked hood. "Am I seeing your face Vivian?"

"My ancestor's face. I know not her name even, only that I carry many of her memories but only in dreams. It is she who related the story of the beginning."

"So, your granddaughter is channeling Lilith."

"Yes. It... Belltower was destined to be cursed I'm afraid. Keep searching your visions." Nodding Erin now faced another woman, a face she had only seen in a photograph. "Geneiveve?" If Kyra were here, she might confirm it.

"Yes. The resemblance is uncanny is it not? She is the ancestor of, Ms. Souillon. We carried their knowledge from parent to parent to parent. Geneiveve Souillon's bloodline stopped at her son... her own curse taking lives of all she knew."


"Yes. Her young lovers. Her slaves. Her workers. Her neighbors. Herself! Yet, the curse kept her in the area of Belltower. Somehow! I attempted when buying the house to learn its secrets but the books... drove my physical body mad, although my inner thoughts were quite sane. It took me a while to figure out how to astral project. To form telepathy. To move outside my confinements. Like Truman here, I dabbled in black magic long before coming to Belltower. Careful study and dream guidance brought me to Souillon. My ancestor's best friend's ancestor. The key to everything is in Belltower. Dare... I say it... even if we survive this the curse will still thrive. One war after another will find Belltower its battleground."

"Key! I found a key inside a voodoo doll. Any idea... "

"To Genevieve's diary. I searched for that key. I only knew of its existence, but my sanity trapped me before I could locate it. Your friend here... Gemma led you to Souillon, Miss Parrish. You like me were destined to be a part in all of this."

"Enough history. My baby needs this to end." Rosalita chimed in. "Time will prevent her going to hell. I will not let that happen."

"You are correct. I apologize Mrs. Montoya. I needed to get that off my chest. Now Erin knows the stakes."

"Yep!" Erin began stripping off her clothing into some nearby shrubbery. "What? How do you expect we blend in when all those Amazons are naked? Lose your clothes Janice... uhhh? Ladies and Germ." Agreeing, Vivian and Rosa stripped Jana of her clothing; Jana not exactly happy about it but tolerant under duress. The only bad thing was Jana had a Hicky right over her twat from Ingrid Flynn's ferocious gnawing. Neck too! Adorable barbell nipple piercings as well. A simple vocalized spell of minor illusion those were hidden away. "Nice move! Nice jewelry. I've been thinking about getting my clit pierced. Bad timing, I know. Let's mingle ladies!"


Belltower, centuries later!

"Chew on eLEADtricity you wooly mammoths." Truman Porter's body was going all badass on the Shepard and Lucas Ramsey, both standing immobile and taking things to the chest. Unlike the personal barriers enacted by Ewing Lambert, aka Lilith, from some dark domain lost to history, perhaps even this reality, the bullets from his police issue Glock 22 shot the Shepard square in the chest at first, then the face.

Meanwhile Angela Dare accessing Truman's left arm engaged a coil from Eerie's taser gun, the jolt barely making the behemoth twitch. The Shepard as well bled but healed as quickly as he sustained damage. All it did was irritate him. What it did however was allow a secondary barrage by Ingrid Flynn in her werewolf form and Ben Parrish within Scooby Boo. Both of them tried the unthinkable and clamped their jaws down on their energy focused dicks, hoping to drag them free of their ewes' throats. All it did was burn their tongues until they had no choice but to retreat.

"That went well Rambo. Shit! Ram... too much, huh?" Kyra Whimsey related with sarcasm. She was still trying to process how Eric and Angela had their astral bodies sucked free of their own bodies and glued into a single human body. Even more it stressed her out that they might be trapped there with Truman having a bond with the Baphomet's.

No one had mentioned anything about Truman being inside with them as a trio so that was concerning as well. Rico Montoya running up explained what he knew as if reporting into his employer. From there he moved toward his sister carefully from the side. As awkward as this fusing predicament was, even he had to admit it looked pretty sexy in a morbid sense. It was likely the fact that Vienna Edwards had used his sister Isabel's body to seduce her own brother. The attachment still lingering due to their bonds. It was then he realized her side of the handcuffs were also missing. Eying his own they were entirely rotted through and still crumbling to dust in small favors. Was that a sign that their mystical bond was severed completely?

