Ex-Hubby Affair Ch. 03


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He paused for a moment as he took a couple of deep breaths, “It wasn’t just at the beginning we fought. Two days before her death we had a big fight. One of the biggest we had in the last three years. We each said things we were sorry for later. I got loud. Our friends would have been very surprised if they had seen that fight. At one point I was shocked by what I had just said and how loud I had said it. I believe she was as shocked by what she had said. That was what stopped the fight. We both just stopped talking for a moment and that was enough to get us both to end it. We made up later that evening but I’ve wondered at times if that fight had something to do with her death.”

Sunny turned to look up at him and said, “But the doctors said her death could have happened at any time.”

“I know that is what they say but I still think that her blood pressure going up during that fight might have contributed to her death.”

They sat and thought for a few minutes Sunny didn’t know what to say. She thought the talk had been good, it was very nice to get some of those things out in th eopen and she had learned thinsgs she hadn’t known, but it was time to get back to where she was staying.

She asked, “Could your brother drive me back to my friend’s place?”

George said, “He’s gone by now, but you have enough clothes here so you don’t have to get any.”

“But I need to go back so I can have dinner and get ready for work tomorrow. I...I... we had a good talk, I learned some things I needed to know and I said things I needed to get off my chest but I don’t want to stay here, it reminds me of too much.”

He titled his head and said, “Does that mean you don’t want to live with me anymore?”

She quickly said, “I do more then anything but...”

As her voice trailed off he said, “I explained all that to say that disagreements do happen even in the best marriages. Yes, she and I had a special relationship but yours and mine is special too. You are a unique person and I needed to understand that. I love you as you are. You have shown me many things and opened a new world to me. Some of which I do wish I could have shared with Marybeth but at the same time I’m glad I share them with you.”

There was a pause as Sunny wept quietly, finally she said , “I love you so much and I ache when I think about what I put you through.”

“These ribs will heal and I will be as good as new.”

“I wasn’t talking about your physical injuries.”

“Those things will heal too.”

“But I lied to you, I’m sorry I did but I was ashamed that I was still seeing Ronny.”

“You can talk to my brother about that, he lied to me a couple of times as we grew up together but you can see that our relationship is good right now. I will get over you lying to me.”

“But I cheated on you. I knew better especially after what you did on our anniversary. I have no excuse for that.”

“That does bother me a lot but I think I can forgive you once more. You have learned your lesson. When I came to get you at your job I used your full name on purpose. You are still my wife and I want you sleep in my bed next to me.”

She moved suddenly adjusting her position and pain shot through his side.

She winced and opened her mouth to apologize. He ignored the pain and put his arm around her.

She cried some more then said, “Everything about you makes me love you more, I can’t see myself without you but I would have gone anyway.”

There was another pause and he said, “Maybe it’s time to get me back to my bed.”

She helped him up and helped him to walk back to his room, he laid down on the bed and groaned in relief.

As she walked out he said, “Two things though. First it may have sounded like I was trivializing some of what you did. I wasn’t I have forgiven you but it may be some time before I can feel like I can trust you as I once did. It will take awhile for my complete healing and some of my feelings could come to the surface now and then until the healing is complete”

She nodded understanding what he was getting at.

“The second thing is,” she looked at him expectantly and he continued, “According to the doctor I should not have any sex for the next couple of months. How long depends on how fast I heal. I can not be on top of you and you or any weight can not be on top of me. “

“I know, the doctor talked to me while you were still in the hospital he wanted to make sure that I didn’t do anything with you. He was a little surprised when I said we didn’t have to worry about that but he didn’t ask why.”

While she spoke of the doctor not worrying about that she had a sad look in her eyes. She continued after a pause, “I think he was further surprised when I said I would take care of you when the nurse wasn’t there, after what I implied about us not having sex.”

He nodded then said, “I’m afraid you will have to sleep in another room.”

