All Comments on 'Fallout 07: The Boss'

by saddletramp1956

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The most mild story in your fallout series

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198about 3 years ago

Far, Far too generous towards her at the end. He should have cut her off of everything, and left her there and wait for the papers to be signed. Do you really think someone like her would do the same if the hospital situation was reversed? Not a chance, she would have left with her new dick and left him there alone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
A different way

to give the Saddle Tramp Treatment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

more of fallout with the husband committing the adultry 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Slut and her stud got theirs. Too bad Jake didn't suffer more. The company didn't even need to terminate him. Tom was working out of town and she got "lonely". She's still a whore and she got hers, but didn't suffer enough, even with her severely burned body! ANOTHER WINNER, SADDLETRAMP!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Enjoyed the story. The wife got what she deserved given that she didn't show any remorse for the affair. It would have been interesting to get her pov of the affair especially how it started. It would have been interesting as well to know the state of their marriage before he had to travel. Seems a little to convenient that as soon as he starts travelling she falls into bed with his boss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
As a burn survivor

I have second, third, and possible fourth degree burns. Besides the antibiotics, they also give you some really good morphine for pain management which makes you loopy. Skin grafts don't entire into the equation unless you don't heal properly. I kept fighting infections so I underwent one additional surgery for the grafts. It's not a series unless things go wrong. A now friend of mine had burns over 80 percent of his body and only required skin grafts on his left arm.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 3 years ago

Maybe the wife learned a lesson after all!


kirei8kirei8about 3 years ago
This story is far from a saddletramp story

Who actually wrote this Harliquin romance bullshit?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
What can I say

as usual 4 star. thanks saddletramp1956 you put something good today after all those cuck stories we get everyday.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I enjoy many of your stories. This one lacked character development as well as motivations. Gas gimmick unrealistic and to easy for police to charge assault.

Kind of boring. You are better than this one.

OdiouserOdiouserabout 3 years ago

It was a great relief to see the latest from the old master after enduring a couple of new authors who hadn't even take the time to proofread their effort.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 3 years ago
The opposite of love is fear.

Having got that wrong, I see no reason to believe your story will be enjoyable.

1 star.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

An excellent BTB loved it.

Well done ST1956

Scores 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
good story

Good story but at the end I would not have kept her on my insurance (not sure you can if you divorce) nor would I set her up in an apartment. She would be 100% on her own and she can see if family would help her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
One of your

More realistic scenarios.


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 3 years ago

I would think that it would be obvious as soon as he got to the client whether or not the trip was really necessary.


Again, he's hardly ever had to go out, and the customers aren't questioning the trips?


Yes, I know this isn't reality, but I still have to say this. Boards in general don't get involved with the day-to-day management. If Jon and the CEO recommend Tom, there would have to be some overwhelming reason reason to override the decision. Just what is a "senior" member of the board anyway? Is he the Chairman of the Board? Then it should have said so.


Not that there's ever an excuse for cheating, but it's one thing to be lonely and sleep with some random guy, but when it's the guy that she KNOWS is the reason for her loneliness!


He should have gone back to the house and cleaned up the evidence, though I guess the explosion took care of that! I was wondering why Jake was killed and she survived, then realized that 1) he was closer, and 2) he probably shielded her.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 3 years ago
As always, excellent.......

You scored another good one. When I started read it, I figured he was going to jail. Not that it was so bad; 12 gauge rounds are a great soother for a pissed off psyche. but I couldn't figure out what weapon held that many rounds. Ahaa, said, dream sequence. The rest was just karma taking over. Glad he didn't take her back. 6 stars, 'cause you're on of my favorites(and I can't count) .The Bear approves. And it was her idea to have him over for dinner. Too bad he only died once.

The BEAr

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 3 years ago

Once again 5 stars for a well written story.

One thing i would have suggested to do differently:

I am not an expert on gas fireplaces but they usually are fairly low flow. To have enough gas accumulate to blow up the whole upstairs would be easy to smell. BUT if he turned on the gas and was lighting it as the regulator blew, I would have thought it would be like a flamethrower shooting out. And as he would be squatting down, his crotch would be in line with the flame..... neutered by fire and of his own making.

