Family Secrets


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I was given no choice; both my parents felt that Saundra should go home with them. It would not look good at this time for Saundra and me to be alone for the night. Under the circumstances I had to admit they were right. So, after the meal was over Dad drove them over to her vehicle then drove it home. My mother was on cloud nine and was making plans to spoil her newest granddaughter. Dad ended up waiting till 1a.m. for them to get home.

It was about ten at night when the police investigator called me. It took him a good two hours to do a background check on me. The mass media was having a field day. The information I had gotten released was causing a lot of questions. We discussed the whole situation and the problems related to it. He said when he saw the three generations in the video clip it erased many questions in his mind. I explained we were having DNA tests done in a rush to prove our relationship and that Saundra was with my parents. As soon as we got confirmation, we would head back. We needed to see if I could be a match for Susan. I asked if he could buy us some time. He told me to text him with our progress. I said I would and agreed to meet with him when we arrived. I was later told by Susan that he had reported back to her what we had discussed.

I was facing the past again. This time I had a different point of view. This time I would not be intimidated by ex-wife's family's power and money. I would use the mass media, the courts and the facts to my advantage. I had the resources, the proof and a willpower that was building to the extreme. I didn't want revenge, I wanted what I wrote about. The justice found only in the truth. I would take it the hard way from four people and the federal government.


I was sitting in my office the next morning making sure any changes in my schedule didn't affect me that much. I was setting up what research work Jackie could be doing while I was gone. Jackie was checking the email accounts every few minutes. She was acting like an overprotective mother hen. She had questioned me about my day; squeezing all the details she could out.

To be honest, I would never tire looking at Jackie Stoddard. When she was younger, she had to have been ever teenage boy masturbating dream. The way her brown hair was styled, naturally accented her soft facial features and that would capture you by surprise. Those piercing bright emerald green eyes, full thick lips, that seemed to beg to be kissed, and orbs of soft warm flesh that drew your eyes. They still were a sight to behold. These were things a single man dreamed of. I know I did. Her perfect ass enticed any normal thinking man who caught sight of it. It was still hard for me not to react when she walked away from me. I had often wondered how many husbands got slapped for having their eyes locked on it. I was still thankful that she had not caught me looking at it. She might have knocked my block off.

Finally, she got the DNA test results, printed them out and yelled, 'it's confirmed, you are her father.' Jackie called the lab right away, asking them to send the information to Susan's specialist. Automatically she started looking for the toughest litigation lawyer in the state of New York. Once she'd checked out a few, she selected the best and arranged a Skype chat for me.

It went well. The lawyer agreed to work on a percentage basis because with the DNA proof he felt it was a slam dunk. We would go after my ex-wife, her husband and her parents for conspiring to deny me my fatherly rights. The court order they had served me with, that restricted me from ever contacting them, not only would be squashed but was proof that their actions were deliberate. The fact that they produced a contract on my life that would automatically click in if I contacted any of them, even if it was not factual, could be used to show their attempt to intimidate and control. The lawyer saw the chance to make millions even before taking on the government.

I told Jackie to take the gray, dust covered box out of the back of the safe and send the data it contained by air mail to my new lawyer. It was the legal proof that was needed to prove that Sharron's father had deliberately tried to destroy my career and former marriage. It had taken years of research through several government levels to collect it.

I learned later that by the time I had talked to the lawyer, the police officer had released the video explaining that they had located Saundra. In the media it became 'runaway daughter goes to find her biological dad in order to save her sisters life. Had she by her conduct put his life in danger?' The media was in a frenzy because no one had answers.

"Mom, it's confirmed." I said on the cell. "I am a father twice over!"

"Thank God; be prepared to leave tomorrow at 7a.m. from the car lot. I will start spreading the news to all. Have you called your daughters to let them know?" Mom asked.


