All Comments on 'Family Tradition: Next Generation'

by GeorgeAnderson

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payenbrantpayenbrantover 7 years ago
I am glad you finished it...

I was always uncomfortable with the origonal story.

I am one of the people who would have said, "Not gonna get married." Always had a pro let with people backing me into a corner.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Dead women

Lots of dead women. Manipulate my sperm without my knowledge? That's not love. That's monstrous evil on par with Josef Mengele's medical experiments on Jews.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
Superbly written

Your skill as a writer is very apparent. This kept me completely absorbed in the reading. The original story was well written, but I hated every single one of the characters.

You took the original characters and made them, at least, likable. I still absolutely despise the Millie character. You saved Mary. I hated her in the original, but she clearly didn't like the "tradition," in this story and was very happy that it ended. I gave you a five for taking a story that was so revolting it left me cringing and making everything come to a happy terminus. Either you are a very skilled writer, technically speaking, or Randi is one amazing editor. After reading the story you wrote together, I suspect both. Nice job. You're going to get the usual complaining, but I think you did a terrific job, considering the characters you had to work with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This story is the product of someone who has too much time on their hands, total bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
No sons?

Sorry, but after the first master/servant tryst there was no reason not to have any sons. Major plot hole.


jasonnhjasonnhover 7 years ago

So generations of women from this family were "terrified" of having male children because their distant relative was abused by her masters? I get the original woman looking for a solution to her problem. If SHE had a male child she would have to give it up. But according to the story the REAL reason she was upset was because she didn't want to be used as a "brood mare". This has noting to do with the sex of the child, simply that her masters wanted males and having males would let them get what they wanted. It was a power struggle and not something to do with the sex of the child. If the masters wanted female children, she would have tried not to have females. The sex of the child was coincidental to the power struggle and therefore trivializes the whole point. It was a shitty situation but it all came down to a strong woman who wouldn't let her masters win and gamed things so they wouldn't.

But WHY would any future generation of women in the family have such a phobia of male children? They weren't being forced to bear children against their will. I could get how some horny young men, given the opportunity to fuck their mother in law to be might be eager to take them up on it. But why would the young women be scared of male children enough go along? Why would the fathers of the young women agree to have their wifes fucked? Just because they had the opportunity? Young men who would jump at the choice to fuck their wife's mother, a moral weakness, wouldn't be honorable enough years later to allow their wife to fuck their daughter's husband to be. How many young women, knowing the full story like they did, would go along with their husband to be fucking their mother for such a bullshit scheme? There are so many failure points in this plot, especially with generations of people having to acquiesce to it's stupidity. There was no reason to continue it except that the mother of the bride to be insisted on it because of some silly tale from the dark ages.

The story goes to excessive length to build Mary and Henry's relationship to extraordinary proportions of wonderfulness. But Mary's refusal to tell Henry about the details and remove the choice to have a son without Henry's knowledge and with NO GOOD REASON except "my mother told me to" is NOT the actions of a loving wife. Like so many women in "Loving Wives" stories, it is the story of an arrogant and willful woman who is going to do what she wants to, husband be damned and even to the point of losing him to her obsessive and irrational behavior.

Of course I loved how the scheming women were torn down. Their whole bullshit scheme of wanting "stronger marriages" was ripped apart and the second daughter abandoned it completely. The question is, why did it last past the first generation to begin with?

looking4itlooking4itover 7 years ago

"For the record, that one night is the only time I've been unfaithful to Joe."

Robbing a husband of his desire to have a son without choice is as unfaithful to him as having a sexual liaison. Actually, I think it is worse. It frankly really pissed me off that five generations of women blatantly took the choice away from their husbands. For what? Say what they want but the free pass extra-marital tryst, which was sadly what this whole tradition was based on, was as much a factor as keeping the family tradition intact.

