Extending the MILF List Ch. 24


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"Yes." He said.

"Jason Northcutt!" Carol Lynn's voice glanced off him and ricocheted in my direction. I ducked but didn't thank her for the attention.

"Bitch, if you don't shut up, I'll gag you again. Leave the boy alone. Whatever will be with be, the future's not ours to see." I wanted to hum it but lost the tune. Like anyone my age has any idea who Doris Day even was or took her advice seriously.

Carol Lynn relaxed so hard her head thumped on the table with a loud bang. Jason jumped again.

"You heard him, Pet, give that cunt there a good licking. Let's see if Carol Lynn Mother knows enough to ask permission to cum for us." I'd not engaged that stricture on anyone much before but found it agreeable in a rather curious way. Pet needed no formal introduction. She lapped wetly at Carol Lynn's cunt. "Fuck, Pet, you are a noisy eater!" She twisted around to glare at me but then returned to Carol Lynn's cunt with greater gusto but no less noisy, noisier in fact.

"Oh my god!" Carol Lynn groaned. "No! Sonny! Don't!" She cried.

"I'm not but maybe a word to the wise should be sufficient."

Her head rose and she looked down the lavish vista of her naked torso at the tousled head between her legs, and her hips rose and dropped, making that head bob there. "Oh my god!" She repeated the phrase. Her hips rose again and then she bucked for real. "Oh no, Sonny, please! Don't make me!"

"Make you? I may not let you. If you don't ask permission to cum for us, we'll go to the movies and leave you here alone to think about what you have done wrong in life and hope you repent and find salvation and do better next time!"

The next sound Carol Lynn made was so sexual, so lustful, so amazing I nearly tossed Pet aside and mounted her myself. Then she spoke and I was all proud of my self-restraint and its results.

"Oh Christ, Sonny! Please, may I climax for you?"

I almost jumped into the abyss. I caught myself, but instead of giving her that permission, I looked at Jason. I arched my eyebrow.

"Up to you, Jason. Decide."

The guy shuddered, hard, but he was not cold, not even a little. "Mother." He croaked. His desert voice crackled and Carol Lynn flinched like she'd been prodded with a hot poker. Pet's tongue may have felt that way. "Mother." He said again. "Oh god, Mother cum!" He managed to get the words out.

Carol Lynn screamed.

I moved quickly around the table and cupped her head in both hands as she bucked through the cataclysm of pleasure my pet provided her. "Say it, Carol Lynn, tell us what is happening!"

She shook her head as though to shake off my hands that were holding it, keeping her from banging it on the table.

"Say it? Loud and proud, Carol Lynn!" I growled. "I'll make her stop if you don't."

"Oh god, don't stop." She fairly howled.

"Then say it!"

"Oh god, cumming!" Her tight voice lanced the cool air. Jason flinched again, same way. Her body arched up and she shimmied, ass off the table as best she could, with Pet fairly attached to her fabulous cunt.

I was impressed with Pet. She didn't let up and in moments, Carol Lynn bucked again, her body in full control...her head fought my hold on it, eyes tightly clinched. Her hips were now humping the face at her cunt...her feet cuffed as they were to her wrists, were planted firmly on the table giving Carol Lynn full leverage to pump Pet. And she did. With rapacious greed and need and desire. Over and over, until she was fairly chanting, "I am cumming" to some internal tune no one could hear but her.

I waited and watched, fully convinced at some point the woman would run down and need a blow, so to speak but she had found a rhythm. Pet had a hand at her clit and was tongue fucking her, rubbing and pinching to keep Carol Lynn bucking...from time to time Pet would be bucked out of her position and need to regain it but mostly she managed to keep contact. And Carol Lynn kept cumming.

I glanced at Jason after a while, and saw he felt none of my impatience. He stood there, the very picture of slack-jawed amazement. I gestured with a hand at the thrashing bundle of female need on the table all tangled up in her rape fantasy and her repressed incestual need as I understood, to get Jason's attention. I got it and he looked at me, eyes wide, licking his lips over and over so they shone. "Did you ever see a woman orgasm?" I almost asked "like this" but didn't want to blur his feedback.

He shook his head.

"You want to feel it, feel her cumming with your cock in her don't you?" I tried to make it sound like a real question. I succeeded because he answered, almost immediately.

"God, yes! Father told me, he said, I didn't believe him because he said that he'd arranged for me to fuck her tonight. He said that might break her spell over me and I'd realize he was offering a shining future and she was blind to it. He said fucking her, he used those words, he said fucking her might let me see clearly, even if she didn't gain any insight from it herself. He said she'd want to keep me clasped between her legs once she had me. I thought he was, I don't know, kidding I guess."

