Evolution of a Librarian


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She also found it endearing that Jason tried to persuade her to increase their number of trysts each week. She seriously considered his request, but in the end believed increasing their meetings might increase their chances of getting caught. Jason wasn't worried about that happening, but Lucy continued to profess her love for her husband. Jason politely backed off, figuring that time was on his side.

Ten minutes into their ride the next week, Jason pulled his bike up outside of a double-wide trailer and shut it down. After dismounting, he reached for a reluctant Lucy's hand.

"Come on, babe, I want you to meet my best friend, Aaron. He's my number two guy with the Diamonds, and we've known each other since like second grade," Jason said.

Lucy blushed deeply and pulled her shorts out of her crotch and down her ass cheeks, not really getting them much farther with either pull.

"I can't be meeting people dressed like this..." she started.

"Sure you can," he interrupted. "You look like my sexy biker bitch, which is what you are... right?"

"I-I guess so," she responded.

Jason pounded on the door of the mobile home a couple of times before a handsome, rugged-looking blond man opened the door. Upon seeing Jason, the man wrapped him in a hug, but quickly turned him loose when he saw the scantily-clad woman.

"Whoa. This your new..." he started to ask before Jason gave his head a small shake, "girlfriend? I like."

"Yeah, I knew you would. After all, you are a man of class and distinction," Jason laughed.

Lucy blushed deeply as both men turned to look at her and eyed her up and down. She could feel her nipples harden and push against the tight cotton T-shirt she was wearing, highlighting her melon-sized breasts. Stretched outward as it was, the shirt finished well above the woman's exposed abs, and moved up and down with every breath she took.

Lucy had quickly ducked out of the McDonald's bathroom after she had changed into her biker chick clothes after work, as she had been doing every week. She didn't know about Jason's planned stop, and in her mind, she wasn't dressed to be meeting new people.

Jason re-took Lucy's hand and led her into the mobile home. Lucy was very aware of her big braless boobs bouncing with every step she took. Jason was grinning like a hyena and his friend's eyeballs were practically bugging out of his head.

"Where were you hiding her?" Aaron asked his friend. "The guys are going to go nuts over her."

"Yeah, they will, but right now she can't come out and play on the weekends and meet the guys," Jason said.

"Well, their loss then," Aaron said.

Jason sat the woman next to him on the sofa while Aaron got each a beer. Aaron lit a joint and passed it to Jason, who took a hit, then held it out in front of Lucy. She looked reluctant, then leaned forward and took her own hit. She choked at first, then coughed, and Jason rubbed her back under the T-shirt.

"I'm sorry. I haven't smoked weed since I was a teenager," she squeaked.

Both men leered at her as her coughing caused her boobs to bounce engagingly.

A half-hour later, Lucy was leaned back on the sofa, giggling, her T-shirt barely covering her tits and the crotch of her shorts slid in between her lower lips. Aaron had joined the pair on the sofa, sitting on the other side of Lucy, and he was sliding his hand up and down the woman's upper left thigh, lightly brushing up against her pussy.

"Ooh, he's rubbing my privates," an obviously stoned Lucy cooed to Jason.

"You like that, don't you?" Jason asked.

"Mmm," the woman answered.

"Well, we've got to go, A. I have to get my queen home so she can come down in time to make dinner for her husband," Jason said.

He pulled Lucy up by her hands.

"Give Aaron a hug and kiss and we've got to go, babe," he said to the woman.

Lucy leaned in to Aaron and gave him a soft kiss on the lips as he fondled both of her tits. She then hugged him hard as he moved his hands to the exposed globes of her ass and squeezed, causing her to giggle again. She hadn't thought to pull her shorts down when she got up. Jason had told her what to expect from Aaron, and if the truth be told, she was enjoying being a biker chick with this handsome friend of Jason's.

Jason knew Lucy would be pushing her time limit to get home, but he knew she would need some time to sober up when they got back to his place. That would give him enough time to have the woman swallow his load of cum before she brushed her teeth, changed her clothes, combed her hair and sprayed a little bit of perfume. She then called in a pick-up order of pepperoni pizza, knowing that the pizza in the enclosed car would pretty much cover the smell of marijuana left on her skin after she changed back into her work clothes.

