Experiences at the Surgery Pt. 06

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Marion pays a visit.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/08/2017
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This is the 6th part. All characters over the age of 18.

I've rather pushed my own boundaries in this chapter. There's more bodily function fetish. I argued with myself as to whether it was absolutely necessary, but decided that to take the story where I want to it was needed. If that upsets you please go elsewhere...


As things turned out discovering the truth about my boss Dawn and her relationship with Marion, my landlady, part time mistress, and Matron of The Firs, was easier than I thought it would be.

Dawn rang me early on Monday morning to ask when we could go through the work I was meant to have re-done over the weekend. I agreed to meet her at 2pm, which gave me time to actually do it, - I'd been rather busy at the weekend, on Saturday with Marion the Matron and on Sunday with Fay my hairdresser and part time crush...

The weals on my recently caned behind were starting to heal, and the bruises were starting to go through their rainbow of colours before fading away.

When I got down to Dawn's office a little before 2pm, it was clear that there was something amiss. Her PA, Dee was not at her desk, and the door to Dawn's offfice was wide open.

I knocked gently on the door and put my head round to see what was going on.. Dee was sat in one of the chairs in front of Dawn's desk. Dawn beckoned me in and pointed at the other chair. She was on the phone, I sat down.

"Well that's absolutely no bloody good, she goes into hospital tomorrow," She said in an exasperated voice.

There was a pause whilst the other person spoke to Dawn...Idly, I studied Dee.

She was a rather prim looking woman. Probably late thirties, she dressed in a sort of homage to a maiden aunt. Dark three quarter length pleated skirt, black pantyhose, low patent pumps and high necked plain cream blouse with ruffle cuffs.

Her face, wearing slightly too much foundation and blusher was, without wishing to be unkind, rather plain. Dark eyes, heavy brows, thin lips and a rather prominent chin. She had little chest to speak of, but full hips. A classic pear shape. The only thing that showed any style, was her hair, which was short, dark, wavy and clearly had been recently beautifully cut. I pondered as to whether it was Fay's handiwork...

I fell out of my reverie as Dawn's voice raised once again, ..."Well that's ridiculous, I'll take my business elsewhere," and the phone was slammed into its cradle.

"Bloody hell!.. Agency Staff!" She shouted, her brow furrowed, and her eyes raised to the heavens.

"Right... Jane," and she paused..."Yes Jane...obvious really... yes that's what we'll do...Jane."


"Yes, Jane, glad you're here, you're just the person I want?"

"Oh...?" I had no idea what she was on about...

"You see Jane, Dee here has got to go into hospital, so I need your help." She got up from

her desk as she was speaking and made her way to the door and closed it.

"I see," I replied, actually not seeing anything at all...

Dawn returned to her desk, steepled her fingers and went on.

"Dee I'm sure you won't mind if we take Jane into our confidence here will you?"

"Well I'd rather..."

"I thought not..." Dawn interrupted and continued "so you see Jane, Dee needs this operation, and it's tomorrow. It's a rather delicate matter really,... she needs to have corrective surgery on her vagina," Dawn's matter of fact manner anything but delicate.

There was a squeak from a Dee at the mention of the word vagina and she wriggled in her chair. Dawn went on.

"It's that son she had that's to blame you see Jane. He was a breach birth and over nine pounds. He did rather a lot of damage to poor Dee's insides on his way out. I think the episiotomy helped didn't it Dee, but it just needs to be put right doesn't it?"

I looked at Dee. She was becoming distressed that the the state of her sexual organs and her difficult childbirth was being so openly discussed.

Dawn carried on, warming to her task, clearly enjoying the humiliation of her PA.

"So the operation is tomorrow at the Westgate Clinic. You probably won't know it Jane, but it's where middle aged women go to get their nips and tucks. It's got a frightfully good reputation. Dr Kahn is a wizard cunt surgeon."

The coarse language caused an even louder squeak to emerge from Dee, and unless my eyes were deceiving me she was blushing profusely.

"You see Dee's husband has become rather unfaithful. He's been, mmmm how shall I put it... yes...I think it's best to say he's been screwing their young Latvian nanny, because Dee's just too sloppy now...!"

"Dawn please... stop it, please...??" Dee's voice, quiet..., pleading...desperate...

