All Comments on 'Escalation Ch. 03'

by FinishTheDamnStory

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tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

but people with get even first addictions fail to understand the repercussion issues. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
his boss????????

Too bad he didn't have hold off resigning and had a hidden camera outside.

You seem to be forgetting his boss.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Yeah, what happened to Thompson?

Forgetting someone?

looking4itlooking4itover 9 years ago

They both need to die at the hands of each other. This behavior is ridiculous. Maybe Amy and Debbie can have a post apocalyptic lesbian romance and you can add a chapter 5, finishing your own story...just saying.

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 9 years ago
In my opinion

This story is pure gold. I love a good tale of a man who's scorned getting revenge on his transgressors. I don't advocate murder, but honestly did his wife(soon to be ex) really believe that after that stunt they all pulled he'd just walk away and say "all is square"?

I'm looking forward to seeing how this all turns out, but short of an act of god I don't see him not killing her. I don't even think she can process the possibility that he would end her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh look another fucking idiot comment advocating death

to the the protagonists. Come on Lit - give these losers a snuff cat ffs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

So he doesn't want to leave evidence anywhere, but he calls he sister and brags?

dmhackdmhackover 9 years ago
You know what would be funny?

Stop here and don't finish the story.

Just a suggestion.

CharlieB4CharlieB4over 9 years ago

I'm more than a little disturbed by the orgy of violence. I'm usually happy to say each to their own but if this is a your fantasy then I think you need help. 1*

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
yeah, he calls

Call the sister?

On an anonymous "burner" phone. (NOT in his name)

Sure, why not?

He says two words.

Unless she records every phone call she receives, no voice print

Unless she has the police, for no known reason trace all her calls, no triangulation - no location.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
Not Sorry

Sometimes you need a little violence in order to maintain the peace. He did exactly what he had to do. The asshole lovers deserved it and more. Now it's time for the fucking worthless cunt to get her due. Any other pacifist cumlickers out there don't care for this type of revenge, I suggest you stick to you wimp cuck tales.

Five BIG Stars

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
I Forgot

There is no reason for murder. That would be too easy. The co-workers were alive when he was done. They need to live. To suffer. So does the skank wife.

blkhrtblkhrtover 9 years ago
Go for all the way

....... and show them what revenge can bring. Most author took the easy way out- divorce and shit. That's normal. But people should know the unleashed power of revenge. Someone has to do the messy work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Totally deranged!

zed0zed0over 9 years ago
Looking Forward to Chapter 4

Killing is always a good idea, but can be very difficult to explain to the judge if you get caught. Bottom line; it's illegal, no matter how much they deserve it.

Beating the Holy Crap out of the bastards makes much more sense, plus it just plain makes me feel good as well.

Violent payback can be a delicate balance between too much and too little. It's important that your subjects (victims) are terrified as well as crippled to the point of making retaliation difficult, if not impossible.

It takes most of the fun out of your revenge if you have to keep looking over your shoulder all the time. Worse yet, if you do accidentally kill one of them, while that might suitably terrify the other surviving ass-holes, the cops will harass and hound you until they can hang something on you and make it stick.

Cops really hate murder, they think it erodes society and stuff. Unless, of course, it's committed between socio-economically repressed minority youth groups, or Italians.

Otherwise, upper middle class white people cannot be allowed to get away with murder.

I know! I know!

It's reverse discrimination pure and simple, but a sad fact of life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Fucked Up Writer

You are one fucked up mother fucker. Your stories are full of bitterness and hate finally culminating in this story about a lunatic. Autobiography perhaps. Hope this is the last of your crappy stories. get over yourself

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Ya YA YA YA....

Get it? How dense can one person be? Get off the merry-go-round and get a life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Much Better

5 stars...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A good solid 5*

sugnasugnaover 9 years ago
You know what?