After all the main character did not set him up. He just never had the regulator replaced and had done his due diligence by turning off the gas.

But i that case the wife would not have been burned too bad unless she had run upstairs and got burned trying to pull the guy out.

Loved the CS idea. After all he had warned them to not screw in his house. They disregarded him at least three times you told about.

That said, it is your story to tell. i appreciate reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I’ve read some pretty wild fantasies and overlooked some pretty absurd claims over the years on this site, but “the insurance company came through for me” is just beyond my ability to suspend disbelief. (lol)

Fun read (other than the opening nightmare). Stay frosty.

dcvngtn3dcvngtn3about 3 years ago

There is a shotgun, the DP-12, which can hold 14-16 shells, so his dream isn't all that inaccurate :-p

Definitely a more realistic story and I enjoyed it this BTB a lot, then again I always do when the Bitch literally gets burned.

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyabout 3 years ago
Here's the thing

I live in Jonesboro Arkansas lol

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
It was

A literal BTB.

BeBopper99BeBopper99about 3 years ago

5* An excellent and literal Burning the Bitches! Personally, I wouldn't have bothered to get her set up again. Not after all the crap she did. Still, Flame On!

tralan69ertralan69erabout 3 years ago

Another good story from Saddletramp. Keep'em coming. Thank you.


Capt. Obvious strikes again. Imagine that.


"The opposite of love is fear". How do you figure that?

timrivtimrivabout 3 years ago

Good story but you telegraphed the ending at the beginning re the fireplace so knew what was coming.

pepepilotpepepilotabout 3 years ago

LoL. A literal BTB! Good job.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 3 years ago

Good story. It's hard to write a cheating wife like this one that doesn't come off being dumb as a stump, but everyone else came off very believably (and maybe she is believable, too, but I'm glad I don't know her). Sometimes we don't need revenge because karma does it for us.

juanviejojuanviejoabout 3 years ago

He treated the "puta" far better than I would...still I give it Cinco Estrellas!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
The opposite of love is indifference

Having got that wrong, I see no reason for anyone to care about your opinion, Whackdoodle.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

The usual, top-notch, straight-forward and entertaining story we've come to associate with your screen-name! Your work flows along remarkably well, like a nice, well-sloped creek with a clean bottom! Thanks for posting this.


You know, with all your interrelated stories and characters, you could compile these into a book. You know, a sort of rural, contemporary Peyton Place.


Thanks again!

patilliepatillieabout 3 years ago
The severe btb just gets old

and I am no fan of cheating.

RanDog025RanDog025about 3 years ago


john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterabout 3 years ago
Excellent, excellent, excellent!

Damn good story. Short, concise, and precise. The literal BTB was a nice touch.

Creative, original, well put together.

Sure, it was an accident. That said, beside getting his boss fired, how was he going to exact revenge or payback? Oh, the CS pellets were genius, I'd forgotten all about them!

An easy 5*s!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I can’t really enjoy any story where one of the character’s “punishment” is death. Yeah, I realize that it was due to the wife’s stupidity, but it just rubs me the wrong way.

Structurally, it was a pretty good story, though the ending involving an explosion was pretty well telegraphed with the smoking and the gas insert fireplace malfunctioning.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

Entertaining and good as always. It's just a shame that it doesn't work that way in real life. But it is good for the soul when the cheated gets his "right" of retribution in your stories!

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Over all the story was good, but a main thread going through it ruined it totally.

The wife was the over used template. She didnt want a divorce, was only sleeping with Jake because she was lonely, hubby was back home and yet still kept fucking him while asking hubby to not leave her.

Usually I find your stories to be well done, but the above comment points out something that truly ruined it. As Ive stated before thus is the kind of thing designed to raise the outrage of neanderthals and therefore garner higher ratings. Stick with earning them the harder way.

saxman1947saxman1947about 3 years ago
Character inconsistency

The only flaw I saw was that Alice went from not wanting a divorce to accepting the end of her marriage in a matter of seconds. That seemed a little quick.

