All Comments on 'Family Issues Ch. 07'

by allthatisfuta

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Please stop wrting

7 pages of total boredom

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
love this series best on here but...

Loved the dynamic between Kevin an Helen an I get the Diana plot. But not a fan of this installment. Not really feeling the who sub shit with Kevin. Besides I want to see how it turns out with helen

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Enough of this crap for me .This story just keeps going south and quick.

I am done .

Tim w

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I think at this point Kevin needs to wake up, hes not an airhead but you seem to make him forget what Diana and her parties are all about. It would be a good time to have Helen save him from these terrible people. There is absolutely no reason he would have ran off with someone named "Sin", let alone went with Diana to a party where she was given tickets and forced him to wear a costume, its just doesn't make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Fuck the haters. Keep up the good work.

Jb423Jb423almost 6 years ago

Very much enjoy your work on this series

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

i like how hes just become a cock whore. wish there was more action in this one though. i was also thinking the big dicks mob futa would get kevin to be with her mentally challenged sister. guess i was wrong

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

What a piece of shit, don't quit your day job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Love the story. It isn't just porn. . . . even if it is AWESOME porn. I really want to see what happens next. I on the edge of my seat.

wolf9696wolf9696almost 6 years ago

loving ur work.....waiting anxiously to see the tables turn

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Awesome story !

5 stars as always !

Please ignore the ***** haters and keep writing !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great job! Love the series!

The porn parts are good but what keeps me coming back for more is the story and characters. Keep up the great work.

Ignore the plebeians whose idea of pornographic literature seems to be the equivalent of the typical adult video... Ergo "Oh look, I dropped my towel" "Well by the laws of porn we must fuck now" -_-'

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great chapter...Kevin keeps trying to do the right thing but keep missing each time. Looking forward to the next one.

illwindillwindalmost 6 years ago

I had a much longer post, but instead I think I'll just say that this story is getting away from you, and needs to be reeled back in. Think about what was important at the beginning of the story and make sure it is still the main focus now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Okay, this is a great pick up. The people on here giving you shit are the ones who fail to realize your characters are dynamic. Kevin, Diana, Helen, theyre all goong through things and those experiences change people, and i think youve done a great job in portraying that. Ive gotta say The momentum of this one felt a lot smoother in comparison to chapter 6. Also, Sin is great, and also highlights your ability to create memorable and living characters. I absolutely cant wait to see how Kevin and the others react to Suzan's plot.


anhueserman1988anhueserman1988almost 6 years ago
5 stars

Fucking loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

For the first five installments of this story it felt like you were taking it somewhere, like you had a plan. They were all satisfying reads with a beginning, a middle, and an end, and they also acted as vehicles to drive the larger plot forward. The characters were real people with real feelings, and they all had unique personalities. In the last two updates, however, you expended too much effort describing the parties/sex, and not enough on character building or plot development. The result is that you've got 40k ~ words that can be distilled into 10-15k.

The entire Alpha Pi Alpha ark was wasted effort imo, as it didn't do anything to further the story. Megan, Ginger, Ashley and Sharon are all extra names we have to remember, adding additional clutter that detracts from the primary story line. Had you written it so Kevin's father's electronic store was on the ropes but he hadn't borrowed against it, you could have cut out another swath of characters that again add very little to the story. Frankly I'm not interested in Brigitte, Madam Hulk or even Nadine for that matter, and I genuinely don't want you to write another 20-40k words in an effort to make me interested. I would much rather read about the interactions between Helen, Kevin, and Diana.

Diana's psychopathic tendencies were more than enough to act as a foil for Helen and Kevin. Her sudden urge to 'be someone', goes against what we know of her so far, too. She's a lazy, unmotivated mooch who doesn't care what those around her think of her, Kevin and Helen included. The result is it causes her ambition to ring hollow. The same can be said about Kevin. He has a strong moral compass and sense of self, so for him to act the slut when Diana isn't the driving force goes against what we know of him.

My advice would be to cut out everything that doesn't directly affect Kevin/Helen/Diana, and spend more time developing your main characters.

