Family First Ch. 07


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"Are you going to talk to me? Or would you rather keep pouting?" she finally said, her voice surprisingly even and calm. "I want to help, but I can't if you don't tell me what you're feeling."

"I'm pissed off," he replied before he really had a chance to consider what he was saying. "I can't believe she would do something like this. This whole situation is just so beyond fucked up." As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew how childish and hypocritical he sounded, but he didn't care.

Christina hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "I was surprised too..." she said, "but maybe it's not exactly what it looks like."

Danny gave an exasperated sigh. "You saw what they were doing--whatshewas doing."

"Oh, trust me. I saw it," Christina replied, a hint of a smile forming at the corners of her mouth. "So your mom's got a kinky side. How does that make her any different from the rest of us? After what we did with my mom last night, isn't it a little hypocritical to give yours a hard time for doing essentially the same thing?"

"It's not the same, though! Your dad knows what's going on. Mine doesn't."

"Are you sure of that?"

"No. Are you sure that he does?" Danny shot back.

Christina's confident expression faltered a bit. "No... I guess I'm not," she admitted, "But I trust my mom when she says there's more going on than just what we saw. Plus, I know your mom loves your dad and wouldn't do anything to hurt him, or you for that matter. You could at least give her the benefit of the doubt until she has an opportunity to explain herself."

Danny knew she was right, but knowing something and feeling it weren't always the same thing.

"I may have overreacted a bit..." he finally admitted, "I guess I just don't know how you're supposed to respond when you walk in on your mom getting fucked by your uncle. This is all just so... crazy."

Christina chuckled. "Everything'sbeen crazy, lately, but I wouldn't take any of it back. Not in a million years."

"Me either," Danny replied, a weary, but genuine smile spreading across his features. Propping himself up on an elbow, he leaned forward and gave Christina a loving peck on the lips.

For several long minutes, the two of them sat there in silence, enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. Just when Danny was beginning to think their conversation had reached its natural conclusion, Christina said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Well... You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but have you thought about what you'll do if your dad does know what's going on with your mom and my parents?"

Danny's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Christina hesitated, and her cheeks flushed pink beneath her freckles. "It's just that... Well... You know how I feel about my own parents. Having sex with my mom has been amazing, and I'm really looking forward to messing around with my Dad, too..."

Danny suddenly felt guilty. He knew how excited she'd been to finally fucking her father, and he'd unintentionally kept her from getting her wish.

"I guess what I'm asking," Christina continued, "is how you'd feel about what we just saw if you knew it was all on the up and up. Assuming your mom did become a regular part of the... activities around here, would you feel comfortable seeing her screwing around with other members of the family... or even joining in if the opportunity arose?"

Danny eyes went wide, but he quickly forced himself into a neutral expression. It wasn't an unreasonable question after everything that had already happened. His first instinct was to deny how aroused he'd become at the sight of his mother's naked body. It seemed like such an embarrassing thing to admit. But if anyone could understand how he was feeling, it was Christina.

"If you'd asked me that question yesterday, I would have thought you were insane. But seeing the three of them like that... Mom, in particular... was pretty hot." He hesitated. "Honestly... I think it's a big part of why I got so upset. I feel like I'm betraying my dad by thinking about her that way, but I can't help it. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop picturing it and wishing I'd been there to see more."

"Trust me. I know the feeling. I thought you'd hate me forever if you found out how I felt about you. If my mom hadn't read my diary, we probably wouldn't even be having this conversation. I know you don't want to do anything that will hurt your family, but you shouldn't feel guilty for getting turned on. God knows I've spent plenty of time over the last few days fantasizing about my dad. I can't stop thinking about his cock and wishing that I could have traded places with my mom... or yours for that matter..." As Christina spoke, a dreamy smile spread across her face, and her eyes started to lose focus.

Suddenly, she snapped back to reality. "I hope that doesn't bother you," she said, blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"It doesn't," he replied, a bit more quickly than he'd intended.