As he said sleep in another room at first she sadly nodded thinking she knew why so he added, “Its better that you sleep in another room until I get better. No danger of bumping me or one of us doing something else in our sleep.”

She nodded in understanding again but this time with a smile.

Sunny helped him to undress and to put on some pajamas. He sighed as he lay on his back.

As she was leaving he said, “You can read Marybeth’s diaries if you still want to. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry the last time you admitted to reading them, and when I’m better we can redecorate the house.”

She nodded, smiled and went out.

A few days later he decided he needed to stretch his legs so he carefully got up to go for a short walk. Just up and down the hallway. Halfway down the hallway he heard a noise he hadn’t heard for a while. It was someone groaning in sexual ecstasy. A hard look came to his face for there was just one person who could be making that noise in the house. He quietly walked closer to her room but as he got closer to the door he wondered what was happening since there was only one voice moaning, he moved to the doorway and peeked in.

There was Sunny naked lying on the bed she had been using and she was groaning but she was alone. He looked closer and she had something she was pushing in and pulling out of her slit. He stood there staring for a moment before it came to him. She was using a dildo or vibrator to masturbate. He blinked being surprised, he was not sure if he liked that or not. He kept watching though and after a minute or two her groans got louder just like they did when she was close to a climax. A minute later as her hand motions increased in speed, she let out a small sound and came.

As she relaxed she said, “George please hurry up and get better I miss you in me, and I’m so horny.”

At first he thought she had seen him but from her expression and the fact that she was not facing him he realized she was talking to herself. He felt sorry for her but didn’t say anything. He did however feel aroused, he was getting a hardon from watching her. He decided to leave thinking it might embarrass her if she saw he was watching her please herself while talking to herself. As he walked away he still wasn't sure how he felt about her doing that. Obviously it was better then going to her ex-husband or any other guy for sexual release but it was still using a fake penis when he was supposed to be pleasing her. He shook his head as he walked back to his room.

Sunny was still laying on her bed thinking. She had seen him, through the corner of her eye, standing in the doorway right after her climax. She had watched him a little embarrassed from her outburst but wondering what he was thinking. Was he going to get mad at her for having a dildo? She was sure Marybeth never had one. Of course, after their talk, that last thought was probably unfair.

He had been trying not to say that and he now realized what he had been doing. He was changing and so was she. She still shook her head over what she had done. She would not blame him if he never wanted anything to do with her. But then she had noticed the look of desire on his face and she thought she saw a bulge in his PJs.

A sudden thought came to mind and she got mad at herself. He must be getting even more hornier then her, he was a guy after all plus he didn’t have any release like she had. She felt like hitting her forehead, she had been selfish again, thinking of her sexual needs but not his. She decided to do something about that. The doctor had said not love making but there was more then one way to make love to someone. One of those ways did not involve putting weight on his middle.

A few minutes later she appeared in the doorway of the master bedroom. She was wearing one of her sexiest nightgowns. When he got a good look at her he let out a subconscious groan that was half whine. She walked to him and kissed him-hard and long.

When she finally broke it he said, “You know we can’t make love,” in a tone that was partly accusing.

She grabbed hold of his bottoms and said, “There is more then one way to have sex” then started tugging at them.

Once they were off she gently climbed onto the bed and walked on her hands and knees to his middle.

He asked, “What are you doing?” obviously a bit concerned that she would climb on top of him but she grabbed hold of his soft shaft with one hand then said “as I said there is more then one way to make love and this way you won’t have to worry about stains on your sheets.” then she lowered her head to take him into her mouth. She sucked hard then licked the head.

He groaned and realizing what she was doing said, “You don’t have to do that.”

She stopped long enough to say, “I know but you need release and this way I can give it to you without any weight on you, or you using the wrong muscles.”

She went back to sucking and licking but a few licks later stopped, looked at him and said, “I love you.” another long lick then she added, “even if I haven’t always acted like it.”