Lucy had changed into some sweats and was getting ready to serve the pizza when Glenn came into the house. She had a glass of wine already poured for herself. She felt confident that Glenn wouldn't have a clue about what she had been doing earlier that day, as he hadn't on any of the previous few Tuesdays.

"I hope you don't mind the pizza. I had a taste for it tonight," Lucy said.

"Mmm. You smell like pepperoni," Glenn said as he leaned in for a hello kiss. "You know that's like an aphrodisiac for me."

"You are such a romantic," she giggled as he stepped back, thinking of her afternoon's activities.

Glenn rarely had to travel for work, but two months later he had to be in Mexico for a week. Lucy was on the phone to Jason within minutes after she found out about the trip, making plans to spend several days with her lover while her husband was out of the country.

Glenn was scheduled to fly out on Monday. Lucy would work Monday morning, but take the rest of the week off, returning to her home late Saturday as Glenn was supposed to be home early Sunday afternoon.

"We'll have a big ride Friday afternoon and then have a party at our barn that night. You can meet all the others then," Jason told her.

That Monday night was the first time in their relationship that Lucy spent the night with Jason in his bed. The two fucked like rabbits twice that night and again the next morning. Both were completely sated as they lay entwined after their morning lovemaking... lovemaking, not just sex, both knew.

"I love being your biker bitch. You know that, right?" Lucy said in a purring tone.

Jason gave her a bright smile, then kissed her passionately.

Tuesday evening Aaron stopped by. Lucy knew that Jason would expect her to have sex with his friend, and she was more than up to the task. She wanted to please Aaron and to show Jason that she would do whatever he wanted her to do to be a good biker babe for him.

"Aaron said you are a fantastic fuck, babe. I told him that I agreed with his assessment," Jason said with a huge smile on his face while the two were engaged in their own coupling later that night.

Jason and Lucy rode to a barn on the outskirts of the city Friday night. There were more than 20 motorcycles parked off to the side, and the music could be heard blaring from inside the structure. By this point, Lucy was only slightly nervous about being mostly undressed in front of Jason's biker mates as she was wearing a pair of tight, short jean shorts without panties and a white tube top braless, her large nipples denting the top.

"You are a goddess, babe," Jason said as they dismounted from his bike and headed toward the barn.

Lucy spent most of the night with either Jason or Aaron while she met the other bikers and their women. She could see that she was dressed appropriately, and that she was probably the oldest woman at the party by at least 10 years. Most of the other half-dressed women looked to be in their 20s and early 30s, although the bikers seemed to range in age from mid-20s to mid-40s.

"I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to be some of these girls' mother, Jase," Lucy said with a touch of unease.

"Maybe, but you're at least as hot as any of them," he answered. "I'm seeing a lot of drooling going on right now."

He squeezed her in a hard hug, patted both of her half-exposed ass cheeks and gave her a hard kiss on the lips.

Lucy danced with both Jason and Aaron as well as several other bikers during the evening. None of the men hesitated to grab her ass or rub her boobs. The groping had her aroused all evening, as did the marijuana and something new for her: her first line of coke. She was hesitant to try the white power, but Aaron reassured her that he and Jason would keep their eye on her to make sure she didn't embarrass herself.

Already high from the smoke and drunk as well, Lucy probably should have known at this point that both bikers had a different threshold of embarrassment than she did. Neither blinked an eye or moved to help when her boobs bounced out of her top several times throughout the night when she was dancing. In fact, every time her tits bounced free, a cheer went up in the barn, and eventually she just chuckled along with everybody else when it happened before she put her tits back in her top.

In the course of the evening, Lucy went inside the house near the barn several times to have sex with Jason, Aaron and a biker named Freddie. Freddie had come up to her while she was standing near the keg and whispered in her ear that he wanted to fuck her. He was a handsome, young blond guy who had the body of a linebacker, and when he started rubbing her ass, she knew she was dripping honey and cum down the inside of her legs. When he saw her bite her bottom lip, he knew she was a done deal. He took her hand and led her willingly across the yard and into the house.

Watching from just a few yards away, Jason and Aaron exchanged high fives.

"Don't let Young Horsecock do her too much or he's going to ruin that fine pussy," Aaron said to a nodding Jason.