He still wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea of Christina sleeping with her father, but now that he'd managed to admit that he harbored sexual feelings for his mom, it was easier to understand where she was coming from. He knew that the sex was just a small part of what they shared together, but he still couldn't help from feeling a bit insecure when he imagined her with a more experienced lover. He knew that it was what Christina wanted, though, and he had every intention of supporting her just as much as she supported him.

"While we're on the subject," Danny continued, "I'm sorry that I kept you from enjoying yourself with your parents. I know how much you've been looking forward to hooking up with your dad."

This time, it was Danny's turn to blush. It still felt incredibly strange to talk so openly about their mutual interest in fucking their family members.

"It's fine," Christina replied. "Even if you hadn't been there, who knows how things would have worked out. Your mom might not have been comfortable with the idea of me joining them, anyways."

"But you would have tried... right?"

"Oh, fuck yes I would have! She hides it well, but beneath that frumpy wardrobe and uptight attitude, your mom is seriously hot. I'd love to play with those big tits of hers... and a lot more if she was into it."

"They are pretty amazing," Danny admitted with a sheepish smile.

"I wonder if her nipples are sensitive like mine," Christina wondered aloud.

Danny didn't respond, but hearing Christina talk about his mom's nipples was making his cock harden in his shorts. Naturally, this didn't escape his cousin's notice.

"Mmm... I bet you'd like to find out... wouldn't you," Christina purred. It wasn't a question. Without waiting for a response, she snaked a hand into Danny's swimsuit and started stroking his lengthening member.

"Oh, god... Yes!" he exclaimed, once again surprised by his cousin's ability to know just how to turn him on.

"It would be so hot to watch you play with the same nipples you fed from when you were little... Maybe you'd even be willing to share?" she asked, flashing him a coquettish smile.

Danny groaned and thrust himself forward into her hand, desperate for more stimulation. "This is so wrong..." he said, his voice coming out in a strained whisper.

"I know. Isn't it great?"

A lusty groan was the only response he could muster.

In a tone that brooked no argument, Christina said, "Now close your eyes. I want you to pretend it's your sexy mom that's doing this to you."

Danny did as she asked, sighing as he felt her soft hands stroking his shaft and gently caressing his balls. He noticed that Christina was unusually quiet while she pleasured him. She was doing everything she could to make his fantasy as real as possible, and it was working. His cock twitched and flexed as he pictured his naked mother lying next to him as she expertly stroked and teased his sensitive prick.

After a few minutes of tender stroking, he felt the bed shift beneath them and the warm familiarity of his cousin's lips spreading over the head of his cock. Without making a sound, Christina engulfed his cock in her mouth. She sucked gently at him as she rhythmically lifted and lowered her face on his shaft. On each upstroke, she tickled his glans with her tongue, making Danny shiver and groan in delight.

He couldn't help but picture his mom's face between his legs. The thought of her wide, hazel eyes smiling up at him while she pleasured his cock with her mouth and tongue was almost too much to handle. A small voice in the back of his mind told him that what he and Christina were doing was disrespectful in some way, but he was too lost in the pleasure of the moment to pay it much heed.

Christina's expert ministrations on his cock, combined with the lewd images floating through his mind brought him right up to the edge of a powerful orgasm. Just as he was nearing the point of no return, they were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"It's me," Diane said from the hallway. "I just wanted to let you two know that we're all downstairs in the kitchen if you're ready to come down and talk."

Christina disengaged from Danny's raging hard-on with a wet slurp and said, "Okay, be down in a second." Danny had been so lost in his fantasies that it was almost a surprise when he heard Christina's voice respond instead of his mom's.

"How much do you think she heard?" Danny asked once he was reasonably sure that his aunt was out of earshot.