We were now on the road driving her two-year-old Ford Explorer that was fully loaded on our way to Oswego, New York. Saundra and I were in the lead. My parents in the dealership's tour bus right behind with thirty-three other vehicles following. The tribe was on its way. When my phone rang, Saundra answered it and put it on speaker.

"You're being tracked by CNN." Susan said after hellos. "There is a tour bus with a sign that says the Carlson's are coming. One out of a hundred and forty-one should be a match."

"Well, we have the DNA test that proves he's really our father. I've got a new two-year-old Ford Explorer." Sandra replied.

"Dad said that if it was confirmed, a shit load of family would come but I never expected this." Susan explained. "It's giving me a new hope that I had never dreamed I would have. It's been so long that I can't remember feeling this good."

"Dad's family put the word out. It's like they came out of the woodwork. I met so many earlier this morning it will take me being introduced repeatedly before I will begin to remember their names. I met family, first and second cousins and even thirds. I'm so proud that I'm going to force Mom to have my last name changed to Carlson when things calm down." Saundra stated. "I never knew that families like this ever existed."

I was so overwhelmed that I almost went off the road. That was when I decided I was going to write this amazing experience into my next book. My daughters were still talking about Saundra's experiences when Susan said she had to go; her mother had just entered the room.

"Dad, are you okay." Saundra asked with concern. "I saw you get very emotional."

"To be honest, how do you expect me to feel? I discovered I have two daughters that were raised by a former friend and my ex-wife without my knowledge. One fully vibrates with the fullness of life, the other on the verge of dying. One so strong and independent that she moved mountains without thinking; just like I would. Then I learned that she was already so accepting of me that she wanted to take my name." I replied in pride.

Emotionally overwhelmed!" she replied. "God, I was so self-centered I never gave it any thought. I focused on trying to save my sister's life. I wasn't a good match because I inherited a defective gene from our mother. The emotional problems I have caused for all of you are going to be felt for days. Can you forgive me?"

"For what; coming into my life? For turning everyone, I know lives upside down. Hell no, that's what living is all about. You have given everyone that's coming with us another person to love. That's what really matters. It is giving me something I thought I never would have. The chance to be a real dad." I said through tears. "Your new grandparents worship the ground you walk on. My mother has a pride in her eyes I haven't seen in years. To her, seeing her face on you means everything. You and your sister by birth right have automatically become her favorite."

"She's been spoiling us rotten. We went shopping. If she bought me an outfit, she got a second one for Sue." she laughed. "Saying she had years of smothering us to catch up on."

"That's Mom; she's always been that way." I replied. "You're going to find it impossible to distance her from you. I know I've tried." I said. "Barb and my two sisters will be bragging about this for weeks. By the time this adventure is over it will become a family legend that will be shared for years."

We had learned that as soon as Sharron had caught the live news feed about our coming, she'd been dealing with major panic attacks. The walls she had built were crumbling down. Susan, whose spirit had been lifted, was feeling vibrant and strong and attacked her as soon as she shut down her phone.

"Mom why did you hide the truth about our real dad?" Susan asked. When she got no answered she hit her hard.

"You hid the truth from us. You passed judgment on us; decided our fate! What gives you the right to act like God?

Even Dad didn't know. If Saundra had not discovered that he existed and gone to find out what the truth was, would you have let me die?" Susan asked, then waited for a reply.

Sharron Press realized she had no answers because she never thought that the truth would come out. Her father had hated Paul from the start and had done everything he could to drive him out. Thankfully, just then, Susan's doctor walked in.

"We received the DNA of a man we did not know. It proved he is Susan's biological father. I'm here to inform you that he is on his way to be tested. It looks like there is a good possibly that he will be a bone marrow match. He should be here tomorrow afternoon, but we are going to have him, for his own protection, kept under protective guard." The doctor said before he left.

"Mom, my bio Dad is coming with a hundred and forty others just in case he's not a match. He wanted to make sure I had a fighting chance." Susan stated. "He's willing to put his life in danger to give me more than a fighting chance.