Although her brain wasn't firing on all cylinders, Lucy was aware enough to know that she was fortunate to have had sex with both Jason and Aaron earlier that night before she took on Freddie. The young man's cock looked to be at least 10 inches long and very thick, easily the biggest dick she had ever had inside her, and it took about five minutes before he could fit the whole log inside the woman, even with all of the lubrication she had inside her.

She felt herself being stretched further than ever before while Freddie slowly pushed inside her, feeling completely stuffed when he finally got it all inside. She groaned involuntarily with each stroke by the young man.

Thirty minutes later, Jason and Aaron watched Freddie leave the house. It was several more minutes before Lucy staggered out, looking dazed and obviously leaking cum down her legs. She was not the only woman in that condition at the party, but she was the only one Jason was concerned about as he went to her and wrapped a big arm around her to help her walk.

"Too much smoke or too much coke?" asked one of the other women at the party as Jason and Lucy walked past.

"Nah. Too much Horsecock," Jason answered as the woman's eyes flashed recognition and she laughed.

Jason and Aaron both had Lucy one more time before the party was over.

Lucy woke up in Jason's bed Saturday morning with both a throbbing head and pussy.

"Ohhh... owww," she mumbled as she fought to sit up. "I think I might have played too hard last night."

"You're just not used to that. It will get better the more you do it," Jason chuckled.

"It's a good thing I'm not going to do that very often, then," she added.

"But did you have a good time?" Jason asked.

Lucy had to think for a bit to remember the evening.

"Oh, yeah... that was a great time," she answered.

"Did you like Freddie?" he asked.

Lucy blushed crimson before gingerly nodding her head.

"Yeah," she whispered. "I hope that was okay with you."

"I wouldn't have let it happen if it wasn't okay with me," he answered with a bright smile. "After all, you're my biker babe. I get to say yea or nay."

"I love being your biker babe, but do you have any aspirin?"

Lucy was feeling much better by the time she left Jason's later that day. She went to bed early that night so she could be at her best when her husband returned. She knew he would expect "welcome-home" sex that night, and even though she was sore "down there," she wasn't going to deny her loving husband. She did wonder if her pussy would tighten back up in less than 24 hours after Freddie's invasion.

Any worries Lucy had about Glenn noticing a difference in her pussy went away quickly when Glenn barely got into the house before he had his wife naked in the kitchen. He quickly stripped off his pants and underwear, lifted his wife and set her ass down on the edge of the kitchen table before plunging his rock-hard dick inside her moistening pussy in two strokes.

"Ungh... somebody missed me, didn't he?" Lucy cooed, knowing that her husband's excitement would trump him noticing the tightness of her depths.

"Rrrr!" Glenn responded as he pumped vigorously into his wife.

Lucy leaned forward and took hold of her husband's shoulders one after the other, then laid a searing kiss on his lips. He moved his hands from her hips to her breasts, tweaking both nipples as he kept up his pumping. They continued to kiss while fucking until he felt his wife twitch before going into full spasm. He quickly followed her in orgasm, and both babbled unintelligibly for several long seconds.

"God, I've missed you, you minx!" Glenn panted out.

Lucy felt cherished as she hugged her husband to her body. She also felt a quick surge of relief knowing that her two worlds were still separate. She loved her husband completely, but had developed real feelings for Jason and her secret life as a biker slut. She had long ago come to grips with the fact that she loved the freedom and excitement of uninhibited, illicit sex with multiple men that were not her husband.

The Tuesday trysts between Lucy and Jason continued, with the occasional addition of Aaron or Freddie to the mix. Jason told Lucy she had turned into a great biker chick, which earned him a very enthusiastic, passionate kiss. He was perceptive enough to realize that Lucy felt he was a lover as opposed to the pair being fuck-buddies. He also knew that the formerly staid woman truly cherished her alternate life as a slutty biker babe. He occasionally tried to subtly lure the woman away from her husband, especially when he knew that she was over-the-top excited and was far from the rational woman she usually was.

Glenn had another trip several weeks later. Lucy told Jason about it as soon as she found out, knowing he would set up another party and plan for Lucy to stay with him the entire time her husband was out of town.