AnyMooseAnyMooseabout 3 years ago

Backstory on Jake? Did he leave Boston for similar behavior? Did Tom sue Empire for keeping a known pussy-hound on the payroll and then looking the other way when he used his position to pursue Alice? A hefty settlement might fund a nice condo... Just thinking out loud.

cybojicybojiabout 3 years ago
Good work

Was hoping for nuclear, but this was good.

From experience the opposite of loving someone is being replused by the sight of them. 5

taylorsamtaylorsamabout 3 years ago

Good story, talk about burn!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
To corny for my taste

His boss was fucking his wife and he wasn’t fired and took no action right away. It fell flat for me. I liked the fire place and dumb wife forgetting as it blew them up.

Dlh143Dlh143about 3 years ago

Why is the Tramp turning into a pussy in his old age? Playing nice with a cheating whore? 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
So his wife became Jake's slut simply because she got lonely?

So if it wasn't Jake it would have been someone else,anyone else? It sounds like he married a woman with no morals, ethics, or brains. Oh, right, she does work for a main stream newspaper. Well that does fit.

There seemed to be a lot of snowflake signalling in this story. A Marine who asserts he would never kill someone? Didn't anyone ever tell him what the Marine's main job is? And the sympathy for the ex wife was based on what? She did absolutely nothing to explain her betrayal, did not exhibit the slightest regret, and she had not the slightest interest in ending her affair and trying to salvage the marriage. Their relationship felt more like a brother and sister than husband and wife.

Adequate, but not more. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Nice story

I really like that the cheaters literally burn themselves and that Tom pushed the divorce through afterwards.

I did not find the part of Tom voluntarily keeping her on his insurance and helping her get set up in a new apartment as being true to the character.

KoxokKoxokabout 3 years ago


Nice touch that cheaters took care of themselves.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 3 years ago

"You want some more of my lasagna?" - What is it with lasagna in these stories?

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Great BTB as usual!!!!

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Another very good story from your interesting imagination. This was a much needed double BTB. You literally burned this cheating bitch, and blew the bastard lover to bits with out the betrayed husband doing a thing. I do hate that they blew up before trying out the CS treated sheets. I like a little torture for the cheaters.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 3 years ago

Kind of a new twist on the BTB tale.


InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 3 years ago

I would have preferred if Jake had survived but with major injuries. Burnd face and gentials for example.

Living a horrible life is better (or worse) than simple death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
PLEASE GET TO KNOW A REAL PERSON..................................................................

She suffers an injury while fucking her boyfriend in the husband's bed and that makes him hate her less? ST, get your head out of your ass. No real person works emotionally like that. There's a surge of righteous indignation that says "that's justice ". The only reason a real person goes to see her on the hospital is to talk about the horrible pain she's going to be going through as a burn victim. And she'd have to go through it with substandard medical care because a real person drops her instantly from his medical plan. Why reward her for this kind of disrespect and betrayal.

fritz51fritz51about 3 years ago
When you say Burn the bitch...

You mean BURN THE BITCH !!! 5*s

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 3 years ago

Very good story, but problems with the ending. Considering Jake's uncle was a board member, something should have been said about that. I mean lets face it, you support your nephew for a position and he abuses his power by having an affair with the wife of his subordinate and just before getting fired for cause he ends up killing himself. The uncle's standing on the board is going to suffer. Also, there is no way Jon would have gone from blinding hate to being reasonable. I can see him talking to Alice in the hospital, and saying goodbye bitch and trying to remove her from his insurance ASAP. The only reason he would do anything for her would be for his own conscience and he wasn't to blame in any way. She did it to herself - her loneliness caused her to have an affair (weak excuse). Maybe she'll grow up some and be ready for a real relationship - of course she'll have to admit that her cheating ended her first marriage and her lover died in an explosion, but its all part of the public record. Maybe she should get used to living with cats?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Not enough btb

Too late for switch from hate.

Agree alive and suffering for rest of his life

premshankerpremshankerabout 3 years ago

Wife played with Fire ,but not burned.

Husband Gifted her with apartment ,post recovery

Eating 'lasagna' with fancy Nancy.

