Ex-Hubby Affair Ch. 03


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George again started to say something but Ronny continued, “You invaded my home and now get out.”

“I didn’t invade, your door was unlocked allowing people to come in and I will leave as soon as I can get up.”

Ronny raised the pipe and said he better hurry.

Suddenly both heard a pounding down the stairs. George turned his head to see Sunny run up to them. She was dressed in light brown pants with nothing on top. It was obvious what he had interrupted, no wonder Ronny was upset.

She ran in front of Ronny and said, “You bastard!”

Ronny looked at her in surprise and said, “He’s not going to steal you back.”

“You Bastard! You were going to hit him when he was down. You haven’t changed. And to say those things about him, he’s a better man then you. You, jackass, jerk... bastard... I’d call you a son of a bitch but your mother is better then that.”

She spurted for a moment then said, “You never won me back. I didn’t leave him to come to you. I came to you because I lost him. I blew it not him. You were better then nothing, or so I thought. You know he didn’t take me from you originally and I didn’t date him because he had money. ”

“I just want us to be able to be together and to love each other.”

“You lying mother fucking....ass. You just want a trophy; well I’m not going to be yours.”

“But we had something going there.”

“Bull...whatever we had its now over. You hear me. Any thing we had is gone, finish, over. We have nothing, zero, nada. Its totally OVER!”

“But we had a good thing going, look around,” he indicated the carpeting and walls with a wave, “Look what I did for you.”

“Jackass, what you did for yourself you mean, we had something when we first married but you lost it. This is to show off what you think you got from someone else. I only came here because I didn’t think I had anywhere else to go.”

She turned and started to help her husband up.

She said to him, “Come on lets get out of here.”

As they turned to leave George stopped and said “wait a minute.”

He reached down and picked up the brown bundle he had noticed earlier. He gave it to her and said, “I thought this looked familiar, you better put it on before we go outside.”

He said it in an almost toneless voice but Sunny could hear emotional pain in his voice. She winced but didn’t say anything. Just before they reached the door she stopped, made sure he could stand then donned the blouse.

She quickly buttoned it but before she they went through the door he said, ”You better go get your purse and anything else you want.”

She looked at him for a moment then said, “There’s not much in the purse: no credit cards or cell phone just some cash and my address book as well as make up.”

He said, “He might throw it out or destroy what’s in it once he gets over his shock.”

She nodded and ran back to the other side of the warehouse and up the stairs. Thirty seconds later she came back down with the purse and a couple of other items and ran back to George.

As Sunny passed Ronny who was standing there in shock she said, “And George is a way better lover then you. He really knows how to please a girl; you should take lessons from him.”

She continued running back to her husband who looked at the few items she had.

“Most of my stuff I brought here can be replaced.”

“I know, I found your stuff and your clothes. I didn’t mean for you to move out like that. I just wanted to be separated for a while, as we thought about....”

She said, “Now no more talking. We need to leave, I want to get as far away from that bastard as I can.”

She didn’t see George smile for a moment when she called her ex a bastard. There had been venom in her voice and he knew she really did see Ronny as he was now. She had to stop for moment to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“I’m sorry for hurting you I didn’t mean to--I don’t why I continued going back to him.”

He wasn’t sure what to say then so he kept quiet. She said something else and he still ignored her.

She said, “Please say something.”

“You lied to me and continued to see him. And now I find you here ready to...to... fuck him while I was away.”

Sunny winced and started to say, “It probably won’t make a difference but this was the first time we would have had sex since I moved out. I hadn’t felt like doing it but today he said he really wanted to make love to me and to make me happy instead of sad.”

A pause then, “I’m sorry. I don’t…”

“You said that already,” George interrupted sounding a little testily.

She closed her mouth and they walked the rest of the way to the car in silence. She was thinking about the expression she had seen on his face when she had come running up to him and THAT bastard. Sunny had glanced his way and saw shock and a great pain on his face as he took in how she was dressed.

