Family Secrets - New Orleans Pt. 02


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"Right, sorry," Mary said bowing her head, her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

"So your family owns a restaurant?" Samuel asked peering over the menu.

"We own several actually, along with numerous shops that dot the city. After Katrina hit, we swooped in scooping up business' who's owners failed to return. Along with numerous residential rental properties that Marie oversees, I look after the magic shops, Magdalene along with Eric manage the corporate rentals; while Paul oversees the restaurants we own. Michael the lazy ass looks after the children that aren't old enough to attend school yet," Ines said wishing she had brought an extra pair of clean panties with her as the cold air chilled her soaked womanhood. Sucking on her lip as her pussy throbbed, her thighs rubbing together loving how the sensations were lingering after. Wondering what Samuel would look like between her legs as she rode that cock of his. Now that she had felt his magic first hand, she knew Marie and Magdalene were going to fight each other for the chance to feel it filling them as it had done with her.

"I was wondering how you all could afford that house," Samuel said trying to find something that wasn't too spicy on the menu. "Ines, what's a po' boy?"

"Oh, I guess you wouldn't have ever had one of those. It's a sub stuffed with either roast beef, pork, or sea food. I advise you to get the oyster po' boy it's quite good, or the crayfish one although it has Cajun seasonings," Ines said setting down her menu.

"I do like oysters," Samuel said settling on what he was going to have.

"The shrimp gumbo looks good," Kelly said intrigued on trying out the tastes of the deep south.

"I think I'll have that too," Charlotte said setting down her menu.

"Excellent! Trust me you won't regret eating here," Ines said sitting straighter in her seat.

"I have to admit when I saw that po' boy I didn't think it would be that good," Samuel sighed rubbing his belly as they left the restaurant.

"The gumbo was good too, although I could do with out the okra," Kelly said snuggling up to Samuel.

"I know right, it was a tab bit slimy for my taste," Charlotte said nodding along.

"I understand," Ines nodded, "you should try it fried. It's so much better, trust me you aren't the only one that dislikes it's slimy taste in gumbo just don't say that too loudly," she giggled. Only to turn back as Samuel stopped in his tracks.

"Samuel is it...?" Charlotte asked as her nephew looked lost in thought.

"No," Samuel said shaking his head, "trouble," he said spinning on his heel to face the threat. Setting his jaw, his fist clenched as the group of six approached. Two of the men had shaved heads their mirror finish glinted the sun's rays back to its source. The other two men flanked the woman in the center, their dreadlocks bounced against their muscular chest with each step. Each flanking the black woman that carried the aura of power around her. Her braided hair cascaded down her body, accentuating her enormous double F cup breasts. Her brown eyes glinted in an evil light as she looked upon their group like a panther ready to pounce on her prey. Samuel could feel their magic, it felt unnatural and unclean; then again, all magic was unnatural. However, magic was neither good or evil it was the users intention that made it so, and it seemed to Samuel the woman used her gifts for whatever vile acts that suited her fancy for so long that it made his skin crawl.

"What do we have here?! A little witch out for a stroll," the woman said her purple painted lips curled into a cruel smile.

"You!" Ines growled hatefully.

"Well, seems you saved me the trouble of looking for you," Samuel said narrowing his eyes.

"Oh? And just what does a child want with Madam Labo?" she asked her eyes studying the boy before her.

"To destroy you," Samuel said plainly only to watch as the group balled over in laughter.

"You? Destroy me?! Child, I have walked the darkest paths of magic, cast spells that ended many lives, rose through the ranks of my people; and you have the gall to think you can destroy me!" Labo said darkly as the belt of skulls of the victims she had brought to an end materialized along her waist.

"Sam...," Ines began to say only to be stopped by Samuel's raised hand.

"What you think those frighten me?" Samuel asked pointing at her belt. "I've dealt with witches far more powerful than you, and they too lay at my feet once I sundered their lives," he said narrowing his eyes feeling her magic building as she called on the spirits that she had enslaved. "You have a choice either cease your attacks on the Beaudoin family, or you too with come to know the touch of death like those foolish coven members I laid low."

"I don't fear you boy!" Labo hissed.