Christina shrugged. "Who knows? Based on what we walked in on this morning, it's probably safe to assume that we weren't talking about anything that she hasn't already experienced firsthand."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he replied, managing a weak smile. Christina had successfully distracted him, but now the reality of the situation came flooding back. He was not looking forward to this conversation, but he knew there was no point in trying to avoid it.

"Want me to take care of that before we head down?" she asked, gesturing toward his wilting erection with her eyes.

"No--that's okay. I think knowing that they're down there waiting for us will be too big of a distraction. We should just get this over with."

Christina gave a playful pout. "Okay. If you say so."

Danny pulled up his swim trunks. It was a little embarrassing that they were still the only thing he had to wear, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Once Christina had thrown on a pair of jean shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt, the two of them went downstairs.

When they entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see that the mood was surprisingly calm. Diane was cooking eggs and bacon while Mary and Ray quietly sipped their coffee.

"Good morning, you two. Breakfast will be ready in a minute," Diane said. Her tone gave no indication that they were about to do anything other than have normal family meal together.

The pair of teens took a seat at the kitchen island, opposite Ray and Mary. Danny couldn't help but notice the way that Christina and her dad shared warm smiles that conveyed much more than normal familial affection.

"Good morning, Danny," Mary said, smiling uneasily back at him.

"Morning," he mumbled, his eyes downcast, unable to meet her smile. As a result, he found himself staring directly at her large breasts as they strained against the material of her blouse. The pointed outlines of her nipples made it obvious that she wasn't wearing anything underneath, and he couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy the view before averting his gaze. He hoped she hadn't noticed him staring, but knew she probably had.

Moments later, Diane announced that the food was ready. Everyone filled their plate, topped off their coffee mugs and took a seat. The family ate in relative silence, save for a few compliments to the chef. None of them wanted to be the first to address the elephant in the room.

After everyone put away their dishes in the washer, Diane finally broke the ice. "Now that we've all had a chance to clear our heads and fill our stomachs, I think it's time we had a talk. Wouldn't you all agree?" she asked.

The rest of the family murmured their assent, and Diane continued.

"Over the past few days, I've done things with each of you that I can never take back--things most people wouldn't understand." As she spoke, she made pointed eye contact with each of them in turn. Her tone was unusually serious, and for a moment, Danny wondered whether she wasn't going to put the brakes on the out of control sexual antics of the past few days.

"I don't regret a single moment of it, though," she said, as a warm smile began to show through her serious expression. "I feel closer to each of you now than I have in my entire life, and for a family as close as this one, that's really saying something. I was happy with the way things were before, but I have no desire to go back, and something tells me I'm not the only one who feels that way... Am I right about that?"

The rest of the family hesitated for a moment, until finally, as if they'd reached some silent agreement, each of them nodded in rough unison.

"Good! Now that we've established that none of us wants to go back to the way things were, we have to figure out how we're going to move forward."

Danny had been so intently focused on his aunt's speech that it startled him when his uncle finally spoke.

"--And the only way we can do that, is if we're all open and honest with each other," he said. "Each of us knows bits and pieces of what's been going on, but none of us has the whole story. It's time we changed that. I think that we all need to understand how we got to this point before we can discuss what comes next... agreed?"

The nods came more easily this time. Danny couldn't wait for the shroud of secrecy over everything to finally be pulled away, and from the relieved smiles on their faces, he guessed Christina and his mom felt the same way.

Everyone went around the table confessing everything they'd done since Christina's fateful walk across the yard several nights before. Danny was surprised by some of the details, particularly how long his mom and aunt had been interested in the idea of family sex. Clearly this had all been building for much longer than he realized.

As the conversation progressed, Danny's gaze was repeatedly drawn in his mom's direction. It was like he was seeing her with new eyes. It wasn't just her generous breasts that he found appealing, either. Her sensual lips, round cheeks, and wide, hazel eyes gave her an air of mature beauty and grace. It amazed him that he'd gone his whole life without seeing how gorgeous she truly was.

