Family Secrets - New Orleans Pt. 04


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"So I have been told," Samuel said looking around the room. The colors seem brighter, the detail of the antiques seemed sharper to his eyes. The tick of the grandfather clock, the hum of the electronics, the hiss of the air conditioning as it flowed out of the vents stabbed at his heighten hearing.

"Catch," Aarrin said tossing a rubber stress ball over his shoulder at Samuel. Who caught it on instinct crushing the ball in the process. "You understand why I did that?"

"I believe I do," Samuel nodded.

"Good. Here have another," Aarrin said tossing another one of those pink hard rubber balls at Samuel. "Practice using it until you can unconsciously control your strength. Now I'm sure Nimue has told you that need to feed."

"She did."

"Did she also tell you in making you like us that while only half it does open up our use of blood magic too you?" Aarrin asked looking back out on the city he had watched over since the time of Napoléon's rule.

"That she didn't," Samuel said his mind raced as to how it would effect his other magics.

"While I wanted us to meet Sunday, yet events drew us here," Aarrin said turning to face Samuel, "I still like for us to gather tomorrow night so the others can get to know you. Plus you are now apart of this house given who your sire is," he said with a half-smile. "Also now that you are one of us you must keep all knowledge of us secret from everyone, other than the women that live with you is to know you are one of us. To break this law is death," Aarrin said with deathly undertones as Pandora entered carrying a plain blue t-shirt in her hands. "We'll talk more on this later, now return to that house I'm sure they are worried sick about you," he said turning back around gazing out onto the starry night.

"Samuel, Amalia has already pulled a car around for you and will see you home," Pandora said coming up to his side handing Samuel the shirt. Knowing she was going to have to have a taste of him before he left New Orleans. Also she pondered if he could feel the lingering warmth on the cloth and smell her skin on it. Biting her the inside of her cheek as the cloth was pulled along his face where she had purposely rubbed her bare breasts as the shirt slid down his chest.

"Okay," Samuel said, "thanks for the shirt, I'll bring it back."

"Think of it as a gift from me to you," Pandora said gesturing to the door. "Maybe tomorrow night you'll want to taste some vampiric pussy," she whispered into his ear as the door to her father's office closed.

"You did say something about the ceiling didn't you," Samuel said with a coy smile. Feeling an odd, strange wave radiating off of his body as it was aimed at Pandora.

"My, look at you not even two hours old and already using your seduction powers, on me no less," Pandora purred pushing Samuel up against the wall.

"Oh? Was that what that was?!"

"Mmmhmm," Pandora cooed as her hand ran up his chest, "you should be careful youngling. I might just break you," she said as her tongue ran over her fang.

"Be careful that I don't give you heartburn," Samuel said as his fangs descended on reflex.

"You know, I might grow to like this version of you," Pandora said the tips of her fingers ran along his jaw drawing him towards her lips.

"Sister just what are you doing?" Nimue asked crossing her arms as she cocked out her him.

"Teasing the newborn before Amalia takes him home," Pandora said. She wasn't about to cross her sister. Nimue was a powerful blood magic user. No matter how she wanted to fuck Samuel, she wouldn't flirt with him while her sister was present.

"Well, do see yourself away from my future husband," Nimue said trying not to let her eyes linger on how her sister's breasts pressed against Samuel's chest. "Samuel, she hasn't been too overbearing, has she?" she asked in his mind.

"No. Okay this is so weird," Samuel said hearing his voice speaking inside his own head.

"I do hope you're referring to the telepathy and not me?" Nimue asked arching an eyebrow.

"Of course I was, magic is one thing ESP is another thing entirely," Samuel said with a nod.

"Good. Be safe going home Samuel," Nimue said kissing him lightly before entering her father's study.

"Come. Amalia must be growing impatient waiting for us," Pandora said with a lopsided grin. Wishing it was her that had turned him and not her sister. Then she wouldn't have to sneak around and tease him before she felt that cock of his thrusting into her. Yet her sister beat her to the punch. "I'll be waiting for tomorrow," she whispered into Samuel's ear before he slid into the back seat.

