Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01A


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She knew she was a sight to see. Topless, her body dripping with water, wearing nothing but a pair of bikini bottoms wedged into the crack of her ass and between her legs. The only thing being covered on her body was her small patch of pubic hair as the bikini bottom snaked between her legs, into her crack, and up into the crack of her ass.

And her efforts were not without effect, she was pleased to note. It was as if she had blown one of those air horns at a hockey game, as every man's attention immediately turning towards her.

Several whistled, some clapped and cheered, but Suzanne did not even bother acknowledging them.

Instead of going to their lounge chairs for a beach towel, Suzanne turned towards her husband, who was gawking at her happily. Without any concern towards her state of undress, Suzanne walked over to him and bent down from the waist, giving everybody a view of not only her breasts hanging freely beneath her, but of her ass.

Giving David a chaste kiss on the cheek, she took her husband's drink and stood up, downing it in one gulp.

It was only after she finished her drink that she turned and, acting as nonchalant as Cheryl did while taking her time, sashayed to their things.

Henry was there, smiling like a juvenile who had just discovered a woman's anatomy, and Suzanne smiled back. He was holding her bikini top, which he had apparently tied back together, so with a shrug, Suzanne pulled it over her head, much to the groans and boo's coming from the male audience.

The top was tighter, due to Henry tying it together to repair it, so Suzanne spent some effort stuffing her boobs into the top, much to the delight of the on looking crowd. But Suzanne cared less, letting anybody who wanted to, continue watching her until she finally had it on.

Looking down, she saw her breasts depravedly bulging around the tight top on all sides, but seeing the men's eyes still focused upon her and not on Cheryl Price, she simply shrugged, and turned and walked back to the partygoers, a loud applause accompanying her.

Looking over to where Cheryl Price had been, Suzanne smiled as she observed the woman was gone, having stomped off in anger.

Even though everybody at the party had seen her virtually naked, Suzanne could not help but reach behind and pull her suit out of her ass, surprised nobody complained about her wardrobe adjustment. Looking around, she saw they had probably not even noticed, every pair of male eyes upon her chest.

Turning around, she saw Henry grinning at her as he said, "So was it worth it?" he asked.

Suzanne smiled, nodding her head as she answered "Definitely," to her and Henry's laughter.

She was even more pleased when Henry told her Cheryl had stomped away and out the gate, probably heading home.

Then their attention was drawn to the pool, where Neal and Angeline—along with her husband—were calling everybody together. Turning towards the gathering crowd, Suzanne could not help but smile as she felt Henry's hand wrap around her waist, a small thrill running through her as his hand slid down and burrowed beneath the back of her bikini, hooking his thumb around the waistband as his palm and fingers rested upon her bare flesh.

She could not believe how radically things had changed in the mere span of a day. She had gone from a shy, typically conservatively dressed housewife to deliberately exposing over ninety-plus percent of her bare body, allowing her neighbors to feel her up, and even worse, masturbating in front of several of them. Hell, Henry had practically had sex with her, were it not for the material of their bathing suits.

And now she actually felt excited at him holding her, his hand a familiar addition upon her ass as his bare chested body pressed against her side.

The practical side of her was also glad of the support of Henry's body, as the alcohol she had drank all day had finally caught up with her physiology, her steps slightly off as Henry guided her to the main throng.

"May I have your attention?" Angeline was yelling over the megaphone.

After the crowd quieted down, she continued, saying, "We have tallied up the pot of winnings, and this year we hit an all-time high for donations, bringing in almost four thousand dollars!"

Suzanne could not believe her ears. She and David had contributed only twenty-five dollars to the pot this year, as their financial status could not afford more, but as she looked around at the fifty or more people around her, it was obvious many had donated a lot more. Even more profound, she knew her and Henry had won, and with Henry's promise to give her his share, that meant her and David would earn close to two thousand dollars to help pay bills.

She was ecstatic.