Dawn carried on. "So they are going to tighten things up, and also fix that little bladder leak aren't they Dee? And did you agree to that work on your clitoral hood or not in the end? I've forgotten."

Dee squealed at this latest revelation. "Dawn!!'"

"Oh, so you are having it done...good...I'm sure Peter will appreciate it if works... it'll make it much easier for you to reach orgasm.."

I think my mouth probably fell open at this point. The sight of Dawn smirking and Dee sitting there, shaking with distress was completely weird. It backed up my previous belief that Dawn was a cold blooded bitch...and poor Dee... I felt so sorry for her, humiliated by her boss now, as well as by her husband...

It appeared that the Agency were not able to provide the promised Temp after all, and Dawn's idea was to second me to be her PA, whilst poor Dee had her surgery and tried to save her marriage...and that of course gave me complete access to Dawn's calendar and files...

I felt a small sense of triumph, it had all been so easy.

Outside I tried to give Dee a hug as a gesture of support but it seemed to upset her equilibrium even more, as she pulled free from me, found her bag and dashed off to the toilet...


The only thing that clouded my rather successful day that Monday was the arrival of my period. It was three days early according to my phone app and I was ill prepared. I hadn't even had the usual twinges to advise me of it's imminent arrival. I left work early so I could stop at the Pharmacy before it closed. I picked up a few bits of shopping too and went home prepared for a quiet night in.

It was just getting dark. I'd eaten, made some Camomile tea, put sweats on and was just about to settle on the sofa with a copy of a fashion magazine before taking a bath, when the door buzzer sounded.

I went to the intercom and picked up the handset.



"It's Marion Palmer. Can I come in please?"

"I was contemplating an early night. Can it not wait? I can call you in the morning.?

"No it can't. I have my own key anyway, as you know, I'm coming up." The line went dead.

The cheek of the woman. Her sheer brass neck quickened my pulse. I wanted to be rid of her, but like a moth drawn to light I couldn't, I just couldn't. I scolded myself inwardly for my weakness...

I took the chain off the door, and opened it. Moments later Matron appeared. She was in her full uniform, and she was carrying a small clipboard and a shoulder bag.

"This won't take long," she said settling herself down in the armchair at right angles to the sofa without so much as a 'by your leave.' She opened her shoulder bag and pulled out a pen and her mobile phone.

"It's time we had a review of your case Jane. I'm conscious we are late doing it. We also need to talk about your diet. Right where shall we start. Oh yes I know, lets have a look at your bottom first. I want to admire Solange's handiwork. Slip those things off will you?"

What was it with this woman? Why did I become so utterly submissive the moment she spoke?

I moved in front of her with my bottom towards her and slowly peeled my sweat pants down to my knees. My bottom, clad in pale green bikini panties, probably only a foot from her face...

"Hurry up," her voice now icy.

I lowered my panties, conscious that the small white tampon string would now be revealed between my thighs..

"Oh that's a lovely sight," Marion said approvingly, and then her fingers were caressing my bottom cheeks and cupping them gently. "Solange must be congratulated. Now stand still whilst I take some photographs Jane," and so I stood and waited whilst Marion got her phone out.

"Marion, you're not going to keep these photos are you?" I asked a small hint of pleading in my voice.

"Of course I am Jane, they must go in your file. I might even publish some of them as part of your case study in a Medical Abstract if we find anything remotely interesting about you."


"No buts Jane, now bend over and touch your toes so I can get some shots of your little openings. They're so much prettier now we've got rid of all that dreadful hair."

I did as I was told. A small yelp of excitement emerged from Marion as my anus and fig were fully revealed.

"Oh you're on your period. How lovely. Why didn't you say so earlier. Hold on let me just make a note of that. When did it start? I'm sure it wasn't due, I checked that before I came over."

"A few hours ago. It's early," I said rather timidly. Nothing could be kept from Marion...and my insides started to cramp as the humiliation started to build in this latest stage of her inquisition.

'Right, now I'll just have that tampon out then," and in seconds, firm fingers were holding my labia apart whilst others were pulling purposefully on the string.

"There, lovely," Marion said with glee, and the next thing I could see was that she was putting the heavily soiled tampon in a zipped plastic bag.

"Now let me see those panties too Jane, what other treasures are you hiding from me?"