They had just been driving toward home for a few minutes when George heard Sunny give a small scream. He had time to start to turn his head her way when he heard a squeal of brakes quickly followed by metal hitting metal before he felt a very powerful jerk. The lights went out as he tried to call her name.

* * * * *

He jerked back awake to find himself in a bed with three people standing around him. As awareness came to him he realized three things) The first was that those standing around him were one doctor and two nurses, second there was an I.V. bottle hanging by his bed with liquid dripping into a tube and thirdly he was in a hospital bed.

He tried to sit up but the closest nurse quickly put a hand on his chest and pushed him back.

He asked, “What happened?” but as more memories flashed through his mind he added, “a car accident?”

The doctor said, “Yes, you were involved in a bad car crash. You have internal injuries.”

Before the doctor could say anything George asked worriedly, “How’s my wife, she was in the car too.”

One of the nurses said, “We can discuss her after we discuss you.”

Alarm bells went off in George’s head; on TV they always delayed telling the patient when there was bad news.

He tried to sit up again and said, “I want to know about my wife, is she alright?”

The same nurse said, “Don’t get agitated, it’s not good for you right now.”

The doctor said, “Your wife is Okay. She came through the accident in better shape then you. Later she can come in and you can see for yourself.”

He settled back down and they explained his injuries to him and that he had been out for two days. His eyes widened at that but he kept quiet as he absorbed what they were saying. He had internal injuries that needed to heal, which meant among other things that he would be in bed and on pain medication for the next few days.

Later that day Sunny was allowed to see him. He seemed to be relieved that she was Okay. He asked how she was.

She said, “I’m not too bad. One of my ribs got bruised and I have a few other bruises, two are big. I had two cuts, one took three stitches and they put two of those butterfly closures on the other one.”

He nodded not saying anything but after a few seconds managed to apologize for not paying attention while driving.

She shook her head and said, “It wasn’t your fault. Another car came out of nowhere and hit us. There are witnesses that say it was the other guy’s fault. He may have been drunk, or too sleepy to drive…I’m not sure but it was his fault not yours.”

She paused while he said, “I still should have been paying more attention, maybe I could have turned or some such if I had seen him.”

They talked a little more but he was withdrawn even more then what the medication would account for so she stopped.

She shook her head then tried to say, “I...I am sorry...”

He looked away from her.

Sunny sighed sadly and said, “We will talk later when you’re better.”

“Maybe,” he croaked with other then physical pain in his eyes.

She stared at him for a moment, sniffed, turned and walked out.

Later that day one of the nurses who had been there when he woke came by to check on him.

She said, “Your wife must love you. I was told that even before the dust had settled after the accident she was out of the car looking for help. Evidently she had seen blood on you and had gotten no response when she asked if you were Okay. I was told she had to go around asking then, explaining that she didn’t have her cell phone and would they call emergency. She begged a couple of people to call. All the while she was bleeding from her cuts and her ribs were hurting.”

He listened but didn’t say much, the nurse went about her business and left. After a day they decided he was healing enough to send him home since his doctor believed that people healed better in familiar surroundings. A nurse was to be there to make sure everything was Okay.

The next ten days was spent in bed with him barely aware of what was happening most of the time. He was asleep or on the pain medication that essentially put him out.

One day he awoke with a start to find his brother, sister and some friends standing around his bed. As he quickly glanced around he thought he saw Sunny in the back by the door. He was alert this time and asked various questions. It turned out that Sunny had called his brother to take care of his business while George was out of it. The others had come by to make sure he was Okay. They talked for a while then George asked Sunny a question but she wasn’t in the room.

His brother said she had been there so George knew he hadn’t been hallucinating. He explained that Sunny had been there the whole time taking care of him. Bathing him and even changing his sheets and bedpan. A nurse came by during the day but Sunny was there all the time. She slept in another room, she had explained it was not to disturb George but his brother wondered if that was the only reason. George thought she might be feeling guilty but didn’t say anything to confirm or deny what his brother had suggested.

