Everybody Wants to Rule the World


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Adventure Girl pulled away from Mary and sprinted to cover the distance between the two of them. She sank to her knees and began to kiss Glamour's perfect, irresistible toes, lavishing them with the love and attention they deserved. "Oh, mmm, oh yes you're so, ohh, so beautiful, mmmm, so sexy and hot love you so much," she heard herself babbling between kisses. Samantha wished she could find something more than just words to express her adoration.

"I'm perfect, aren't I," Glamour whispered. It wasn't really a question. The long, flowing, diaphanous robes that the honey-blonde enchantress wore concealed her perfect body, but it didn't come close to hiding it. Samantha felt herself fall into prostrate submission, her breasts rubbing against the ground while she presented her ass like a bitch in heat for the perfect temptress.

"So perfect," she moaned, squeezing her thighs together so that she could bring herself off at the sight of the sorceress without ever stopping her worship of that perfect body with her fingers and her tongue. "So perfect, so radiant, so erotic so fucking perfectly perfect..." She was babbling and she knew it, but she didn't care. Nothing mattered but Glamour now.

"And what will you do to deserve such perfection?" Glamour asked. Adventure Girl knew from long and bitter experience exactly what the other woman wanted, but she no longer cared about stopping Glamour's crimes. All that knowledge only turned to a stronger desire to please her, to give her all the things that Adventure Girl had stopped her from attaining before.

"Please," she whispered, "please let me worship your perfect body, let me steal diamonds and gold and pearls and rubies and give them to you, you deserve all that and more so beautiful so divine..." The full force of Glamour's glamour bore down upon her, a thousand times more powerful than ever before, overwhelming all the other commands in her increasingly confused and desperate mind and leaving her helpless to resist. She loved Glamour. She couldn't not love Glamour.

"Thank you, my dear," Glamour replied. "The Sirius Conjunction boosted my gifts a thousandfold for a single night, and I thought, 'Who better to make my irrevocable slave than Adventure Girl?' Of course, you'll need to stay with me until sunrise to make the spell permanent, but I don't think that will be a problem. Do you, pet?"

"Please," Samantha gasped, "please enslave me please take my will away please let me be your devoted and adoring pet forever and ever and ever, please!" She nuzzled Glamour's shins helplessly, orgasming every time her skin brushed against the other woman's. "Want to be yours, want to be fucked by you body and mind and soul and will and..."

"Oh, no way!" Mary shouted, pulling out a second squirt gun whose tip dripped with deadly acid. "She's mine! Back off, lady, or you're going to be playing an extended solo with the Dead!"

Mary sprayed a blast of noxious chemicals towards Glamour, only to see them repulsed by a magical shield. "You would do battle with me, chaos whore?" Glamour snarled. "More the fool you, to match wits with a noble of the Unseelie Court!" The air hardened into daggers, but before they could strike home, Glamour froze in place. So did Mary.

"The girl is mine," Professor Psycho said in deceptively calm tones, her face a mask of anger. Invisible waves of psychic force radiated from her body as she held the two villains helpless through sheer force of will. "I have allowed you your momentary interference because I wished to see if I could make use of your powers as well, but I will not let you escape with my newest slave. Only I have the power and the vision to make use of-"

Professor Psycho's eyes widened in surprise, and she barely managed to dive to the ground before a massive energy blast slammed into the wall behind her. "This-situation-has-become-decidedly-inefficient," Ultimax said as it descended to the ground on twin boot-jets. "It-is-time-for-the-ultimate-thinking-machine-to-take-control-of-the-situation. I-will-take-direct-possession-of-those-I-find-useful-and-eliminate-the-rest. I-will-" The machine's words were cut off as Mary Pranxter took his arm off with a spray of acid that could rend metal.

Adventure Girl watched the whole situation in a daze. She had to help her owner, but which owner? She had to defend her Mistress/Mistress/Mistress/Robotic Overlord but she also had to help defeat her/her/her/its enemies. The pressure on her head felt overwhelming, as though she was being pulled in five directions at once.

It almost felt like a relief to catch sight of the beckoning finger of a woman in the alleyway. Her gesture drew Adventure Girl's gaze up to her eyes, and her eyes were so soothing. So rich and gold and warm. They eased the ache in Adventure Girl's mind, promising only endless fathoms of mindless bliss. Samantha literally floated into the alley, not taking any more notice of the battle around her than the combatants did of her. They had other things on their minds now...and Samantha? She had no thoughts at all.

