Family First Ch. 07


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"I love you too, Danny," she said, choking back a sob as tears began to form at the corners of her eyes.

Acting on pure motherly instinct, she leaned forward and wrapped him up in a loving hug. Her breath caught in her throat when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in even tighter. She could feel his heart thundering away in his chest and knew that he could feel hers as well.

Neither of them spoke as they focused on enjoying the closeness of each other's bodies. Like most teens, Danny had grown more emotionally distant with his parents over the years, and Mary had nearly forgotten how nice it felt to hold her son in her arms. When they finally separated, she took a moment to wipe her eyes and regain a bit of her composure.

"Thanks, honey," she said, smiling sheepishly back at him. "I didn't realize how much I needed that."

Danny blushed, but returned her smile. "I didn't know how badly I needed it either," he said.

Mary felt a wave of euphoria at the knowledge that her son was able to accept her for the way she really was. She'd gone into the conversation hoping to find out whether her son was interested in her sexually, and had learned something even more fulfilling. For years, she'd lived with the fear that her depraved sexual fantasies about Ray would tear their family apart if they were ever discovered. Ironically, she felt more emotionally connected with her son than she had in years. It was like there had been a fog between them that had finally lifted, allowing them to see each other clearly for the first time in their lives.

She wished she could just spend the rest of the afternoon sitting with her son, talking with him and enjoying his presence, but there were still practical matters they needed to discuss. Tim would be home in a few hours, and while she was doing her best to remain optimistic, she knew there was no way to predict how he'd react to what she had to tell him.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Mary asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Danny nodded his assent.

"When your dad gets home, would you mind holding off on talking to him about what's been going on over the past few days? I know you probably have a lot of questions for him--I do too, but I think this will all go a lot easier if I'm the one who explains things to him."

Danny's expression darkened a bit. He hesitated before finally saying, "I guess that makes sense... You are going to tell him soon though, right?"

Mary nodded. "I was planning on telling him after dinner. Is that soon enough for you?"

"Sounds fair. I just don't want to feel like I'm lying to him..." He paused and a slight smile came to his lips. "Also... I'm starting to realize that me and Christina aren't exactly the best at keeping secrets."

"No, you're really not," Mary replied with a hearty chuckle.

"How do you think he'll react?" Danny asked

"I'd like to think that if I, of all people, can accept this new lifestyle, then your dad should be no problem. But honestly... I have no idea what he'll think or how he'll react. It would be hard to blame him if he decides that we've all collectively lost our minds.

Danny gave a stern nod, but he didn't offer a verbal response. Mary could see the wheels turning in his brain as he tried to work through every possible outcome.

"Tell me what you're thinking," Mary said, placing her hand over his in a comforting gesture.

"I don't know..." he mumbled. "I just keep thinking about Dad... I still don't understand why he would want an open marriage in the first place. You're just so beautiful and so... sexy." He swallowed nervously and gave her a tentative smile, clearly unsure if he'd stepped out of line. Mary felt like she might burst from happiness, but she kept herself under control--merely smiling and allowing him to continue his train of thought uninterrupted. "I guess what I'm saying is that with a woman like you at home, I don't understand why he would want anyone else."

This time it was Mary's turn to blush. "That's sweet of you to say... but don't don't you think you're being a little bit hypocritical? After all, you and Christina haven't been entirely monogamous either, right?"

Danny blushed. "Yeah... You're right. I guess we've all done some pretty crazy stuff over the past few days, but this thing with Dad feels... different."

Mary had nearly forgotten how much it had hurt when Tim first suggested they start sleeping with other people. Over the years, that pain had faded to a dull ache, but it was plainly obvious that for Danny, the wound was still painfully fresh. She knew that there was nothing she could say to make it all okay. Only time and a very good explanation from his father could do that.

"I can't tell you how to feel, Danny, but please don't be angry with your father on my behalf. It might not seem like it right now, but your dad has always put his family ahead of anything else in his life. He's been the most dedicated and loving husband I could have asked for. That might sound like a contradiction now that you know what you know, but you're just going to have to trust me on this one."