Nice to know the guy could talk, use whole sentences and had a memory and all. See? Sonny pays attention.

"I think she should beg for you to fuck her before you do, don't you?" I asked, right as Carol Lynn cavorted into a new paroxysm of pleasure. Such a hard word to say aloud, paroxysm.

"Beg? Oh, ask me to? I would be more comfortable with that, yes." Jason said, with a pretty smile. Oh, I could see potential, the bashful type that older women will love to cater to, leading him to their bed where he turns into a Scottish tiger!

I grasped Pet by the hair, moving around from Carol Lynn's head, and pulled Pet away from that pussy. Carol Lynn promptly banged her head on the table, hard. She groaned, maybe she bit her tongue.

"Carol Lynn, did you hear that? Jason won't fuck you unless you beg him to do it." For a long few moments I got no response at all from the woman. She lay almost still, panting, slurping and licking her lips. Her knees bobbed, flapping down and up like the cool calm wings of a butterfly at ease. Then all at once, it was like the spring mechanism in her body broke and her knees thumped down onto the table. "Carol Lynn?" I said into the throbbing silence.

"What?" She fairly snarled.

"Did you hear that? Are you ears working yet? I know what a good orgasm does to auditory processing."

"I heard." She said, pique condensing on her words. She didn't bother to raise her head to peer at me, if she could.

"Well? Do you want him to fuck you?" I asked, truly I didn't know what to expect. I wonder if she did.

"No." She barked. I guess she had a clear idea, clear enough.

"I can fuck you though right? I mean, you did ask for me to rape you so if you say 'no' at this juncture, it won't mean much. So you might as well ask me to mount you like you want."

"Fuck you, Sonny!" She didn't sound at all happy. It gave me pause.

"There's a strap on in the duffel." Jason muttered softly.

That raised all sorts of questions. I didn't want to get distracted though. I moved closer to Carol Lynn and ran a finger up and down her pursed and bubbling pussy. She flinched like my finger was hot...but the heat was hers.

"Oh god, Sonny!" Carol Lynn's voice warbled. Pet stood to the side and when I glanced at her dropped to her knees like she'd been popped in her glass jaw. She looked up at me with something approximating fear, as though she knew she'd transgressed. I patted her head and she rubbed her cheek against my thigh.

"Want to see me fuck her?" I said, looking down at Pet. She nodded vigorously even as Jason barked "Yes!" in the same barking tone as his barking mother. I nodded with satisfaction. "Pet. Release the cock of whores and let's see if she'll cry 'Havok' for us." Pet rolled her eyes but didn't hesitate to unlimber my cock. Exposed, I nudged her to the side and shuffled over to where Carol Lynn lay splayed and dripping. Her cunt bubbled and from time to time she'd tense up, rolling her ass up so the cunt lifted, leaving a line of her dew drawn to the table, like a lurid stalactite. Without any further ceremony, I sheathed my cock in Carol Lynn.

"Oh my god!" She warbled, and galloped into a immediate bump and hump motif which, when I immediately withdrew my affection, left her bumping and humping fresh air. I waited for her to stop but no such luck...for her. I slapped her stockinged thigh. "Oh stop begging, bitch." I growled gleefully. Her hips coasted to a stop. Only the sound of her baying panting kept the silence at bay. "Carol Lynn?"

This time she managed to raise her head and peer down between her tits at me. "What?" She snarled again.

I mounted her again, thrusting into to her fully then scampering out of the desperate depths before she could capture me and keep me for her own pleasure. All the way into her, then all the way out. My cock dripped. The woman was nearly gushing without my tapping her potential.

"Good Christ, Sonny! Don't. Stop. That...that is making me..." She tottered to a stop.

I thrust into her again but then lingered in her sweet, tight depths. "Mrs. Northcutt, ask your son to fuck you." I said evenly as I could, then ripped my cock out of her, like it was an arrow to the liver.

Carol Lynn squeaked then, her hips bobbing, nearly standing up on her restrained heels to make it so. I turned and gestured to Pet.

"Lick." I said...she'd been sitting on her heels, hands behind her head quivering like a pointer on point. Her eagerness did not suffuse her licking. She was careful, tender and thorough and in short order I was all cock clean again. Back into Carol Lynn.

She screamed this time and bucked at me before I could vacate the premises. Her ass danced for a us once I was clear of her...and she moaned in that lovely panting manner that tells the tale of tail for a female in heat.

