Family Secrets


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Sharron and Arnold were not impressed when they showed up at the hospital after they got off work. The attuite towards them had changed overnight. It was Susan that told them she was being prepared for surgery first thing in the morning. She was going to receive a double transplant of bone marrow. Susan explained it had all been taken out of their hands by an order from the court.

"How?" Sharron asked.

"Mom, Arnold, my bio dad is a perfect, match as is his mother, both are going under so I can be given a double dose. Both want to see me recover fully, regardless of the cost." Susan said. "Mom do you know who Jason Blackstone is?"

"He's your favorite author. You know I know that, so why do you ask?" Sharron replied sarcastically.

"You're right but did you know that Jason Blackstone is a pen name? His real name is Paul Earl Carlson and he's my bio dad?"

Sharron and Arnold's faces went white. They had hoped the upcoming court case would go away after a few days by throwing money at it. Paul's net worth made it clear it wasn't money he was interested in. It was justice. Paul had always believed in law and order. That was what had made him a successful agent until he was terminated.

"Mom, did you know your father has been in FBI custody all day. You might want to check with your mother to see if he has made it home. Can you explain why that is happening? Saundra and I would both like to know." Susan said with a big smile. "Saundra's somewhere in the hospital either in Dad's room or Grandma Patterson's if you want to see her." Susan said as a dig.

Saundra and I were in my hospital room discussing how she was going to deal with her mother, when Sharron finally caught up to her. The security guard knocked on the door before sticking his head in.

"Mr. Carlson do you know a person by the name of Jackie Stoddard?" I said yes.

He opened the door and in she came. Jackie had been my sidekick for ten years. I had stood by her as her former husband divorced her because he had gotten his assistant pregnant. She was now 35 years old and a single mother, with her children grown up. She was trying to learn how to enjoy the single life. Yet she still wore the diamond from her wedding set. My family loved her. I did to. I had often wondered why she hadn't found someone.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I'm here to do what I've always done. Look after you. Doctor Proctor said yesterday that you would be in here for at least three days. He had already believed you were a match. It will take your arm about a week to heal to the point you will be able to do light stuff. I booked a private jet, flew up and checked into a hotel using the corporate card." Jackie explained. "Saundra when we leave, I'll need to get his suitcases to my hotel room if that's okay."

Saundra sent me a text. Dad FYI She loves you. She couldn't stay away. I raised my eyebrow.

The guard poked his head in. "Sharron and Arnold Press want to see you; will you allow them to enter?"

"Only after they have been patted down and searched?" Jackie said.

"What's your relationship with Mr. Carlson?" The security officer asked.

"I'm his fiancé, you dumb ass, didn't you see my ring." Jackie replied.

Saundra winked at me and mouthed, 'told yah'. I laughed. As Sharon and Arnold entered the room, they heard Saundra speak.

"Dad, based on what I know I would not trust these two for a moment." Saundra said, "all they will be doing is trying to cover their asses."

"You don't know the half of it, Saundra." Jackie started to say. "Your dad's lawyer has it on video where your stepfather received a cheque from your grandfather as a part payment to break your parents' marriage up. If he succeeded, he would be given full control to manage your grandparents financial matters for an annual fee of three percent."

"How do you know this is true?" Sharron asked out of genuine concern. "and who the hell are you?"

"Mom, she is Dad's fiancé and she works alongside him as a master researcher. Her name is Jackie Stoddard. Right now, I trust her more than I trust you." Saundra said firmly.

Sharron's face went white. She was at a loss for words. How much more of her world would be destroyed. It really hurt her to see her daughter walk around to stand beside her former husband's girlfriend. Her daughters were separating themselves from her. There was nothing she could do. They no longer trusted or believed her.

"Jackie speaks the truth Sharron." I explained. "This afternoon I ordered my lawyer to release all the video, and audio tapes to the FBI. As per their request. He also turned over a handwritten letter from your father to me explaining that he had paid for all the taping to be done. Your father's hate for me was so great that he didn't care how much it cost or who he used if it got the result he wanted."

"Is this true?" Sharron asked as she turned and looked at her husband.