As the crowd slowly settled down from their applause, Suzanne's attention was drawn away from them, feeling Henry's hand slowly sliding further beneath her bikini bottoms until his entire palm was cupping her ass.

But after all that had happened today, Suzanne was too thankful for the money they would be earning. So she did not say anything, instead purposefully leaned into Henry's arm, turning her attention back to Angeline as the winners were announced.

In third place were John and Ashley Wall, the couple coming up and claiming their winnings—a little over four hundred dollars—bowing before the applause of the crowd.

Next, in second place, were James and Cheryl Price, and Suzanne once again felt an evil-spirited glee at noting James was alone to claim their prize, which amounted to a little over a thousand dollars. James apologized for his wife having to go home early, saying she had some business to attend, but his eyes stayed glued to Suzanne the entire time.

The dark man's gaze was almost a physical sensation upon her skin, and she felt her heart flutter at the lewd and carnal images that suddenly popped into her head, but then she and Henry's names were announced.

"Even if they had not won first place, I think everybody should give a round of applause for Suzanne's extraordinary attendance this year," Neal said, to many cheers and whistles, as her and Henry stepped forward.

Suzanne was very aware of Henry's hand still down her bikini and upon her ass, but for once she felt more thrill and excitement than shame. In part, much of her excitement was actually focused upon the money, knowing how much it would help them and that these were extraordinary circumstances. She could live with a little shame.

So she stood proudly in front of everybody, with her elderly neighbor's hand upon her ass, her tits bulging out of her tight top, completely on display. Instead of embarrassment or humiliation, she felt a thrill course through her, looking around and seeing the admiring stares of all the men around them—particularly her husband's, and in almost a blink of an eye Suzanne's body was filled with lust.

What was happening to her, she wondered briefly? Her sister Jen was the exhibitionist, not her—yet she could not deny the feeling of wanton desire as the crowd applauded, several requests shouted out to once again show off her tits.

And then her eyes met the piercing gaze of James Price.

It was as if somebody had turned a faucet on between her legs. The large black man's stare left no doubt in Suzanne's mind if given the chance, he would have her bent over the closest thing he could find and be fucking her senseless. And although fear coursed through her, she immediately felt her crotch flood from desire and anticipation, her body's response overwhelming her as she became glad for the patterned metallic orange suit, which hid the wetness of her body's response.

She was actually thankful when her gaze was broken by the Meyers handing her and Henry a large pile of cash—their winnings.

She was even more surprised when Henry handed her his stack of cash, telling her, "A deal is a deal," he said to her with a wink and a playful squeeze of her ass.

David rolled his wheelchair over to congratulate them, followed by half the party attendees who were not yet leaving, and soon they were surrounded by people congratulating them on their win.

Suzanne stood and watched as the men shook not only Henry's, but also and David's hands, telling him how well she had done, as if she were not even there—or worse, that she was a commodity owned by David and he was the one to thank. Her mind drifted back to her earlier thoughts and the mental male games she had observed being played throughout the day. She realized this was again one of those situations, her belonging to David.

Her thoughts were reinforced at the happy beaming face of her husband when he looked over at her.

But once Henry and David were congratulated, Suzanne was surprised when everybody's attention turned to her. Immediately she regretted feeling 'left out' of the laudations. For Suzanne, a handshake was apparently not enough as each man proceeded to give her hug after hug, the physical contact almost overwhelming to her already overstimulated aroused body.

Each man embraced her in her skimpy bikini, their own partially bare bodies enveloped her in hugs, the tactile skin-on-skin sensation upon her body fueling her desire to even higher levels as their hands touched her bare skin, her breasts pressing tightly against each of their bodies.

Looking to her side, Suzanne saw David openly smiling as the men literally lined up to hug her, looking like the proverbial kid in a candy store. Not for the first time she was amazed her very own husband did not mind the attention she was getting with her body. Although psychologically it made sense to her, being all primitive male ego bullshit stuff, she thought to herself, she would have expected some sort of jealous response.

Raimon Aponte was one of the first men to come up to her and embrace her.