She took his now hard shaft in her mouth all the way and sucked. He groaned and lay back for a minute but then lifted his head again. She looked at him wondering what he wanted but then saw he was watching her. So she started moving her mouth up and down so he could watch it go in and out of her mouth. He groaned and moaned as she fucked him with her mouth. She licked the whole thing then sucked just the head while running her hand up and down the shaft. She thought she would take it easy not doing some of the special things he liked so he wouldn’t have too big a climax. After a few minutes he groaned loud and said something about him being close. She clamped hold of the head of his shaft and sucked while sliding her closed fist up and down. He came with a shout but as he relaxed she kept her hand moving and after swallowing his cum she looked at him.

He started to say thanks but she said, “I’m not done, we had sex enough times in the last two years that I know when you’re horny enough to need two climaxes.”

She looked at his hard shaft, slid her hand up and down then said, “See you’re still hard.”

At that she lowered her head again and engulfed his shaft with her wet opening. She sucked while licking the tip of the head but she still kept her actions controlled. She still didn’t want to make him cum too hard. His body jerking and moving the way it sometimes did could hurt him.

The second time took longer then the first time but she kept at it sucking, licking and wanking him at times. He watched her for a minute three different times. When she noticed he was watching she pulled her mouth away then lowered over him again over and over. At one point he almost came as she was licking the slit on top of his shaft but his climax died back down to start building again. A minute later as she grabbed the head of his shaft with her mouth he let out a small scream and started shooting cum into her mouth. She was able to swallow it all even though it was as much as the first time. He relaxed and she very carefully climbed up beside him to cuddle. He kissed her gently and said thanks.

She laid there for a couple of moments enjoying his presence but when she almost fell asleep she forced herself awake and got up. It wouldn’t do to fall asleep and accidentally reinjure him by moving too hard against him in her sleep.

During the rest of his recovery she gave him five more double blow jobs. During the third one he wanted to do the same for her but she said no. Any position he would get in to lick her would not do him any good. At the beginning of the fifth one he again said he wanted to pleasure her.

He said, “You need release too and I am significantly better.”

She said, “no, not yet. Even though you are better your doctor hasn’t cleared you for strenuous activity or any sexual positions. It may not do you any harm but it wouldn’t do you any good right now either.”

“True but you must be horny as, um, hell. I know you have been using your little friend as you call it but I also know it just helps not completely satisfies you. But I can do something in a position that would not place extra strain on my lower body.”

“I can’t think of a position like that.”

“You can sit on my face.”

She opened her eyes wider then she said, “oh. Ur, you’re right. I hadn’t thought about that.”

“Then get undressed and get up here.”

Half way through undressing she asked, “Did you and Jennim do it this way?”

He reacted to that question by putting a stern look on his face but then looked thoughtful. He couldn’t decide how she meant that, as friendly jab or did it really bother her?

He asked, “Are you really bothered by what I did?”

“Yes and no. I like the idea that you would do that for me and I enjoy what you learned but you did have sex with another woman. I... I don’t like that but at the same time I can’t say anything about it after what I did...we can talk about it later.”

She climbed on the bed then straddled his face before lowering herself to his mouth she said, “You were right I’m very horny.”

He tried to say something but she had pushed her slit onto his mouth and it came out a mumble. He tried again louder but it sounded the same she told him to say it later she couldn’t understand him. He started licking instead. She let out a loud groan and he licked harder. He managed to suck her clit and to push his tongue in and out of her. She gasped and moaned in lovely ecstasy. He continued and faster then he expected she started climaxing. It sounded like her a good one from her moans. Before she was done he clamped his mouth over her clit and sucked hard. She moaned loudly even as the climax ended. He had done so she couldn’t get up because he planned to give her two also. He repeated what he had been doing sucking and licking with some tongue fucking. This time he reached up with one hand touching her butt. He felt around until he found the bottom of her butt. At that point he squeezed two fingers between their bodies and into her slit. He finger fucked her for a moment with her moans increasing. George next managed to push his fingers in further finding her G-spot, which he rubbed as he sucked her clit. She started bouncing in euphoria it was so good.