What a coincidence,consequent and co-ordination

Jigsaw jumble.......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Jake got off easy. The bitch got what she deserved

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 3 years ago

the first sentence lol "I've seen it said that the opposite of love is indifference." i believe its "heard"

eightytuneseightytunesabout 3 years ago

All the *Fallout* are great BTB series. 5 STARS for each.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


Jake got off too easy. Once you're dead, it's over! The bastard needed to live with his package blown off and the rest of him nicely toasted. Why Tom didn't beat the shit out of him when he found him with Alice, in his house, is a mystery! Threats are so much wind, when not carried out. And Alice sounded stupid, throughout.

TajfaTajfaabout 3 years ago

What happened St. Did you develop a soft spot? Why would he help her after what she did? Still loved it - 5 stars again

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 3 years ago

Don’t you just love Karma?!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

As someone else mentioned death was too easy an out for Jake. To my depraved mind it would have been better if he lived the rest of his life disfigured by the burns.

Oh and his junk shriveled by the heat of the fire.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

One star , why did he help the whore so much ?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Kinda redundant killing him AND firing him. Not a fan of killing Chester's. They need to suffer a long time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

With the level of hatred Tom expressed, I see him relishing in her disfigurement. This character would never offer any kind of aid to someone who'd emotionally assaulted him to that degree. Keep her on his insurance?, get her an apartment?, hell, even visit her in the hospital would be non starters. Those actions diminished the quality of the story for me.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

This time the story line was was also very good, the wire though was really stupid not to see what Jake was up to by sending Tom out of town continuously. Oh well she payed the price and again all of the regrets she had were hollow in my opinion. Well done 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Liked the story. Got to nitpick on one thing though. A shotgun has a breach, not a chamber.

kirei8kirei8over 2 years ago

I don't believe it. Finally, a wimpy story from the saddletramp. So what she's burned. She burned dumbass every time she fucked his boss. She wasn't stupid, just didn't care where the dick came from. But you wimp the"good man" out by helping the slut. It wasn't just one time she cuckolded him. What a disappointing ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why do people bitch about the storyline? Do better than S.T. has. He has a great list of stories and if you read them in order by date written, you see how hes grown and how skilled he is now. Get over whining about not liking the subject. Check spelling. grammar. maybe even a few facts sometimes, but please stop bitching because things didnt end the way you want, write your own endings. Well done S.T.

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 2 years ago
BTB x 2

Blew-up The Bastard and Burned The Bitch. What's not to like? Jody gets his comeuppance and our MC is free of the yoke. While the CS-2 was gratuitous and the gas explosion was telegraphed early in the story, both were fun revenge.

Sorry to the commenters who demanded more suffering. I look forward to checking their story lists to see how it is done properly.

Keep 'em comin'.

GumpershnickalGumpershnickalover 2 years ago

ive read 7 of these and the cheaters are all 2 dimensional. it gets boring.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
A good 'Burn the Bitch' story from Saddle Tramp

as always

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Jesus Christ, God Damn, Satan is god, haha. Lighten up bible basher, its a story you jesus freak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Lotta anger in that story.

SignedBTWSignedBTWabout 2 years ago

Keeping Her

On his insurance would be required by the court, at least back when and where I went through it, but not after the divorce was final. Screw that, along with the hospital visits or helping her in any other way like assisting with an apartment. Besides no longer being married and no longer being able to be listed as a dependant I would expect her to be dropped by the insurance company anyway. Then again it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong. But then Tom was a better man than I am.


Not sure putting CS on the bed sheets expecting a reaction would work but the ashtrays, I liked that a lot.


What happened to his threat about what would happen if she brought Jake back into their house before the divorce was final? No, the gas explosion doesn't count.


She couldn't see what Jake was doing sending Tom out of town on longer and longer trips and he just keeps showing up at their house? Neither could Tom even though he didn't trust Jake and Alice knew it? The only ones dumber in this respect are husbands and wives in JAV NTR videos.