Samuel stood staring up at that mansion hearing the combined heartbeats that were within once Amalia dropped him off. The gentle breeze tugged at his hair as the light of the waning moon shone down upon his shoulders. Wondering how his life was going to go now that he wasn't mortal any longer. How would they react once he told them, and how they would act once he became a full blooded vampire? Would they leave him out of fear? Would he be forced to watch them grow old and die while he never aged? Could he go on when that came to pass, or would they ask to be made into a thing like he has become so they would forever stay at each other's side? His cobalt eyes glanced down to the front door as he heard the racing of feet within Marie's home.

"Sammy." Samuel heard his sister's whisper as she stood in the doorway. He wondered if he could hear her from so far away what else awaited him? His eyes having no trouble seeing every curve of her body in the weak lighting. Samuel braced himself as his sister ran towards him. Huffing as her body collided into his, gently wrapping his arms around her as Kelly wept against his shoulder. "I thought I lost you," she said her voice trembling.

"You know me sis, I'm like the plague you're never getting rid of me," Samuel said making sure he didn't rub to hard on his sister's back.

"I hope so," Kelly said snugging closer to him. "Come. Mom and Charlotte have been waiting up for you," she said her hands ran along his arms before taking hold of his hands. Gently tugging Samuel towards the house. Her green eyes ran over his face looking for anything that was different about him. The only thing she could see was the light red sheen that flashed before disappearing as the light from the entrance of the foyer rose over his face. "Don't worry we didn't tell anyone of what happened," Kelly whispered as the door closed. Falling into his arms once again to insure herself that Samuel was indeed real. Wrapping her body around his left arm never letting him go ever again.

"Sammy!" Charlotte and Wendy cried out in joy, their eyes lighting up as he walked into the room.

"Oh baby! I was so worried," Charlotte said as she dotted his face in her loving kisses.

"Sammy," Wendy said crawling to the edge of the bed her joyful tears reaming her eyes, "hold me," she said holding out her arms to her son. Resting her head against his shoulder a feeling of contentment flooded her body having her son returned to her. "I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping. While you're far away and dreaming," she began to sing softly.

"I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever. Ooh, every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure," Charlotte said adding her voice to the song as she pressed her body against Samuel's right side.

"`Cause even when I dream of you. The sweetest dream will never do. I'd still miss you. And I don't want to miss a thing," Kelly said laying her cheek on his left shoulder.

"I just want to hold you close," Wendy said tightening her hold on her son.

"I feel your heart so close to mine," Charlotte sang lovingly placing a sweet lingering kiss on his cheek.

"And just stay here in this moment for all of the rest of time," Kelly said finally feeling whole now that Samuel was back.

"You know forever is a long time, and it appears time is all I have now," Samuel said his skin tingled as their magic touched it.

"Then I want forever with you," Charlotte said her hazel eyes quivered in the love she has for her nephew.

"As do I," Kelly cooed her fingers running through his hair, "it nearly broke me that I couldn't save you. I don't want to ever go through that again."

"So are you like them now?" Wendy asked.

"Partially," Samuel said matter-of-fact.

"What do you mean partially?!" Charlotte asked confused.

"Nimue only turned me part way. She thought it would be best since...well Hekatê isn't done with me yet," Samuel said looking down at his mother.

"They can do that?!" Kelly asked silently thanking the woman for allowing her to continue to be with her brother out underneath the sun.


"Can I see them?" Wendy asked her tiny finger tapped his lower lip.

"Oh, wow!" Charlotte said in awe as Samuel showed them his fangs. "So I'm guessing you won't be needing food anymore?"

"I don't know about that, I know I have to feed on blood," Samuel said as his tongue brushed against his fang knowing it was going to take awhile to get use to the feel of them.

"How often?" Kelly asked. She was going to make sure they had enough to sustain him, she didn't want him to put himself in danger just to feed his hunger.

"She told me a pint a week will be enough, unless I want to speed up the transformation," Samuel said glancing at his sister.

"Then...we'," Wendy said nodding off feeling safe in her son's arms.

"She was so worried about you," Kelly said gently rubbing her mother's back, "she wouldn't go to sleep until she knew you were okay."

"Now that we do, I think it's time for us to follow suit Kelly," Charlotte said stretching her arms over her head.

"I think so too," Kelly nodded tiredly, "you don't need to sleep do you?" she asked quizzically.

"Right now no, later I can't really say. We didn't get into that before I left," Samuel said handing his mother over to Kelly.