"Why? Sharron asked."

"To him and his family, blood is thicker than water. Though I am a stranger to them, I am family and family comes first regardless of the cost." she replied. "You had to know we look like our real dad's mother. Here! watch this video I think it proves it all."

Sharron watched the video of my family meeting Saundra. There was no doubt there were three generations sharing the same face. She could no longer deny the truth. Her daughters had proof. Her and her husband's conduct was coming back to destroy their lives. It was then that a man appeared at the entrance of Susan's room asking for her. When she admitted she was Sharron Press he handed her a large legal envelope saying, 'you have been served.' Sharron fell to her knees bursting in a flood of tears. Susan was so angry she didn't even feel pity.

"Mom, why did Grandpa feel he needed to put a contract on my bio dad's life? Susan asked knowing full well she would get no answer.


Arnold Franklin Press had just come out of a corporate meeting. It was one of six boards he served on while managing his family's money. Just as he started down the hall, he got served. He sat down in a reception area and opened the envelope so he could withdraw the documents. The first one was dual and separate against both him and his wife for failing to allow Paul's legal rights as father of his daughters. The second one was his in-laws and himself. It too was joint and separate claiming they all had conspired to destroy his marriage and damage his career.

There was no doubt Paul would be going for revenge. He was going for their throats. He was demanding sole custody of his kids because if Saundra had not come looking for him, he would have never known. He was raising the question of moral abandonment, claiming that Sharron and he would have let Susan die to keep their secrets. Paul Carlson was smart. In a civil case they would have to proof beyond a doubt that they would not have let Susan die. With the way the story was being told by the mass media and how it came out, it would be hard to prove they would not.

He thought back to when he and Paul were attending university together. They met as roommates their first year and both had ended up on the football team. Sharron had been a cheerleader, and both had been after her, but Paul won out. Hell, he had even been the best man at their wedding. The problem was that her father had never approved of Paul because he did not come from the right side of the track. Her father had convinced Arnold to go after his daughter and he'd agreed. He has been surprised how easy it had all worked out.

When Paul got hired on with the FBI Sharron's father had used his influence to keep him busy. Using his power in the CIA to influence the FBI, he got Paul involved in joint assignments that would require him to be away. During social events his father-in-law would cause Sharron and Arnold to be together. Her father felt that given time, human nature would get in the way and their attraction for each other would grow.

Paul, thanks to his father-in-law, had to go deep undercover for two months. During that time Sharron and he had become lovers. Unknown to either one of them her father had captured everything. Waiting for Paul when he got out were videos, photograph's, audio tapes, and details of locations all dated. The problem was that Sharron did not realize that she was pregnant because she thought because of the stress of Paul's situation, she was late. Paul, to Sharron's father's glee, had filed right away.

As soon as the twins were born, they both knew that Paul was the father. The problem was her father had gotten Paul fired by creating false charges against him. It had taken him four years to clear his name. He had had to leave the area in disgrace. He was a ruined man. Sharron and Arnold had gotten married after the twins were born and now had two sons together as well. The unedited tapes from back then according to his father in law would prove that he and Arnold had conspired together to break them up. The question he was now asking himself is what Sharron will do when that fact comes out.

Saundra, I and the tribe arrived at our last stop of the night about nine that night. After fourteen hours of driving we were dragging our asses. We ordered a light bite to eat delivered to our rooms and were soon fast asleep till the wakeup call. At 5a.m. My daughter and I pulled out because I wanted a head start. Unknown to the rest, I had an appointment to meet with the police officer I had talked to and a representative of the F.B.I. The rest would be leaving at seven. We still had a six-hour drive.

Saundra dropped me off at the Oswego Police department on West Second, where I was met by the police detective who had been investigating my daughter's disappearance. She then headed over to the Southeast health center to catch up with her sister.