His brother went on, “you know you have some wife there. She made sure everyone in the family knew about the accident and how you were. And called me to make sure I would take care of your business when you were out of it. She even insisted that I do the Brodason account the way you wanted it done. I was going to do it the opposite of what she said. I thought you wanted it handled normally but she said you wanted it as a special account.”

George looked thoughtful then said. “She was right. I changed my mind from my first thought and decided as a new account it should be special.”

John said, “Good, and your running a nice profit this week so I must be doing something right” he said with a grin.

They all talked some more. Finally though he was getting tired and he asked where Sunny was.

No one knew and his sister went looking. She came back a moment later and said she was packing getting ready to leave. Everyone looked puzzled at that but George nodded and settled back down. His brother and the others decided they better leave but his sister thought she would stay for a moment.

As they all filed out his brother said, “Don’t tire him out too much he still needs to recover.”

“I won’t be long there’s something I need to tell him.”

He nodded then went out the door. After a minute Diane went over by the side of the bed and looked at him. He looked back wondering what she wanted.

She crossed her arms and said, “Look how far the mighty have fallen.”

He looked puzzled not knowing why she had said that and why in that tone.

“You did hear what I said about Sunny packing and leaving?”

“Yes, if she wants to she can.”

“She doesn’t want to. I saw the look on her face; she was about ready to cry but was determined not to.”

George turned away and said, “We can discuss this later, I’m tired.”

“No, we discuss it now.”

He turned back with an incredulous look on his face.

“I don’t know what has come between you two but I know she loves you and I know you love her.”

He had a look of puzzlement on his face, “You thought it was a bad idea that we get married. You were right.”

“Yes, I did but I was wrong. I know how much she loves you. I saw the way she looked at you while she was taking care of you. How gentle she was, how she made sure you were Okay all the time. John said she slept in the other room but that was only part of the time. She also slept in here, on the chair, the first few days. I heard what she did after your accident to make sure you got help even though she must have been hurting with that bruised rib. She gave no thought to her pain until you were taken care of. And John explained how she made sure your business was doing well.”

George looked at his sister with a unidentifiable look then said, “Guilt.”

“Yes, she was feeling guilty, I saw that on her face also when she was taking care of you but that doesn’t explain all her actions. She went beyond what guilt would drive her to. As I said I saw the looks she gave you.”

He started to say, “But...” when Diane interrupted, “I don’t know what she did even though I have some ideas. There are only so many things that would cause that much guilt in a wife and that much anguish in a husband. But I know what forgiveness can do. Now I believe she deserves another chance. You two love each other more then I’ve seen in a lot of marriages.”

“She lied to me and..”

Diane placed her hand on his lips to stop him.

“You missed it but our pastor had a good sermon the other day on forgiving someone seventy times seven. I know you know who taught that.”

George had a hard look on his face as he said, “He also said something about people repenting and not continuing wrong doing.”

“Yes he did. Sunny knows she did wrong. She knows what she lost, and I don’t mean all this,” she waved at the walls, “or your money I mean you. I saw the sadness and the tears she shed while she thought no one was looking but she still took care of you.”

He asked in a sarcastic tone, “You got all that from the expressions on her face?”

“Yes I did and the way she took care of you and your business. And the fact that she is planning on leaving now that you are better. She is just going to walk out that door leaving you and the car you gave her and everything else that is connected with her life with you. I promised her I would talk to you. She just looked at me in amazement. I told her she deserved another chance. On my way out she mumbled something I think had to do with that she blew her second chance.”

He expression hardened and she shook her head, saying “we are to forgive those who come to us with sorrow for what they did.

He was silent but after a few moments she said, “And after you get better you should look around the house, you and Sunny have been married for two years and this place still reeks of Marybeth.”