Revenge may be all the bad things that they say it is, but it is also a hell of a lot of fun! That is a factor often left missing in these stories. In this case there is a visceral pleasure in physically destroying the perpetrators. In other stories where the cheaters are simply documented and exposed there should be more joy in exposing the truth at the chagrin of the perpetrators! More humor! More Fun! Joy is what life is meant for!

Concritic123Concritic123over 9 years ago
Thank God....

At least I know there is an ending. You should have put it to rest two chapters a go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
So many losers like this sick, stupid, story

They actually gave you a 5, that is unbelievable. Something is wrong that such people are walking this planet. This is a sick man a sick story total bulshit, make no sense . He is a total jerk , she is screwed up and he is insane with hurting her. Beyond believable . Over the top. As far as his fellow workers do you think they are dumb enough to do a gang bang after there employers actions. So he walks in on them . Pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Now THIS is an erotic story! Bloodlust, murder, revenge and comeuppance: these are the crucial ingredients to an erotic classic. Why, if I was capable of gettin' a boner, I'd have a big ol' stiffy right now.

You, sir, are a true hero to us guys who've been jilted and wronged by whore cunt women. You make us feel mighty powerful, indeed, by directin' our anger toward these here fictional characters. Most of us are too old and weak to beat up women like we used to, and you give us a way to relive them good ol' days vicarious-like. Me and the boys all thank you for that.


Angry Old Man

LW Morality Police

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Sadly, there but for the grace of god go I!

Many men I suspect could have gone this route if not for the need to protect to try and somehow protect our kids from these evil bastards. Doesn't mean the desire wasn't there, just means we had enough control and willpower to control the rage and pain from delivering well deserved justice. Sad story, but wouldn't be necessary if we had a justice system instead of a legal system. Then we could punish those who broke marriage contracts through legal "civilized" means. As it is now, the legal system helps those that should be punished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Screw all the others whi criticise

Hell i love the this chapter and cannot wait for the last one.

He is finally showing some balls.


Jedd11Jedd11over 9 years ago

You seem to be garnering some rather strong comments. Again, refer to my comment on chapter two. You at least have them talking about you, good or bad, and there is no such thing as bad publicity. They do seem to be swinging more in yoiur favor. My two cents: Love it! I too, agree, that he should not kill them. I believe it was done perfectly by beating them to a bloody pulp and leaving them in a broken heap, with no evidence. At least I hope there's no evidence. That would ruin the story. This way, they know, but they don't know. And I would even leave Sheri alone at this point. She will now be in a constant state of paranoia, probably for the rest of her life, if it doesn't cause her to be committed first. I still think Sheri and Amy should end up in bed, but hey I'm just a red-blooded horny American male. What can I say? To all your sniveling crybaby detractors out there, I would like to say suck it, but I'll take a different stand and try to reason. When does it ever reach the point where you stand up for yourself? How many times, literally or figuratively, does someone have to slap you in the face, with their hand or a sack of feces, your choice, before your spine starts to develop? Because contrary to what happens in your rainbow and unicorn world, sometimes you have to fight back. You should try to avoid it if you can, but sometimes you have to slap them back with the sack of feces, and then step on their throat until you're assured they get the point. I now return you cuckolded jellyfish pansies to your regularly scheduled fantasy world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This is beautiful

There is nothing sweeter than violence inflicted on those that deserve it.

I hope you don't pussy out with Sheri, it needs to have a proper end, after all. And what she did... it's so fucking horrible. Even when it was all supposed to be over, she still wanted to wound him, to hurt him. Her words meant nothing. Hence, violence.

Looking forward to a, hopefully, dark and brutal ending.

Mousse9Mousse9over 9 years ago

There were probably no other ways this story could go, it's the main theme after all.

And, finally, hubby has had enough of wifey's bullshit. Jeeze, took him long enough.

(Where are the pictures of her that he was going to send to everybody?)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


Harryin VAHarryin VAover 9 years ago
Guys stop thinking with your dicks. The Plots holes here are MASSIVE

it is hard to believe that this chapter could be any worse than the last two ... but it is. As bad as the beginning of this chapter is... I can almost understand some of it. But what REALLY kills this entire story is LACK of character development from the first chapter . There is NOTHING in the premise from this author about the husband's need for revenge .. to even out the score. Nothing about his obsessive personality and his need not to be taken advantage of.