"You should," Samuel said his aura exploded out. Lazy cumulus clouds sprung to life as they shot towards the stratosphere. Those towering thunderheads darkened as lightning arced between each other answering the call. The once still air became a whipping torrent as it pushed Labo and her group backwards to show who the elements truly called master. "This is your only warning you will receive. Stop now and I won't make you watch," Samuel said curling his fingers into a fist causing the man to her right to drop dead at her feet, "as I kill every single one of you," he said his glowing shimmering eyes flared causing Labo's belt to go up in flames. To prove to her that his magic was far stronger than anything she could throw at them. Smirking as he watched the woman franticly trying to rid herself of that gruesome garb.

"This isn't over!" Labo yelled as her men dragged her away leaving behind their pal.

"Of course not, people in power always want to stay in power," Kelly said stepping up to Samuel's side.

"Samuel, you know she isn't going to go away," Charlotte said laying her right hand on his back as she commandeered his left side.

"I know," Samuel sighed. His eyes falling on the man he had just killed. He had no wish to kill anyone, yet it seemed to him the woman knew only one thing -- Strength. Strength that he wielded that he never asked for and never wanted; nor did he want to be the cause of any ones death.

"Come. We need to leave," Ines said knowing the display would soon have people arriving asking questions she would rather not answer.

"She's right," Kelly said bringing Samuel out of his contemplation.

"Quickly, this way," Ines said waving to them as they entered the alleyway as police sirens sounded in the distance. Once they were several blocks away only then, did she slow down her pace. "We should be far enough now to keep from being caught in their perimeter," she said panting for breath as she bent over resting her hands on her thighs trying to draw air into her lungs. "I don't know how Marie is going to take this," Ines said looking over to Samuel.

"What she does is no concern of mine, I'm here for one purpose that's to see Hekatê's will is done nothing more, nothing less," Samuel said sternly.

"But did you have to kill one of theirs?!" Ines asked wondering what fallout was awaiting them once they got back to her home.

"Labo only understands one thing -- Power. So I showed her that she has none when it comes to me," Samuel said crossing his arms, "if one of theirs had to die to make my point so be it."

"I see," Ines mumbled chewing on her lip wondering how she was going to tell Marie.

"Would you rather let those people continue their assaults on your house? Would you want to watch as they finally attacked one of your children? What then would you and your family do, hmm? Go to war with these people, which I suspect would burn this city to the ground in the aftermath of your grief," Charlotte said with a pointed look. "I'm not saying it was wise for Samuel to show off in public like that, however, if her magic was as cruel as it felt to me than that was what she's definitely after. She won't stop until every last one of you is dead and gone."

"Then I vote it be her," Ines said relenting.

"Agreed," Kelly nodded. She too had felt Labo's magic it felt evil as it crawled along her skin.

"So you can use elemental magic?!" Ines asked straightening her blouse.

"As I have said before I can use multiple forms of magic," Samuel said looking off into the distance. Feeling something odd tugging at his attention. Something that seemed to be of another world. Blocking out his sister, aunt, and Ines as it sweetly called to him. Lulling Samuel into the heart of the city.

"Sammy, are you listening?" Charlotte asked taking hold of his left arm.


"What did you feel?" Kelly asked knowing Samuel was spacing out an awful lot since the week begun.

"Something familiar," Samuel said pressing his hand against his forehead. His hand shot out bracing himself against the brick wall as that same face flashed in the forefront of his mind.

"We need to get you back," Charlotte said wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

"Come. I'll get us a taxi," Ines said leading them out of the shadows of the alley.

"So," Marie said peering over the rim of her glasses as she sat down the monthly expense report as she leaned back in her desk chair. Running her finger along her upper lip as Ines along with Kelly and Charlotte sat before her desk. Her eyes flickered over to Samuel as he sat on the leather couch that lined the eastern wall of her office. Noting how he rested his chin in the nook of his thumbs as his elbows rested on his knees. "Labo showed herself before the four of you and you challenged her?" she asked looking at Samuel.

"Couldn't be helped, it was bound to happened sooner or later. They saved me the trouble of finding them," Samuel said not bothering to look at Marie. His mind too focused on what he had felt in that ally.

"Yet did you have to kill one in public?" Marie asked setting her glasses onto her desk.