When she looked into her husband's eyes, she knew that it was. Sharon's face went white. She realized what she had lost when Paul had divorced her. The only man who really loved her for who she was.

"Jackie, a word of advice; don't allow others to manipulate you. Like I did. Paul, I want to talk to you alone if you will allow it when the surgery is done. Right now, I need to go home by myself and take a hard look at what I thought about my life. Saundra will you walk with me to my car." Sharron asked.

Saundra said. "I'll be back in a few. Mom and I need to settle a few things. Jackie watch over my Dad till I get back please."

We watched them walk out. Sharron held it in well till she reached the room's exit. As she walked out, the tears started to flow. Both Jackie and I understood that until just now she had no clue as to what had been done.

Arnold Press, the man born with the silver spoon in his mouth, was unable to move. He had hidden his fear that the truth would come out as they built their life. Now it had. The look on his wife's face when she asked him, said it all. She was destroyed. So, was he but she would never believe him?

"Paul, I dreaded the day you would return. I had reached the point that I believed you never would. If we'd met accidently, I could have brushed it off". Arnold stated. "I never saw this happening. It's best I leave and say no more."

He left leaving us alone.

I looked at Jackie in such a way that I caused her to blush. For the first time, I was looking at her the way a man in love should. For once, in a long time, I was opening myself up. Was she playing me? Was she finally admitting her true feelings? Did I love her as a friend or was it something else? Either way my daughters had woken me up. I had been living in the shadows of everyone else. Taking pleasure in the joys and excitement of others but not creating my own.

"Jackie, I guess we have a lot of things to discuss while I'm in recovery." I said softly. "The events of these last few days have awakened me. I got complacent. I settled for the sidelines instead of being in the field."

"Paul, when my divorce happened, you stepped in. My son and daughter were still quite young. One still in, and the other just out of diapers. You have been more of a dad to them then their father. From baseball games and scraped knees, to the father daughter dance, you were always there. The dead beat wasn't. I know why you pay me well more than the normal going rate. You want to make sure the children in your heart are looked after." Jackie said. "On their birthdays you always went overboard making them the envy of all their friends. During summer breaks for years, you'd take us all on a special holiday trip. Each one designed to give them memories they will carry the rest of their lives. You answer their question as a father should; so much so that they chat with you every day. They love you and you love them. The only problem you have is your own deep fear of commitment."

I tried to speak but couldn't. Jackie was right but her direct words were like a big slap in the face. So were Saundra's. I stood up and walked over to where Jackie was sitting and sat beside her. I took her hand in mine. Turning my face, I looked into her eyes; gathering my thoughts.

"Sharron betrayed me. Her father's power intimidated me. My best friend used my strengths against me. I lived with an ongoing threat on my life. I put myself in protection mode. Until a few days ago I didn't realize it. Now that I have, can we go on our first actual date. Or is it too late for you and me?" I asked.

"Took you long enough, you old fool." Jackie said before kissing me on the lips. "I'm texting our kids and telling them we're now a couple and starting to work things out."

"Pretty sure of yourself!" I said.

I texted Saundra saying 'thanks, you were right,' then added, 'is it going okay?' Saundra responded, 'Mom did not know. She's taking it hard. Won't be back tonight. Let Susan know.'

Jackie and I headed up to Susan's room. After I introduced Jackie as my girlfriend, we disclosed to her what had transpired earlier. I then showed her Saundra's text. We had just finished up when my sister, Barbara entered the room.

"I just had to come and meet her." Barbra said. "Jackie what are you doing here?"

I went to say something, but Barb figured it out.

"He finally clued in did he?" she said with a smile. "Took him long enough."

"Susan, this is your Aunt Barbara. The man entering the room is your Uncle Lou, Barbra's husband." I said. "You will soon learn we don't pull any punches. We say it the way we see it whether you like it or not."

I excused myself and went out to the nurse's station. I texted Saundra asking if there was anything that Susan did not like on pizza. She texted back; she likes anything but anchovies. Using the hospital phone, I ordered and paid for three extra -large pizzas and three two litre cokes to be delivered in a rush. Calling Dad, I told him to bring up Mom in about thirty for a pizza party. Even though we were cutting the no eating for eight hours close. We got carried away. The head nurse came in to tone us down. She walked away with a piece of pizza in her hand. Later as I was headed back to my room, she stopped me.

