Family Secrets - New Orleans Pt. 02


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"Daily life? Same as always, however, there will be times when you will be called upon just as my family will be then where I lead you will follow," Samuel said letting them know it wasn't up for debate.

"Wait you can't be the high priest and the Herald that gives you too much power," Michael said highly intrigued at what Samuel could do.

"Whoever said I was both?" Samuel asked giving the man the look that told him he was an idiot. "My mother was and still is our families high priestess."

"Can we have a demonstration at least," Ines asked moving to the edge of her seat. "Just so we all know what we are getting into if we agree to this."

"Then come up here," Samuel said pointing to the spot next to him.

"Me?!" Ines said pointing at herself.

"You're just as good as anyone."

"A-alright," Ines said taking a dry swallow, "just don't do anything weird," she said as she approached him.

"Sorry about this, don't get mad okay," Samuel said looking at Michael who nodded that he understood. "Try not to be too startled alright?" he whispered as his left hand rose. Ines gasped suddenly as Samuel's left hand cradled her right breast.

"W-what the...?!" Ines said in surprise collapsing to her knees as Samuel's magic poured into her body.

"Yes, I thought you would feel it far more than any other here, am I right?" Samuel said looking down at the woman as she filled the room with sexual energies.

"Y-yes," Ines said biting her lip, her thighs rubbed together trying not to give into the sensations that were radiating down into her womanhood.

"So what do you want me to do?" Samuel asked once there was enough of Ines sexual arousal in the air to fuel his spell.

"Show us how you destroyed that coven," Marie ordered wondering just how many forms of magic Samuel could actually use.

"I see," Samuel said chanting the spell in his head. He wasn't about to let these people know just what he could do as his hand moved through the air. The air shimmered as the illusion took hold of the room and its occupants slowly faded as that old historical house came into view. It was weird for Samuel watching the last days for those people from a third person point of view.

"What's up with that chick?" Eric asked as they watched as Annabeth pressed her body against his.

"Oh, she was trying to bend me to her will thinking of using what I can do to make her the leader of the coven," Samuel said as they watched the meet and greet before they entered the banquet hall.

"Well, she undoubtedly learned that from her mother," Joan sneered.

"Most likely," Samuel agreed.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Michael asked as they watched as Samuel drew the glyphs on the punchbowl.

"Oh, umm, bringing the parasite I created into the world, and placing an enchantment on the bowl so they all would consume the sugary drink along with the glyph to increase the parasite's incubation rate," Samuel said matter-of-fact.

"Why?" asked one of the children.

"Because they were planning on draining my magic to usurp Hekatê's will, and I wasn't about to allow them another day of life for their crimes against my mother," Samuel said not feeling any remorse for the lives loss that day. "Hence why she ordered their destruction."

"I see," Michael said weakly as they watched as Annabeth went up in flames.

"Here," Samuel said tweaking his magic a tad bit, so they could hear Eva's last words.

"What's happening!" Eva yelled horrified as she watched her daughter crumple to her knees. "No!" she shrieked as her skin began to sag, wrinkles rapidly formed, undoing the years' she had used her magic to keep her young. Her heart raced in fear as her body aged right before her eyes.

"You know I was really surprise how stupid you could be," Samuel said coldly as he stepped out into the light.

"What?! You did this to us! Why we were going to help you!" Eva said her vision darken as cataracts rapidly formed over her eyes.

"Do you honestly take me for that kind of a fool!" Samuel spat, "I know it was you and Beth that gave aid to Norman to hex my mother. Did you think I wouldn't seek revenge? That you could get away with murdering my mother?!" he growled gripping her chin, snatching her head backwards as he stood over her. "I've dealt with Norman already, Hekatê is keeping his soul entertained while she waits for you. Tell me how wise was it to piss off a goddess? It was she that ordered your sundering, and I was all but happy to oblige. Maybe if she allows your soul to be reborn maybe next time you won't try to usurp the goddess of magic's will," Samuel said an evil light flared in his eyes as Eva's body crumbled to dust.

Joan balled over laughing madly as Eva's body was nothing more than dust on the floor as Samuel's magic faded. The years she had wanted to do that herself. The years she had to bite her tongue to keep from angering the coven when she was younger. Now that Samuel had done the one thing, she always wanted to do she just couldn't stop herself.