Don't really think her joke of looking firward to it was as funny as you wanted it to be. What he put her through? Putting it that way, I don't think she ever truly got what she was doing to him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
selfish, cruel and dangerous.

assuming the plot as real , the women (with no knowledge of drug), in order to obtain what they wanted, passed a specific drug to the men, dismissing completely, (1) their rights to father also sons, (2) their moral values about fidelity, but also (3) their rights to be healthy:what about allergies, intollerances, coompatibility with other drugs?

these women accepted these risks just to obtain a selfish result.

my reaction would have been: (1) divorce (2) inform the husband-to-be (3) inform the father-in-law (4) disown the first daugther (5) inform the police for the "hidden treatment" received. I cannot bellieve it's not seriously illegal.

such behavoiur has to be destroyed at the root.

all that makes the end of the story completelly unbelievable to me. I cannot imagine any way I would have accepted to continue a marriage to such a conniving, egoistic, dangerous bitch.

RePhilRePhilover 7 years ago
UnGodly no humanity whatsoever in your sole

You are someone I don't want to know and would keep my children away from. Please go away.

mordbrandmordbrandover 7 years ago
A bit hokum

I truly didn't care for the original story, so I was interested to see how you dealt with it. You obviously have skill as a writer, but this veered a little into foul territory for me. The idea of a potion and a curse was just too much of a fantasy for me to buy into. I'm glad they managed to subvert it in the end, yet the original parts of the story still stuck in ny craw. I never have been good at accepting ultimatums and this was set after the initial one.

I gave you a 3, even though I still don't care for the material, simply on technical merit and for making the attempt to salvage the original mess.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 7 years ago

one hell of a story.

well appreciated and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Just as bad as the original,

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
not your fault...

... the premise of the story was silly to start with. I might have missed something, but again why didn't the women of the family, of the later generations, modern and educated, want sons??? And why again did the mother in law need to make it work and not the bride herself????

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Many Thoughts

As usual I’m writing these as I go, so some comments may be over-taken by future events -

“you're a better lover than Dad” – How does she know? As I said in the first story, just what was SHE doing? Maybe we know now?

“you're the only man I've ever met to whom fidelity is as important as it is to me.” – It couldn’t be THAT important! If it was, she would have been willing to break the family tradition for him!

Re: Her mother request – I’m amazed this has never happened before, especially during the “Free Love” 60’s, and killed the tradition. And what makes Millie so sure that Henry will go along? He wasn’t exactly thrilled the first time, and it’s pretty obvious the Joe doesn’t like it. Why aren’t one of their kids a boy so that Henry can look forward to a babe later?

“Then she pulled out the tradition, and talked about how close you felt to each other after your night together, and she thought you'd been a little distant lately and wanted to bring you close again." – That’s why the “tradition” is wrong! His “distance” is because he’s uncomfortable with her “come on” looks!

“I will do whatever I have to do to make sure that doesn't happen again." – Don’t say that! What is “whatever” is fucking Millie again?

He should tell Millie he won’t do it again unless she tells him the truth about the “tradition”!

“You can't take it back now” – Of course he can take it back now! He was blind-sided and bullied back then, if he had been told earlier, he probably have broken up with her!

He should fuck her so long, and so hard, that she is too sore to have sex!

“It will only be this once; it will never happen again, with him or with anyone else, and I know you know that.” – Um, what about when Penelope gets married?

The women NEVER have sons? That defies probability, I wouldn’t be surprised if the current generations wouldn’t use pre-natal testing and abortions, but how could earlier generations control it? Because you can bet, if David was their son, and he brought Cassie home, Mary would have killed the tradition right then! And to repeat comments from the first story, NONE of these daughters were lesbian?

“I understand you're hurting, but please, please don't do this to me. I don't think I could take it. Please don't be unfaithful to me." – LOL, good for the goose, good for the gander!

“she risks having a son” – And that would be so bad?

“I told her he was worth more to me than all the generations of my family put together, and I would choose his happiness over any of them." – Why didn’t she decide that 20 odd years ago?

Once they decided to break the tradition, why did Cassie and David bother with controlling for sex? Why not do as Penny and Jeff did?