"Attitude is important for cancer patients, at all times. Your actions went beyond your daughter's room. You have lifted the spirit of the whole floor. I can't thank you enough." she said.

At 4a.m., they dragged my bed down to prepare for the operation. I ended up right beside my mother. We gave each other moral support right up till we were wheeled in. I stayed awake till the medication took effect. When I awoke it was done. Now came the waiting and our prayers.

Dr Proctor had to step out and inform most of the tribe the transfer of bone marrow went well. It would take a few hours to see if it would take. It did. Hearing that most of the tribe started preparing for home.

Jackie said I made the worst patient she ever met. I replied, 'but I'm not sick.' "You're like a bull in the china shop. Impatient, unruly and downright miserable. Keep it up and you'll get the rep of being a horses ass" Jackie told me my mother was doing well. Once she was sure I was stable, she allowed me to have my phone back.

First thing I saw were texts from Jackie's daughter and son, both saying the same thing. It read: 'When does she gets her engagement ring, Dad? When do we get to meet our new sisters?'

"Jackie, you got a couple of smart ass kids." I said handing her back my phone. "Look at what they wrote."

"I told them I was coming to Oswego to watch over you after the operation. That led to a lot of questions. It ended up with the whole story coming out. They weren't that surprised. When I asked them why, they replied, 'Mom, he's always naturally treated us as if he was our dad. Most of our friends wish their dads were like him. Now we refer to him as if he's always being our father.' Jackie explained.

She finally paused to read the note. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I guess we're going to have a really short engagement." I said with a smile. "have you heard from the twins?"

"Saundra and her mother are with Susan. They say she is doing well, all things considered. Even though she's still drugged up she's asking a lot of questions." Jackie disclosed. "Saundra has heard all about the pizza party. Susan can't get over how much she looks like her aunt and grandmother. Says she can't wait till she can have a girl's day out with them when she recovers."

"Find me my pants. I want to go to her room. I need to see for myself how she looks. Then we will check on mom." I said

Well the nurses tried to stop me, saying it was too soon after surgery. I would have nothing to do with that so off we went holding hands. Surprisingly my pain was manageable.

Jackie and I could see improvement in Susan as soon as we walked into her room. Her complexion was returning; she was not so white. I couldn't see death lingering. The sparkle in her eyes almost brought tears to my eyes.

"Who are Tammy and Timothy Stoddard?" Sandra asked.

"My children. Their ages are 13 and 11 why?" asked Jackie

"I got a Facebook friend request from them this morning. So did Susan." Saundra stated.

"Well you both need to read what they sent me." I replied as I handed Saundra my phone.

Saundra read it, smiled then passed it to her sister. "I want this back so I can add their phone numbers to my contact list."

Sharron asked if she could talk to me privately for a few minutes and I said yes. We left the room and went to the floor's waiting room.

"Paul, I had a long talk with my mother last night. She had to admit she remembered Dad's hate towards you, but she never expected this. I haven't decided what I'm going to do. My daughters want to finish the school year here and then want to go live with you. They have requested to have their last name changed to yours. Both feel that what Arnold and I did is unforgiveable." Sharron disclosed. "I don't have the strength right now to argue with them. Both made it clear if I refuse, they will go to court to force the issue. It's clear they no longer trust me, and I can't blame them for that. If we went to court with what has happened, we both know the girls would win. The question is, will you let them come?"

"You know my family. They would not let me refuse, no matter how I felt. I will gladly take them, so will Jackie. It just means we will be buying a bigger place than I planned. I will drop the suit against you if you agree to joint custody." I replied quite honestly. "the suit still goes forward against the rest of your family. The twins are old enough to decide the rest, as the court would say."

"Sharon my parents when my siblings and I were young taught us if we couldn't be honest on little things how could we believed on the big ones." I explained. "Your problem Sharron is that you got caught in a big one. The twins are questioning everything they can remember seeing it in their new light."