"Lick." I said again and once more Pet did her duty to cock and country. I did notice that Carol Lynn was licking her lips frantically. "Mrs. Northcutt, if you ask, I am reasonably sure that Jason will fuck you properly. Otherwise we will see how long I can go without cumming and when I cum, we will leave you this way. You can keep the cuffs." I am so generous. We'd considered using the house cuffs when we arranged her but then kept mine.

"Oh no, please, Sonny, not like this." Carol Lynn whimpered then. I had to break her.

"Well, if you don't do as I ask, I have little choice but to leave you and Jason to work out what happens next without me." I confess, the shudder that wracked the woman then gave me a warm fuzzy, that overlaid the licking feeling of Pet's tongue on my cock. She never once let her lips touch my cock.

Carol Lynn moaned then, her ass rising and falling still, like it had a mind of its own or more likely her mind had disowned it entirely. She got another stab from my cock. This time, however, once I was buried deep inside her, she went still. I was puzzled for a moment and a bit miffed until I remembered how Mr. Blue had attended her. It amazed me that she proved such a quick learner.

I steeped in her cunt for a moment until she clinched it around me. I went quiescent then unable to move, suffused with the pleasure of her hungry cunt gnawing at me.

"Please, Sonny, don't move. Let me cum!" Carol Lynn's voice wavered softly in the turgid air.

I gripped her by the hips past her ankles, and wrenched my captured cock free. I didn't know how much more of this I could take...she was proving unhappily stubborn.

"Oh god, please, no! Sonny! Please!" Carol Lynn's voice was rabid with anguish.

I glanced at the not-yet-licking Pet and saw a look of piteous pity on her face just before her eyes focused on my slurried cock. Clean once more, I executed Carlo Lynn with another deep thrust of my sword. Her she sheath clamped down on me so hard I thought sure I could never leave.

"Oh please, let me cum!" Carol Lynn screamed.

I looked at Jason. He lifted his eyes from the lurid form of his mother spread on the table.

He grinned.

"Ask me to fuck you, Mother..." he spoke with slurred but slow words, "...and I'll let you cum."

Carol Lynn bucked then, hard, grinding herself onto my cock. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" She cried then flinched, bucked hard, then tensed up, keening.

I claim superhuman ability in yanking my cock free of her. Her body shook for a moment then her ass dropped again.

I looked at Jason. "I think she orgasmed."

He nodded. "What should we do about that?" Nothing timid in him remained.

I gestured at her cunt. "Have you ever eaten pussy?" I asked as casually as I could with my cock being licked as he was.

He nodded, then shook his head. "What I did hardly counts."

I liked his honesty. "Well, there is a cunt that surely needs another licking. Let's see how she feels about asking to be fucked."

His eyes clouded. "What...um...what if I don't do it right?"

I grinned. "Practice makes perfect." I patted the air as Pet withdrew from my now clean cock. "I imagine you'll get more practice...but do your best and let's see if Mother Northcutt finds it in her heart to invite your cock into her cunt."

Carol Lynn groaned then, a deep thrumming. I had an idea. I gestured towards the frog-tied woman's cunt framed by the garter straps. Jason moved around towards her. Her thrumming moan got louder. I grasped Pet by the hair and crossed in front of Jason to that side of the table. Carol Lynn turned her head to stare at us, or maybe it was just at my bare cock...I shuffled which made it easier for Pet to keep up with me. We then watched Jason touch his mother's cunt for the first time.

"Oh fucking hell!" Carol Lynn screamed as his finger delicately flicked at her dripping labial folds.

"Just use your tongue and run it from bottom to top, ending at her little clit nubbin." I said softly. "Just a lick, so you get a taste of her."

He leaned over and did that.

Carol Lynn screamed. All semblance of control scattered like birds before buckshot. Her hips bucked terrifically. I reached over and pinched her left nipple, pulling on her. Hard. She whimpered, not screaming, which fascinated me.

"Say it, Carol Lynn." I growled.

"Oh no!" She keened, trilling the tone out until I released her nipple. I gestured at Jason.

"Lick her again." I muttered.

He nodded. He did. He then straightened and looked at me. "My goodness, she tastes good!" He pressed his lips to her cunt without further direction.

Carol Lynn only managed some babbling garbledeegook. I unzipped my half boots and heeled them off then removed my pants. I gestured to Pet.

"Up." I said and she rose and bent her body onto the table beside Carol Lynn. Carol Lynn turned her head to watch us.