Two things I still don’t understand – I can understand denying Ezekiel sons, but why all future generations? And while the “tradition” was in effect, I find it hard to believe that NONE of the daughters were lesbian, and how would it have been handled if they were? Would the mother have lesbian sex with her future daughter-in-law? Would they pressure the lesbian future d-i-l to have straight sex with the father?

I’ll close with my strongest objection to the whole premise: Why spring it at the last minute? It should be told to the boyfriend as soon as it becomes obvious that they are heading towards marriage.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

Yes, it was never explained why Mary COULDN'T break the tradition.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good story, stupid premise

I enjoyed the story, great writing and feel. I was very disappointed in the premise for the tradition. Since the engaged couples had already had sex, there was no reason that it had to be the mothers who performed the deed, no hymens to protect. So essentially they were starting every marriage off with a lie and removing the husband's chance of having a son, without giving him an educated choice. Ruined my whole outlook on this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

In the story, the only remaining issue a real life husband would have is this, she was checking the guy out and she made comments how she would enjoy it.

A guy would always wonder and it would eat at him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Why get married. Insult to the institution

# 1

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
all those generations without a male heir to carry the family name

again just proves women are manipulative lying adulterers even if their intentions make sense to them (never said they weren't confused in their brains and thinking). They have the ability to rationalize anything.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What a wacked tradition

It is beyond belief. You must fuck you future mother in law so your wife can only bare females. Wakio wakie do. Brainwashed tradition.

gmann57gmann57over 7 years ago

Cool story, But who in their right minds wants to fuck their mother in law

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Knew what you were trying to do

OK so you chose one possible way out of the screwed up tradition. I would have taken a different path. You explained things rather well from your point of view. My way would have involved divorce. But that's me. Giving you five stars because after all I like your writing and want to see more from you. Well written.

maninconnmaninconnover 7 years ago
Well done!

Great solution to an impossible problem, and very true in voice and character to the original. Bravo!

Pappy7Pappy7over 7 years ago
4 stars for the writing and for the effort but I will say that you didn't have

a lot to work from. The women in the story just seemed like entitled bitches and who knew if SIL was the only fuck around. Poor judgement on the part of the wife to snip at hubby about maybe she was looking forward to fucking David. Lucky she didn't go to the wedding with a fat lip. Looking forward to more stories from this author just get a good story line and everyone will be happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Am I the only one?

Has no one else noticed that she repeatedly says it will be only that one night.... but there is no mention of the SECOND DAUGHTER'S future husband.... does that second daughter get to do the drugging herself or do they then just say "you let me do it last time and this time is no different." drugging the first doesn't effect the rest.

They were all lying to him repeatedly from day one before he married her about it only being the one time since I'd be willing to bet they do it again for the younger daughter's fiancé's.

These bitches need a blast of all the husbands learning the truth about their built in excuse to fuck around after poisoning the men they claim to love.

javmor79javmor79over 7 years ago
Excellent point!!

The last anonymous brings up an excellent point. What about the second daughter? That loop hole seems to have been lost in the fire. What if the daughters have to remarry again due to death of husband or divorce? Would the mother have to do it all over again?

For me, these holes detract nothing from the story. All traditions require a level of interpretation. Some people exchange Christmas gifts the night before if the parent has to work. Some families celebrate a birthday the week before so that they can spring the surprise party. A groom to be can choose to forego his bachelor party for religious reasons.

These are interesting questions though. One could go on for quite some time poking holes in this tradition. I wonder how different the outlook of it would have been if the sexes were interchanged. What if the father had to fuck the daughter in law so that she could produce sons?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It was mentioned that only the first daughters hubby would have to do it

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 7 years ago
You are a writer of rare skill

Of course, I already knew that before I saw this the first time. George, you are the champion of lost causes. I love you, you know that. This story is as natural coming from you as a spring bubbling water. It comes out of the compassion of your heart.

Your quality of mercy, combined with your skill as a writer, made this a compelling story. That happened in spite of the fact that I started out hating everyone in this story. Like Kimi, I hated the story the first time I read it. BigGuy33 is an excellent writer, but those characters, I was disgusted with every one of them. You made an honorable man out of Henry, a truly loving wife out of Mary and Cassie, but you couldn't salvage Millie. Not for me.