"I understand because I've being doing a lot of that myself" Sharron said sincerely. "It makes it easier I guess, because I now can see it from both sides."

She agreed to joint custody. I offered to pay for their name change but she declined.

We walked back into our daughter's room together. The girls eyes were dead -locked on us. I could not help wondering what they were thinking.

"Jackie, it looks like we're going to be looking for a six bedroom house at least." I blurted out.

Jackie smiled and the girls screamed in delight.

Sharron said. "Girls your father and I agree. You get your wishes if Jackie will go for it. I'll call the lawyer tomorrow to start the legal process to get your name changed."

"Paul!" Jackie asked. "Are you ready for this? A house with teenage kids?"

"No one is ever ready for anything, but we will all adapt. I am just getting used to the idea of two carrying my name." I said honesty.

"Make that four. Tam and Tim want you to adopt them. They're already signing their name as Carlson" Jackie said.

"Call Rodger Mouser's firm so he can get one of the lawyers starting the paperwork. Then text the kids to let them know our plans. When we get back let's find out which area has the best education system, so we have idea where to look for our new home." I said

Saundra picked up her phone, opened her contact list and hit call. She then put on the speaker.

"Hello" I heard Tammy saying. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"This is Saundra, your soon to be older sister. Is Timothy with you?" she explained.

"Can you prove it because I can't." Tammy said "Dad, when he bought us our phones, taught us not to take phone calls or messages from some unidentified source without proof. Seriously are you scamming me?"

"Tammy, Paul and I are getting married." Jackie spoke out. "you are talking to Paul's daughter Saundra."

"Just so you know, Tammy, we are all going to be Carlson's to. Susan and I are going to have our last name changed. Dad and your Mom have started the process so he can adopt you both and have your name changed to Carlson too." Saundra said.

"Sweet, let Dad know it's about time. How is Susan doing?" Timothy replied. "We have been waiting to hear."

Jackie and I looked at each other. Between the two of us, we were witnessing the first conversation of what would become our blended family. She took my hand, squeezing it. To show her support and pleasure

"I'm improving." Susan said "So far so good. "I will send you both a text so you can add my number."

"Susan, Saundra, my sister and I feel you should know that your father is the only father we have known. Our bio father was gone before we got to know him. Your dad filled in better than any of my friend's parents did for them. Mom has been in love with him for a long time. When we get together, we need you to accept the fact we are sisters and brothers. Nothing more nothing less. Tammy and I won't allow you or us to come between them." Timothy said firmly.

Both of my daughters agreed.

Jackie looked at me through tear filled eyes and said. "They're showing your morals and standards. You should be proud. They took your values to heart."

I was. Jackie and I said goodbye for now and headed down to see my mom. Dad was sitting with her when we walked into the room taking them both by surprise. My dad saw a certain look coming from Jackie which caused him to smile. The old man knew something was up.

Mom said. "You're up and about already. Have you seen Susan? How does she look?

"Her complexion is starting to return. Her spirits have picked up so it's looking good but it's still too early to tell." I replied. "We need to have a serious talk if you both have the time."

"We're not going anywhere so let's get at." My dad responded.

"Susan and Saundra will be coming to live with me at the end of the school year. They both will be changing their last name to ours." I said "Sandra has agreed to joint custody and the name change. It was the twin's idea."

"That's wonderful." Both my parents said.

"That's not all." Jackie added. "Your son has decided it is time he made an honest woman out of me. Elizabeth are you ready to help me plan a wedding?"

My mom got teary eyed. My dad had a great big smile on his face. They did not have to tell us they approved; we knew.

"I will be adopting Tammy and Timothy and they will be taking my last name also. Jackie and I will start house hunting as soon as we get back." I added.

"What got your head out of your ass?" My dad asked. "We all knew how you both felt about each other for a long time. I was trying to get your mother's approval to knock the shit out of you."

"Earl Carlson, you behave yourself. You were not. You're not at the yard trying to sell someone a car they don't really want." Mom said, "Jackie have you though any about what you want to do for this wedding yet?"