Jason was more than happy to have Lucy stay with him for the week her husband was gone. She once again took off from the library Tuesday through Friday so she could spend as much time as possible fucking Jason... and Freddie, as it turned out. Lucy had no clue that Jason told Freddie to come over Thursday afternoon, but she didn't hesitate to fuck him three times before he left for the night, in addition to taking care of Jason twice that afternoon and evening. Jason could see that while Lucy didn't have the emotional connection to Freddie that she had with him, she most definitely enjoyed his large equipment, and Jason wanted her to get all she wanted. He noted that his biker babe looked completely wiped out after the last time she and Freddie fucked.

The party that Friday night was at an old farmhouse on the outskirts of town. Once again, Jason got Lucy to do a line of cocaine, and she shared several joints with others throughout the night. Having met most everyone before, she felt freer to mix and spent less time hanging with Jason and Aaron. Freddie, however, seemed to be somewhere around Lucy for most of the party... and Jason was aware that the pair disappeared twice early in the evening.

Jason kept a watchful eye on Lucy throughout the evening but gave her plenty of space to enjoy herself, chuckling to himself at the thought of the once puritanical woman now giving every bit as good as any of the other biker sluts. He smiled as she headed off upstairs with Aaron and another biker, Kurt, and then was surprised when two more bikers followed the trio in pretty short order. He decided that he would wait a bit before checking in, and maybe joining in, on what was appearing to be Lucy's first gangbang.

"I'd bet her husband would stroke out if he could see her now," he thought happily to himself.

Jason went to the keg, got himself another beer and strolled over to another group of people to get in on their conversation. Forty-five minutes later, he strolled into the room where he thought Lucy was engaged. He found her getting spit-roasted by two bikers, while Aaron and another biker were standing off to the side sharing a blunt, Aaron fully naked and the fourth biker still dressed and apparently waiting his turn. He reached for the joint while he heard Lucy moan deeply around the cock in her mouth.

A week and a half later, Glenn and Lucy were enjoying a Las Vegas Raiders football game against the Los Angeles Chargers at Allegiant Stadium. It was late in the third quarter when Lucy got up to use a restroom. She didn't see the large man wearing biker gear watch her climb the stadium steps.

Nobody would have accused Freddie Nostrand of being overly smart. He was a big, handsome man who played college football, but he was a marginal thinker. Add several beers and a pre-game joint, and his marginal brain power was very limited.

Despite all the time he had spent having sex with Lucy in the previous months, their conversations were limited, and he had never paid attention to the wedding and engagement rings on her left hand. He had absolutely no clue that the woman was married.

Lucy was shocked when Freddie stepped out in front of her as she descended the stadium steps while going back to her seat after using the restroom. She shrieked when the man easily lifted her off her feet, then gave her a deep tongue kiss as he set her back down.

"Freddie... what are you doing?" she screeched right before a voice coming up the stairs suddenly yelled, "You can't kiss my wife!"

"Sure I can!" Freddie instantly roared back. "She always let me kiss her when we fuck!"

The roar of the fans suddenly became background noise to what was playing out in a lower section of the stadium.

Glenn stepped forward just as Freddie released Lucy. In the heat of the moment, Freddie assumed Glenn was going to attack him, so he quickly went into defensive mode and unleashed a potent haymaker that dropped the smaller man in his tracks.

Lucy shrieked as blood spurted from Glenn's face when he fell. Freddie was about to start kicking the fallen body when stadium security got to him. Freddie smashed a big fist into the first security guard before a police baton to the knee dropped the big man.

A very disoriented Glenn woke up in an ambulance on the way to a hospital. He had a killer headache and his vision was blurred. He spotted his wife sitting in the ambulance with him, looking concerned for all he could see. He suddenly had several questions he needed answered... but the world went black again.

Glenn had no clue where he was when he first opened his eyes. He quickly figured out he was in a hospital. He then saw his wife sleeping in a chair next to his bed, and painfully remembered how he got there. He touched his face gently, noting the tape across his nose.

It took two tries for Glenn to produce sound out of his mouth.

"Why are you here?" he asked the sleeping woman, waking her with his words.

"You're back," Lucy said. "How do you feel, hon?"

"What do you care? Why are you here?" he asked harshly.

"Because you're my husband, and I love you," the woman responded.