Still an entertaining romp, I'm enjoying the series, especially with the little twists here and there. And people say there's nothing new in LW's stories. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It’s clear she destroyed the marriage but he’s not blameless y did he not change jobs was his job more important than his marriage it seems it was, if my work impacted my family negatively I’d get a different job my family are everything an if there not happy I will do everything in my power to make them happy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Anonymous "Got to nitpick on one thing though. A shotgun has a breach, not a chamber." A shotgun has a breech where the chamber end of the barrel meets the action. A shotgun has a breach when it has an opening that allows propellant gas to escape uncontrolled from anywhere not planned for in the guns design.

Nato_Nato_almost 2 years ago

Was good. Predicable but the cheesy one liners were cringe. 4/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When ST56 burns a bitch; he does it literally!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I was a NBC tech in the Army but what My job was in a contaminated area I was the Idiot who had to go in and get the wounded out and treat them for what contaminate was used on them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The Alice character was stupid even for an LW Slut Ray victim. Holy low IQ, Batman!


3 ***

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I've always been a fan of ST56, love his OTT style and support his assertion that his stories take place in his universe where anything can and does happen. So imagine my disappointment when I read the first page of this offering and reached the point where he pushed the envelope too far even for him. I can't imagine any universe, not even ST56's where a couple whose tryst is interrupted by the woman's angry husband pointing a shotgun at them would react with no fear whatsoever but instead taunt the gun bearer about their affair and his perceived lack of masculinity. Sorry, ST even you can't pull this one off. Had to stop reading at that point,

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazier11 months ago

Jake was obviously a predator from the start. Tom knew (or suspected) and didn't warn his wife, nor did he make any attempts to protect her. I'm not saying Alice is innocent, nor is she absolved. But, the hate he expresses for Alice dwarfs anything he expresses toward or about Jake. Doesn't make sense unless Tom is a coward. Also, cs isn't itching powder. Sprinkling it on sheets wouldn't do anything (unless the sheets were heated or burned.)

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Would have been good if the ex died in the fire, so no need for divorce. Plus, Jake could have been fired the day before, losing his medical, then he could live a life as a horibly burned cripple with no job.

RanDog025RanDog02510 months ago

Excellent story no matter how many times I read it! Thanks Saddle Tramp. 5 BIG ASS STARS!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Devil Dog or wimp?!

Months without sex!

Know a lot of couples over 60 and still have sex at least once a week.

Even met some like that in 80s.

Insurance hers and his both?

Too many authors write stories where MCs just go along without sex for long periods. ??!!!??!!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Another great one, ‘Tramp. You know, in the last paragraph of the story it kinda seems like Tom was hinting around that he might have just somehow doctored that bedroom fireplace and, oh, I don’t know. maybe caused the explosion that destroyed his house, injured his wife and killed his boss. Huh! Wouldn’t that be something? Or maybe I just misinterpreted that paragraph. Oh well, all’s well that ends well, I suppose. Thanks for the story, ‘Tramp, keep’em coming.

Five stars.

Harvey8910Harvey89106 months ago

This was another great story. I am so glad that Tom did not forgive Alice and reconcile. He could never trust her again. Her explaination as to why she started fucking another man was that she was lonely because Tom was out of town. She knew that Jake, the man she was fucking, was the reason that Tom was out of town. That kind of woman can never be trusted. Great story. I loved the outcome. Five stars once again!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Not sure why he kept her on his insurance or sorted out a place for her, some might say he was doing the honourable thing, you know keeping the moral high ground sort of thing but it just comes off as stupidity, there’s nothing wrong with being an asshole when dealing with cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another wimpy cuck ex Marine who is aware of his skank wife fucking his boss. Wimp has nightmares instead of dealing with them. Cuck marine was overly concerned about the skank

Ursus1932Ursus1932about 1 month ago

Blue eyes and legs? Now that's a good combination. I need to be on the alert for that combo.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

His nightmares should have tied in with the story and meant something. There were mentioned enough.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades23 days ago

Thanks for your writing,

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Enjoying life one day at a time... I write for fun and for entertainment. Please note that any statements by characters in my stories do not necessarily reflect the views of opinions of the author. Please feel free to follow me on Twitter at @saddletramp1951 or contact me d...