I started off despising Henry for not shining Mary on when she first approached him and giving in to the extortion. I despised Mary for extorting Henry to have sex with her mother. I hated Millie for being part of the extortion scheme. I despised Joe for the same reason as Henry, and for allowing Millie to go through with it. By the time you were through with them, I liked Henry for putting an end to the tradition and for standing up to it, I liked Mary because she was a slightly deranged woman who really didn't want to do this. Joe was just a weak man, caught up in a situation he didn't have a clue about. Millie was just nuts, and I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't like her. Cassie, didn't like her much either. Penny, I like. So you redeemed a bunch of people from the hell they were in. A definite improvement on the original.

I'm wearing my Team GA hat with pride today. Tied all that hair up in a knot. You are the man. Thank you for being my friend. R.

Vandemonium1Vandemonium1over 7 years ago
Crikey, George, you’ve done it again.

You’ve outlined a crime and a bunch or criminals, built up our offence at them, then waved to them while they walk away, scot free.

Firstly, I have to say that the first 2.5 pages had me sitting on the edge of my seat. Superbly done. I read the last 1.5 pages twice but, as others have noted, was totally unconvinced why later generations of daughters were so adamant only to have daughters. I imagine you mused for a long time over that but couldn’t think of a convincing reason. Maybe revealing that the women of the family carried a disorder that only effected male offspring; haemophilia for example, would have softened the sting but ultimately, the men had a right to participate in the decision.

Millie and Mary committed horrendous crimes against their husbands and were conspiring to help Cassie do the same. Three generations of women putting their desire for daughters above the civil rights of their husbands and happily lying to them. Three marriages based on lies.

I agree with the ‘selfish, cruel and dangerous’ anon, if no actual crime was committed, then it was extremely immoral, unethical and monstrously selfish . Enough, certainly, to make their marriages a sham.

I do like your ‘love conquers ALL’ belief, but the whole premise of this story offended my sense of justice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Terrified of having sons!

That's the ridiculous premise of this series.

Stupid and not erotic.

TheKrrakTheKrrakover 7 years ago
5 stars for a better ending

The original concept was so contrived and full of bullshit that it was a travesty of words - you have redeemed that work completely with this ending.


silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Much better ending.

Liked this wrap up a lot more than the original.

I still think shit of the characters. Stupid manipulative cheating bitches and the cuckolds that love them.

Every man they found had to be a cuck. I would have laughed in her face no matter how much I loved her and told her to fuck off!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A good sequel to the original, with an understandable, if implausible, explanation.

You kind of glossed over the reality, that all the marriages in this family prior to Cassie's contained an enormous betrayal and lie. If these women loved their husbands so much then why not tell them as soon as practical that if they marry, only daughters would be desired and born. Then their future husbands would knowingly help continue the family's misandrist tradition. Henry never reveals his feelings regarding his wife's connivance to make him sterile for male offspring. I can tell you daughters are wonderful. But if my wife acted to deny me my son, she would no longer be my wife. It seems odd, given all the introspection and contemplation in this story, that the author never deals with Henry realizing that his wife and mother-in-law acted to deny him sons. Weakened and otherwise compelling story.

Thanks for the time and effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What a twist ..... Manupulations schemes lies and bad attitude women..... Got to love it. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great, inventive twist, but

The story makes no sense. What about having only daughters insures their 'quality'?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It was s dumb story about selfish self-centered bitches originally. WHY anyone would want to expound upon stupidity is beyond me, but luckily the author did it with good English and decent punctuation

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 7 years ago
she was lying anyway, but then so did he, well maybe....

Mary kept telling him she would be unfaithful only once, but they have two daughters.

The family has never had any sons, that means the second daughters (and later daughters if any) have the same thing done for them (or is it to them?).