It's pretty clear that is what we are dealing with here and if the author had had laid down the groundwork for this would be a lot better story.

With regard to this particular chapter ... the plot holes are huge. For example AFTER he had his revenge sex with the sister in front of the wife.. WHY STICK AROUND ? Think about it. His job was gone ...the marriage was over ...the love was destroyed.

Even more puzzling is the fact AFTER the divorce papers have been served on the wife that the husband gets enraged when he comes back to the house and sees his soon to be ex wife having a gang bang bondage sex.

WHY? WHAT DOES HE CARE ? its over right ?

Instead he not only takes a video of the with his cell phone he then goes back to his car and gifts to a more high tech video camera...

why???? FOR WHAT PURPOSE? Does the husband think it's possible to divorce the wife twice?

It makes no sense at all. In fact the only way this makes any sense ar all is for the reader realizes that this whole bit regarding the video camera was contrived just to put the husband in the hospital ... where he can go into a bigger rage then vow to hunt down the other men to either beat them up or kill them.

This is a badly written story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Our legal system is broken

It rewards the cheater who breaks his or her marriage contract. They call it no fault divorce. So he or she pays if the one making the most salary or assets are split. Yet the offended party will suffer for years. Our courts are so crowded they put no fault divorce in play. But in. Most cases if there are children he or she will pay till they reach maturity. As far as this story goes payback is a b itch but this is over the top with him hooking up with the sister. The story is to far fetched to be real ! but so. Many readers love it . Who are these men who hate that much. The solution for everybody is a prenup if one party cheats they walk away with what They came into the marriage with, the child should be givEN TO THE PERSON WHO DID NOT CHEAT. BUT You NEED A PRENUP AGREEMENT . SINCE ALMOST 50 % of. Male and females cheat at one time or another. At least with a prenup the cheater would think about what they want and if unhappy leave the marriage. Is this perfect NO! There is incest and so many others things can go wrong in life example doing criminal acts etc . Life will go on good bad or indifferent .

brokenpolebrokenpoleover 9 years ago
Can't Wait

If I remember correctly this is supposed to be summited in four parts and I can't wait for part 4. This has been a very interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Only 1 question

What about revenge on the boss?

Why was he showing up at the house, at that time; a little revenge due there too???

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistover 9 years ago

This was pretty fantastical from the start, and fantastical can be fun, but I have a hard time with the two extreme shades going on here. Remorse, affection, moving on, and then...gangbangs. Brutality. People who have threats made against them and don't report it to the police. Three men who say another man attacked them, but somehow they failed to stop beating him after he was obviously subdued, and there's no resulting investigation. And then two of those guys (hell, ONE) turns up beaten half to death, and the police don't jump straight to "revenge." A terrified character in mortal danger who never thinks to start RECORDING HER PHONE. Mindless sex with mindless characters and murderous revenge...all from a chapter whose midpoint was a touching and almost loving moment shared between the two primaries.

bruce22bruce22over 9 years ago
Have to admit that it is an interesting read.

Those of us who think like native americans might even feel that all stories should be to teach the correct path to follow, will reject any story where someone deliberately commits murder, especially of women, I think. Do you like war stories? You won't hear them from someone who actually fought in a war.

JounarJounarover 9 years ago
you can do much better than this FTDS

I rated this chapter a 3 instead of the 2 it deserved only because I'm a fan of your previous work and do appreciate you finishing off so many of the awful stories this site is polluted with.

I agree with Harry about the gangbang/beating/hospital gig being very weak plotwise and lowering the overall story quality vastly. Marty didn't need any more reasons to fuck up the 3 assholes as they more than had it coming. He had the blowjob pictures and one confession already to send to the wives of two of the assholes to screw up their marriages as well, so nothing extra was gained storywise.