It took detective Peter Rodgers, Chad Girardeau, the FBI agent and I over an hour and a half to discuss things. My former father-in-law was being questioned. I gave them my lawyer's information, explaining that if they were building a case for criminal charges, that the information they had received from me could benefit them. I left them a stick with all the information I held. I was now under official protection status until I left town. Afterwards, with a security escort, I was taken over to the hospital so I could have my blood drawn to see if I would be a bone marrow match.

Saundra and Susan were talking. I could hear their voices as I approached her private room. The blood sample needed for testing had already been taken. All that was left was the waiting. The nursing staff and hospital security staff all knew who I was and were prepared. One of the nurses recognized me under my writing name. She pulled a hardcover copy of one of my books which I gladly signed. I started to walk into Susan's room.

"Dad," Saundra said in surprise. "I did not figure you'd be here this soon. Susan this is our dad, Paul Carlson."

Susan looked weak. Her skin was hanging loosely on her body. Her face reflected that her death was near. She was almost nothing but skin and bone, she'd lost that much weight. The smile on her face was a mile wide. Hey eyes showed the brightness of hope.

"Susan, they are rushing the test. It should be done in thirty minutes. The rest of the clan are just checking in to the hotels where they are staying. My parents are having their bone marrow drawn right now and will be up to meet you as soon as they're done. Your doctor agrees that if there is more than one match that we will have a double transplant done at the same time in both arms." I said try not to allow my emotions to break out.

Susan lost it and started to cry. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and held her in my arms for the first time until she calmed down. Saundra caught an image of us both shedding our tears. It was a mixture of joy and relief. Saundra was glowing in pride and she had every right. I realized just how much she had done. I was overwhelmed, seeing my two daughters together for the first time.

"Grandma. Grandpa" Saundra said. "Come in and meet my sister."

The five of us talked for a good hour at least before Susan's Doctor came in, his face full of smiles. It turned out my mother and I were a perfect match.

"The question I have." Doctor Proctor asked. "Is, are you two prepared to be checked in so that we can perform the operation tomorrow morning at 6a.m.?"

We both said yes. My dad whispered, 'thank God, we were praying for a miracle all the way up'.

"Don't you need my parents' permission?" Susan asked.

"Normally we do, but we were served with a court order this morning, thanks to Mr. Carlson, that allows us to go ahead, providing him or one of his relatives was a match. It seems the judge agreed with your father's lawyer that your mother and her husband were not putting your needs first." Dr. Proctor explained. "It also states that he will cover all costs that are not covered by insurance."

Saundra smiled and said. "I'm not surprised Sis. With what Mom and Arnold did, dad really didn't have a choice. Legally he has no rights, so he used the courts to his advantage. Ever delay means a higher risk for recovery. Dad has no reason to believe that they would do the right thing. He made sure there was no opportunity to cause further delay."

Just then, a security person came in to inform me that we were about to be on the national news. Susan flicked the TV channel to CNN, to discover my alter identity was out. It was now public knowledge that I was the writer of a series of popular books that had been sold around the world. Saundra, Susan and the doctor. were amazed. CNN was disclosing that I was worth an estimated forty million. Boy were they off a lot. I was thinking of hollering fake news.

My dad and mom looked at me in amazement. They had no clue; they thought I made my living as an independent corporate finical adviser.

"My god dad." Susan said in amazement. "I have read every single one of your books. They're great!"

I laughed. "After the destruction of my former life, I had to reinvent myself. Writing for me was a type of therapy. I'm glad that I did. It took a few years, but the first book was a huge personal success and its grown since then. I keep them current, looking at world situation, society views and morals, before exposing the things I do, making sure the raw truth comes out. Whether people like it or not.'

For the first time in fifteen years, I got checked in to my least favorite place; a hospital. So did my mom. My newest daughter wanted to share a room with me, but the hospital said security would not allow it. Saundra spent the evening running back and forth to three different rooms. My dad had called a few relatives to let them know what was happening.