Evolution of a Librarian


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Both kids were shocked the first time they saw Lucy after the divorce. It was about a year later, and the three met at an Olive Garden. Although the kids didn't know it, Lucy had made a big effort to not look like the biker slut she had become. She showed up at the restaurant wearing some of her old clothes that she had taken with her from her old house, including wearing undergarments for the first time since she had moved in with Jason. The conservative clothes barely fit as she had gained about 10 pounds, but they at least hid the tramp stamp above her ass, the belly button piercing and the Diamond tattoo on her left breast. They didn't hide the three ear piercings in each ear and the tongue stud, which gave the woman a slight lisp. Lucy wanted to take the tongue stud out prior to the meeting, but much to her chagrin, Jason insisted she leave it in.

"You are who you are, babe. Don't try to hide yourself to make others happy," he said.

Glenn had just put a forkful of macaroni and cheese into his mouth when his phone rang on a Wednesday evening.

"Fuck," he mumbled through the food. "Goddamn telemarketers."

He quickly swallowed the half-chewed mouthful and picked up.

"Hey, you pathetic bastard. I'd bet your sitting in your damned recliner eating mac and cheese and drinking cognac," came the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Fuck you, Todd. Just fuck you," Glenn said lightly to his longtime friend.

"You know what our special is tonight? It's braised beef tips with asparagus and Hollandaise sauce. You could be eating good, drinking a good single malt, but noooo, you're eating fucking mac and cheese in your recliner," Todd asserted.

"Why is the owner of the hottest new restaurant in town ragging on me?" Glenn asked, warming to the task. "Can't a pathetic loser wallow in self-pity for a couple of years?"

"Well, you know I would never interrupt your wallowing if it wasn't important," Todd said. "But I really need your help. I thought I could handle the books with everything else I'm doing, but I can see this is getting away from me. Can I get you to help?"

Glenn's minor in college was accounting, and at one point he considered switching his major, but while he found IT exciting, he found accounting boring, to say the least. Todd Cousins knew that Glenn had way too much spare time on his hands since his divorce two years ago, and figured he could get his friend to help him out.

Todd heard Glenn sigh in exasperation.

"Seriously, Glenn. This isn't another lame attempt to get you out of your apartment. I really need the help. How many times have you said that a lot of businesses fail because of poor management. I never expected things to go this good this fast, and I'm getting buried. I know I'll need to hire a bookkeeper/accountant at some point, but I think I first need someone I trust completely to get a handle on this for me.

"Could you maybe come in this Saturday so we can talk and set things up, then you could stop by a couple of times a week after work, eat a good meal as part of your compensation package and then do some of your magic. And maybe, just maybe, you stick around for a bit and check out the female flesh hanging around. Especially on Thursdays. Apparently we're a go-to place now for girls' nights out, and we bring in the young, professional crowd. Surely even a curmudgeon like you could find a partner for conversation... or something else," Todd said.

"You do realize you're starting to sound like Vicky now," Glenn said, referring to Todd's wife. "You know I could never say no to her, but I can to you."

"Except I really... really need you to say yes. Please, bro,"

"God, now who's pathetic. All right. You know I've got your back. Now let me get back to my mac and cheese before it gets cold. Love you, man," Glenn said.

"Love you back," Todd said.

Glenn started going over to the restaurant every Tuesday and Thursday to do his accounting thing. He would eat first, work for a few hours, then go back to the bar and have a drink or two. It was the most social life he had had since the divorce.

He had to admit to his friend that Todd was right about the quality of the women who hung out at the restaurant. At first, Glenn just sat quietly, but as time went on he began to interact with other customers, many of them of the female persuasion. At 50, Glenn was still a handsome man who was fit and who could hold his own in most conversations. Many of the 20-something women enjoyed the fact that this handsome older man was "safe," while the women who were older looked at him for much more than that.

Glenn also had to admit that it was nice to get two meals each week that weren't macaroni and cheese or Pop-Tarts. Glenn knew how to grill meat, but rarely felt like doing anything when he would get home after work.