"If I've learned anything over the past few days, it's that love isn't mutually exclusive. I love your aunt and uncle, and I love your father too. What I did with Ray and Diane last night... and this morning doesn't in any way diminish the love I feel for my husband. I don't think it's something I could really understand until I experienced it for myself."

"So do you think Dad...loveswhoever it is he fools around with when he's out of town on business?" Danny asked, sounding more concerned than angry.

The question caught her off guard. Tim's complete and utter dedication to her and the kids when he was home seemed to erase the possibility of his dalliances being about anything more than sexual gratification. On the rare occasion that she allowed herself to think about his encounters with other women, they were always faceless and utterly devoid of personality--nothing more than receptive bodies, ready and willing to fulfill his sexual appetites. The idea that there could actually be another woman out there who loved her husband and who he loved back was a chilling possibility that had somehow never crossed her mind.

"I... I don't know..." she finally responded. "But I guess it's past time that I found out. Like your aunt and uncle said, we're going to have to get used to being more open with each other, and that will go for your dad too."

Danny's expression softened a bit, but Mary could still see turmoil behind his eyes. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see what he has to say."

"I'm afraid so..."

Sensing that any more talk about Tim would be counter-productive, Mary started moving the conversation onto a less emotionally charged areas. The two of them discussed school and Danny's plans for the summer. She half expected him to beat a hasty retreat as he often did whenever she tried to talk with him about his future, but he seemed surprisingly eager to talk about anything that wasn't related to their current family drama.

The afternoon seemed to slip away from them as they chatted like old friends who'd been recently reunited after a lengthy absence. Danny told her how excited he was to go off to college, and Mary shared a few stories with him about her and Tim's experience in school.

She was struck by how much Danny had changed over the course of one eventful week. He was still the quiet, slightly awkward introvert she'd always known, but his experiences with Christina and Diane had clearly made an impact on his self-image. He wasn't boisterous or cocky, but he definitely carried a kind of gentle confidence that hadn't been there before this all started.

Their conversation was finally interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing in the kitchen. When Mary answered, she immediately recognized the voice of her husband on the other end of the line.

"Hi, Honey, it's me," he said. "Just wanted to let you know that I stopped to gas up the car, and I should be home in about an hour."

"Okay, sounds good. How was the trip?"

"It was... well, you know... work. We picked up a few new clients, so it wasn't a total waste, but I'm looking forward to getting home. How was your week?"

"It's been..." She paused, searching for the right word without much success before finally settling on, "...eventful."

Tim seemed to pick up on her nervous hesitation. "Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Yes, everything's fine. There's just been a lot going on since you left... I'll fill you in when you get home. Any preferences for dinner?" she asked.

"No... no preference," he replied. "I'm sure whatever you make will be delicious." The curiosity and concern in his voice was obvious, but for the time being, Mary chose to ignore it.

"Okay, then. I'll see you soon in an hour or so. Drive safe."

"Will do... I love you."

"I love you too, Honey."

After hanging up the phone, she poked her head back into the living room and saw that Danny was seated on the couch with his head angled to the side. It was quite obvious that he'd been paying close attention to her side of the conversation.

"Your dad's about an hour away," she said. "I appreciate you keeping me company this afternoon. It would be nice if we could keep talking, but I need to get started on dinner."

"Want some help?" Danny asked.

Mary couldn't suppress her smile. "That would be wonderful... but I do have one question..."


"Who are you and what have you done with my son?"

Danny blushed. "I... It's still me," he said. "I guess you think it's weird that I've been hanging out with you all afternoon, huh..."

"Well, it is a bit out of character, but I'm not complaining."

"It's just..." he hesitated, searching for the right words. "Before today, I never really thought of you as anything other than my mom. I know sons aren't supposed to see their moms like I saw you this morning, but I'm glad I did. It made me realize that there are all kinds of things we don't know about each other, and that's something I'd like to change. As weird as it sounds, I'm really excited and happy that you're going to be a part of this crazy thing we've all started together." A fresh blush spread across Danny's cheeks as the words spilled out of his mouth.