"Er nothing Marion, nothing," I proffered, but by this point my blood was starting to run cold with fear of what she'd find next.

I kicked off my trainers and pulled the sweats and panties off my legs. My worst fears were confirmed by what I saw in doing so. The panties were quite stained in the gusset...I was so embarrassed. This wasn't meant to happen, this was meant to be a quiet night in...!!

Marion took the small bundle of pale green cotton and immediately inverted the gusset and showed it to me.

"Ooh dear Jane. Look at all this. I'd have to say that your personal hygiene has got very lax hasn't it..? I can see blood and poo in the gusset unless I'm very much mistaken... No need for a white glove test for you young lady, you're guilty already!

I'm going to be taking these panties away with me and we will have to talk about your poor hygiene when you come and see me this Friday."

"But it's not my fault, I was going to have a night in and a bath before bedtime. You arrived unannounced, I didn't have time to get ready." I protested weakly, the colour starting to rise in my cheeks.

"Nonsense girl, of course it's your fault. Who else's could it be after all? Anyway, enough of that, go and get me a large glass bowl and two large glasses of water. Oh and bring me your most expensive silk blouse."

This rather eclectic mix of requirements slightly disarmed me. It took me a few minutes to find the maroon silk blouse my mother had sent me from Thailand. I had only just recently had it dry cleaned so it was swathed in polythene.

Returning to the lounge with the requirements, I was surprised to see Marion standing by the sideboard, now just wearing a small black lace corset. Her breasts, unfettered, jutting out proudly, nipples already engorged.

Down below, in all it's glory, her hairy pussy, black with flecks of grey running riot between her thighs and up towards her navel.

"Ah there you are, what on earth took you so long? Now put all those things down on the table. Put the silk blouse on the carpet and put the bowl in middle of it."

I started to do as I was bid.

"Yes that's right and hurry up.."

"Right now pickup the water, give me one glassful and you take the other. Right now drink it all down in one go."

We stood facing each other, and slowly drained the glasses of their cool contents.

"Right good. Now let's have the rest of your clothes off, I want to look at your armpits and those rather insignificant breasts of yours."

It was true that my breasts were rather small, but my large nipples had always made up for it. This was one area where any attempt to humiliate me would have no effect. I was very comfortable with my bee sting boobs, even if Marion's mature bangers were enviable.

I pulled my sweats over my head and I unclipped the pale green bra. Marion beckoned for me to give it to her, and soon enough, the bra joined the panties in a zipped plastic bag. I was then directed to stand with my arms raised, hands clasped at the back of my head and legs apart.

Marion spent probably ten minutes photographing me from pretty much every angle.

She also inspected my armpit scrub of hair and murmured with satisfaction when she poked her nose up close. I was still not allowed to wear anti-perspirant. Her tongue gently washed each armpit in turn, and when she had drunk her fill of my sweat and pheromones, she rose up and kissed me on the lips, forcing her tongue between them.

I tasted earthy and salty, and to be honest not very nice. Marion seemed quite happy though, her lips glistening with our mixed up fluids.

I was then instructed to sit on the sofa, whilst she sat in the armchair. For the next thirty minutes we went through my diet, and what I should and should not eat. As usual with Marion, she wanted to get to know every intimate detail about my digestive tract, and particularly about my bowels... it was so humiliating. When, where, how, what, colour, smell... she was so insistent, so insistent. Gradually she dragged what she wanted out of me. I felt drained, she was just so dominant...

After a while I realised I was sitting on the sofa without any sanitary protection. I became increasingly edgy that I would leave a mark on the pale covers.

What could I do? Marion kept banging on about the benefits of pulses and beans in my diet... I tried to edge forward on the cushion. This was only partly successful as I found that it put more pressure on my bladder and I really needed to pee.

Marion knew exactly what was going on of course, and was probably quietly revelling in my latest dilemma.

"Jane, I think that will do for now on diet. I do expect you to make these changes, so I hope you have been paying attention. We will look into it in more details again on Friday at the Surgery, ok?"

I nodded, wondering whether a session at the surgery on diet, meant that Marion would be subjecting me to more enemas... I suspected it would...

"Jane, the final thing I want to do tonight is to have us service each other properly. I'm aware that on Saturday you didn't really get the full benefits of my experience. I believe you had to finish yourself off with your fingers which was not really my intention."

