Extending the MILF List Ch. 11


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"Mr. Duncan," Alissa began but the strange man wearing the mauve suite with the ascot and a pansy in his button hole interrupted her and she clamped her mouth closed like she'd been reprimanded.

"Allow me, why don't you, Mrs. Honeywell." The man's voice was smooth like syrup with a piece of popcorn in it. The popcorn was the lisp. "Mr. Duncan, I have heard so much about you." He stood and extended his hand.

I stood and shook it and felt like I'd taken hold of a piece of cow liver. His hands were as sweaty as a politician on a reality show.

"Please, sit. I know this is inconvenient but I have other obligations and Mr. Rector here insisted on settling this matter before, well, no matter, we needed to use this little smidgin of time right here. Now, since you likely don't know what is going on, Mr. Rector Travers here, insists that you are not the right person for the job. What do you think?"

"The job?" I was lost but then it clicked and this whole thing took on a completely different meaning, though I could not see how Rector Travers fit into the equation. Finally, finally I was face to face with someone who had a direct interest in the job I started out to do for Alissa, these many weeks ago.

"Yes, Mr. Duncan, the job. We, we have kept an eye on you and you have proven to be a busy little bee, haven't you?" Not really a question and I knew that. I answered anyway, just to show I was incredibly uncomfortable, which I was.

"Busy, busy." I agreed.

"Well, good, at least you are not trying to be coy. Saving us time is very nice of you, so thank you."

Unctuous. That was the word I was looking for. Unctuous, the man was unctuous.

"Mr. Rector Travers, he insists that you raped a woman in his room earlier this week. Is that correct? He says that he will not be party to a deal that has this sort of people involved, meaning Mrs. Honeywell and her firm. My employer is most distressed. First, Mr. Rector insists that Mrs. Honeywell here should be the one to have sex with him and insists that her suggestion that she only has sex with you is a farce and a lie."

I held up my hand. I have this little smidgin of the anal retentive in me and here it served me well. "Well, that is not entirely accurate. Mrs. Honeywell has sex with whoever she likes but she likes me to tell her who and when and where to have sex. I have been very willing to suggest she have sex with a variety of my friends and, perhaps a stranger or two, though I am not entirely sure about that, if that is all of her sexual resume. I do not monitor her. Our relationship is purely voluntary but emphatically not Platonic."

Rector glared at me.

The other man, whose name I still did not know, clapped the tips of his doughy hands together and giggled. "Oh, oh, oh well said! Well said. Not Platonic! I was afraid you were going to be as well-spoken as a ninety-nine cent porn movie. I fear most people think that being witty while having sex means you are not giving it proper attention. We gays, however, find that a giggling orgasm can be great fun. Don't you?"

I really did not want to agree with Mr. Unctuous about anything but I feared I should not be overly disagreeable either, in case I was right, about the meaning of "job" in this context. "Actually, I think I tend to grit my teeth when I come. That's just me, though, but I think it is to avoid bitting my tongue while in the throes of ecstasy."

Mr. Unctuous giggled delightedly and stamped his feet on the carpet. "Oh, Alissa dear, I see why you and Sid thought he was a likely candidate. He is just delicious."

"You aren't a cannibal are you? I mean, I should have fair warning right?" I spoke up, uncomfortable with his display.

I made it worse. His lips got all wet and he kept sucking air wetly between his teeth. Finally, he calmed down. Rector sat like he was carved out of wood, which makes good sense since he's such a dick.

Mr. Unctuous continued. "Mr. Duncan, I, well, I have a couple of issues I'd like you to clear up for us. Mrs. Honeywell assures me that you would never have sex with a stranger by force. Can you, can you provide me any reason to believe her? And while you are thinking about that, would you have any objection to having sex with Mrs. Honeywell for us. While we watch, I mean. Mr. Rector indicates that you threatened his wife and daughter with the treatment you gave this strange woman."

I noted immediately that he did not ask me anything about the afternoon in Rector's room. So I answered the question he did ask. "Alissa, perhaps you better call Mrs. Rossini and ask her to come down here."

Alissa's face flickered and then she looked horribly confused.

I thought for sure I had explained my gambit and its effectiveness but perhaps I didn't. I looked at Rector. "I warned you, Mister." I don't know why I said that, but I did not like that man. I did not remember precisely what I said to him but decided it was not wise to assume there was no recording of my words to the man. "This is liable to cost you."