Most likely, just tell him whatever it takes to get him to go along the first time then the second time tell him he already accepted it so get over it.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

curses have a tendency to skip and generation or two before becoming back into the gene trees, TK U MLJ LV NV

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Only Oldest Daughters?

Someone said that it was only done for the oldest daughter, but if that is true it denies the ostensible reason for the "tradition" -family bonding!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
just wondering...

if the MIL passes the potion to the SIL so he can only have daughters,wouldn;t the daughter already have it in their system,thus eliminating the reason for the one night???

fisheronefisheroneover 7 years ago
Strong marriage

I like that this delt with several issues and the trials that were involved. I liked that marriage and love won.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Flawed logic, but quite amusing.

I have to admit that you had me fooled for quite a while. It was a shame there wasn't a plausible reason why generations were hoodwinked but hey, it was good fun to read.

Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
I saw the flaw in this story, just like @Tw0Cr0ws did...

I saw the flaw in this story, just like @Tw0Cr0ws did...They had two daughters, so the wife wouldn't be with a different man just once, but twice...If not why the need for the younger daughter tell the story to her future husband and both decide what way to follow in their married life? However a good story...3*

CrkcpprCrkcpprover 7 years ago

Ok , I like where you took this.

BigGuy33 , whom most of his stories are very well done , I thought left this open for a conclusion and I'm glad you gave it one.

4 *'s

P.S. At the end of the story , you had them setting in the back yard under the Big Tree. Was that an homage to HDK's story 'No Reply' ?

I thought when I first read BG33's story that it was a take on that particular story, just wandering.

robinhodrobinhodover 7 years ago
Brilliant work.

I used to read a lot of Science Fiction. The ones I enjoyed made me take one leap into absurdity, after which everything could be seen to follow logically.

This, similarly, has an absurd premise. The one leap was the idea that generations of daughters would fear bearing sons, and had a potion that would prevent this. No sense at all. BUT, allow that and it makes good reading.

Others have pointed out inconsistencies, such as two daughters = two nights, not one only. Minor point in my view.

Strange point from comments; that any young man would relish a night of sex with his brides mother. My late mother-in-law was a fine woman but the idea of fucking her would have been quite revolting. Worse than anything in either part of this tale.

My compliments to both writers, but especially to GA.

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 7 years ago
Mary was not so loving

I agree with all the folks that commented on the deciept of the women. Denying the men the possibility of sons without telling them was evil.

But Mary went further if we accept this as a continuation. In the original, when explaining that she would have to fuck the son-in-law-to-be to continue the tradition, she states that if they have a son it would be his job to service the would be daughter-in-law. She says this KNOWING that the purpose of the tradition is to ensure that this can never happen.

That was an added layer of deception.

I did enjoy the writing and the idea was pretty good but the women were not truly loving and there should have been some consequences.

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 7 years ago
I don't beleive

I could stay married to some one who had deceived me out of a son or two. Having sons is not a hope that has gone out of fashion, as a tradesman you what some one to pass on your skills to and then your business. You can't describe how it feels to have sons and working with them as they grow into men. The tradition holds no magic or mystery it is just a selfish deceit, cruel and evil, where is love for your man in the woman's actions. No where. TK

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: Just Wondering

She needs it so that she can insert it in her vagina to "male sterilize" the fiance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I liked your end...

I liked your least it ended with the tradition, or should we say curse?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice twist

I liked where you took the original. The original certainly had more angst to explore. The pacing was good, the dialogue seemed genuine and each character seemed to have their own "voice." All the stuff you want in a piece of fiction was well in place. I only have one quibble and that was the explanation for why the tradition had to be kept up. I really needed more than what was given for me to suspend my disbelief. Once the financial need was gone, as it was with the first woman, the rest didn't make sense. I'd need more. Maybe the old women that came up with the first potion gave out some ultimatum that, paired with the efficacy of the potion made the taker more believing in the threat that came with it. "From this day on, you and your progeny will have to do this or you first born will die!" or something to that effect. Otherwise, great read!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Further Thought

I know this applies only here, and not to the original version, but when Henry originally went along with the "tradition", he was able to do so with the hope that the might have a son, and that he might get a night with a young babe.

