Everyone's A Winner Ch. 04

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Two girls fight for their freedom on an adult quiz show.
2.9k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 02/19/2006
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Kelly knew she had 15mintues to think of a plan to stop Precious and Crystal winning her prize so she had to think fast. She glanced into a mirror and then it hit her. "Of course" she said out loud, "look at me a look terrible, I need to get prettier, make the audience like me more. How can they like me when I hide these beautiful new titties away like this, I have to go change." Running into her dressing room she desperately searched through all the outfits available and then she saw it. "Oh it's perfect" she squealed to herself as she danced with delight. As fast as she could Kelly got out of the clothes she was in and after a brief moment of admiring herself in the mirror put on her new outfit. Admiring herself in the mirror she couldn't believe how sexy and classy she looked in her tiny white top through which her nipple could clearly be seen and matching mini which would blow up at the slightest hint of a breeze revealing her distinct lack of underwear. Kelly oozed confidence now, she was a new woman and she was gonna come back and win this competition, not just for her but for Jenny too. She was gonna enjoy doing it too.

Knowing she had five minutes before the show began again Kelly knew she had one more matter which urgently needed seeing to. After checking the corridors to make sure nobody was around she lay back on a couch and slowly moved her hand down towards the pussy which had been screaming for release for what seemed like hours now. Hungrily she rubbed and massaged her swollen clit as she built up for the orgasm which she knew was so close and needed so badly. Her free hand moved up to grasp one of her mammoth breast, pinching her nipples and sending pre-orgasmic sensations rushing through her. More and more the pleasure grew; she knew she was just seconds away when...

"It's time for the show missy" a voice called out from the doorway

"Just one more minute" she groaned

"I'm sorry missy, orders are orders" the man grabbed her hands and started to drag her out the door.

"No! Please, I need to finish, I'll go crazy." Kelly begged. "I'll do anything"

"I know you will," the man sneered "but right now you need to finish the show.

Not quite sure what the man meant with his last comment, Kelly reluctantly headed back to the stage her pussy felt like it was burning and she was worried how much longer she could stand it. It was one thing for one guy to walk in on her in that situation; it was another thing entirely to masturbate in front of a live audience. All the desire in the world wouldn't make her stoop that low. No, She'd just have to try and ignore the burning, the aching the desir... "Stop it girl!" She said to herself, "you need to concentrate winning this nothing else, Just need to focus on being sexy and acting sexy. This is gonna be easy; me, my tittles and my sexy little outfit are bound to win over Greggy and all those other sexy men (giggle)" Kelly met up with Crystal and Precious backstage; they were thrilled at Kelly's change of wardrobe.

"Oh my God!" yelled Crystal "You Are just Soooo Cute, I mean wow!"

"It's amazing" Precious joined in, "you look so fuckable right now, Oh Greg's gonna love you now, you are so cute, we are gonna have so much fun together if I win."

"Thanks girls" Kelly said, inwardly knowing they were just trying to put her off, they knew she was gonna win this and were jealous. They should be jealous too as Kelly knew she looked drop dead fuckable.


Kelly tried to compose herself for the final few seconds before going out on stage; she needed to put her need to cum out of her mind as best she could. She heard the music build up and the crowd cheer as Greg Steel was introduced to the crowd and prepared herself as Greg began.

"Hello and welcome back to 'Who wants to be a Slutty Whore?' the quiz that brings out the slut in your everyday bimbo. So lets not keep you waiting any longer and bring back our lovely contestants Crystal, Precious and Kelly!!!"

The crowd erupted in cheers when they saw Kelly walk out on stage and before she knew it the sunshine and rainbows returned erupting throughout her mind. Seeking out all her coherent thoughts and destroying them in a fit of giggles. She skipped to her podium causing her skirt to bounce with her and expose her naked ass. This sent the crowd into hysterics as wave after wave of whooping and cheers rang through the audience. Kelly was in ecstasy as the sunshine and rainbows were joined by bubble and other light and happy things. She felt wonderful and again the urge to relieve herself came and again the audience died down just as her hand was about to remove what little innocence she still had.

"Wow!" Greg cried, "what an intro, we haven't had a crowd reaction like that in a long time, ten bonus points for Kelly there and what a cute ass!"

Kelly giggled "why thank you Greggy, maybe I'll give you a closer look after the show"

"God I love it when they talk" Greg responded "but anyway back to the show, as we know the current scores taking into account Kelly's bonus points are: Kelly with 15points, Precious with 50points and Crystal in the lead with 100points. But we all know that can change going into round two."