The silence in the office amazed me but then I felt the anger coursing through my body and I understood it had leaked into my tone.

"You did threaten his family?" Mr. Unctuous asked.

I shook my head. "No. I threatened him. I am pretty sure those are two different things."

"Well, yes, but he is convinced that you are a total fraud. Who exactly is Mrs. Rossini?"

"The woman I fucked in his room. We, we had, we had a little drama worked up and it thrills her to mess with people's heads. This was a prefect storm. Her fantasy and my addressing the difficultly Mrs. Honeywell had encountered because of my, because of our sexual arrangement. I did not want to end it but neither did I wish to have a sexual conceit interfere with good and legitimate business."

"Good and legitimate, oh my, well, surely you know nothing of the details...no, of course not." Mr. Unctuous laughed then. "Call, call. I would love to hear this woman's account of the afternoon in question."

Alissa stared hard at me but finally said, "Should you be the one calling Natasha?"

A point, I thought but she didn't know the whole story. "She won't answer my call just now, since she is shacked up with her husband." I saw the light go on in Alissa's eyes.

"Shall I call then?" She asked, just to make things clear.

Alissa looked at me and when I nodded, she took out her phone and selected a contact. "Oh my, is this a bad time? Of course, well, yes, it sort of is important. Oh my, Tasha, please. No, no, please. I, well, if you would, I mean I hate to interrupt."

Mr. Unctuous looked at me and touched the tips of the fingers on one hand to his very high cheekbone and gave me an extravagant wink. I don't think he had looked at Rector Travers directly yet.

"There, yes, that's better. I am so sorry but, Natasha, I am calling for Mr. Duncan and, well, he needs you to come down to my office. Yes, now. If it isn't too much trouble? Well, yes, it is a matter of some importance. Yes. Yes, the other day. No. No, I don't think he has mentioned it really but yes, it could be very important for him. Very important. Not more than fifteen minutes, I should think. Yes, thank you and give Joey my regards and my apologies. I am sure you two can pick up where you left off."

Fuck me, I knew what that sounded like. Tasha was riding her husband. Does it make me more or less of a pervert that my cock got hard at the thought that she was getting it on with her husband? That is just confusing.

"She'll be here in twenty or thirty minutes." Alissa said. She could not help it, her eyes flicked at me over and over as though expecting some reaction from me and fearing what it might be.

"Wonderful. That means you two have time to have sex before she gets here and I won't have to change my flight plans."

"What the fuck are you talking about? We'll need to find new representation. You can't leave." Rector Travers growled.

"Oh, no, my good man, I fear all of your accusations will prove to be recommendations and your part in this deal, critical as it might seem to you to be, will be at an end. We'll have no further need of you." Mr. Unctuous gestured at the desk top. "Please, if you two would not mind. I was specifically instructed to see you two conjoined and report back. I always follow instructions and honestly, I do find watching a woman's orgasm to be enthralling! Don't you?"

"Jealous?" I shot back. "I know I am. If I could orgasm ten times in a row, I would and I'd never get anything else done. I don't know how females manage to get anything done, ever. If I had tits, I sit around and play with them between orgasms and the world could go fuck itself."

Mr. Unctuous laughed and laughed. "So right, so right!" He agreed. I haven't mentioned it but he held a cigarette holder between his fingers the whole time he was talking. It held no cigarette, he just kept the holder between his ring and middle finger. I feared while he was laughing with such animation that he was in danger of poking out his eye with it. If there was ever a demonstration of "affectation" it was this man. That is not contempt, by the way, because despite his different style, different from mine, he was clearly on my side and would not waste a gerbil on Rector Travers, no matter how deserving he seemed to be. A sentiment I more or less shared.

"So?" Mr. Unctuous asked.


"Are you going to treat me to a close up view of Mrs. Honeywell's orgasm?"

"Sheesh, you sure do know how to put the pressure on a guy. I know I can put tab A into slot B but what happens then is always an adventure." I stopped but then thought of something else I wanted to say. "Expecting a woman to perform is not fair. Hell asking a cock to perform under pressure isn't fair."

Mr. Unctuous giggled. "Don't I know it!"

"I mean, fucking on demand is a little crass, don't you think?"