Glenn was at his usual place at the bar on a Thursday night when a group of five women that he had never seen before came in and took a table. He quickly noticed that four of the women appeared to be in their 20s, while the fifth could have been the mother of one of the group, although she was dressed similar to the younger women.

His interest piqued, Glenn watched the older woman for several minutes. He was happily surprised to see that her big boobs were obviously braless under her silky maroon, lowcut blouse. He also noticed that as she sat, her short skirt had ridden up to reveal the lacy tops of her stockings and a set of muscular legs.

All of the women in the group seemed to be getting attention from various men, including the older woman. All had been on the dance floor at various points, and Glenn also noted that all appeared to have been groped at various points while they were dancing. He noticed the older woman seemed to be uncomfortable when she was groped, unlike her younger friends.

After the third time he watched the older woman get groped, Glenn got out of his seat and approached the woman and the man she was dancing with and asked to cut in. The man, who appeared to be in his 30s, didn't look happy, but grudgingly let Glenn dance with the woman.

Glenn stayed out on the floor with the woman when the next song was a slow one. He noticed the feel of her large unfettered breasts as she leaned closer into him as the song continued.

Glenn didn't waste any time when the song ended, taking the woman's hand in his and leading her to his spot at the bar. He sat her in his seat and told the bartender to get her whatever she was drinking, then he pulled the empty chair next to his up close to her chair.

"Why do I get the feeling that you've laid claim to me, like you're my protector or something?" the woman said.

Glenn blushed.

"It's because I have laid claim to you. I am your protector, if you'll let me be,"

Glenn answered. "I was watching you, and unlike your young friends, you don't seem to be comfortable being groped in public. I won't be groping you."

It was the woman's turn to blush.

"You saw me getting groped? Ohh," she gasped.

"If you don't mind me asking, why would you let anyone do that to you if you don't feel comfortable doing that?" Glenn asked.

Marianne Watkowski spent the next 15 minutes telling a man she had just met a story as sad as Glenn's. She was divorced six years ago from an abusive, domineering, controlling husband after a 10-year marriage. Her husband kept telling her she needed to loosen up, be less of a prude. Then when she went to work as a paralegal at Abraham, Blanks and Daugherty, the younger women also told her the same thing. Considering she had had sex with only two different men since her divorce, she admitted to thinking they may have had a point. So on her last two Thursday nights, she tried to emulate those younger women in both the way she dressed and the way she acted, except she couldn't quite come to grips with letting men touch her body in ways she knew were inappropriate.

"You are who you are, babe. Don't try to change yourself to make others happy," Glenn said. Your ex-husband was an idiot, and your so-called friends are trying to get you to walk down the path of sluthood with your eyes wide open."

The woman blushed crimson again. She crossed and then uncrossed her legs unconsciously, and noticed Glenn's eyes peek at her stocking tops.

"I'm human, so sue me," he said with a bright smile. "I'm going to look, but as a gentleman I'm not going touch without permission. Nobody should be touching you without your permission... ever again."

Almost as if on cue, the young man who was dancing with Marianne when Glenn cut in walked up to her and asked her to dance again. She glanced up at Glenn with a deer in the headlights look.

"No, dude, she's good. Why don't you try one of the girls more your own age," Glenn asserted.

The young man didn't look happy, but after a moment's hesitation he seemed to come to a decision within himself and walked off shaking his head.

"Now, where were we?" Glenn asked the woman more rhetorically than realistically.

"I think you were trying to look up my skirt," she giggled, coloring slightly.

"Right. Of course I was," Glenn said, this time blatantly looking down toward the woman's barely-covered crotch.

She colored more, then put her hands in her lap to push her skirt down.

"You are a cheeky sucker, aren't you?" she asked.

"No, cheeky would be if I asked you to go to the men's room with me," Glenn chuckled.

Marianne looked up in shock and confusion.

"One minute you tell me you are my white knight. The next minute you're hinting around at doing something crude," she said.

"Just because I'm a nice guy doesn't mean I don't have dark thoughts," he replied. "You are a beautiful, sexy woman."