Him and Sherri being all pally felt totally out of place considering whats happened to them, so needlessly making everything all nice just to fuck him over again, just wasn't needed. Having him still be pissed off and rightly so for all the shit she pulled on him and leaving her poor and divorced, would of worked out so much better imho.

Sherri had zero reasons to lie for the 3 assholes when they put Marty in the hospital as there was absolutely nothing for her to gain out of it. Marty had proof their version of events was bullshit, so why not fuck them over legally with some jail time and then paying them back with some broken limbs when they get out? He cost's them their job's, marriages,the cost of his hospital stay, and great divorce result seeing his wife is in jail which is much better than just the asskicking they get here.

Even the whole gangbang angle was pointless and made zero sense. The two married dipshits would not be going anywhere near Sherri due both to the hassle in the job and fearing for their own marriages considering Marty knew about their action and was now starting to fuck with them.

Sherri inviting Anderson over for sex also make fuck all sense considering how rubbish he was in the bedroom previously. The whole situation doesn't even make any sense even if all 4 of the above were having an affair all along, as no one,absolutely no one would be so stupid to then go and rub in in the face of the unsuspecting husband, especially seeing as 3 out of the 4, had the risk of their actions getting back to their own spouses.

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
We need FTDS

to continue writing full stories. This one is great so far. I assumed, until he received his beating, he and Sheri would stay together. Now, I assume the escalation will lead to one or both of them dying. Hope to see chapter 4 tomorrow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Not bad!

First chapter not great, second chapter fantastic. This chapter? Very good, a few holes but I enjoyed it. Wondering about Sheri and her price to be paid, but mostly worried about Amy and her entire family. Remember, there are always parents and pain they'd feel. And I suppose, what about our protagonist and now, Debbie? Will she be a casualty and have her life ruined because she's fell in love with a damaged man?

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 9 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with this psychopath?

The fact that he is able to dispose of his enemies without any remorse is disturbing. What they did was immoral, what he's doing is immoral AND illegal. By your criteria, not only should he be crippled; but his whole family and his future children should be equally beaten.

I went from liking your protagonist to believing that any woman in her right kind should stay the duck away from this maniac.

mike9698mike9698over 9 years ago
fucking stupid

first off, the three assholes that were fucking her were naked, didnt nobody notice three men with no clothes on beating the shit out of him. this happend on his front lawn. were did he live in the woods. what no nosy neighbors.the cops are not that stupid, they would have arrested the assholes . hell why would his ex support their claim. only if she wanted to hurt him. if thats the case why the scene at the hospital. just about everyone in this whole story must be bipolar they are all acting like 2 year olds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
some dumbass cops

The cops really believe that shit? She was getting comforted by the 3 men she cheated with, and then the husband tries to attack 3 of them at once, and they break his phone? No followup, no investigation, no nothing? Man I wish all cops were that stupid

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
I liked this part...

I liked this part...They beat him and they must pay...And he was soft...First he wanted to kill them, but after all his soft heart took him to left them just crippled for life...A good man has always a soft heart...I'm anxious to read what his soft heart will let him do to his cheating wife...

jasonnhjasonnhover 9 years ago

Given the title and your opening comments, it was clear where this story was going to go. I treat it as I do a cuckold story with a warning up front. I usually don't bother to read the cuckold story because I don't have any interest in that type of story. But I don't criticize them either. They are only stories. We all have our tastes.

I am following this story because I want to see how it evolves. I find the back and forth of his emotions a bit ridiculous. He wants to tie his wife down and fuck others in front of her but then feels sorry for her? Unless you are mentally unbalanced, when you are mad at someone, you are mad at them. He feels threatened by his wife and yet lets himself be emotionally vulnerable. Both his and his wife's emotional ping pong is pathetic.