"Sis?" Rick whispered nudging her with his elbow.

"Sorry," Joan said wiping her tears from her eyes, "it's just for so many years I've wanted to do that to Eva."

"So I take it this coven wasn't very friendly with your family?" Marie asked looking over at Rick, Carson, Martha, Joan, and Samuel.

"Well, I wouldn't really know. I only had like two weeks with them," Samuel said shrugging his shoulders, looking over at his grandparents for help.

"Oh yes, the coven was quite a snobby group of people. Thinking just because they could wield magic that it made them better than everyone else," Carson grumbled.

"It wasn't like that when we were apart of it back in our day. They knew how special we were and made sure to keep us in their grace. It wasn't until Wendy and Eva joined the coven when they were children that we saw the coven turning from its main purpose, which was to serve the will of Hekatê and not to line their pockets," Martha said remembering the good times they had when they were there.

"Samuel," Joan called to him, "forgive me, you did the right thing there. They needed to be stopped. I'm sorry I couldn't have helped my sister, I'm sorry for a lot of things." Leaning into her brother/husband, "Tonight I'm going to fuck you so hard," she whispered to Rick.

"Thank you, Samuel," Marie said rising from her chair. Arching an eyebrow as Ines released a lascivious moan as Samuel pulled his hand away.

"What the...?!" Ines whispered looking down her body between her legs feeling how wet she was. "Is this natural?" she asked looking up at Samuel.

"For me it is," Samuel said helping her to stand, "sorry, I didn't know how much or if any you would be affected by my magic."

"I see, will we all be able to make anyone of us," Ines said gesturing to her family, "cum from just a touch?" she asked in a low whisper.

"No, that's just me," Samuel said shaking his head.

"Then may I have another?!"

"Ines!" Michael said aghast at his wife's words.

"What?!" Ines said looking back at him. "When was the last time you gave me one? All I'm asking is for something easy and definitely not cheating," she said narrowing her blue eyes as she peered through the strands of her brunette hair. "So cousin what do you say? How about giving your cousin another taste, hmm?"

"Sure why not, I could use a snack," Samuel said placing his hand over Ines left breast. Keeping his smirk hidden as Ines held onto him as her womb detonated. "That wasn't even a fraction of the spell, how about we take it up a notch?" he asked pressing his fingers into her breast, catching Ines in his arms as she blacked out from the sheer bliss he saw on her face.

"Here, I'll take her," Michael said taking his wife from Samuel. "I hope that satisfies her," he muttered Samuel could only agree with the man.

"That...was intriguing to say the least," Marie said taking a dry swallow. Glancing out the corner of her eye as Michael laid Ines onto the couch. She had never seen her half-sister look so blissful before. It made her wonder just how different his magic was compared to the rest of his families. "Samuel, we thank you for allowing us to voice our concerns to you," Marie said stepping forward. Placing her hands behind her back to keep herself from reaching out and allowing him to touch her like he had done with Ines. "Would you mind over the next two weeks we hold a discussion group should anyone have any more questions they would like to ask? You and your family are more than welcome to stay as long as you like. It's nice to finally see what sex magic looks..."

"That wasn't sex magic," Samuel said interrupting Marie with a coy smirk, "well not in the truest sense."

"What do you mean?" Marie asked confused.

"I simply used her sexual energies to cast an illusion spell. Real sex magic well I would need your," Samuel said glancing down to her peach then back up, "how to say this without being lewd," he muttered.

"Speak your mind Samuel," Marie said as the adults covered their children's ears.

"I would need to imbibe in your juice if we aren't having sex that is," Samuel said looking at the women of his extended family. Noticing how their cheeks instantly heated as his eyes fell upon them. "Then I can weave the strands of magic that deals in sex."

"Ah, I see," Marie said trying to ignore how her mound was quivering at the thought of Samuel lapping up her juices. "Well, this has been a very informative night, don't the rest of you agree?" she asked looking around the room at her family. "Please give your aunt and sister my apologies for pulling you away," Marie said smiling at him.

"Aunt Joan, you and uncle should make your preparations before the night of the new moon," Samuel said looking over at her.

"Okay, we'll be ready then," Joan said giving her nephew a nod, "I'll tell you later," she whispered to Rick when he started to speak.