"What would you have me do?" Samuel asked glancing over at her. "You and I both know she understands strength and I showed her I am the stronger one. So if she wants to provoke this family any more than what they already have then she knows I'll burn them all to the ground," he said watching Marie squirm underneath his glowing gaze.

"So they would become like the coven you destroyed?" Marie asked spinning towards him in her chair. Uncrossing her legs hoping that Samuel could see that she wore no panties. She had visited her esthetician earlier that morning hoping he would like her bikini wax. She was so eager to show Samuel her beautiful trimmed auburn bush.

"No that was about sending a message, this is about protecting this sect," Samuel said returning to his previous contemplation. Peering out of the corner of his eye as Marie shyly inched up her skirt behind her desk. Those pink lips of hers peeking out from underneath the hem of her skirt. Noting how she spread her legs to give him a better view.

"I see, well let us hope that Labo takes the hint and flees the city and returns back to whatever blackest bayou that she sprang from. That woman has been a plague on this city for too long. However, that doesn't mean I want their voodoo cult destroyed, if we can do away with Labo I know the others of her little group will more than likely sink back into the darkness. Knowing that their little Labo was laid waste by a visiting witch, since she is obviously their little keystone," Marie mused turning back to look at Ines. Something was different about her, what? Marie couldn't say. Yet she was intrigued enough to find out. "Ines, there's a certain glow about you that you didn't have this morning, mind telling me why that is?"

"Umm," Ines blushed hard glancing at Samuel, "I got to experience what mother always talked about when we both were little," she said giving her half-sister a weak smile.

"Really?! How was it?!" Marie asked scooting underneath her desk.

"Sublime," Ines said dreamily, "you remember what Mom would always say when her uncle was still alive?"

"Yes, of course!" Marie nodded vehemently.

"Blows everything mother told us out of the water," Ines said holding up the number of fingers of the orgasms Samuel had given her.

"Oh my," Marie said hiding her hungry smile from behind her hand.

"Well, I think we should place the hex to overlay with Samuel's spell," Charlotte said rising from her seat looking over at her niece as she nodded. "And we still need to finish what we started last night, don't you think?" she asked looking at Marie.

"Yes, yes, I think we should," Marie said her heart racing. Although she knew they weren't as powerful as Samuel was that didn't mean she wouldn't enjoy what they were willing to share with her.

"Samuel, would you like to watch?" Kelly asked with a knowing smile.

"You and Charlotte with another woman, you honestly think I'm going to pass that up," Samuel said shaking his head at his sister's question trying not to smile.

"Oh, I think my Sammy has a thing for an all-female three-way," Charlotte giggled.

"Marie?" Martha said walking into her office with Wendy in her arms. "Something I've been meaning to ask you...," she stopped wondering why the four of them were in her office.

"Yes Martha, what can I help you with?" Marie asked trying not to show how eager she was to be underneath Kelly's and Charlotte's magic.

"Since now that Samuel is here," Martha said patting Wendy's leg, "why not connect the two houses."

"Do what now?!" Marie asked confused.

"Wendy here was the one that reminded me of it," Martha said smiling sweetly at her daughter. "It's a spell that allows one to connect two vastly distant places together. I never thought of it since no one here has the strength to perform it on their own. However, Samuel does have the power needed to connect the two by a way of a tunnel so to speak."

"Like a wormhole or something?!" Samuel asked borrowing the phrase from the episode of Deep Space Nine that he had watched last night.

"No son, think of it as folding space," Wendy said shaking her head, "just that instead of a space ship's engine it's a spell and the two doors are the engine per say."

"I see," Samuel muttered.

"However, if we are to do this than Samuel you will need to start right away on this side to imbue the runes with your magic," Wendy said looking at her son.

"So that would mean our two families could come and go whenever they want?" Marie asked wondering how often she could experience the man in her office.

"Whenever the door is open on either side," Wendy nodded.

"Then please," Marie said looking towards Samuel, "please allow our two families to grow closer together. Whatever you need my family will provide the materials for the spell."

"You sure I can do this?" Samuel asked looking at his mother.

"Of course baby, I wouldn't have suggested it if you couldn't," Wendy nodded. "You know where to find more information on the spell if you need to," she said with a knowing look.

"Sammy what is she talking about?" Kelly asked confused.

"I can't say," Samuel said knowing the cost if he went against his word.