"Congratulations Suzanne," he told her as he pulled her into a firm embrace. "You've shown qualities I never realize existed," he told her, leering at her breasts.

Suzanne had no doubts he was referring to her topless display, having been caught up in her little war with Cheryl, as she thanked him, the man's arms wrapping around her.

Her eyes then opened wide in surprise as Raimon's hand slid down her bare back, his hand cupping her left ass cheek in a firm grip.

Normally, and as early as that very morning, Suzanne would have let out a surprised squeal, jumping away and chastising the man for his forwardness. But now, after the day's events where her body had been groped, prodded, and exposed to practically the entire neighborhood, she said nothing and simply stood there, letting the man do as he pleased.

Truth be told, if she had to think about it and explore the dark recesses of her mind, she actually welcomed his touch, the flush of heat rushing through her body a familiar sensation, her pulse racing as she once again realized she was aroused from another man's touch.

Glancing at David, her husband and the man she had vowed to remain faithful to for the rest of their lives, Suzanne saw him openly smiling as Raimon squeezed her ass once more before finally pulling away. Catching her eye, David smiled at her, giving a knowing look that caused her to catch her breath, her nipples becoming pebbled metal rivets as she realized he actually approved of the other men touching her.

David's silence at Raimon's forwardness was apparently the 'green light' everybody needed to become bolder. Suzanne had little to know say as she simply stood there as embrace after embrace of each man involved touching her ass and body as they hugged her.

To Suzanne's consternation, her body welcomed and enjoyed the advances of the men, the fire of her lust fueled by the attention she was getting. Furthering her shame was the physical manifestations of her desire, the men no doubt feeling her hardened breasts and nipples pressing against their bare chests through the thin material of her suit. In the hot summer day, there was little hiding her body's reaction as she was passed around from one man to another, her husband watching the men's not-so-subtle gropes of her body with evident approval.

Finally the last man had 'congratulated' her, the crowd dispersing and leaving her, David, and Henry alone.

Suzanne had never felt so horny in her life.

Once again her suit was wedged into the crack of her ass, this time due to all the manipulations of her ass cheeks having been squeezed, squished, and contorted.

And at this point she was too aroused to even care.

She needed a sexual release, and with sudden horror realized with David's cast on for the next few months, there would be little to no relief other than settling things herself—planning on a long and hopefully fulfilling shower once they got home.

Making matters worse on top of the aching desire coursing through her, she had to pee, the day's numerous drinks finally taking their toll. Even though they were about to leave, Suzanne knew she needed to relieve her bladder before they left.

Handing the stack of money they had won to David, she told him she needed to hit the ladies' room before heading home. Now that the games were over, the party would be turning into a drunk-fest, and after the day she had, Suzanne needed to go home and calm down. Also, she did not want to be around a group of drunken horny men in nothing but a bikini.

Seeing David's disappointment, she understood he wanted to stay—undoubtedly due to the same reason she wanted to leave, in the hopes she would slink off with one—or maybe several—of the guys remaining; however, at this point all she wanted was to go home. She may be horny, and she may have allowed her body to be used like a plaything being passed around from man to man, but there were some things she would not do, and actually having sex against her marriage vows was at the top of the list.


As she sat in the bar, Suzanne almost choked on her drink at her previous morals and unbeknownst to her, hypocrisy.

She had lost count on the number of glasses of wine she had drank, the bartender routinely refilling her chilled white wine whenever she was low.

Recalling her thoughts from a year ago, she could not believe how much had changed. Yet the proof was looking across from her in the mirror. Here she was, dressed in one of the most revealing dresses she had ever worn, waiting for some stranger to arrive whom would spend the next several hours fucking her, using her married body to their lascivious contentment.

And to Suzanne's drunken shame, she was beginning to look forward to it! It disturbed her deeply. Although she had resolved her circumstances as an attempt at saving their house, to stop the foreclosure upon her bank, it was another thing entirely to yearn for it.