He finally snapped out of his daydream when she started talking about her open relationship with his father. This was something that Diane had neglected to mention in her version of the story. Danny quickly glanced in his aunt's direction, only to see her lift her eyebrows and smirk at him in a way that said 'I told you so' better than words ever could.

"So is this what you meant when you said that Mom wasn't having an affair?" Danny asked as his eyes darted back and forth between his aunt and his mother.

They both nodded in confirmation.

Danny felt overwhelmed by a wave of conflicting emotions. First and foremost was utter disbelief. From what he'd observed over the years, his father had always been completely devoted to his family. It was hard to reconcile that image with the idea of him sleeping with strange women for nearly a decade.

Once reality finally started to sink in, he felt both guilty for how he'd treated his mom, and angry at his father for betraying their family.

"Please, don't be mad at him," Mary said, seeing the conflicted emotions warring behind her son's eyes. "This is something your father and I decided on together. He hasn't done anything that I haven't done."

"Yeah, but it's not the same. He--"

"--Itisthe same," Mary insisted, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Your father has needs, and I have needs too. The only difference is that I thought I thought that I could bury mine so deep inside that I'd never have to deal with them." The beginnings of a smile began to form in the corners of her mouth. "...And you can see how well that worked out."

He had to admit that she had a point. His dad may have been the one to suggest the arrangement, but both of them had acted on their desires. Still, it was hard to shake the feeling that his dad was somehow more to blame than the rest of them.

"Does he know about what happened last night?" Danny asked.

"Not yet. I'm going to tell him tonight... as soon as he gets home."

"Oh..." He hesitated a beat before saying, "How do you think he'll react?"

"I honestly have no idea," Mary replied. "Part of me thinks he'd be a hypocrite for being angry with us, but at the same time, I can understand how this probably isn't what he had in mind when we agreed to open up our marriage..."

Ray flashed a comforting smile at his sister. "We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it," he said. "There's no sense in worrying about things we can't control.."

She nodded and smiled back at her brother. While she spoke, Ray gently stroked her back and shoulders, listening intently as she explained how she'd felt. It suddenly occurred to Danny that the experience was still fresh for both of them, and they probably hadn't had a chance to discuss their feelings about what had happened. As strange as it was, Danny couldn't help but feel that if his mom had to sleep with someone other than his father, he was glad that the person she chose was his Uncle Ray.

Mary's story finally came to a close with Danny and Christina walking in on them earlier that morning. When she was finished, Danny saw Diane cast a questioning glance in her direction. Mary's only reply was a quick shake of the head, and the unspoken question was dropped without another word.

Another heavy silence fell over the group when Mary finished speaking, but this time it was Christina's turn to speak up. "Okay, so I guess we've pretty thoroughly established that we're a family full of nasty perverts," she said in her usual straightforward manner, drawing chuckles from the rest of the family.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Diane said, leaning over to give Christina a quick hug. "The real question though is how we deal with all of this going forward. As much as I've enjoyed everything we've done, I think we need to establish some ground rules to make sure that we can keep having fun without unintentionally hurting each other in the process."

Diane's comments drew nods from the rest of the family.

"Honesty and openness are going to be big ones for me," Ray offered. "Everything's changed so quickly over the past couple of days... I don't want any of us, myself included, to lose sight of the fact that we're a family before we're anything else. We have to make an effort to talk to each other about how we're feeling, even if those conversations are awkward or embarrassing. It's not always going to be easy, but if we keep secrets or start doing things behind each other's' backs, it's only a matter of time before people's feelings start getting hurt."

"Ray's right," Diane continued. "Given the nature of what we've been up to, we've each had good reason to keep our desires hidden, but there's no need for that anymore. What happened this morning wasn't anyone's fault, but it's a good example of the kinds of problems we'll have if we don't keep the lines of communication open."

She hesitated a moment before continuing. "Besides, like Christina said, we're all a bunch of filthy perverts. If there's something you want to do, or someoneyou want to do it with, all you have to do is ask."