"I don't mean to intrude on your internal family matter, but what's this about the new moon?" Magdalene asked trying to still her aroused body. Yet the faint brush she felt against her skin was like a wild fire rampaging throughout her body. She had no idea sex magic could feel so raw, so energizing, so orgasmic.

"The breaking of Norman's hex can only be done on the new moon," Samuel said over his shoulder as he left the room.

"Samuel!" Joan cried out as she chased after him. "What do you mean by Norman's hex?" she whispered low as she held onto his arm.

"Norman placed a hex on your ovaries that is why you haven't been able to get pregnant," Samuel said softly, "why he did such a thing I haven't a clue, nor why he would go after you instead of Kelly or Charlotte first," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"But you're sure you can break it?!" Joan asked frantic to put this part of her life behind her.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem, plus I think you'll be pregnant by the end of the ceremony," Samuel said with a lopsided grin.

"Are we...?" Joan asked biting her lip.

"Having sex? No," Samuel said shaking his head, "uncle will be doing that part, I'm just going to be there to break the hex and provide an extra boost to uncle's little swimmers," Samuel said slowly turning the doorknob to one of the many bathrooms that dotted the house.

"Thank you, Samuel," Joan cried joyfully throwing her arms around his neck, placing a long wet kiss on her nephew's lips.

"Joan? What are you doing?" Rick asked puzzled by the display.

"Oh Rick!" Joan said falling into his arms, "babies Rick, we're going to have babies," she said dreamily as the bathroom door closed.

"Hello Samuel," Charlotte and Kelly purred displayed in various salacious poses on the bed awaiting his return. "Come," they said holding out a single arm beckoning to him, "we've been waiting."

Samuel held his breath as he looked upon the white glistening alkary magical stones that lined the path of her inner sanctum. He knew the place existed, he had found a journal of one of the former Herald's had hidden within Hekatê's library. Which he found odd that a goddess of magic wouldn't sense the sealed compartment, then again, she might have and just thought it would be amusing to watch as the other Herald's tried to figure it all out.

"Ah, here at last" Hekatê cooed. Yet Samuel couldn't understand why her voice sounded so far away. "Have you become so distant to me that my own Herald only speaks with my Arcita?" Samuel cocked his head to the side it sounded to him that the goddess was hurt. "I wonder if I have chosen wrong...," she mused, "that you haven't figured out your other task yet." Samuel pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes as that same image of that woman's face was set ablaze in his mind. Falling to his knees as the image of voluptuous breast with a pale white areola capped with a matching little bud scrolled pass his view. Droplets of sweat beaded along that flat, smooth stomach before disappearing into her bellybutton. A soft salacious moan echoed through his mind as he felt her body writhing beneath him.

"Sammy!" Wendy whispered patting his face. Samuel's eyes shot open. His eyes darting around uncertain as to where he was at. "Baby, are you okay? It sounded like you were having a bad dream."

"Yeah," Samuel sighed laying his forearm over his eyes.

"Samuel tell me what's wrong," Wendy whispered sitting up on his chest.

"Something she wants me to do, yet I can't figure out what."

"Okay, does it have to do with something here or...?" Wendy chewed her lip as Samuel shook his head.

"She want's me to find someone, who? I can't say she doesn't give me a name just an image of a face," Samuel said peering at his mother from underneath his arm.

"So she has to be in the city," Wendy said contemplating on the problem, "she has to be, she wouldn't make you search the world for a face with no name without a means to find her. Trust your magic Samuel, I was meant to show you how when you got older," she said smiling shaking her head. "I guess I still can, this isn't how I thought I would be teaching you. If Hekatê has an interest in this girl than she must have some kind of magic, then you should be able to sense her. It might be difficult for you given the amount of magic users here; but I know you can do it," Wendy said caressing her son's cheek lovingly. Noting the hour, knowing it was still far, far too early for Samuel to walk the streets of New Orleans, and she wanted more time to hold her son in her sleep. "So tomorrow, and however, long it takes we will help you find this woman. I don't want her angry at you," her fine sandy blonde hair brushed along her shoulders, "she isn't going to take my baby," she whispered pressing her forehead against his. "Now go back to sleep, we'll talk more on this in the morning." Unaware that Kelly and Charlotte were awake and heard everything.

"Hey, look at this," Kelly said laying her phone down on the table mat as Samuel sat down at the kitchen table.