To her own shamelessness, she had grudgingly discovered enjoying being used by a stranger, of him making her submit to his lewd desires. It was almost enlightening, shedding the constraints of being a strong, twenty-first century woman, submitting to men who wanted only one thing—to fuck her.

She still loved David, and she cherished the time they spent together; however, she felt like she could never let down her guard completely with her husband. When she was with someone she was close to, to somebody she wanted to have a relationship with and not look at her negatively, she felt almost caged in. But with other men, only one thing was expected of her, her complete compliance and submission. It was not like what she read in any type of S&M relationship, it was merely a chance to let go of her inhibitions, to simply live for the moment without holding back; something she could never feel comfortable with David out of fear of what he may think of her.

Taking a sip of her drink, she remembered back to the end of the party, the first moment where she began to consider such needs...


Suzanne was fully cognizant that not only Henry and David, but the rest of the party, were watching her intently as she turned and walked towards the house, her ass still partially exposed from the men's touch upon her.

Within the house, Suzanne saw there were quite a few people—mostly the wives of those outside—inside the house, coming in for quieter conversation. Most of the men were in the back yard where they could drink and be loud.

Unfortunately, it also mean the bathroom had a long line, which unfortunately Suzanne could not wait for, her bladder needing almost immediate release. But this was not the first time she had visited the Meyers' house, knowing there was a rarely-used half-bathroom in their basement.

So avoiding the main crowd of people, she slipped through the basement door.

Very few people used this bathroom, or even entered the basement, considering it to be more of a laundry room and storage area and not wanting to impede on the Meyers' privacy; however, Suzanne's urgency could not.

Coming down the stairs, she waited a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting—the only illumination coming from outside through the small hopper windows. Knowing the Meyers kept the lights off to discourage people from hanging out in the basement, she kept them off, slowly making her way through the darkened basement to the bathroom.

As the bathroom was enclosed, she was able to turn on the light, knowing nobody would see it from outside, and she sighed with almost a sexual release as she relieved the pressure of her bladder.

When done, Suzanne looked at herself in the mirror, taken aback at her appearance. It was almost obscene how her breasts were squeezed into the tight top, the excess spilling out of all sides of her bikini. Henry had tied the ripped pieces back together, leaving the previous ties. As such, the top was almost two sizes smaller, leaving little to the imagination.

But since they were leaving, she did not waste the time taking the top off, retying, and putting it back on. Besides, the damage had already been done. Now she simply wanted to spend some quiet time in the shower with her pulsating showerhead.

Opening the bathroom door and turning off the lights, she stumbled into the laundry area, blinded from the loss of light, her eyes not yet adjusted to the darkness.

Suddenly a voice came out right beside her, causing her to gasp in shock.

"You realize you have made the next several days unbearable for me," the deep voice of James Price said next to her, the dark man blending in with the shadows and almost invisible to her unadjusted eyes.

"What?" she asked, both in surprise and confusion at his statement.

She gasped as her hands were abruptly grasped and raised over her head, her body pushed backwards as she felt the cold unfinished drywall against her bare back. But the shock of the cool plaster was forgotten as James' body pressed against her the front, effectively pinning her to the wall.

Instead of fright, unbidden came the arousal she had felt earlier come back tenfold.

"I said, you pissing off Cheryl like you did earlier will make her unbearable to live with for the next few days," he told her, his voice hot against her ear. "I just want you to know you are going to be the cause of some intense," he paused, suddenly grinding his crotch against stomach as he continued, "frustration between me and my wife," he whispered.

At first Suzanne thought James had brought a flashlight into the basement, feeling the firm, tube-like pressure running up her stomach; however, her eyes widened as she realized the firmness was caused by something even more unbelievable—James' manhood!

Holy shit, she thought, can that even be real?

James was over six feet tall, towering over Suzanne's small five-foot frame, and as such, his pelvis rested against her stomach, and she could not believe the long firm tube-like thing pressing almost up to her chest was what she thought it was. She had heard black men were endowed, but this defied her own sense of reality.