TL;DR cut out the sub-plots as they're overtaking the primary plot, and focus more on your three main characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Don't Turn Back

I agree with several of the other commentors that while the sex scenes are interesting, the main draw is the developing interactions between the characters, how they evolve (especially between Kevin and Helen. Can't wait for them to get together.) and how this political rivalry between nadine, helen, and now suzan is going to go down. So KEEP GOING. So far, the only negative thing I can say about the story is the disappointment I feel when I check for an update each day and there hasn't been one. 😭

wallace99wallace99almost 6 years ago

The plot has been pretty unpredictable so far, I wondered if Nadine had other business rivals that she would end up coming into conflict with. I'm also curious if Diana becomes more of a villainess as the story progresses. I always love the banter between Helen and Kevin as well. Hoping he hooks up with Sharon in the next chapter or two. Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What i want.

Except from an other chapter, looked daily for this chapter. I wonder why diana always sleep with other people and kevin too. Is diano ok with him sleeping around or as long as she does it too, and aslong as he's sleeping with other futas? Let he quistion his sexuality and experment with cis-women. Not that i wanr you ti switch catagory just a thought. I liked when kevin stood up against diana and she's as hearth broken as a person with no hearth can be. Beside this thought keep up the good work you have nr 1 and 2 chapters on the hall of fame, just sayung you got talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I agree with several of the other comments. The main attraction for this story was the emerging relationship between Helen and Kevin. You seem to keep taking side trips that do nothing to further that relationship. We get a few paragraphs where they do something together then you throw Diana into Kevin's world again and delve into these crazy side trips that don't enhance the story for me at all. I see maybe at chapter 50 or so that you finally bring the two together and see where their future goes.....I don't think I want to wait for that many chapters to struggle through to see if there is a happy ending down the road.....

ItamiItamialmost 6 years ago

Okay so i am confused as to what is going on? Daina said in the chapter that she was changing and doing drugs for a reason. I am guessing also because she hurt kevin. But again she goes and sleeps around? And i hoped kevin was a better person... i know you needed a plot development... but kevin used to be this sweet kid. He had morals, i am beginning to not like him, and also not this story. Just something to contemplate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Why is every f girl except Helen and Megan a complete piece of shit? Your writing was strong enough to keep me reading, but these characters are such horrible people, I’m too disgusted to feel even slightly turned on. Isn’t the point for readers to want to see them fuck? I just want them all to fuck off. 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What! Noooooo!

I have to laugh at myself, I was gathering a head of steam towards "Why is this chapter so SHORT!?!?"

Then I saw it was 6 pages. And not even one of those two-paragraph last page deals, either.

So... sorry, and stuff, but still... dammit, too short! lol

So much going on, and this time it wasn't quite so clear that Helen is a major victim-in-the-making here, but rather you opened the lens to take in the wider game.

And what a huge game it is!

Damn, I'm really not sure where you're going, but as mentioned, your characters are (and continue to be) fantastic. Sin is wonderfully shaded, and a part of me wonders if Kevin isn't going to see the pain inflicted upon him as somewhat deserved.

Nah... maybe as a fleeting thought, but he's grounded enough to know that he didn't earn that pain.

Feeling shitty about himself, yes, but physical abuse notsomuch.

Speaking of which, Sin is going to be pretty miserable as well, which sucks as she was likely at the cusp of something life changing.

Then again, I don't think Kevin would be on board for that ride.

For a while I wondered if perhaps Diana was going to stay true to Kevin.

Then again, he has been brutally honest with her that she is just blackmailing him so I guess there's not much reason for her to be monogamous.

I like how you are gradually letting Kevin clue in to just how deeply he feels for Helen.

Helen obviously is fighting her own feelings.

Any chance a bus can hit Diana and sort this out next chapter? ;)

I trust that you have several more twists and turns ahead, and while I'm sure many of them won't be pleasant for our heroes, you've given plenty of glimpses into the HEA that I am most certainly hoping for.


Thanks for the great story,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great Story

All these other comments are telling you to focus on one part or another. Just write what you want to write, the story will stand on its own merit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Another fine chapter friend. Briliant character development. Its always nice not to have static character personality. They change with experience. Good plot line too! Not sure where everything is going, but thats part of the fun. 5 stars. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This is turning into a guilty pleasure!

I really like the story, but to be honest it's getting to a point where I really want Kevin to catch a break.

I quite like the futa domination, but so far none of them really are interested in making him feel good.

I see a hint of forehadowing to pair him up with Helen in the end. However, as a long time reader that would like to see a happy ending to this story I hope to at least put the idea in your head that you could find a futa to pair him up with that really wants him to be happy. Helen just doesn't seem to be the one, but it would be great to see her keep up the friendship with Kevin, and possibly even more if his one true approves...

EmirusEmirusalmost 6 years ago
Where exactly is this going? Has the story actually lost the plot?