(The audience again start their cheering as a pole is brought onto the stage)

"Now in round two we shall get to see just how dirty you can be. Each contestant shall take to the pole one at a time. They shall then have three minutes to perform as sexy a routine as possible, and then our panel of three judges will give each contestant a mark out of twenty giving a possible total of sixty points available for this round. Remember girls these judges are tough markers if you fail to impress they will mark you down. So Crystal you will go first, please take your marker."

Crystal ran to her marker impatiently, you could see the excitement in the eyes at the opportunity to perform for this audience. She looked over to Greg: "Ready Greg" she called.

"Ok then Crystal, You time starts... Now"

Crystal immediately jumped onto the pole, swinging wildly like it was her one true calling in life. She mixed her jumps and swings with a number of thrusts and gyrations as she moved effortlessly round the pole. Kelly looking on was amazed at how impressive she looked up there. It was almost like watching a gymnast at work. The routine was impeccable and as she slowed to a stop to finish, Kelly knew she was in trouble. The crowd went wild as Crystal jumped off the pole enthusiastically and cheered and waved at the crowd in gratitude of their support. Once the crowd had died down attention went back to Greg for the marking.

"Congratulations Crystal, that was certainly a crowd pleasing routine. Unfortunately it's down to our judges to find out your score and I have the results here. From Judge one; he says: A very good technical routine indeed, However if we wanted to see technique we'd go to the Olympics, we wanted slutty and unfortunately your routine was found wanting, 11 points. From Judge two; again he says: good dancer, bad slut, 8 points. Finally Judge three says I liked the routine but I wasn't turned on by routine just the dancer 13. So crystal scores a grand total of 32 out of 60, bad luck Crystal."

(The audience broke out in boos as a heartbroken Crystal made her way back to the podium)

"I'm sorry folks" Said Greg "but the Judges word is final. However onwards to our next contestant the lovely Precious, step to your marker please."

Precious strutted up to the pole and after a wave and a kiss up to the judges' box she glanced over to Greg,

"Ready when you are stud" she called

"You do know ho to push my buttons don't you girl? Well in that case your time starts... Now!"

Precious' routine was in complete contrast to Crystal's before her. She walked around the pole slowly and suggestively moving her body just enough to drive the audience wild with desire. Kelly again looked on in shock, this girl was so sexy, she didn't know if she could compete with this. As Precious continued to bend and sway, giving the audience constant glimpses of the proof she was sans-underwear Kelly started to panic, "I can't win this" she thought "How can I compete with that". Precious ended her routine and blew kisses to the crowd who were screaming and chanting her name, it seemed clear that this would be a high scoring performance. Again the crowd's attention turned to Greg as they awaited the Judges verdicts.

"Wow! That was amazing one of the sexiest things we've seen in a long time as I think the audience agrees. However as I said before the marks are down to our three judges, so here goes: From Judge one: man that was slutty, you are one good whore but there was a reason for the pole and you didn't use it, 14. From Judge two: Thought about every pole except the one that counts, 11. Finally from judge three: This wasn't a dance contest, I know you're a dumb whore but still if you see a pole dance round it, 7.

So more harsh marking from our judges that gives Precious a grand total of again 32 out of 60."

(Precious was almost in tears as she went back to her podium with the audience voicing their discontent at the judges. Kelly just stood there frozen in fear, she'd lost all confidence.)

"So that brings us to our final contestant, Kelly please take to your marker"

Kelly was terrified now; she knew what had to be done but couldn't face the prospect of being rejected like Crystal and Precious had beforehand. Kelly just couldn't move, she was staring at the audience with a look of terror on her face. She didn't know what to do. The audience was starting to get restless and Greg made the decision to step in:

"I think our Kelly's a bit shy folks" he suggested to the crowd, "come on, give her some encouragement, it's her first time here, let's go ... Kelly, Kelly, Kelly..."

The Audience was rallied by Greg's call to arms and soon the whole crowd was cheering and shouting Kelly's name in support. This sudden rush of support suddenly filled Kelly head with hope, rainbows and sparkles replaced the fear and apprehension inside her head. Now she could think freely again, she didn't care what those mean old judges thought; the crowd loved her and she was determined to repay them for their support. In a brief flash of inspiration she grabbed the water bottle from her podium and proceeded to make her way to the pole. After a few grateful waves to the crowd she looked over to Greg:

"I'm ready Greggy" she cooed.

"I'm glad to hear it" he responded, "So, Kelly, your time starts... now!"