"Well, if you get the need to feel my ass pressed up against you, you just wake me okay," Charlotte purred getting her goodnight kiss in, "and you know I'll let you run this thing through my lips," she cooed lustfully as her hand rubbed against Samuel's groin.

Samuel watched as his aunt walked along her side of the bed. Her hips swayed as she pulled her shirt up her chest. His nostrils flared as her hips wiggled as her pants slid over her ass seeing she wasn't wearing any panties as she flashed him her pink lips as she bent over. Teasing him as she ran her finger through her moist labia before slipping her finger into her wet canal.

"Sammy," Kelly said turning his chin. Pulling him in her lips ravaged his drinking in her fill of the man she loved. "That's better," she said dreamily as she pulled away, "don't get into too much trouble while we're asleep."

"Hey, what could happen?" Samuel asked with a shrug of his shoulders and a smirk on his lips.

"Knowing you, everything," Kelly said glad her brother hadn't lost his humor. "I'll see you soon," she said in getting one last kiss.

Samuel stood at the foot of the bed, watching how his sister and aunt lovingly encased his mother with their bodies as they drifted off to sleep. He wondered if he even would sleep any more and if he did would it be the same or would he just close his eyes and just wake up how ever long vampires rested. Once he knew they were sound asleep Samuel silently slipped out of the room. His eyes glanced to the left as he finally noted the time. Eight hours. Eight hours he had been gone. Eight hours he had tittered on the verge of life and death. Looking down at his hand wondering if he could call this life. His heart still thumbed in his chest. His lungs still drew air into his lungs. Yet was that all just mimicking his former self or was he truly alive? His mind was so in flux before he knew it Samuel found himself standing on the threshold of the solarium. He could hear a low hum emanating off of the altar as he stood there. Closing his eyes, breathing in deeply as he felt the magic in the air.

"In the darkness, her allure grows." Samuel heard Nimue's voice inside his head. "The sweet scent of her, the warmth, the danger, drawing the unwary to their glory..." Images of goblets, a rich flowing red liquid as it filled those glass containers. His hand shot out catching himself on the doorjamb of the double doors as his mind was pulled from his body. A red flashing key of Solomon scorched the sky of that realm of hers. A pale naked woman walked towards him. Her black cloak covered the tops of her breasts, her hood hid her eyes as it hung down to the tip of her nose. Her black stockings ran up her alluring legs, hugging her thighs, stopping at her mid-thigh as her hips swayed giving Samuel a peak at her womanhood. He knew this wasn't the Hekatê he knew as he saw what she held in her right hand. It's raven strands acting as an anchor for the skull that swung at her side. In her left a cutlass was held tightly in her grip. "Or their doom... For she is Seipowe, mother of darkness. Hekatê, goddess of witches-she is the quintessential female and she owns the night." Her blood-red lips curved into a sweet seductive smile as she gazed upon Samuel. Revealing to him a set of fangs that reminded him of small daggers given the size of them.

"You live. Rather as a mortal or immortal, you live. You are my Herald, my right hand, the man..." If Samuel didn't know better, he could have sworn Hekatê was blushing and hard too. Why? He couldn't say. Yet as his eyes ran down the goddess' body, he could feel himself hardening. The items in her hands dissolved into a black mist as she continued to walk towards him. His eyes following her as Hekatê's body became a blur, straightening up, his muscles tensing as he felt the goddess' breasts pressed into his back. "Accept this life that now flows through you. Accept that from now on we share a very special bond between us," Hekatê cooed sweetly into his left ear. Biting his lip as she flooded his mind with the knowledge of blood magic. "Soon Samuel, very soon, you and I..." her lips tugged on his earlobe, her hands running up his chest pressing him tightly against her own chest. Allowing Samuel to feel their roundness, their firmness, the warmth that soaked into his back. Her magic rapidly flooding his body as her right hand slipped into his pants. Moaning loudly as Hekatê's hand wrapped around his hard cock. Her breath hot in his ear as her thumb kneaded the head of his rod. Her supple lips nibbled along his jaw line before his mind was thrust back into his body.