No time to ponder things further Rico dropped to his belly on the ground after hearing Izzy cry like a baby through she and Vienna's shared voice. He suspected that his baby sister, nine months old at death was somehow psionically calling out her distress from within the ewe Felicia Wolfe. Sure enough, within the ewe's glowing belly he saw the frail form of Serena kicking about on her back. Even worse he could literally witness the Shepard's mighty cock turbulently tossing her around within the ewe's womb.

It was disturbing, even more so once he realized that his astral body had been following that same motion when stuck within the ancient beast. It broke his heart. He was not alone. Across town his future baby's momma Portia woke up at the vibrations coursing through her and held her belly. Not good! Confusion setting in thanks to the spellcasting of the witches trying to not only hold the fort concerning the barrier's hopeful failure but refrain the outer world from coming out and getting in the way. Stupors were felt for over sixty miles, the spells amplified by the newer coven's coming out. Those of Belltower were grateful for the assist.

On the backside of the barrier Police Chief Fiona Waddle was feeling very understaffed, her three main officers down or gone missing she alone had to console the Lambert family. The spell of ponder waning over them Mrs. Lambert had made her way to her mother's slumped over body in the Hatchmore Security SUV. "Oh, mother! What have you done? I thought your nightmares were over. My daughter... how do we save her mom?"

Hugging her mother yet another extraordinary imbalance took place, Sara Lambert went limp and slid from the car seat onto the gravel below. Her own astral body had now moved to her mother's vacancy. Realizing it Sara sat up in Vivian's body and groaned. "Why do you always have to be a pain in my... your ass?" Oh, boy!

Her husband Abraham was going to freak out. Yep! Right behind Sara's crumpled body AbRahAM pissed his trousers. A second later he too fell to the ground. It appeared to be a night for joining forces. He too was squeezed into Vivian's body with his wife. No time for questions they utilized Momma and made their way to the barrier. They wanted in. Ewing depended on them.


BCE! The time frame lost to it. Roughly 1200 BCE, if it had ever been documented. Not even Homer knew of this day to relate it.

Careful to not draw attention to themselves Erin Parrish and Janice with her astral hitch hikers made their way through the gathering of women. A language long forgotten spoken they only had facial expression and emotion to read. Charades on a minor level, there was only so much to be pointing at. Vivian within Jana took point, trying to seek out her ancestor by sight was not easy.

Relating her plan to Erin had the bombshell blonde investigating faces her way and trying to cope with the awe that she had traveled back in time. Who was ever lucky enough to do that outside of Marty McFly? Was it sad that Erin in stepping through not just dozens of beautiful women, albeit women with the hairiest vaginas she had ever seen, but sheep, that she was singing MARtY had a little lamb. Stuck on Back to the Future! Nerves tough, but sanity still in question. She wished she had that telepathy thing going on still, it sure would make things so much easier.

A native brunette with a golden tan eyed Erin with interest. Slipping around her female tribeswomen she halted Erin for two reasons. Literally grabbing Erin by her cunt, she examined Erin's lack thereof. Erin's pubic arena was barely visible after her lovely boys at Souillon had shaved her the night they all got stoned.

The concealment spell conjured by Rosalita was more focused on Jana's marks. The whole cunt hair thing slipped their mind. Secondly, the brunette troublemaker reached up and lifted Erin's necklace. Scanning about she realized that not a single native wore jewelry of any kind. "Oh, crud! Please don't steal Gemma from me." A careful scrutiny the woman smiled and wiggled her brows. "Is Wonder Woman hitting on me? I mean... crap... I'm the only blonde here." Rosalita took care of that in the blink of Jana's eyelid. To the women about her they now saw Erin as a brunette. Her admirer acting confused turned away and moved on.