Another drink and an hour later, Glenn drove the woman home, receiving a soft kiss as he held the door open for her outside of her apartment building. Glenn had already secured a date for the next day.


Although she talked to her mother occasionally, Annette had a much closer relationship to her stepmother of one year and had Marianne help her with her wedding plans. Lucy volunteered to help when she found out her daughter was getting married, but by that time most of the plans had been made, so Annette turned her down as gently as possible.

"But I'm your mother. I should be the one helping you. Who's been..."

The fact hit Lucy halfway through her thought. Annette heard her mother's breath catch.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you too much these last several years, Nettie. You know, my life has been a little more... complicated since the divorce," Lucy said.

Annette held her tongue. What Lucy called "complicated," Annette called being a self-centered, busy slut. Annette knew that her mother was a well-used partner among The Diamonds despite her being in her early 50s. Her occasional coke and pill use in the last several years had aged her face more than it would have otherwise, but she continued to take decent care of her body and was still "popular" with the bikers, even if she was no longer with Jason and had been "passed down" a couple of times.

Lucy and her plus-one showed up to the wedding dressed appropriately in a conservative dress and suit. Although she wouldn't admit it, Annette was relieved, especially after the pair showed up at the rehearsal dinner dressed casual—biker casual, which meant her mother was obviously braless in a denim top with tight, worn jeans hanging from her hips and showing her belly-button piercing.

Glenn had only seen his ex-wife a handful of times since the divorce, the last being three years ago at their son's wedding. He immediately noticed the gray streaks through her formerly dark brunette hair and the wrinkles on her face, along with the fact that her body still looked pretty good. He cringed, however, knowing that his daughter was embarrassed by her biker slut mother.

"It's okay, Dad. I had long since warned my future in-laws about my... slightly off mother. We should be okay as long as she doesn't have sex with anybody at the reception," Annette said with a small laugh that Glenn took as more nervous than humorous.

Lucy had walked right up to Glenn at the rehearsal dinner and tried to give him a hug, but Glenn had seen her coming and was able to put his hands up and quickly grabbed both of her shoulders to stop her.

"Oh, Glenn, please don't cause trouble here," Lucy said. "I just wanted to hug my ex-husband. After all, we shared 23 years of marriage and still share two children."

"I'm not quite as glad to see you as you are to see me, Luc, but we don't need to touch... at all. Got it? By the way, who's this guy?" Glenn said.

"Uhh... this is Robbie Mayfield... my man," she answered.

Mayfield looked to be 6-3, 230 and maybe 30 years old, Glenn noted. He stuck out his hand for a handshake, which Glenn completely ignored. When he realized Glenn wasn't going to shake, he pulled his hand back and stuck it in a pocket.

"You certainly like them big and young, Lucy," Glenn said to the woman before turning to the man. "Sorry, youngster, but the last time one of you guys touched me, I wound up in the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion."

Lucy's man had apparently heard about the incident with Freddie. He smiled at Glenn's recollection, then quietly said, "I understand completely."

Glenn then introduced his wife, Marianne. Neither of her children had told their mother about Glenn's courtship and marriage to the shapely redhead, and she had a tough time trying to hide her surprise.

"N-nice to meet you," Lucy said, eying the woman up and down. "I can see why Glenn chose you."

Glenn knew the comment was supposed to be a cutdown of sorts. If Marianne knew it, she never gave any indication. Well...

"Oh, you can see my fidelity just by looking at me? That's good," she snarked at Lucy.


Lucy woke up in a leisurely stretch. She felt she had been asleep for quite some time wrapped up in warm blanket, dreaming about her husband, Glenn. Then she felt her left hip pop and stiffness reigned supreme in what was once a tight, hard body, but hadn't been quite that good in several years. The pain and stiffness brought Lucy back to full consciousness, something that she hadn't experienced in several days.

She knew the dream about Glenn was just that, a dream, because the two hadn't been married for about a dozen years now. As for anything else, she had to look around the small room several times to figure out where she was and what she had been doing in recent days.