As to the revenge, it's simply a wild ride. Of course it all doesn't make sense. The whole story is extreme. It's meant to be. We were warned it would be. The guys from work are trying to be Alpha males. He keeps upping the price for their behavior. In the animal world, challenges are met at the level they are made. A wise challenger lives to challenge another day. A foolish challenger ends up dead because they push it to the ultimate level and lose. There really are people like this. You cross them at your peril. Yup, the story is vicious in it's cold ruthlessness.

It falls down in failure to reconcile its emotional wobbles with its clear minded pursuit of revenge.

SKHPSKHPover 9 years ago
Violent over the top - instead of sophisticated

Not my cup of tea at all. There where so many plotholes (see Jounar's comments). Why resort to violence at all when it would have been quite easy to beat them legally using the evidence from his cell phone?

I will only read the final piece to find out if there is some hint of explanation for the wife's sudden need for an exhibitionist gang-bang and why she protected the perpetrators by lying and false accusations.

You can do better than just write about silly violence...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Is this Iron Dragon

by a new name? This pathetic attempt at writing a revenge fantasy makes me think so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Too many realist losers here...

Sheesh it's only a story...a fantastical one I acknowledge, but a *story* nonetheless. Do these picky readers require a disclaimer stating the story or its characters do not parody or represent people in real life!?

FTDS's stories serve one purpose: fulfilling the needs of BTB crowd. If his stories aren't the cup of tea for those looking for DQS/Rehnquist/Josepheus type blockbusters, then they shouldn't be reading FTDS's stories when it's excruciatingly obvious they're going to find things they don't like: stick your cocks in the proverbial flame to sate your irrational curiosities why don't you? >_>

It's funny seeing TheUnoriginalist commenting here when his Boilerplate Rendering has a completely unrealistic and inhuman protagonist who becomes unbelievably asexual because of his wife's infidelities. Now that's completely unrealistic plot. The Unorginalist is just one of many calling the kettle black...

***** to FTDS, looking forward to the denouement!

MaresEatOatsMaresEatOatsover 9 years ago
What fun

Different than your other usually interesting work, but I like it that you branch out a bit. Five stars for this segment, lead on, go wherever.

MaresEatOatsMaresEatOatsover 9 years ago
What fun

Different than your other usually interesting work, but I like it that you branch out a bit. Five stars for this segment, lead on, go wherever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
re: Too many realist losers here...

Another asshole who trashes others for daring to have a different opinion -- and then calls THEM losers. Right.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
This isn't a conventional revenge tale

This is like on old Laurel and Hardy movie where the characters start with things like cutting each others' neckties and move up to trying to kill each other. This sort of mutual destruction presupposes that all the parties involved are idiots, and we shouldn't expect to like any of them. The theme is just what stupid, destructive stunts will they think of next. So expect Sheri to be barricaded in somewhere and waiting for him with an Uzi. Or maybe a heat-seeking Stinger missile launcher.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago

After reading all three chapters so far, I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with Harry on this! The cops would have thrown all of the assholes in jail, seeing as how they attacked him in public while naked. I'm not usually a stickler for "super-realism" as most people know who've read my tales, but that was just beyond belief. That bit cost a star.

4 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
War of the Roses

Reminds me of the movie 'War of the Roses'; just as believable (not much, it is a story after all) and just as much fun (lots). FTDS has repeatedly given us readers endings to stories we had problems with for one reason or another. Now, we get a nice big disclaimer as well as a title and multiple admissions on the characters parts that things are escalating out of control, and yet there are people complaining. Ah well, can't please everybody. While I agree there are a number of plot holes, I am enjoying the ride so far.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
The only thing we should be looking for here

Is who comes up with the most outrageous tactic before all the parties immolate each other. Since FTDS says the next chapter will be the last, I'm guessing it's probably going to end before either Marty or Sheri manages to brew up a batch of ricin or build a suitcase nuclear device. Probably.

C_frommnC_frommnover 9 years ago

She drove him over the Cliff. I would bet Anderson and Crew wish they had stayed out of his Life. and now the Wife is going to feel his Rath. He should get rid of the GPS units if the cops catch him they could Download all of the info and Bust Him Big Time.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 9 years ago
This psycho first wife could be a SS06 character

HIV has a point, but seems to forget that the story is fiction - a fantasy - entertaining. I say five stars for the entertainment value!