"Ghost walk?!" Samuel asked perplexed as he scrolled down the tourist website.

"Not that, but it sounds fun doesn't it? No, the list of magic shops," Kelly said pouring Samuel a cup of orange juice while Charlotte fixed him his plate.

"Don't you think that would be a good place to start looking?" Charlotte asked setting his plate before him.

"Oh, what's going on? Did someone say something about shops?!" Ines said stepping into the kitchen. Trying not to let her eyes fall on Samuel as he bit into his toast. "If you like I'll be more than happy to show you around," she said stepping up to the table.

"Well, isn't that nice we'll have first hand knowledge on our tour," Wendy said gleefully from her highchair.

"Ines, I thought you had an appointment today?" Paul asked as he stirred the fresh batch of scrambled eggs.

"It can wait, it's not every day our cousins come down," Ines said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Uh-huh," Paul said smirking into the eggs. He had overheard Ines and Magdalene speaking about her experience underneath Samuel's touch. Listening to how Ines had masturbated until one in the morning and it didn't even measure to the bliss she had felt. "Hey, do you go by Sam or...?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Samuel," he said scooping his hot eggs to his mouth. Instinctively, taking the extra napkin from the table and wiping Wendy's mouth.

"You're becoming quite the Daddy," Kelly cooed wondering if he was going to be as caring to their own child.

"Yeah, you were calling me that the other night," Samuel said with a smirk as he bit into his piece of bacon.

"Well, I have been a bad, bad girl lately," Kelly shot back feeling her cheeks heat.

"I do hope I'm not the only one that misses out on your spankings," Charlotte said trying not to let her morning sickness get to her.

"Oh, well then, I guess you need to bend over this knee too," Samuel said patting his right knee underneath the table.

"Man, I thought Rick was joking about the flirtatious nature of sex witches," Paul said shaking his head.

"Oh, sometimes we are, sometimes we aren't. It just with us, we have two years to make up for," Charlotte said sweetly as the pads of her fingers skimmed along the back of Samuel's hand.

"Ah, I see," Paul said nodding eyeing his cousin-in-law.

"Well, I'll let the four of you finish your breakfast," Ines said placing her hands behind her back to accentuate her breasts, "I'll be in the foyer when you are ready," she said turning on her heel. Looking back at them as her hand rested on the polished brass door plate. "Samuel, cousin, last night is it always like that or more...?"

"More," Samuel said as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"Mmm," Ines mused as she pushed through the door.

"What did she mean Sam?" Kelly asked resting her hand over his.

"Oh," Samuel said a mischievous light flashed his eyes. Turning his hand over, running his middle finger along her palm, watching how his sister's back arched, the sound of her legs snapping closed, to the soft whimper that escaped her lips. Noting how she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples were outlined by her green shirt. "She meant that," Samuel said watching his sister trying to control herself at the kitchen table.

"Samuel," Charlotte said drawing his gaze, "was that the same thing you did with me and Joan?' she asked sucking on her lower lip at his nod. "Then my sweet nephew please give your aunt another jolt of that magic," Charlotte said with a seductive smirk.

"Yes ma'am," Samuel said wondering how messed up his life had become as his sister and aunt climaxed in his cousin's kitchen.

The scents of creole food drifted on the late morning air as Samuel and the others walked down the streets of New Orleans. Glad he had looked up a cooling spell when the heat grew too warm for his liking. Grinning madly when his aunt and sister along with Ines looked back at him. Keeping his chuckle contained when he noticed the slight sheen of sweat glistening along their foreheads.

"What?!" Samuel asked as their burning looks bored into him.

"Samuel, it's not gentlemanly to flaunt your power and not offer it to us as well. We are the mothers of your children. Should we not benefit from your spell as well?" Kelly asked her cheek twitching knowing how hot it was going to get as the humidity continued to rise.

"Mmmhmm," Charlotte nodded, "you wouldn't want us sweating through our shirts, now do you? Unless you want men staring at our...," smirking as Samuel placed his right hand on her left shoulder, his left resting on Kelly's right. Sighing as she felt the heat pouring off of her.

"While I'm used to the heat, but I too could use some cooling as well," Ines said batting her eyelashes at him. "My, what a strange spell," she mused as she studied the light blue halo along her skin. "Now shall we carry on?!" Ines asked happily as she clapped her hands.