She didn't need thoughts, not when she had the perfection of sinking into the darkness in those two perfect eyes. She could see the smooth scales and the serpentine face surrounding them, but processing what she saw into a recognition of the sinister Cobra Queen was utterly beyond her now. All she could do was approach helplessly, drawn to the snake woman like a moth to a flame.

"Tha'tssss right, my ssssweet pet," Cobra Queen whispered sibilantly. "Ssssink deep into my eyessss...give your sssself to me. It'ssss sssso ssssimple, sssso effortlesssss..." Adventure Girl nodded absently, unable to really process the words. It didn't matter what Cobra Queen was saying, not when Samantha's full attention was on the irresistible hypnotic power in the serpent's gaze. The suggestions sank straight into Samantha's subconscious, where they duked it out with five other sets of commands and her free will. Adventure Girl couldn't understand any of it at the moment.

The Cobra Queen swayed her body, and Samantha swayed in time to the unheard music. She felt pinned in place by those deep, slitted eyes, growing larger by the second as the snake woman closed in on her prey. Adventure Girl felt like prey at the moment. She felt helpless, and she reveled in the sensation. Cobra Queen's tongue flicked out at her, brushing at the base of her neck and sending shivers of bliss down her spine.

"Yessss, deeper and deeper, more and more helplessss...you will obey the will of the Cobra Queen, you cannot ressssisssst..." Adventure Girl felt the tension in her body unwind in a deep, longing sigh. She felt smooth scales against her skin as the villainess' flexible, limber body wrapped around hers, pinning her arms to her sides. She knew she could break free with her venture-strength, but it seemed to have deserted her completely. She was completely in the thrall of the queen of serpents, now, and she knew those sensual whispers would wash away every bit of resistance. All she needed to do was to stare into the gaze and be commanded, and all those other voices that confused her would fade into the darkness of those serpentine eyes.

Samantha wanted that so badly. It was so exhausting, being the slave of so many people, and the Cobra Queen understood that perfectly. She would free her. Samantha understood that now. The Cobra Queen would free her from all those evil people who wanted to control her, and give her the gift of eternal, mindless bliss within the serpent's will. That sounded so wonderful to Samantha. All she wanted now was to watch those eyes forever.

She didn't get her wish.

Something closed over her head, as sudden and unexpected as a bolt of lightning to the dazed and mindless girl. It cut off the Cobra Queen's gaze, replacing it with an endless swirl of colors and lights and images and sounds that pounded at Adventure Girl's dazed ad helpless mind like a fire hose blasting at a sand castle.

"That's right, sweetie," she heard over the sensory assault. "Guess who? Oh, right. Your brain has less processing power than a Commodore 64 right about now, doesn't it? Let me clue you in. I'm the Technophile, soon to be known as your High Lord and Master in All Things."

The relentless assault of light and sound hammered at Adventure Girl. She staggered backwards, dislodging the Cobra Queen as she did so, but she had no idea what had happened to the serpent woman. All her senses were filled with light, with sound, with chaos. Samantha fell to her knees as her jaw went slack and her pupils dilated. "I know, you're probably thinking this is a little bit low-tech and inelegant. Well, actually you're probably thinking, 'Duhhhhhh...pretty lights...must watch...' But if you were me, that's what you'd be thinking. Subliminals? That went out in the Fifties, with poodle skirts and Elvis."

Adventure Girl felt surge after surge of erotic pleasure rush through her body. It took her a surprisingly long time to realize she was masturbating to the dizzying light show. "But you have that magnificently invulnerable body of yours. Which I'm watching from a block away through hidden cameras, by the way. Stick a finger up your ass for me, will you?" Adventure Girl wasn't sure if she obliged or not, but the way her anus clenched around a sudden, welcome intruder suggested she had. "And my usual approach isn't going to get it done. I'm not fond of brute force solutions, but you take what the defense gives you. And I plan to take you. Several times, if this black-market Viagra does what it says on the package."

She could feel the commands now, sinking into a brain that was already so lost and muddled and helpless that it couldn't resist anything anymore. Her free will was battered and beaten beneath so many contradictory sets of commands that they did a better job of resisting each other than she did of resisting any of them. It felt like Mary Pranxter's wild and sensuous flower child was resisting the Technophile's advances, swaying to the psychedelic music and the groovy light show while Samantha Steele gave in to it completely.

But Mary's flower child had already given in to the smooth, silky wisdom of the Cobra Queen. Adventure Girl could feel it wrapped in her coils. That left Samantha vulnerable again. She bucked her hips against her hand in another orgasm, all too aware that the lights and sounds were wearing down her resistance like a wave washing boulders into pebbles. And she knew she was already giving in by how fucking sexy that sounded.