We now know that he DIDN'T have that chance, which MAY have influenced his decision to go along.

Again going back to the original, when Joe talks to Henry about growing up and possibly giving up the traditions we were raised in; why did it have to be Henry that gave up HIS traditions, why not Mary?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Holy Moly

The stupid gene must have been strong. Any one with a bit of intelligence would know that though needed in the first generation that there would be no logical reason for the rest of them to be afraid to have sons. Who was going to take them away? Stupid stupid women. Were their mothers instilling that fear through the girls childhoods? Talk about mental and emotional abuse of a child. Just a story I know, but cheating is cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
you found a way out


While I like the characters Mary and Henry I abhored the tradition. BIGGUY should link his story to yours so readers can end up smiling

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 7 years ago
David should have walked quickly to the nearest exit

When Cassie told him she only wanted girls and he could never have a son, he should have just stood up and walked away. His parents (who love their son) would have agreed. Henry should have left Mary. He was not given a choice whether to never have a son. It was taken from him trough trickery. Not the action of a truly loving wife. She deserved to be alone the rest of her life. Henry was weak for not blowing the whole secret up in everyone's faces. Awful men-hating women!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
They could cure cancer, instead they choose sexes

This should be in science fiction

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Why .... ?

Why in later generations, when sex before marriage became obviously so common, could the fiance not administer this herself?

I also have a seriously hard time with the I guess manipulation regarding the children a couple would have.

Entertaining read though, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Enjoyed the story, good writing...

I didn't think I would because your preface made it sound as if you were presenting something similar, but I enjoyed this story, especially the ending. I figured wherever the tradition originated, it had something to do with "girls only" as progeny because males were never born in that family - but I couldn't figure out why no one wanted a boy. Well, we still don't really know why, past that first generation that is, but at least the tradition is broken now.

I wonder how Henry will feel when he finally realizes he might have had a son if his beloved wife had ever bothered to think her way through the story of the "tradition"? Apparently that potion not only prevents baby boys, but also makes the women slightly retarded.

Liked the story, you're a good writer. Thanks.

mike2710mike2710over 7 years ago

Enjoyed your story. I found it original and entertaining.

Keep up the good work.

Mike from Texas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Come on

All he had to do was say NO and not let it happen what are they going to do shoot him?

IndyOnIndyOnover 7 years ago
What about Penny?

If the entire family only had girls then why did you leave out what would happen when the second daughter got married? You kept repeating that with Cassie's marriage Mary would cheat only once in her marriage...."It will only happen one time."

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Won't do it in a million years. I'd leave the area and find someone else to share my love with

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
This Is Nonsense

The "explanation" of the "tradition" just doesn't make any sense after the first instance of Keziah wanting to keep the children that she bore. Why on earth would there be any need - or desire - for her daughters "pass it on" and avoid having male children?"

Also, the notion that there is a "magic" potion that a woman takes before fucking the hapless male one time will prevent sperms with Y chromosomes from being made in his testes for the rest of his life is absurd.

4* for the writing, though.

JackmoftenJackmoftenabout 7 years ago
Fu** Tradition!

I would of left that family so fast their heads would still be spinning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I Did

I took the author's advice. I stopped at the prologue. Thanks for the heads-up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

that took some imagination. Interesting solution to a big problem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Bullshit remains bullshit!!!

More idiotic is impossible!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Cuck shit

It seems someone geta off when he gets in the balls. Explaining a desire for humiliation with love. But you Would Never admit it ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Idiotic cuckold/wimp shit!!!

Only laughable crap for perverts or brain sick ones!!!

Old_biker_dudeOld_biker_dudealmost 7 years ago
I think I liked it better than the annonomous

Not great but killed an hour of bordum

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

"The other thing is that the women in this family simply don't have sons" - In the original, it was at least implied that there were, or could be, boys. Reference was made at least once to the "opposite" sex, and Mary's father admitted to hoping for a son.