"That's OK," I said, my mind frantically working overtime thinking where this was all going to go next.

"On your knees in front of me, Jane." She was standing legs akimbo on my silk blouse, the glass bowl directly beneath her. I kneeled down, my knees caressed by the soft silk.


It was just one word, but that one word told me who was i charge. I leaned forwards and preferred my tongue to the hairy minge in front of me.

She was sour to taste initially. It was intentional no doubt. She'd not washed before she came, and probably not wiped herself properly either...As I increased the tempo and pressure of my tongue on her button she started to sweeten a little...I ventured a little lower.

Getting my tongue between her lower lips proved to be quite an effort, her pubes were so dense and so long. Her aroma started to fill my nostrils, my own juices started to flow too. I knew the blouse would be done for even then...this was going to be tense and torrid, it was obvious.

After a while a hand grabbed me under my chin and pulled me to my feet. As our tongues merged I felt two fingers pierce me down below, and an urgent pumping commenced in my tunnel, a thumb occasionally tweaking my clit.

I swooned with the urgency of it all. I was surprised to be so close to taking pleasure when I was expecting to be the servant to my mistress's desires. Marion was cunning though. She knew what she was doing and got my arousal up to close to its peak but never allowed me over. Her hands would fall away or one of my nipples would be tweaked. A couple of times resounding slaps landed on my bruised buttocks, causing me to yelp and pull away from our embrace. Then she forced me down on my knees again and my tongue buried itself in her wetness once more.

The first small jet of pee she released into my mouth fooled me for a second. I thought she may be squirting... both of us were now hot and wrapped up with our mutual passion. But then a hand, and then a second bore down on the top of my head and forced me into her hairy mass. A warm wet stream flowed between my lips and the smell of urine greeted my nostrils.

"Drink it all Jane please," her voice, slightly hoarse with the urgency of her need, but still firm in its intent...

So I did...and just when I could barely swallow another drop, she came on my lips, and I gobbled a sweeter nectar..

I pulled away. I was wet, and so was the blouse, the carpet and the bowl.

I looked up at Marion. She smiled, as a teacher smiled at a willing student.

"Good Jane good. You really let your inhibitions go. It was lovely. Now I want you to do one more thing for me, and then I will really reward you.

Marion knelt down on to her knees, her body on the sofa cushions. Her knees were now resting on the blouse the glass bowl between them.

"Wash me Jane. Wash me properly."

I needed no more bidding. Back down on my knees my tongue lapped straight into the pink depths under all the hair. Up an down, up and down I washed again and again. A willing submissive desperate for approval...

"Higher," came the instruction.

The tip of my tongue felt for the small rosette, my nose disappearing into the hairy crack, and the smell of earthy ordure assaulted my membranes.


I stuck to my task, the fingers of one of my hands floating down to my nubbin, the other up to Marion's.

We struck a rhthym, it was heavenly for all of its dirtiness and the bitter flavours that were all around my mouth. She was so close and so was I...

Suddenly without warning Marion cried out in ecstasy as she came again. As she did I felt her rosette blossom, and my tongue touched an emerging gift.

I panicked and pulled away.

"Catch it in your hands Jane do not drop it."

Transfixed, I watched my hands gather up the hot dark stool as she forced it out. She had shitted in my hands. This was my reward...

I sat on my knees stunned at what had happened. Marion turned round, and reached below, searching for my clitoris. She then massaged me, with tenderness but deliberate purpose.

The brown turd lay in my hands. I was unable to move.

Marion warmed up the tempo on my button and I suddenly felt the stirrings..

I'm ashamed to say I orgasmed with such huge force that my complaining bladder let go too. The hot stream soaking Marion's arms and the blouse and carpet.

We collapsed, panting and kissing at the climax of our decadence, my hands still holding their disgusting prize...


I ran to the bathroom to dispose of the awful brown mass.

I washed my hands and arms and cleaned my teeth. I felt so dirty. It was the fact that I'd enjoyed it that I was so ashamed of, I'd enjoyed every minute of my subjugation.

When I returned to the lounge, Marion was fully dressed sitting in the armchair. She was making notes in a small black note book.

She smiled at me, a thin smile of shared guilt.