Falling in Love Again Pt. 02


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The comment was a bit of a conversation stopper, so Chris handed over the contract, and waited until it had been carefully perused.

The tall young man smiled. "Looks ... incredible. Sorry. I should be thanking you. The weekend was dead in the water, till this. I can't believe it. Where do I sign?"

They both jotted their name on the piece of paper and stood up, smiling.

"OK ... er ... Ryan," said Chris, reading the name on the contract, "Kay and I'll see you later. Nine-thirty, the Gladstone Room. Wonder why they name the rooms after Prime-ministers? Anyway, let's hope Mr Gladstone's looking down on us later - he'll probably enjoy it."

They shook hands again, and wandered inside, splitting up as they went to their respective rooms. Chris checked his watch - more than an hour until they met Carol and Jason - time for Kay to get ready and a slow walk to the pub where they were meeting for lunch.

He entered the room to find Kay gyrating in a thong, corset and nipple tassels. She stopped as he entered and turned off the music. "Hey. All OK?"

He looked her up and down, a grin splitting his face as he looked her up and down. "Oh, Yeah. You look amazing."

She grinned wantonly and shook her breasts at him. "Like 'em?" She nodded at her curvy boobs, topped with black, sequined hearts and slivers of black tinsel, she swung them round, causing the dangling slivers to swirl in circles. "I put them in in case you wanted to do some pics with them - but seems like a good chance to use them."

Chris assured her that she looked amazing, then showed her the contract. She kissed him, and the first signs of apprehension appeared.

"If it's too much, you can always back out. I wrote that into the contract. They're not paying, so they're OK with that."

"Oh no, it's not that. I'm just worried that my dancing isn't good enough and ... well ... I'm ten years older than most of them. What if they don't think I'm attractive?"

Chris laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. Once you start waving your tits and arse at them, they won't care. You'll be amazing - and as for the last bit - well - I can guarantee they'll go with a massive learning experience."

"And how about you? You've seen me with a woman, but how're you going to feel about five blokes?"

"I don't know," replied Chris, honestly, "right now, I'm massively turned on, but the realities always different. Whatever happens, it was my idea, so I'll just have to put up and shut up. I've always thought I'd like to try most things once, and if I don't like it, I won't do it again."

"Again?" Kay smirked. "Thinking of setting me up as a full time stripper?"

He laughed. "Nah. But if it's good - never know. Might be other times crop up - family parties, work dos, that sort of thing."

They both laughed, agreeing that those might be inappropriate, but maybe - just maybe - there might be a set of circumstances some time for a repeat performance.

They stood up, realising time was moving on, and Kay dressed rapidly in a white bikini, shorts and vest top, before tying her hair back. Very soon, they were walking up the sea front to meet their new friends, Jason and Carol.

They arrived five minutes early, and were sitting nursing pints when Carol appeared through the door, followed by Jason. They ate lunch together, and spent time getting to know each other. Jason, it turned out, ran his own business, restoring antique furniture, in which Carol assisted with book-keeping and general admin. She had, she explained, been building a career as an actor prior to an accident during a performance, which had left her unable to walk. She had received substantial compensation when the theatre was found to have been negligent, leaving them adequately provided for.

After lunch, Jason suggested that they could either drive to one of the local stately homes, or just have a walk up the seafront to an area of beach which they had visited several times. Kay jumped in quickly. "Beach. In this weather, definitely beach."

This agreed, they set off. Jason and Carol took turns propelling the wheelchair, refusing Chris' and Kay's offers of help. They were, Jason explained, very used to it. He flexed his arm, showing well-developed muscle as a result - then Carol did the same thing - also impressive. Both also admitted they had a home gym which they used on a daily basis, partly because Carol was desperate not to gain weight as a result of her lack of mobility.

They strolled along the road, sand being a problem for the wheelchair, and after more than an hour, finally headed down to the beach. The road had, in fact, turned away from the beach almost as soon as they left town, and they followed a well-trodden, if rough, footpath.

"The good thing is," announced Jason, "it's much less crowded. Some people walk up here, but not the families with kids. Much more pleasant."

Eventually, the path ran out, and they found themselves on the soft, flowing sand of the dunes, with tall, coarse grass around them.

"Of course, there's sometimes youngsters in the dunes, hiding away for a quickie. We once found a couple who were ..."