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 9 years ago

When word gets out about the shenanigans Marty is pulling, the local PD must be "F Troop" for sure if he's not caught and jailed. Being still married to Sherie and her pulling a train certainly escalates her back stabbing - - Oh here we are at the title. Well, I'll be dipped and shipped! Cheers!

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 9 years ago
Good job

Love to see Karma bite the evil doers in the ass. However, he should at least be questioned as a person of interest. Although his battery was botched the coppers cannot be totally incompetent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great satire

IMHO This is satire about escalation in general. Instead of sadistic rage while getting revenge, Marty gives us one-liner jokes.

The story is tame compared to the real world. Look at Israel and Hamas. Somewhere along the line an eye for an eye became a bucket full of eyes for an eye. Payback with interest. Escalation, it is the scourge of mankind.

I think the story is intended to show the miscalculations and missed opportunities that cause escalation, indeed, make it inevitable. Presenting it as satire emphasizes the foolish thinking that we best keep out of our own lives.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
to anon talking about DQS/Rehnquist/Josepheus

Two of the three are deceased and the other became a commercial author. Best be happy with FTDS...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This has gotten tedious

Everyone keeps making the same stupid mistakes.

Just finish the damn story.

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
Good story until the gangbang. Now it has become ridiculous

I have to agree with the commenter who said that it was getting tedious. I liked this story at first. It was clever and somewhat of a fresh ideo on an old addage. Now it seems to have morphed into a Clint Eastwood movie. The original trepidation of wondering what these two could do to each other is gone. I think it would have been best to end it at the point where they parted as friends. At least at that point we felt that they learned something from their experience. Now they are back to the unredeemable characters that they were, only this time the story has become less enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Outstanding ! Act 3 left 'The Lucy Show' behind.

As the great, late, Rod Serling used to say "... you are in ' the twilight zone ' " . Cue the scary music.

I love this chapter, don't understand why she had that gang- bang at that moment.

She did it with malice aforethought. Right? I mean, she should have waited until the divorce was finalized. At least make sure he isn't coming over. Yeah, she expects him to get enraged ! He kills everybody else, even her sister, and she does him , in self- defense ! Women are natural actors and raised manipulators.

Well on to the last act...... Oh did I mention another 4*s , FTDS....


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Enjoyed it

thanks for the offering.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
ok, let's see if the next chapter finishes the damn story

but I have my doubts.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Yep - we all fall down -

Now he is as psycho as she is - they should live together in hate and hapiness

retmstrretmstrabout 9 years ago

Keeeryst, I'm glad this is fiction! I expect all the amateur sleuths out there are blowing holes in the story. I like a good BTB revenge story, but this is oughta sight, man! Cheers!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“I'm sorry I did what I did. I didn't want to.” – Strange, I don’t remember reading about a gun to her head!

“I simply pressed the head of my cock to her mouth.” – I wouldn’t have put my cock anywhere NEAR her mouth! I’d be afraid she’d bite it off!

I guess she wasn’t TOO broken up, didn’t even wait a whole day to have a gang bang and three guys at once!

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Further Thoughts

“I didn't know he was going to do that," – But didn’t she see him do it? If so, why didn’t she make him delete it?

"I know she didn't have anything to do with it” – She might not have had anything to do with the beating, but she was involved with the cover-up. And she had no need to cover-up what she was doing, since they were getting divorced anyway, so she could have told the truth about what he saw.

“but nobody stopped to check on my phone.” – I was wondering about the phone video!

"One down," "Two down" – That’s foolish, in effect confessing to the beatings.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 7 years ago
Thank goodness there is more..