"It makes me really happy too," Mary said, as she felt another wave of warm, fuzzy emotions threaten to overtake her. It was only her husband's imminent arrival that stopped her from dragging him up to her bedroom and showing him just how happy she really was. Instead, she gave him piercing smile and reached up to caress his cheek. "I know just how you feel, honey," she said. "This afternoon has been lovely, and I'm looking forward to spending a lot more of them this way, but for now, we need to get busy."

Danny nodded and got up to join her in the kitchen. She decided to cook up some lasagna, and walked Danny through the steps. As they worked, she couldn't help but notice the way he tried to sneak glances at her body whenever he thought she wasn't looking. She didn't acknowledge his stolen glances, but she tried to give him as many opportunities as she could.

At one point, she even insisted on grabbing a bowl from a shelf that was a bit too high for her to reach. She felt a naughty thrill as she stood on her tip-toes, arching her back in a way that gave him a clear view of her generous ass and breasts as they strained against the tight fabric of her top. When she pretended to lose her balance, Danny placed his hands firmly on her hips, steadying her just as she knew he would. The feeling of his hands on her body, even in such an innocent way, made her skin flush and her heart race with excitement.

The longer they worked, the more certain she became that Danny knew what she was trying to do. His furtive glances started growing in length and frequency. While she showed him how to layer the pasta, cheese, and sauce, he casually placed a hand on her lower back, dangerously close to the curve of her ass. When she looked up at him, his eyes weren't focused on the pan of lasagna, but on the deep line of her cleavage.

The atmosphere was thick with sexual tension, but neither of them were willing to openly acknowledge it. As badly as Mary wanted her son to strip her naked and ravish her right there on the kitchen floor, she knew it couldn't happen--not until she had things sorted with her husband, at least.

While they were setting the table, they heard the familiar rumble of the garage door opening, and closing behind Tim's car. For a moment, Mary felt a wave of panic rise up within her, but she took a deep breath and forced it back down. She flashed a quick smile at Danny, hoping it conveyed more confidence than she actually felt. He looked similarly concerned, but managed to return her smile, adding in a conspiratorial nod for good measure.

The two of them stood frozen like statues as they listened to Tim come in from the garage, take off his shoes, and call out, "I'm home!"

"Hi honey, we're in the dining room," Mary replied.

Moments later, she was in her husband's arms as he planted warm, loving kisses on her lips. "I missed you," he whispered, as he ran his fingertips up and down her sides.

"I missed you too," she replied, hoping the nervous tension out of her voice wasn't too obvious.

Tim pulled back and gave her a warm smile. It was only then that he seemed to notice that Danny was present.

"It's good to see you, son," he said as he moved over to give Danny a light hug. "How was your week?"

Danny froze and cast a questioning look in Mary's direction. It was a simple question, but one that was impossible to answer. If she wasn't so nervous herself, she probably would have laughed at his panicked expression. In the moment, though, all she could manage was a quick shrug.

"It was... uh... fine, I guess," Danny finally mumbled.

Tim's brow furrowed in confusion and he gave his son a searching look. "That was less than convincing," he said. "Is something wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?"

Mary quickly came to his rescue. "Like I said on the phone, there's been a lot going on around here over the past few days. Why don't you go upstairs and get changed. The lasagna should be out of the oven by the time you come back down. We'll discuss it after dinner."

He opened his mouth to protest, but apparently thought better of it. "Okay, I'll be down in a few," he said. "Don't start without me!"

"Don't worry, we won't," Mary said.

When he returned, they all sat down to eat. It was an awkward affair from beginning to end. Usually whenever Tim came back from a business trip, the three of them spent dinner time catching up on everything they'd missed from each other's lives. Unfortunately, Mary had a difficult time thinking of a single thing to share that didn't involve her family's incestuous behavior. Still, she did her best to maintain an air of normalcy.