Unaware of the pair of light green eyes that peered around the corner. Her blonde hair poked out as she stared at Samuel as he just stood in the doorway of the solarium. Her teal satin robe clung tightly to her body as she viewed the man that had shook up her family. Ever since Ines had told her about her encounter with him, she had been pondering on how to get Samuel alone. Then she had heard Marie moaning in her office as she screamed out his name. She suffered from insomnia and lately her husband hadn't been fucking her like he normally did to get her to sleep. Magdalene felt her nipples cutting into her robe, the way her labia throbbed, knowing if Eric wasn't going to fuck her than she would find someone who would; and as her eyes bored into his back, she found the one she wanted pounding her cunt into sweet oblivion. Silently slipping around the corner once she knew no other was awake, tiptoeing towards him, undoing the knot in her belt. She wanted him to feel her naked flesh as she pressed her body against his back.

"Cousin," Magdalene whispered into his ear. Seeing that glowing cobalt eye peering back at her. "Let me feel what Ines and Marie felt when you fucked them. Let me experience this cock," she purred as her hand reached around. Taking a dry swallow as her hand felt his hardness, the heat, his size as her hand rested over his hard bulge. "Please show me what sex magic is," Magdalene pleaded as she nuzzled his neck. Her fingers slowly undoing his zipper, feeling his cock straining the fabric of his underwear as it brushed against her palm. Her honey dew began to gather along her dark pink labia as her fingers wrapped around his girth. Gently stroking that hard shaft through the cloth. Her lips dancing along his neck, her nose inhaling the fragrant scent that was drifting off of his skin. She didn't know what it was, but the drive to have him fuck her silly was burning through her mind and body. Her left hand took hold of his, bringing it behind him, allowing Samuel's fingertips to skim along her naked left thigh. Leading those appendages along her hairy bush then down to her awaiting lips. "Feel my heat Samuel, feel how moist I am just wanting to feel this..." Magdalene cooed as she softly squeezed his cock, "deep inside of me," sucking in a breath as she slipped two of his fingers into her pussy. Her body shuddering as she felt his palm brushing along her clitoris. Biting her lip to keep her whimper in check, she didn't want to wake anyone -- namely her husband.

"You sure this is what you want?" Samuel asked feeling his fingers becoming coated in her juices as his fingers stirred her hot cunt.

"Mmmhmm," Magdalene stuttered as her breasts rubbed up and down his back. Hoping Samuel could feel her harden nipples as she did.

"Then come," Samuel said slipping his fingers out from her pussy. Watching her reaction as his tongue swirled around his fingers cleaning his skin of her hot sex. Seeing her eyes flaring in hunger as he savored the snack, she had offered him.

"Samuel, do you eat pussy often?" Magdalene asked wondering if he would taste her pussy. It had been so long since she felt Eric's tongue parting her lips, hence why she had lapsed in keeping her bush as trimmed as she normally did.

"All the time, mostly," Samuel said referring to his sister and aunt.

"Will you eat me, please?" Magdalene pleaded. Groaning out loud as Samuel nodded. "Then please give me a few minutes, I don't want you to have a mouthful of hair," she said feeling her pad of her thumb becoming coated in Samuel's pre-cum.

"Okay," Samuel said watching as Magdalene clutched her robe closed before she raced off down the hall. The moment he stepped into the solarium his body was engulfed in a torrent of arcane energy swirling around him becoming thicker as he neared the altar. Gasping as a surge of that same energy raced up his arms as the palms of his hands rested on the surface of the altar.

"Consecrate it my Herald," Hekatê's voice rippled across his mind, "make that woman moan as she coats my altar in her juices!" Samuel wondered why he felt a tinge of jealousy in her voice. "Show her what it means to be one of my subjects!" Looking over his shoulder as he heard the doors of the solarium closing and the lock falling into place. The sound of the metal rings sliding along the curtain rods as Magdalene drew the drapes closed.

Magdalene spun around on her heel, her hands reached up pushing her robe off of her shoulders. Displaying her naked body to Samuel, holding her arms out from her side wanting him to drink his fill of her body. Hoping he enjoyed gazing at her 32D breast, while not flat yet not chubby stomach due to having carried two children, to the hastily trimmed arrow that all but said eat me as it pointed at her ravenous pussy. Her eyes flickered low noting how Samuel hadn't zipped up yet. Purring into her mind as she saw how hard he still was.

"Samuel a naked woman stands before you what is the first thing you should do?" Magdalene asked teasingly.

"You're very beautiful woman, I can see why your husband sought after you," Samuel said holding his hand out to her.