"Jason!" Carol exclaimed sharply. "Maybe Kay and Chris don't want to hear about that."

Kay and Chris giggled. "Oh, believe me, we're very open-minded. You certainly won't offend us."

"Well," Jason went on, "this couple were ... shagging, surrounded by four or five guys taking photos and another making a video. Didn't bat an eyelid when we went past."

Kay covered her mouth with her hand, hiding her smile. "What did you do?"

"Actually," Jason mumbled, rather abashed, "Carol got her camera out and joined them. You know she loves photography, and she doesn't have much chance to work with models, so ... well ... let's say we're open-minded too."

It felt as if a barrier had been removed. The conversation did not automatically turn to sex, as there is a difference between being open-minded and being obsessed, but there was a fresh freedom and flow as Carol moved out of her wheelchair, which folded up for carrying, and produced a pair of crutches to cope with the rest of their hike.

As they emerged from the dunes, there was an expanse of beach, populated by couples and groups of people. Many were lying back, sunbathing, while others played ball games or swam in the sea. Kay and Chris had half expected a nudist beach, and were a little relieved (and maybe a little disappointed) that it was not. It seemed pleasant and relaxed.

"There's several languages schools in town," explained Jason, "and the students prefer here to the main beaches. I think they come here to meet members of the opposite sex and have fun. Then there's a few pervs admiring the young girls in bikinis."

"Like you." Carol chipped in.

"Well ... no harm in looking. They're all over eighteen and ... well ... they look good ... and ..."

"You're digging a hole for yourself, mate," chipped in Chris, "just deny everything."

"Oh, I don't mind," Carol smiled, "it's better if he's with me doing it than sneaking off on his own. Anyway, he's right. I enjoy looking at them too."

"The lads, of course," clarified Jason.

"No, both," asserted his wife, "I'm allowed to like both. That's OK, isn't it, Kay."

Kay agreed - another barrier gone, as both women had acknowledged their bisexuality.

After a while, they stopped, sheltered by dunes from behind and with a fine view of the beach. Jason and Chris lifted their shirts over their heads, while Kay slipped off her outerwear, revealing a new bikini - quite small, with a halter neck top and high-cut briefs, revealing a good deal of buttock.

Carol lowered herself to the floor, getting out rugs to lay on the ground, before looking up at the others. "Well, Kay, those youngsters have got some competition today. Very nice. You too, Chris - you look 'sporty'."

Kay felt she should return the compliments and looked Jason up and down. In fact, compliments were easy to find.

"Wheelchair pushing must suit you, Jason - you're not over-muscly, just toned." She nodded approvingly.

Carol sighed. "I suppose you'd all better watch me now." It was more an invitation than anything, and suggested she enjoyed being watched - not surprising, as she had previously been an actor. "Maybe I should put on some stripping music."

She pulled her t-shirt over her head, to show a well-filled bra. It was lacy, and clearly not the top of a bikini. She then struggled out of her shorts, exposing matching knickers. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a bikini, then paused and looked up.

"Jason said we'd be going stately home visiting - didn't mention the beach. He often does that. He said I should stick a bikini in 'just in case'." She gave her husband a mock-glare. "Anyway, now I have to put it on in public, which was the plan, no doubt."

Jason smiled angelically. "Makes up for you stealing my shorts when we were swimming down here three days ago." He turned to Chris and Kay. "I had to walk right up the beach bollock-naked, covering myself with my hands, while she sat and giggled. Not that it mattered too much. The youngsters giggled, and there's always a few of the women go topless, so no big deal."

Kay and Chris were liking the couple more by the minute. They reminded them of themselves.

"Anyway. Here goes." Carol reached behind her to undo her bra.

"Should we turn away?" Chris asked.

"Good god, no," Carol insisted, "enjoy it. That's why he did it, and I don't mind. When I was acting, I once had to be nude in front of an audience of two hundred people. A few more won't matter."

She shrugged off her bra, not flaunting herself, but naturally and unhurriedly. "Would you be comfortable with Kay stripping off in public, Chris?" She asked, glancing up at him.

Chris tried hard to look at her face while talking to her, but his natural fascination with breasts caused his eyes to wander. She had a fine pair. Well rounded, firm, with no sign of dropping. Her nipples were pale, but prominent, with oval areolae, puckered, but probably larger than Kay's. She grinned as he looked, waiting for his reply.