"Sam...," Kelly began to say only to see the look in his eyes that told her to drop it. Giving him a nod that she understood and wasn't going to press the matter. "Well then, shall we retire to our room?" she asked looking over at Marie. "Grandma you don't mind looking after Mom for an hour or two, do you?"

"No why? What are you going to do?" Martha asked confused.

"Me and Kelly are going to overlap an Hungarian hex over Samuel's spell," Charlotte said her left hand played along her ass enticing him with what was to come, "with a little help from Marie here."

"I see," Martha said with a small smile, "well little girl I gets to baby you some more," she chuckled softly as she exited the room.

"But Mom!" Wendy groaned her voice drifting down the hall.

"Don't you Mom me, young lady." Samuel couldn't help but smile at his mother's banter with her own mother.

"So is there anything special I need to do?" Marie asked getting up from her seat.

"No, although we are going to need some Chinese red lacquer," Charlotte said tapping her finger against her lips, "you wouldn't happen to have some here, would you?"

"I...believe we do," Marie said after a moment to rummaging through the list of items they had stored within the house, "why do you need it?"

"To paint the runes on your body and ours," Kelly said glancing over at her brother wondering if it was getting a rise out of something.

"May I ask why must you paint my body?" Marie asked feeling her nipples hardening.

"To channel the magic," Charlotte said with a seductive smirk.

"Oh," Marie said hiding her blushing cheeks behind the curtain of her hair. "Then by all means let me fetch the lacquer and I shall meet you in your room."

"Don't take to long," Charlotte waving to Marie as they left the room.

"Now Samuel," Kelly said standing beside her aunt in her pearl white lace underwear, "you are only meant to watch no touching that goes for that too," she said sadistically pointing at his cock.

"Oh come on! That's just cruel," Samuel groaned as he sat in the middle chair closest to their bed, so he could get a better view.

"Samuel," Charlotte purred her red see-through bra strained to contain her breasts as she leaned forward. Her hazel eyes were lit in her mischievousness knowing how it was going to be torture for him not to take his cock out and stroke it as they writhed on the bed. "You know if you did your energies would interfere with the spell. However, once we're done, I'm more than willing to take care of that hard cock for you baby."

"No. If anyone is going to take care of my sweet Samuel's tool that is going to be me," Kelly said standing her ground. Her nose an inch away from Charlotte's.

"Now listen here Kelly, as your aunt you should allow me the first taste of the day," Charlotte said placing her hands on her hips.

"I will not, Samuel likes how I use my tongue don't you brother?" Kelly asked sternly looking over at him.

"Hey now! Don't bring me into this argument that seems forced. If you two want sex all you have to do is ask," Samuel said seeing the ploy for what it was. Nevertheless, that didn't make the sight before him any less erotic and he so wasn't about to make them stop either. Not when he could view their juicy bits to his heart's content. That was until a knock came upon the door to their room.

"Please come in," Charlotte said welcoming Marie in.

"Thank you for this," Marie said warmly as her red silk robe brushed against her naked body underneath it. "This is all we have in the house, I hope it is enough," she said handing Charlotte the palm size tin.

"Oh," Charlotte said opening the lid, "yes this will be," she nodded. "Sweetheart," Charlotte said peering over her shoulder at Samuel, "I know you have some leaking out by now. Would you be a dear and come over here for a minute," she said sweetly. Adding two tablespoons of the red powder to the small porcelain bowl. "Let me see it baby," Charlotte whispered hungrily.

"Do you like what you see?" Kelly whispered into Marie's ear noting how she was staring at her brother's cock as Charlotte ran her finger over the tip of his cock.

"Mmmhmm," Marie nodded, "so that's the tool that gave Ines so many orgasms," she said in awe.

"More or less," Kelly purred before tugging on Marie's earlobe.

"Thank you, baby," Charlotte said lightly kissing Samuel giving his cock a gentle tug.

"Any thing for you," Samuel said giving Charlotte's ass a squeeze.

"I do hope that includes me as well dear brother," Kelly cooed resting her cheek on Marie's shoulder.

"Of course sis," Samuel said walking back to his seat as he zipped up his pants.

Kelly's eyes flickered over to her aunt as she began to chant. Watching how her hand circled above the bowl, to how her magic infused saliva dripped into it. Her finger mixing the three components together.