"He's...he's...he's eating me!" She gabbled. "Oh my god, my son is licking my cunt!" She hiccuped then. "Oh my fucking god, his tongue is inside my cunt!" Her voice scraped at the ceiling and I swear the lights flickered.

I moved behind Pet and mounted her. She keened but without the rawness that possessed Carol Lynn. Hers was a tender purr that matched the velvet delight of her very wet cunt. I slide into her fully and went still. Pet, for her part, was on her elbows on the table and when I was securely planted in her cunt, she stretched her torso out like it was an accordion and kissed Carol Lynn on the lips. Carol Lynn moaned and kissed her back.

"Oh fuck!" Jason said through gritted teeth, having lifted his head from his mother's dripping cunt to watch his mother kiss Pet, ravenously and with real passion. He looked over at me then dived back into the business at hand. Carol Lynn shook her head, sending Pet away. I began to slowly pump Pet full of cock, in and out. Pet purred, then hissed as I drew back too far then purred once more as I slide back into her.

"You want fucked, Carol Lynn?" I asked, gritting my own teeth now.

She nodded, eyes wild. "He's eating me!" She said unnecessarily.

I nodded. "You want to feel his cock in your cunt?" She nodded then, finally. "Say it." She shook her head but then, clinched her eyes closed. "Oh god, I need to cum again...let me and, and, and I'll say it! Let me cum with his tongue in my cunt, oh god Sonny, please!"

I cocked my head, rooting my cock in Pet and going still. She twisted to stare meaningfully at me but then twisted back and lay still, though she did begin to clinch and unclinch her cunt on me which was brattish and wonderful. I did like this new thing, the begging pleading desire to cum at my behest. I felt the impact of it then. I nodded.

"Yes, okay, cum for us, Carol Lynn, but do announce it!" She was Johnny on the spot.

"I am cumming!" She screamed, her voice so raw it made my throat hurt. Her ass raised, lifting the licking son between her thighs as she did so. For perilous long moments she was suspended, arched between her constrained legs, then she bucked once, screamed, "Oh god yes, cumming!" and the her ass dropped to the table. Her thighs boxed his ears as the slammed closed but then flopped wide once more. She lay there panting. "Oh please no more...no more."

Jason lifted his head and looked at me, abeam with pride as was proper. I nodded approval at him and he grinned but had to lick his mother's cunt sauce from his lips. I was about to press my suit against Carol Lynn but she voiced my demand.

"Jason, honey, your mother wants your cock. I want your cock. I want you to fuck me and cream me and make me cum with your cock!"

Jason was inside her so fast I missed how he got his pants off. He thrust into her with his shirt still on but bare from there down. Carol Lynn screamed. He fucked her to a gallop immediately and she humped at him but her exertions left her far in arrears of his energy. He thrashed her and she took it, whimpering and hissing as his cock sliced in and out of her with his mindless abandon.

"Oh god, cumming again!" Carol Lynn cried. Her body seemed to be jolted with a dozen different instructions from her sizzled mind. She flopped and shook and quaked. Her arms twitched and her legs strained and her ass ground at her son's body fucking his cock into her spurting cunt.

"God, she's peeing!" Jason said, drawing back, aghast.

"Oh no, no honey! I am squirting for you...my cunt loves you, honey don't take away your lovely cock. Fuck Mother with it, fuck me!"

He looked askance at me. I arched an eyebrow at him.

"If there was ever a time to obey your mother, now is it." I said letting my approving amusement riddle my tone. Jason, to his credit, rammed his mother with his cock then. They slapped together and he remained there, grinding against her cunt and ass. She yelped and bucked.

"Oh Jason, darling, your mother is cumming...again!" And she arched again, holding it even as he humped her.

"Me too." He panted.

I withdrew out of Pet's cunt and dressed, not hurriedly but steadily. My work was done here. Pet looked at me darkly until I moved to the door and donned my coat. She walked with me out-side.

Pet cuddled up to me then, looking at me with a mixed visage of reproach and something else I called admiration. Her body coated me, slinking along beside me. We were nearly to the street down the drive when the door flew open and Jason dashed towards us, wearing only shirt and shoes, and the signs of his recent service.

"Sonny! Mr. Duncan, how do you remove the cuffs?" That foretold the rest of their evening. We returned to the table and I removed them and took them and my pitiable gag compared to theirs with us. When we left, they were standing in the kitchen kissing like reunited lovers.

Pet and I were silent until I got the car started. She sat like a human beside me while we waited for the car to warm so the heater would do its thing. She stared straight ahead for the longest time. Finally she turned her head to look at me.