The same couldn't be said for Danny. He spent most of the meal staring down at his food and refusing to make eye-contact with either of his parents. Tim and Mary both did their best to involve him in the conversation, but he would only respond to their questions with short, one word answers, before looking back down at his plate. Mary could see that her son's agitation was increasing with each passing moment. So far he'd kept his promise, but it was quite obvious that his feelings of resentment for his father were becoming more and more difficult for him to hide. Pretending that everything was normal didn't seem to be helping matters.

After a particularly long and awkward silence, Tim finally addressed the elephant in the room. "Okay, seriously--someone has tell me what's going on," he said. "The two of you are acting like the family dog died, and we don't even own a dog." He flashed them a goofy grin, but Mary knew him well enough to know that his lighthearted tone was a cover for his growing concern that something terrible had happened while he'd been away.

Mary and Danny shared a meaningful look. She watched in horror as Danny opened his mouth to speak, but sensing the fear in his mom's expression, he seemed to think better of it. Instead, he ignored his father's question entirely and said, "May I be excused? I'm not very hungry."

"Not yet," Tim said in a much firmer tone of voice. "Not until the two of you tell me what's going on."

Danny sighed and cast another questioning look in Mary's direction.

"Let him go," Mary said, her voice quiet but weighted with authority.

Tim frowned but gave a quick nod of assent.

"Good night, Mom," Danny said, pointedly ignoring Tim's increasingly bewildered expression.

"What in the world is going on here?" Tim asked when they heard the basement door close. "Is he mad at me over something?"

Mary hesitated. "Yes and no," she finally said. "Finish your dinner, and I'll explain everything to you upstairs."

The two of them ate the rest of their meal in total silence, save for the constant thumping of Mary's heartbeat. When they were both done eating, she collected up the dirty dishes and dropped them in the sink before following her husband up to their bedroom.

Stepping into her bedroom, she saw that Tim was already there, sitting on their bed and changing out of his work clothes. On his first night back from long business trips, they usually went upstairs after dinner and fucked each other like their lives depended on it, but from the grim expression on Tim's face, it was obvious that sex was the farthest thing from his mind.

"Well? Are you ready to tell me what's going on?" Tim finally asked when he'd stripped down to his boxers and undershirt.

Mary fidgeted uncomfortably. She'd been waiting for this particular moment all afternoon. Part of her was annoyed that Danny hadn't done a better job of hiding his frustration with his father, but at the same time, she knew that he'd just made shocking discoveries about both of his parents--discoveries that would take more than a few hours to get used to.

When she finally spoke, her voice was trembly and low. "It's um... It's about our... arrangement," she said. When she saw confusion register on his face, she clarified herself. "The open marriage."

Tim's eyes narrowed, and he stared warily back at her. "Okay... And what, exactly, does any of that have to do with Danny?"

Mary swallowed hard. "He knows, Tim. He knows about all of it."

"Hewhat?" A mixture of panic and anger flared behind his eyes. "Since when? And how the hell did he find out?"

Mary hesitated once more, unsure if she was really ready to take the plunge. Prepared or not, she knew it was too late to turn back. She took another deep breath and said, "He knows because he walked in on me while I was... well... you know..." She couldn't bring herself to say the words.

Tim jerked in surprise, and there was a long pause while he absorbed the impact of her statement. When he was finally able to compose himself, he looked up at her in a daze. Mary knew her husband well enough to see the jealousy written in his features. Her first instinct was to be angry with him. After so many years of sleeping with other women, jealousy was not an emotion he had any right to feel, but she willed herself to put her anger aside, knowing that the worst was undoubtedly yet to come.

"I just... how could this...?" Before he had a chance to finish his thought, his head cocked at a strange angle as if he'd just come to a strange realization. He blinked a few times and said, "Wait a minute... How could he walk in on you? You weren't careless enough to bring another man here? In our own house? Inourbed, were you?" He started frantically casting his head from side to side, searching for some evidence that would confirm his suspicions.