His head spun around to face her and he had a look that said he couldn’t believe she had just said that.

“Reeks??!!” he said in a pained voice.

She rolled her eyes upward then said, “I’m sorry, bad choice of words.”

He looked at her for a monet and they talked for a minute longer, she said she had to get going and that he did need his rest.

Just before she went through the door she turned back and said, “I really am sorry, that was a very bad choice of words on my part but this house does has too much of Marybeth in it for you being married to another woman for two years.”

Over the next few days George continued to improve. His brother would come by each day to give him a status report on his business. He watched some TV or to be more accurate he had the TV they had set up in his room on but wasn’t paying it any attention. A week went by and he decided he needed to do something. After a couple of phone calls, including one to his brother to answer a question he had the night before and to ask him to come by then to help him dress. His brother tried to talk him out of it but George told him that he was tried of being stuck in bed, he needed to get out.

Sunny had moved in with her best friend until she could get some money to get a place of her own. She had gotten her old job back so she thought it wouldn’t be that long before she could move out. Only half of the people she knew was still there and they wondered why she there again. They also noticed that she was quiet and moody almost like she was grieving.

One day she heard, “Sunny Bajarian (spelling, you spelled it Bajarian before) please come to the office” over the loudspeaker. As she got up and headed for the office Sunny wondered if she had (been?) going too slow but at the same time she didn’t care.

As she walked through the door she saw her boss sitting at his desk, she said, “You paged me?”

Before he could respond she added, “Please don’t call me Bajarian (spelling of last name) anymore, I...” before she could finish she was interrupted by a voice behind her and to one side.

“I asked him use your full name when he paged you.”

She spun around and saw George standing there by the door. He was leaning against the wall.

She stared for a second then said with a voice full of concern, “You shouldn’t be out of bed yet, you could hurt yourself.”

“I needed to find out where my wife was.”

She went over to him and put her arm around him and said, “Sit down before you fall.” she led him over to a chair in front of the desk.

“I’m no longer your wife.”

“We aren’t divorced so you are my wife. I need you to come home.”

“I’m staying with Janice, until I can get my own place.”

“I know I called her but if you don’t come home with me I will keep getting out of bed to come here until you do.”

She looked perplexed, finally she sighed and said, “Ok, but only if you get back into bed and if it’s Okay that I leave early.”

She glanced at her boss who said, “Yes, it’s Okay. Take a couple of days off if need be, you haven’t been up to your usual speed anyway.”

She said thank you then helped George to stand. Sunny helped him out of the building. Once through the door she didn’t see her boss give a little smile. He hated to lose such a good worker twice like that but if he was any good at reading people he would be greatly surprised to see her again and he hadn’t lied to her, she wasn’t up to her usual quality.

Sunny found George’s car and was relieved to find that his brother was in the driver’s seat. George was in no condition to drive; even walking into the building must have set his healing back if it hadn’t reinjured him that is.

Once home they both helped him inside but he stopped them in the living room. He sat down.

Sunny said, “You promised me you would get back into bed if I came back with you.”

“Yes I did but I didn’t say when I would get back into bed.”

She looked shocked then angry.

“We need to talk,” he said in explanation.

She opened her mouth to say they could talk in the bedroom but he spoke first, “I know what you are going to say but I want to talk here. It’s more conducive to talking than with me laying down.”

His brother said, “I think that’s my cue to leave.”

George turned to him and said, “Thank you for driving me there.”

“You’re welcome. Bye for now.”

He headed for the doorway but before he went through he turned and said, “Have a good talk, you two belong together.”

Then he was through the door. George sighed then turned back to Sunny.

“Seems like my whole family thinks we should be together, even my sister.”

Sunny looked surprised at that.

“You are still my wife and you will be until we legally divorce, if we do. As you know we Bajarians do not believe in divorce except in very rare circumstances.”

She nodded and said something he didn’t hear.

“What did you say?”

“I just said adultery...its one of those circumstances.