"No. We're both comfortable in our skin. In fact, she flashed the pizza delivery guy just last week. My fault. I dared her."

Jason and Carol laughed. "You'll pay for that, some time," Jason assured him.

"Actually, I'm due to really suffer at some point," Chris pouted, "I owe a few dares."

Kay glanced at him. "Oh, your time will come. I'm planning it."

Carol slipped on her top, and wriggled out of her knickers. As she was sitting, there was very little to see, and, again, she completed the process unselfconsciously.

She reached across and grabbed her camera. "I might pop in the sea in a while, but for now, I'm going to just take some photos. Chris had brought his camera - he liked to use a proper camera occasionally, rather than his phone. The two of them took some general landscape photos, before switching to larger lenses so they could zoom in on specific features.

A little after three o'clock, groups of young people started arriving. They were mostly female, tanned and blonde. "Language schools are finishing," stated Jason, "I think they're Swedish or Norwegian - Scandinavian anyway. They're very relaxed."

The groups laughed and joked together as the girls undressed, stripping completely before donning bikinis. Some did not bother with tops, while others were more reserved - the ones who had changed quickly and tried to cover themselves . Even they did not bother with the very English notion of struggling under towels.

As they relaxed and lay back on the sand, Chris put his camera away. "Oh well, suppose we'd better stop with the photos. They'll play hell if they think I'm some perv."

"Don't be ridiculous," announced Carol. "I just ask them."

She stood up and went to the nearest group. After a brief chat, where they conversed among themselves in their own language, there were nods all round, and Carol moved to the next group where the same happened. She returned to Chris.

"They're fine with it, and if we want them to pose a bit, rather than just be natural, let them know."

Chris was stunned. Surely it couldn't be that easy. "Of course," continued Carol, "it helps being female. If you'd asked, they'd probably have told you to piss off."

They all laughed, and while Chris and Carol set about their photographs, Kay and Jason started chatting. They began exchanging small talk, about work, lifestyles, hobbies and so on, before moving on to more intimate topics.

"Does Carol's disability make life difficult for you?" Kay asked.

Jason smiled. "Well. There are some areas where we have to make compromises, but, like anything, a bit of creative thinking helps." He winked, suggesting he would open to more probing.

Kay thought, considering how to phrase her next query. "Do you mean ... in terms of intimacy?"

Chris grinned. "Well - that's one area. Because Carol's not got much strength in her legs, the more ... er ... traditional positions can be tricky. She can't push against me or hold a kneeling position easily. We work around it though."

Kay nodded. Unsure whether to push further or move on to safer territory. She decided to open the conversation out, so Jason could control the direction of their discussions.

"Does she ever take photos of you?"

Jason knew what she was 'really' asking. "Oh yes. We take photos of each other. We're very relaxed in front of cameras. How about you and Chris?"

Kay wouldn't have felt so bad, if she hadn't blushed as she answered. "Oh yes, we really enjoy it."

Jason laughed. "Sorry. I made you blush. Yes. We like taking sexy photos of each other. We're not embarrassed. It's just one of our 'things'. Quite a lot of them are 'arty', but we get a bit carried away at times. We have some friends - mostly online friends - with whom we share them, and they share theirs.'

Kay relaxed. "Sorry. We're the same. It's fun - and sexy, of course. Some people have such dull marriages - we try to enjoy ourselves. Plus it'll be nice to look back on when we're old and wrinkly. I think everyone should do it."

Jason nodded. "Hear, hear. We don't know where Carol's condition's heading, so we just make the most of every day."

They fell into a comfortable silence, both reflecting on circumstances and how fortunate they felt they were to be making the most of life while they had the chance.

Jason finally drew a long breath. "Just think. Some people spend their lives working, conforming to other people's rules and expectations, following uptight upbringings which don't allow them to be themselves. Both Carol and I are huge supporters of LGBTQ+ people - Pride and so on. I'm an 'ally' - straight and cisgender. Carol's bi - well - bi-curious. We'd like to get more involved as activists, but not being an actual part of the community, it feels difficult."

Kay nodded. "Same - in every way, actually. Although ..." her cheeks tinged pink, "I have tried lesbianism, so I'm not really 'curious'."