I’ve read this series right from the beginning and enjoyed every chapter. Every one 5 stars. Even this one. But giving this one 5 stars was something I had to think about and if the story continues as it is I think 5 stars will be unlikely next time and it’s quite likely that you’ll lose me as a reader. I’m following another great series in another category and I had to make the decision which story to read first. I decided on this one and am beginning to think I made the wrong decision.

We’re up to chapter 7 and a futa girl is still forcing an innocent young man to share her bed. No she isn’t. That disappeared long ago. You’ve got a great imagination and writing skills so why can’t you write a different tag for each chapter? Give the reader some indication that there’s a difference between chapter 1 and chapter 99. You can’t give away a plot in just a few words but you can arouse a reader’s interest.

As a stand alone episode this was ok. Twists and turns again as we’ve had before. But this story has had so many twists and turns that it’s lost itself in the labyrinth. You may have some idea where the story is headed but most readers won’t be able to remember where it’s been.

With the benefit of hindsight, which is always right, you should have wrappped the story of Helen, Kevin and Diana up in 4 chapters. Then you should have started another series with the three of them getting involved in the shady dealings. Somewhere back in the mists of time wasn’t there supposed to be a plot, involving Nadine, about the company Helen works for? I assume it’s still in there somewhere or perhaps you’ve changed your mind because it doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere now.

The story seems to be wandering around like a drunken snail. Or Diana’s cock. You’ve got high star ratings for every episode but how many readers can remember what happened in chapter 5 let alone chapter 1? Please let’s see again the imagination and plot control that you showed with the first chapters. Go back and read this story yourself from the beginning and bullet point the main interactions and after looking at it as a reader, not the writer, decide for yourself if you would stick with it. It’s whether the reader can follow the story and enjoy it that’s most important not, and I don’t say this in a disparaging way, the writer’s ego.

EmirusEmirusalmost 6 years ago
Stop apologising

Stop apologising for the delay between chapters. 4 weeks is nothing if something good turns up at the end of it. I see that you say Chapter 8 is 75% finished. Let’s hope it’s worth waiting for.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
The plot thickens...

Great story as always, but I would love a bit more sex in terms of a sex scene next time. Love how this is developing, and the dominatrix scene was hot but left a little to be desired. I wished it was a bit longer and added more detail in terms of it all. Between the contrasts of the (hopefully soon) passions I am sure kevin will have with Helen the darker side of sex is hot. Would love nothing more than for kevin to run home to her now so to speak...

Anyway great story. 5 stars.

titans2138titans2138almost 6 years ago
This comment section is getting heated

Shut up about where you want the story to go

bananashake1997bananashake1997almost 6 years ago
It's loosing it's cham

The essence of the story was love and romance with domination not only fucking bdsm . There are plenty like that over net. I am disappointed with this chapter

But will wait for the next chapter after all you bhid it so well in 6 chapters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good, but lets get back to the main point!

Don't listen to all of the bashing. This story is good and I really want to see you continue! However, I will agree with this sentiment that we don't need any more side stories. The end of chapter 6 set up a good "will they, won't they" moment between Helen and Kevin, but this chapter feels like you snatched the rug from under us! Bait and switch if you will! And that college arc really doesn't really feel like it served much purpose in the grand of scheme of things. Lets get back to Helen, Diane and Kevin! You're a great writer, so don't get disgruntled! This latest chapter would've been just fine had it been its own separate story and not part of one that has slowly been built up chapter by chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Kevin and helen

Love the story and your writing style. Still hoping Helen gets to be with Kevin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You got me to start reading smut for the story, so that's a first. Looking forward to the continuations of this (And I really want to see Helen kick ass and take names).

the_specialistthe_specialistalmost 6 years ago

Another amazing chapter. But with a cliff hanger like that I hope I don't have to wait to long for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Man I love this story, but I gotta say I'm getting a bit sick to my stomach with how Kevin is getting hurt bad. Don't worry, it's a good thing for you, cause it's actually getting an emotional reaction out of me. I just hope Kevin starts to either use his cute charm attack to get out of it, or Helen saves him. Pls update soon.

UnrighteousUnrighteousalmost 6 years ago

It's a great tale with interesting characters if only we didn't have the cliffhangers, I always come back to stories without them and I hope most others do too. No I'm not saying that I won't continue to rate you high, just thought it was good manners to share my peeves in a none angry way.

Thanks for sharing your mind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Need more.