She felt an inexorable pull, dragging her thoughts and her will into submission. She knew that if she followed it, she'd find herself joining the Technophile...or was it the Cobra Queen? Or was it Professor Psycho? Adventure Girl didn't know how much she could take, not with all these villains fighting each other with her mind as the battlefield. She needed it to stop, she needed one of them to defeat the others and tell her what to do and who to obey and-

And the ray blasted into her body, irradiating every single cell as it passed through her. She felt the endless tingling like a wave of mindless bliss, endless and thoughtless ecstasy with a single name attached to it. The words echoed again and again and again in her head, clashing against all the other commands until Adventure Girl thought she would go mad.

She tore the helmet from her head with a scream, and there he was. He stood in the middle of the battle, the other participants keeping a wary distance from him. The massive cannon he held in his arms still glowed slightly with unearthly energies, and Adventure Girl could feel the voice thundering in her head as its power resonated in her mind.

"Obey Doctor Darke," it said. "Obey Doctor Darke..."

The villain smiled beneath his black mask, his face alive with triumph. "Tell me, Adventure Girl, what do you think of my Mentalizer Cannon? I'd be most interested to know what you think...although I suspect I already know."

The voice in her head repeated the command again and again, irresistibly. "Obey Doctor Darke." She felt the endless tug of it in every cell of her body, an inexorable call to obey. "Obey Doctor Darke," it whispered. She realized she was chanting it silently. She watched the smile spread slowly across his face, the slow nod as he gave her permission to speak the words out loud. The silent command felt utterly, completely, totally irresistible.

But they were all irresistible. All the programming was irresistible. She was irresistibly compelled to obey Ultimax and submit to Professor Psycho and give in to Mary Pranxter and worship Glamour and sink into the power of the Cobra Queen and follow the compulsions of the Technophile and "obey Doctor Darke" and "obey Doctor Darke" and all the commands washed over her at once, all fighting for control and they all tugged and pulled and yanked and yammered and shouted and, and, and...

And Samantha Steele realized that somewhere in the middle of them all, she felt herself thinking perfectly clearly. The different commands tugged at each other and contradicted each other and canceled each other out, leaving her completely in control of herself for the first time in what felt like forever. She couldn't resist any of the commands, but they seemed to be resisting each other for her. Which meant...

With very slow, deliberate menace, Adventure Girl walked over to where her discarded costume lay and put it on. For a few moments, the various villains were so caught up in the struggle over her prize that they didn't even notice. But slowly, the sounds of battle subsided into a very nervous silence. For a long, agonizing moment, nobody moved.

"I want all of you to know," Adventure Girl said, "that I really am going to enjoy this." She cracked her knuckles, savoring the sight of the villains' reactions. "A lot."


Five minutes later, it was all over. Doctor Darke dangled from a streetlamp, his mentalizer cannon wrapped around his body like a piece of modern art. Ultimax's body was scattered in pieces along the street, and his head was embedded in the wall of an apartment a block away. The far wall. She hoped the Technophile had some industrial headache medicine to go with that black market viagra.

An unconscious Mary Pranxter was hogtied next to a heavily concussed Professor Psycho. Adventure Girl tightened the knots in Mary's jester costume where it was wound around her wrists and ankles to make sure that the knots wouldn't allow the madwoman to slip loose once she was fully recovered, and tightened the impromptu gag just in case. While she was at it, she gave Professor Psycho another light tap to make sure the other woman wouldn't wake up before the Utopians arrived to take her into custody.

She spared a glance at Glamour and Cobra Queen, but the two of them were still lost in each other's eyes. Doctor Magick and Madame Macabre could handle the two of them once they got here, and they'd be able to help Adventure Girl out with the inevitable deprogramming. She wasn't sure exactly what would wear off in which order, but it didn't seem likely that it would all wear off at the exact same time. Still, she'd at least made sure that nobody was in a position to take advantage of it.

Except for her, she decided. She sat down and relaxed, both in body and mind. Within moments, the waves of mindless pleasure overwhelmed her again, sucking her down into an endless well of obedience and pleasure. This time, she didn't try to fight them.


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GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinalmost 9 years ago
Another Classic Jukebox Story

Clever and hot and and funny and brilliant, with a very satisfying conclusion. Adventure Girl is such a fun character, especially when she gets to beat the crap out of someone. Also, I love the new villains we get to see and can't wait to see them in other works.

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