There was another pause, before Jason spoke again - another deep breath - worried, maybe, that he might be about to destroy their budding friendship.

"Carol often talks about wanting to photograph other people. Maybe you and Chris could talk about it, and perhaps you and her could do some photos together?"

Kay grinned. "Let's ask when they come back. Perhaps the four of us could do something. Might be fun."

Jason's eyebrows shot up. He was amazed how ready she had been to accept his suggestion - and that she had taken it beyond his wildest imagination. He was about to reply, as the two amateur photographers returned.

As they approached, Kay turned to Jason. "Go on then. Ask."

He was briefly tongue-tied as Carol and Chris looked from one to the other. Eventually, he started to speak, unsure whose reaction he was more afraid - her husband or his wife.

"Well ... um ... we've been chatting. Talking about ... stuff ... your photos ... and things. How we like to ... y'know ... take pics of each other ... er ..."

"Oh, for god's sake," interrupted Kay, giggling at his discomfort, "he said you like to take sexy photos of each other, and I explained that we do as well. He then said you'd like to take photos of someone else, and I said we'd be OK with it - both of us, I should think." She glanced at Chris who nodded. "I suggested the four of us, you two with cameras, and we can make it fun."

Carol and Chris took it in their stride. "Sure. Be fun," said Chris.

"Maybe somewhere outdoors, suggested Carol - we can find a nice secluded place and just go for it."

She looked around. It was approaching tea-time, and the beach was still busy. "Maybe tomorrow. We can meet up in the morning, drive a bot further afield and see what we can find." She glanced at the men. "You two are going to pose as well. None of this sexism. If we're getting our kit off, so are you."

Chris nodded. It was no problem for him. Jason seemed more apprehensive, but shrugged and agreed.

"Of course," continued Carol, "you could come to our hotel room this evening and do some indoor shots."

"No!" Chris and Kay exclaimed simultaneously.

"Sorry," continued Kay. "We've got something else planned tonight."

"Oh well," smiled Carol, "obviously something you don't want to tell us about right now - so must be intriguing."

Kay smirked. "Yeah ... maybe tell you tomorrow. Depends how it goes."

Another companionable silence fell, until Kay announced that she fancied a swim. Chris and Jason agreed, while Carol said she would stay with their bags, as she couldn't be bothered to go all the way to the sea on her crutches. The three of them dashed to the water, all running through the shallows and plunging into the chilly water, before mixing in with other groups, swimming, splashing and having fun.

Fifteen minutes later, they staggered back up the beach, enjoying the warm sun as the rivulets of water dripped down their bodies.

As they approached, Carol grabbed her camera and began taking photos. They laughed as they got closer, separating towards their seating places. Carol remained focused on Kay as she bent to collect her towel and began rubbing herself down gently.

"There," stated the photographer, from her wheelchair, "that should make a good start for our 'sexy pics' session."

Initially, Kay was confused, but then she looked at the two men, grinning and with eyes fixed on her boobs. She looked down. Her bikini, which had been advertised as 'swimwear' had gone very translucent - add to that the chilly water making her nipples very erect, and little was left to the imagination. The dark rings of her areola were almost totally visible - just slightly misted, and her nipples protruded like coat pegs.

Initially, she was a little shocked, then she decided to just take it in her stride, standing up to give her little group (and anyone else close enough) a good view, while Carol directed her into various poses ('hip out', 'lean forward', 'twist a little'...).

"Oh, fuck it," Kay muttered, coming to a decision. "You can pretty much see all of them, so what the hell." She reached behind her and took her top off. It was not a big problem. There were quite a few young women sunbathing topless on the beach, and as Carol (and Chris) took photos, the groups of younger women nearby watched the photoshoot.

After a few minutes, they stopped, and Carol looked across at the groups of eighteen and nineteen year olds that she had spoken to earlier. Seeing them expressing so much interest, she made her way to them. They exchanged words briefly, and she turned around, waving Chris over.

"These young ladies are happy to pose for us in groups - not just as the foreground for landscape shots, but as main subjects. Interested?"

Chris did not need asking twice, and soon they were merrily taking photos, Carol with one group, Chris with the other, as the topless students hugged each other, covered one another's boobs and openly flaunted themselves for the camera, giggling happily. Eventually, Carol called an end to the fun, thanked them, took their email, so they could have the images, and returned to Kay and Jason.