I gotta say as much as this is supposed to be about busting a nut to, or squirting, if you do that to, I'm actually more invested in this as a sort of romantic tragedy. The sex scenes are definitely good, make no mistake on that, you have great talent, but the rest, the events, the characters, have hooked me way more than amazing descriptions of people humping, though once again, those are so good. I really can't wait for someone to realize why Kevin is special, Sin seems to have realized it a bit, but it seems like that damn Suzan got in the way of the rest of us possibly finding out if Kevin is some kind of new human, like the futanari, only he has some kind of mutation that makes futanari unable to control themselves around him, that would definitely make sense with him having purple eyes, though I'm not sure how normal odd eye colors are, but we've only really seen more normal colors, though Sin seems to be close to Kevin's level in uniqueness, unless amber eyes are something that can actually occur, anyway I'm excited, and hoping, at some point there's something like a medical exam on Kevin, for whatever reason, maybe he gets pulled deeper into the underworld by these people, and they want to make sure he's clean, that reveals he has some kind of special pheromones, or something. But I'll end my rambling, keep up the good work, I'm really enjoying the story, even though at first I was flip flopping between entertained and angry, thanks to Diana, though that just goes to show your good character portrayal, all the characters evoke an emotion of some kind, though I think, and it's probably intentional, my favorite interactions are of Kevin and Helen, it's just one of those relationships you probably see among friends, the ones where you laugh and just say "Come on already you two, ask each other out! It's so obvious!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I don't know what it is but every time I finish one of these, it leaves a real sense of anxiety in me. I mean, its great that its finishing a chapter, but stuff like the training submissives and the entrapment tends to get to me a bit.

Of course, these are brilliantly written, and I'd never say to stop. I just feel like I want to see Kevin in situations a bit more either in his control, or just where he's not being treated terribly. That being said, provoking an emotional reaction is pretty damn good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Wow 🔥 ty please please post the next one faster as u can

PhilipInzaghiPhilipInzaghialmost 6 years ago

Another great story! I would like to see Kevin not getting treated terribly a bit now. And maybe a bit more sex between other people than just Kevin? Liked that it was some futa on futa too, so more of that. Maybe with some characters we already know. But it is you story and I trust you to do the following chapters just as great. Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Yet another good story, I just hope this eventually have a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Can't wait

Sex stories usually have only one goal but you are managing to write them in a way that I cannot wait for what is happening next. I'm really invested in the characters. Take out the futa (please don't!) and you have a bestseller in your hands

RiddlesTheCatRiddlesTheCatalmost 6 years ago

I loved the story so far, but don't feel like you have to make each installment longer then the last. Not that we don't love a long read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great story

DimauedDimauedalmost 6 years ago
Plot 10/10

I stopped caring about the sex scenes 6 chapters ago

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The burden of having character

What is this? When will it end???

I guess you think of this as Game of Thrones. You know, lots of people on the planet don't even watch that show. This is a nighttime soap opera.

It would be so much easier to vote without making myself read this thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

That went from BDSM to rape, real fast.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
the story

I have found I would rather read the story with out the sex and I like it more. But since you wrote this in 2018 and it's now 2020 there is not much I can do but skip the parts I don't want to read. I still really like the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Just become protestant, we're covered with the whole "sex for pleasure" thing

charmingcharles2896charmingcharles2896over 2 years ago

At this point i'm here for the plot more than the sex, but reading about Sin hitting Kevin... just fills me with anxiety.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am not at all shocked to find myself sad that this is already three-quarters done. While I anticipate that we will have to wait 4 nearing the end before Helen and Kevin finally get together, it also looks like some bad times, some really bad times, are on the way before that happy finish.

Only_a_readerOnly_a_readerover 2 years ago

I'm still remembering that phrase form chapter one. "The day Diana met her future husband...". Does this really has a future? (Commercial mode activated) IF YOU WANNA KNOW HOW KEVIN'S SITUATION'S GONNA END UP, MEET US HERE, IN LITEROTICA, IN CHAPTER EIGHT FROOMMM....FAMILY ISSUEEEEEESSSS, THE NEW BEST SELLER FROM ALLTHATISFUTA.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Ok, that’s it - Kevin is a complete and utter pain in the arse, his attempts at wit should have seen him suffer a very painful death long ago. I can read no more.

jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien420over 1 year ago

WTF Kevin you are in trouble.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Will this story be continued? Looks like it was posted two years ago with no follow-up since

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