"Remove the necklace before it draws further attention in case the spell fades." Rosa whispered! Taking it off Erin held it concealed in her hand for now but that might still leave it noticed. A few minutes later Erin made a fateful decision and shoved the necklace up her hoohaw. She didn't even have time to mule--er--mull it over.

"Sorry to get so intimate Gemma. Nothing safer than my no-fault vault. Trying to keep from losing you babe." She felt a throb within her that made her flare her eyes. "Hey now! Let's not go all Lush on me or I'll definitely blow our cover." The throbbing stopped! "Whew! Who needs a vibrator!" Spoke too soon, just like in Belltower a vibrational wave cast through the atmosphere. With the sun lowering they heard drums beating, then a single horn of warning. A flood of movement the women raced for the nearby cliffs to peer out at the Black Sea. Warrior mode women with primitively made spears, bows and arrows readied themselves. Iron Age spoke! Jana and Erin held back hoping to not be noticed.

"Minoans arrive." Vivian spoke up! "A fleet of longboats."

"How can you tell that from here?"

"Somehow I can see through my ancestor. The sigil on my eye."

"Then how come we're not talking in telepathy?"

"Better?" Vivian went mindmelding! "Can you hear me now?"

"Stop holding out on me Verizon Viv."

"Forgive me! My mind is moving far too fast. Not even Rosa or Truman can keep up. Our minds seem to be out of synch."

"I wonder what took away my sigil powers."

"Lilith! Ewing! The ancient runes along her body."

"Those runes?" Erin nodded at a table with carved runes upon it. "Uhhh? Is this... a sacrificial altar?"

"Why, yes, it is." A voice entered their heads. "How might you know my name?"

"Shit! Hey there, Lily." Erin swallowed dryly! "I'm guessing your runes decipher languages or you wouldn't be speaking English. Uhhh? Go DARKEVIL! Woohoo!"

"You lie. I know. Where do you hail from? Certainly not here on Arianas." Named after a goddess Aria by the tribeswomen. "I sense magic. Reveal yourselves."

"Virginia!" Erin noted the altar and swallowed! "Nix the virgin part of that."

"Wayward travelers, Divine One." Vivian spoke up! "Minor sorcerers are we. Trapped within one another."

"Are you now?" In a single gust of breeze Vivian, Truman, and Rosalita were pulled from Jana's body. Their astral forms hardening into human form as if they were their true selves. That was impossible though. Wasn't it? Rosalita was dead, now even her ghost became solid without any blue light to hold her together. Touching herself Rosalita looked at Erin and laughed.

"I am alive."

"An uninvited male on sacred soil." Lilith spoke from wherever she was hiding. "Ahhh! I sense a Baphomet... how is that, when one has yet to be birthed?"

"I have been sent by the Great Master to oversee my offspring." Truman bluffed! "My body merely exudes the odor of what will be."

"Interesting! A lie... but I do sense Baphomet." In their odd communion they were surrounded by warrior women bearing spears. "Place them all on the altar." Razor sharp spears daunting, Erin and the others moved to the stone altar large enough to hold a cow. Sharing the space, they were guided to lay down. Truman's erection was rather bothersome. "Send many to the beach to do battle with the Bulls. The rest of you my children, stand guard. The ceremony nears."

"Go Pippin!" Erin mumbled in her nerves.

"So much for telepathy." Vivian sighed! "The sigil has left us when our bonds were severed."

"What did you people get me into?" Jana was now herself, her complete self, no spell of illusion disguising her. With her piercings noticed a number of warriors grew interested in Jana moving closer to explore her body. Being a lesbian Jana shivered at the inspection of so very many beautiful, fit women. "Don't let them eat me." Not the way she might hope, the strange hunger in their eyes led to a less than sensual vibe. She wanted her mommy. Janice Stone got her wish.


Warriors turned to see an extremely tiny lamb? Boggled!

"Mom?" Cotton sat staring at the altar.

"And there's our sign." Thankfully no one waited for theirs. "Miracle's people. Make them while we can." Erin Parrish made her move. A bad one, but hey, she had to start somewhere. "Let's rock this gibrALTAR!"

Surely, she jest!

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