"I don't mind, Sonny." Alissa said in a curiously small voice. "I mean, I, I will if you say I must."

I was looking at her when she spoke and I touched a finger to my neck and her eyes got wide.

"Oh, oh yes!" She gasped. "I, I forgot." She turned behind her desk and fished in her purse. She brought out the platinum collar and affixed it around her neck. She then sat tall in her chair, thrust her breasts out at us. She wore a white sweater with vertical ribbing on it. It folded over the rise of her breasts like frosting on a theme cake. The white offset her dark skin.

Mr. Unctuous suddenly got really still and quiet.

"Do I have to watch this?" Rector Travers muttered. He made no motion.

Mr. Unctuous patted the man's hand and Rector jerked it out from under the other man's patting hand.

"Oh, I am afraid you do. You see, if Mr. Honeywell, oh my, that was unfortunate. I mean, I mean, I may I have forgotten your name, dear boy."

"Duncan. Sonny Duncan. And you are?"

"If Mr. Duncan, thank you very much, proves capable and reliable in this regard, then I am afraid that we will send you on your way with the same sort of provision that Mr. Duncan accosted you with. I mean to say, that your daughter and your wife will be turned over to Mr. Duncan at my employer's behest and if he is able to seduce them, then he will and with our blessing and thanks because we have had other complaints that you are an inveterate shit and Mr. Duncan has finally held you to account for your hate and contempt for women. For my part, it is about time, I think but my judgment is not what matters. I am just a swish with a wish and a job to support my wishful thinking. You, sir, are about thirty minutes from losing what little access you had to my employer's good graces, access that your father's good character earned you but which you have since expended in trivial and nefarious pursuits that have cheapened his good name and revealed your spoiled character. You, I fear, are a rotten potato."

I quipped when I should maybe have kept silent. "Don't you mean a rotten apple?"

The fey man regarded me for a moment but smiled, well, unctuously. "My good fellow, that would insult us fruits." Then he smiled proudly, "because surely you know that apples are fruits. Potatoes however, are vegetables."

I felt properly chastened. Mr. Travers looked confused. I suppose the mention of food made him hungry.

He gestured at the desk top. "So? If you don't mind?" Mr. Unctuous looked at me, expectation drooling from his tight and tiny little pores.

I wasn't sure what he was about but I decided I'd follow till I encountered something sharp, or pointed. I looked at Alissa. "Are you okay with this? I mean Rictor, I hate the idea of him getting a free show. He shouldn't get a peek at you."

"Oh, my." Mr Unctuous said, "gallant and a gentleman to boot." He looked at Travers. "You should take notes, my dear. Mr. Duncan seems to have genuine respect for those he fucks, unlike the perverse disgust you use it to express. You are an enema with pants...I think I can express myself clearly now that I have met Mr. Duncan here. I see why Mrs. Honeywell would welcome him between her knees more than a few times." He looked at Alissa. "Please pardon me, Mrs. Honeywell, Mr. Duncan has outshone me in the gallant department and that rarely happens to me, with respect to the heterosexual race, that is. His question is to the point. Do you mind demonstrating your affection for young Mr. Duncan here, even though it means waving your tits in this slug's face?"

Alissa stood up. "I think it would be fitting to show him exactly what he will never have." She said, her voice sounded like a sheaf of razor blades.

Mr. Unctuous nodded and turned her head and looked down his nose at me.

I shrugged. "Well, since we have a few minutes, no sense in wasting them." I stood up and noticed that Alissa was shaking. I did not know what that meant but I focused on the cake under the frosting.

She had chosen her dress well. It hugged her body and made it appear luxurious and luscious to the eyes. Her black skin made the white sweater dress appear brilliant as though it was lit from inside. She stood at the corner of her large desk.

I measured the moment and decided a forthright approach would be best. The prospects for an orgasm made it all a gamble but to my hard cock, the little fucker has no conscience, it seemed a good first step in the right direction. I considered doing the strict authoritarian mood but I wasn't feeling it. The pussy parade back at my house furnished me a humbling perspective and reminded me that mutual arousal might be messier but in the long run, it was much more fun.

I moved around the end of the desk, lay a hand on Alissa's hip and leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. Her arms looped around my neck and the office and its odd couple of occupants disappeared. Her lips were lush, pliant, and expressive. The hand on her hip guided her around the sharp corner of the desk and into my arms. I kissed her harder and her body floated against me and then solidified.