The smell of stale sex permeated the bedding upon which she was laying, and that scent gave her as much of a clue as her vision. She slowly remembered that the room was hers... about the only thing that was hers anymore... in a rundown brothel in Reno, NV. Her last customer the previous night was a big, physical man young enough to be a grandson to the 62-year-old woman, and while his aggressiveness during their sex was welcome last night, it left the woman feeling her age this morning. The line of cocaine she had done during the evening also didn't help, she admitted to herself.

In truth, Lucy knew she had again been hitting the coke a little harder the last several days, and hadn't really been too sober as the anniversary date to her divorce approached. As she had done most years since the divorce, she was trying to dull the pain.

Lucy had been at the legal brothel for a little more than two years, since her man almost literally dropped her off during a trip the two had taken. She and Mark Roman hadn't been getting along too well at the time, and sometime after a coke-fueled evening out on the town, Lucy woke up at the brothel with two men in a bed, no clothes and a signed three-year contract to live and work at the establishment. When she sobered up and borrowed some clothes, she went to an attorney to check on the legality of the employment contract and was told that everything was above-board and legal, and unless she had a $10,000 check in her pocket to buy her way out, she had to fulfill her obligation before she could work elsewhere.

Despite her age, she was still a popular draw among the customers at the brothel, particularly among younger men. She was still a pretty good physical specimen, although her large boobs now sagged, and was still very responsive, even though she now needed lube. It was not common for customers to ask for "Super GILF" when they wanted to schedule Lucy.

Although she could have left when she had enough to buy her way out of her contract, Lucy stayed because she actually enjoyed getting paid to have sex... and, truthfully, she enjoyed being a bit of an icon in the city. She counted among her regulars the mayor, a councilman and a councilwoman.

Glenn woke up in a leisurely stretch. He felt he had been asleep for quite some time wrapped up in a warm blanket, dreaming about his wife. Then he felt her left hip push back a little against his body, which was spooned tight behind her. He gently squeezed her with his left hand. He quickly scanned the room trying to remember where he was before settling on the fact that it was Tuesday, and he and his wife were in a room near a beach in Greece as part of their 10th anniversary trip.

The breeze from the water blew through the room and he smelled his wife's perfume in her hair as he snuggled in close. He also smelled a little of her essence and the lingering scent from the previous night's lovemaking. He pushed his morning wood further into the crack of her ass. He smiled at the memory of the restaurant, the walk on the beach after and the lovemaking, something they had done every night so far on their vacation. God, this woman made him feel half of his 62 years, he thought to himself.

Jason walked into the Starbucks and scanned the room, feeling every bit the hunter looking for his prey. He was 47, handsome still with some gray streaks in his hair, and his body was still fit and strong. For a moment, he remembered back more than a decade ago when his hunt at this Starbucks yielded premium results: he had found a pretty, conservative woman who fell for his looks, charm and the allure of him being a biker. She fell for the whole package and wound up being quite the biker slut in the end, staying with him as his woman for several long years before he passed her on. Maybe, just maybe, lightning would strike twice, he thought.

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon3 days ago

I can't believe I'm agreeing with TrainerOfBimbos here, but this should have hit your computer's recycle bin.

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandler15 days ago

Fanciful but interesting as I’ve never thought about a matronly woman becoming a guest of bikers.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

I liked the arc of the 2 lead characters. And how even though the reveal meant splitsville & they went their separate ways, both went on to meaningful albeit wildly different lives.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Wow, you carried it through, pretty well, too.

Lucy is only burned (BTB) if her younger self saw her, or if she was able to see herself truly through her family's eyes. She had hated that her kids figured out that she was a biker slut, but that did not hold, as she returned to her own self-centeredness and lack of the big picture. She does not have a great life, but she is also not drastically unhappy, in fact, she is at least somewhat happy...

Good story, needs more eroticism, there are lots of encounters we could have read more about, more about the characters changing and growing in the last third of the story.

There is a novel's worth of material here, waiting, yet I enjoyed what you gave us.

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