Kelly began slowly moving around the pole purposefully and suggestively; the odd flourish here and there giving the audience tantalizing peeks of flesh as her skirt rode up her thighs. Then in one swift movement she bent down and grabbed the water bottle she had placed by the pole and began to pour the ice cold water over her white top. The audience went wild as the wafer thin material very quickly became transparent and clung to her breasts which were now clearly on show for all to see and marvel at. Kelly was now lost in a constant stream of sunshine and butterflies in her head as the audience cheered and shouted her name. Pleasure was streaming through her body and Kelly was both unable and unwilling to stop it. Lost in her routine Kelly began massaging her breasts with one hand as she swung around the pole adding to the sensations which had already taken over her body. The craving in her pussy was now too much for Kelly to resist; in one movement she straddled the pole and began to rub herself up against the metal shaft. Kelly's mind was too far gone, too full of pleasure and happiness to worry about her own modesty. The bell rang to signal that three minutes were up but this was no longer about the audience or the competition or even the judges; she was doing this for Kelly... and she loved it. Working and grinding away at the pole with the audience cheering at the show they were watching, Kelly knew this time she would get her way. Pure orgasmic ecstasy was just moments away and nobody was going to stop her. In fact nobody wanted to stop her; the audience was chanting her name, Greg Steel was smiling in the knowledge of the bonuses he would get for this show and the shareholders of Venus Industries knew that another behavior modification program was nearly complete.

Kelly didn't care about all this though; all she cared about was the pleasure building inside of her. She dispensed with the and just lay on the ground furiously rubbing her clit in anticipation as her free hand worked at her mammoth breast and squeezing her freezing erect nipples. The first waves of orgasm began to flow through her body and she worked and worked away; masturbating in front of 200 cheering men and loving every second of it. Her head was just rainbows and sparkle now. There were no thoughts; there were no worries; just pleasure and happiness. Suddenly the volume of the crowd went into overdrive as Kelly body began to buckle. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body as the orgasm hit, it was like nothing Kelly had ever experienced before. Her body just shook as she cried out in fits of ecstasy. Eventually, after what seemed like an age her body began to calm down and Kelly began to return to her senses, the pleasure had subsided but the rainbows in her head remained. Kelly was so happy; she knew she had done well. After a few waves to the audience she stood still waiting for Greg to read out the Judges verdict:

"That was incredible!!!" screamed Greg, "Just when you think things can't get any better, we get to witness perfection. But who cares what I think, it's the judges' views that count. So here goes, from judge one: Wow! What a performance, one of the best routines I've ever seen, unfortunately the best parts came after the time was up so sadly I can only award 17 points. From Judge two: Fantastic performance, a top class slut in the making, shame I have to deduct for overrunning 18points. Finally Judge three: So sexy, so slutty, the perfect routine, who cares if it went on so long? This girl has got talent 20 points.

So there you have it folks" Greg continued, "Kelly scores a magnificent 55points which must be a record score, lets here it for Kelly!"

(The crowd began cheering again; Kelly couldn't believe she had done so well, she was just too happy for words. This was the happiest day of her life; she knew now she was destined to win, she had to. After the audience had died down attention returned to Greg.)

"So after a wonderful second round the scores are now:

In third place but gaining fast is Kelly with 70 points.

In second place with 82 points is Precious.

And still in first with a brilliant 132 points lets here it for ... Crrrrrystal!"

(The audience once again went wild in a fit of hysterical whooping and cheering before Greg once again calmed them down)

"So there we have it with two rounds down it's all to play for still as any one of our three lovely sluts can still walk away with the grand prize, We'll be right with you with our final round right after these messages, don't go away"

Kelly was full of excitement as the stagehands began to prepare for the final round, she was oblivious as to what the final round held in store but she didn't care. She was having too much fun and Kelly knew was going to win, whatever it took. Impatiently waiting for the show to start again, Kelly couldn't imagine what she had been so worried about before. The rainbows in her head were so soothing so much better than the nasty thoughts and worries that were there before. Kelly was beginning to realize that she didn't like to think, thinking wasn't fun, not like this. She knew it was gonna be hard to overtake the over girls in the final round but she knew she could do it, not just for her but for Jenny too. She was going to win; she was going to enjoy winning too.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Okay, wow, your series is AMAZING. Please continue writing!

Thanatos437Thanatos437almost 18 years ago
Whats NExt?!

Awesome story one of the best i have read. when is the conclusion coming?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
waiting for more

This is a great story, but you seem to have taken a sabatical from writing. What's up? Please give us the next installment. I can't wait.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
way HOT.

Please write more of this story. It is the sexiest one I have read in a LONG time. I crave more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Rock ON!

Keep this good shit comming man! This is an awesome story line! Also, what happended to your other story? The one about the chick in Japan? I really liked where that was going!

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