"Oh for Christ's sake!"

"Shut the fuck up, Travers." Mr. Unctuous' voice cut the air around us. All of his smarmy manner was gone. He sounded like a drill Sargent with his foot on someone's neck.

Alissa and I separated and looked at the two men sitting at her desk.

"I am sorry, please, don't mind me or Meany Me either for that matter. If he gets out of line I'll take one out his eyes with my thumb, perhaps both, and I expect this interview will be over.

Interview? Job. I knew it!

I looked back at Alissa and, Christ, I was nervous. Oddly, the idea of the swish gouging out Travers' eyes put me at east somewhat. Still, I felt on edge.

Alissa saw it immediately, the woman had tuned her body with mine and now it appeared to my benefit. She turned her back to me and lifted up her luxurious hair. "Unzip me, please." She whispered. "I, Sonny, I don't know why but I want this. I, I need to feel you inside of me again. I long for it."

Her rich contralto invitation reached down in my pants and stroked my cock back from his depression. Despite the switching of our roles, I did as she instructed. I unzipped her dress.

Her black back appeared like a rift in reality as the white dress V'd open, showing a black bra strap. The dress zipper ended six inches above her ass. I unhooked the bra and she turned to face me. The dress ruffled over her front, disguising the ridge of her breasts. I pulled one sleeve off her arm and then the other. The front of the dress draped down. The black bra hung by the shoulder straps, captured by the swell of her breasts. I reached out to the straps and pulled them down her arms, unveiling her breasts.

I heard the intake of breath. I ignored it. I lay the bra on the desk then picked it up again and tossed it onto her office chair. She stood, topless, waiting for me, her eyes sober and focused. The dress folded over her hips, like a loosened sail. For a moment I felt the moment but then my eyes focused on her breasts and I got lost, thinking of the feel of her skin on my hands, on my lips and tongue. I remembered feeling the rough flesh of her aureoles on my tongue again and my mouth watered, making me suck to avoid drooling.

"Sonny. Sonny." Alissa whispered.

"You are so beautiful. I, I guess I am amazed that you are so willing to surrender to me, to join with me like this, even in the presence of such a shit."

"Oh my, isn't he sweet? Shut up, Rector."

This time, the interruption did not distract me. I reached out with both hands and palmed Alissa's beautiful breasts. She groaned and her eyes closed.

"I, your touch, I feel it long after you leave me. I wake up at night, feeling your hands on me, everywhere, and then your lips and I wake up, panting and longing for you again."

"Oh my!" Mr. Unctuous whispered.

I had noted he avoided handing me his name. I was in no position to take umbrage or to press the matter.

I moved my hands down her sides to her hips and found a garter belt. I sloughed her dress off her hips and it started to drop. I caught it with one hand and held it while she stepped out of it.

"Oh my god, aren't they just the sweetest? He doesn't want her dress to get dirty. That white is just darling and it would pick up any dirt like a vacuum cleaner. What a gentleman."

That did distract me for a moment but I decided to let the gay man's approval just be approval and let it encourage me. I was auditioning to find a lay down assistant for some very important person. No worries.

We lay the dress on her chair and she stood back, dressed only in black stockings, black garters and black high heels, dark over her chocolate skin. Those accoutrements blended with her so they seemed to be shadows on her body. Again, I found myself staring at her.

"Touch me, Sonny." Alissa said. "Feel how much I want you."

I was not sure what she had in mind but I moved into her arms, kissing her but dangling one hand between us, turned so I could run a finger down her shaved crotch and over the ridge of her pussy lips. Sure enough, she bubbled with the slightest pressure.

She gasped into my mouth when my finger penetrated deeper into her body. She felt my inhibition and pulled back. I was thinking about what to do next and I got indecisive, stuck on which way to fuck her, front or from the back. I thought from the back but that would mean she'd be facing Travers while I fucked her, we would, and that, that seemed wrong, so then I got confused.

"Sonny, I, I want you to take me from behind, so, so I can look this bastard in the eye while you enter me, while you mount me. I want to him to see me while I come with you."

I just nodded, took her by the shoulders and turned her to face the desk. I got behind her and realized I was still dressed. Now my confusion got really bad because not only was I dropping trows in front of Travers but in front of Mr. Unctuous.