I can't wait for the punch line. This is Brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So Far This Is Close To Perfect

This is how I would have handled it. Now to take care of that bitch Sheri.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I Love BTB Stories If She Has It Coming

And she definitely has it coming. Once he locates her, sneaks into her house, zaps her, takes her out in the woods, makes her dig her own grave, shoots her, and covers her up, and leaves the country. End of story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Clever monkey! Arabian Nights redux

Took me all the way to the end of the story to understand why her name was Sheri

You're a clever writer to cop such a classic story line and use it so well!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Most People Will Condemn The Beatings

The beatings were necessary. I have no problem with a man severely beating men who destroyed his marriage and cost him his job, his home, his finances, his way of life, made him seek employment and residences a considerable distance away. Anything he does to the three fools is acceptable in my opinion. Not to mention, they severely beat him almost to death.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

He should have added Amy to his hurt list,after all if she hadn't talked the situation would not have worsened.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
@Anonymous 07/19/18


Most People Will Condemn The Beatings


I actually met a guy who was told by the judge that the sentence would have been less if he had killed the people he beat.

It seems that beating someone is considered worse than killing them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The problem I have with this

Is the same problem I have with all the 'Revenge' stories.

He goes after the guys that fucked his wife and brutally destroys them. Granted, in this one at least, they beat him up, so they had it coming more than most. The problem is, with most of these stories, the guy, or guys, are just taking what the wife offers. That makes them cheating douchebags in their own right, but the far bigger betrayal comes from the wife that intentionally sets him up, and cheats on him. Yet, for all the promises of revenge, like all the others, when it comes right down to it, he gets his revenge on the guys that took only what she gave to them, and then he will let her walk away unscathed. The catalyst for all this, the actual betrayer, always gets a free pass in the end. Fair enough. But if the worst betrayer gets to walk, why then go after the guy that had no stake in your marriage? It's like executing a getaway driver, and letting the bank robber that shot and killed four people, walk free.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Beat the crap out of cheaters! I think filleting their dicks and stapling it to balls good finish

Cheating is cheating no matter who starts it men or women

No problem with punishment

Justice system broke

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why no revenge on Thompson?.Plus he could not be forced to resign,giving the way HR dealt with it ,he should have taken his firm to court.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Anonymous 10/20/19

"Just taking what the wife offers" does not apply to the two guys who lied to her to get some blow jobs and possibly end her marriage. They didn't make her do what she did, but they worked for it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
5 Stars

I think this is one of the best Stories From FTDS ..

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

His boss was the one who caused his getaway to go awry. He should get some payback too. After all he wasn't there to wish him a happy departure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thanks for this series

I can now put you on the "no read" list and not miss you. Poor grammar and punctuation were the best parts of this stinker. Bitch restrains you, fucks a guy you despise, and you fuck her bareback and takes her back?! Switch genders and someone will be a ward of the State.

amygdalaamygdalaabout 3 years ago

Huge moron..who the hell self snitch on themselves by telling everyone that he is going to kill the slag and her consorts???

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

why only three of the four guys?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First two were really good but this one was dumb, can't seem to get over the fact his ex-wife is a slut. I suppose somehow he will magically get away with it all because "porn logic"/wish fulfillment nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The police actually went with the "he attacked 4 guys who defended themselves to the cracked ribs dislocated elbow extent"? Other than that, bring on the rest!!!

bobareenobobareenoabout 1 year ago

Let’s see, call the sister and confess to everything. Marty is a moron. From start to finish.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago


5 estrellas y extrañando al autor

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Oh you have kept this going so well.

mourambamouramba2 months ago

Nah, what does this guy want? He had her served and divorcing her. She asked him for a second chance and he said no! He should have just left it alone and not care for the gangbang.. But no! now he's acting all high and mighty and record it... He had enough data to send to the wives already..The beating he got is bad but Sherri didn't beat him.

Both Marty and Sherri are psychos ..Also fucking her little sister is way worse than her blowing his 2 friends.. He should have gone and fucked anyone else other than her sister or get the fucking divorce in the first place... He put himself in this situation.. Got no sympathy for him

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