Sunny held her head back arching her back enjoying the feelings George was producing with his twin assault on her slit. She could feel her climax growing as he continued to suck and rub.

She began saying. “Suck me.” then “fuck my pussy with those fingers,” after a moment, “God, so good, suck harder dear husband...make me cum Ohhhh haaahhh.”

Then she was there, Her head went back and she said, “Oh, God!” then “Ahhhgggeee” as her head whipped back.

The second had been better then the first and better then her dildo. She relaxed, sat there for a moment, then carefully got off of him. She kissed him, expressing her thanks as she nibbled his lips. She wanted to lay down next to him but he still needed to be satisfied.

Sunny scooted down and took his very hard cock out of his pajamas. She looked at its sullen head and saw precum leaking out. No wonder he was so excited she thought after what he had done to and for her. She licked off the precum then engulfed the whole head with her mouth. She sucked hard. He let out a Grraanna sound at the same time his body jerked with sudden pleasure. She backed off some, thinking that more jerking would not be good for him. She continued giving him pleasure even if on a lesser scale. This time he groaned softly just before she felt the head of his shaft jerk and something wet and soft hit the back of her mouth. She was used to that so swallowed as she continued to suck. The shots of sperm filling her mouth lessened then slowed to a dribble. George relaxed but she didn’t stop. She went on to give him a second climax.

The last blow job was the same except that she sat on his face in-between the two blow jobs. Eight days after that he told her he had to go to his business for a couple of hours. She argued about it but he said he was better and he needed to go. When he came back he suddenly picked her up and started for the stairs.

She protested saying in a concerned voice, “Hey put me down, my weight is too much for you.”

“Uh, you don’t weigh that much, in fact I think you lost weight lately.”

“Maybe so but this isn’t good for your injury...put me down!”

“I lied to you, I didn’t go to my business. I went to my doctor.”


“I wanted to surprise you. I thought he was going to tell me what he did say. He told me I’m totally recovered. I can lift any weight I used to be able to lift and my body can handle someone laying on top of me.”

He said the last with a grin as he quickly started up the stairs. She put her arms around his neck with a small squeak. A quarter of the way up though he stopped and let her down. He was more out of shape then he thought but after they climbed up to the top he lifted her up again.

As he started walking again she asked, “Does that mean we can...”

George interrupted her with, “he said that I can do any movements I would want to. Dancing, or weight lifting or....”

He left the last unsaid but she smiled knowing what else he could do.

He carried her into the master bedroom and plopped her down on the bed. Before she finished bouncing he started undressing.

He said, “Are you going to undress too or am I going to have to rip your clothes off.”

Sunny stared at him watching his pants go down then his briefs. She saw his hard shaft spring up and aim at her. His long, hard, wonderful shaft.

He hurried out of his shirt then started for her with a determined look on his face, for she still hadn’t begun to undress. She saw the look on his face, made a small eep sound then rolled to the other side of the bed when he reached for her. She stood up, hurriedly undoing the buttons on her clothes. She quickly pushed down her skirt and panties and stood just in time to see him come around the bed with that hard shaft of his still aimed her way. She gasped in anticipation. George grabbed her, hugged her hard and she hugged back then humped against him feeling his cock dig into her stomach. It felt wonderful especially as she thought that at one time she figured she would never feel it again. A few seconds later she found herself falling backwards as he pushed her onto the bed. Sunny immediately sat up and grabbed his hard shaft. She engulfed it with her mouth. His body jerked from the sudden ecstasy.

“You don’t have to, (groan) do that, I’m ready as I can be.”

She stopped and said, “I just wanted to taste you and to feel you in my mouth before you get into my pussy.”

He nodded and after a long lick she scooted back on the bed. He bent down to lick her.

She said, “You don’t have to do that either I’m more then ready for a good fucking.”