I can understand Keziah and her daughters, but why would later generations be afraid of raising sons, outside of jealousy that their husbands would get to sleep with their sons' fiancees!

"Henry, she's in a panic because if Mary doesn't sleep with David, she risks having a son." - So, what? I repeat my comment above!

The ONLY way I would agree to it would be if Mary DIDN'T take the potion and suppository so that Cassie might have sons! His idea works.

"Henry, if I'd offered you the choice Cassie will offer David, what would you have chosen?" - He says he would have agreed to daughters? Bull shit! He's just trying to make her feel better. No man would willingly deprive himself of the chance of having sons.

Did Joe ever hear the story, and how he was deprived of the possibility of sons?

And I STILL don't believe that Henry OR David would have or did willingly go along with daughters only!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Kinda Like Sci Fi

Where they get to break some limited amount of natural law (e.g.: time travel), the original story had to pretend that these people had amazing marriages in spite of this gargantuan elephant in the room called dysfunction.

Given that, you did pretty well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

absurd cuck shit.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 6 years ago
C'mon, dude.

Even if you didn't like the story, you have to admit it was well written. POV stayed consistent, punctuation and syntax were good, and the dialog sounded real. The only reason you dislike the story is because of the plot. That's OK, disliking the plot is a legitimate criticism. However, it is no justification for insulting the author and belittling the story. Perhaps instead of calling him a fag and a cuck, you might suggest some ways to improve his story or, better still, write one of your own and show him how it should be done. Might also make you look like less of a total asshat.

fisheronefisheroneover 6 years ago
Tradition of deceit

Good thing Marys husband didn't want a boy and he loved her so much. Because finding out you were drugged to alter your DNA without consent could ruin most good marriages. What Millie did to Joe is awful but I am glad fot little Joseph .

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
good writing but a terrible premise

You write well but picked an impossible story to finish. David didn't want to fuck his MIL, Henry didn't tell David how fucking his MIL Millie made his family situation uncomfortable. This makes a lie to making the family stronger. If David and Henry put a united front forward that would have ended the stupid tradition. The comments above explain why the tradition was irrelevant and made each woman who was complicit in it a cheater on her marriage before it even started.

3 stars for good writing but did not like the story.

reasonable man

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just a thought

What if just one of the husbands used a condom?????

BearcatfozzyBearcatfozzyover 6 years ago
Great follow up

Of course the reader needs to suspend belief in both the original story and this one. I love how the author stayed true to original story and wove a very creative tale explaining the "tradition" - well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

a bizarre bunch of shit(tradition not story). Take that tradition long enough and you'd have a reverse china w/ lots of females and no males. So one crazy bitch's fear of male babies(not explained why) and the rest of the dumbshit bitches carry on? What the fuck is wrong with sons anyway? Fucking broads are stupid and crazy.

somewhatniceguysomewhatniceguyover 6 years ago
It hurts

no matter what; what hurts even worse Mary, despite her claims of unsullied love for her man, is actually looking forward to fuck 'Dave'; oh, well, call it 'making love' if one must. She wants to, and that hurts and that makes her a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
cheating tradition

As one posted, only the wife commits adultery to maintain tradition. Male is not yet married when bedding mother-in-law.

Funny though how the night of infidelity takes place when wife is in late 30s or in her 40s and she gets night of sex with much younger man.

Just how does combination of potion and suppository affect males production of XY??

SkibumSkibumover 6 years ago
Wierd tradition...

My biggest problem with the tradition (other than the one sided adultry) is the drugs given to the groom to prevent him from fathering sons. It’s one thing if he agrees to it, but very much another when done without his knowledge or consent. I’m pretty sure I would have been out the door if presented with that proposition.

VenustasVenustasover 6 years ago
Good read 5*

There is always a way - and there is always a better way.

The ancient potion beats what modern science can do.

The lack or reading comprehension on this site never ceases to amaze me. It ranges not understanding what's there - to "reading" what's NOT there.

e.g. In the case of sons the father gets first crack at the prospective daughter-in-law. The whole reason for the mother being involved was to preserve the daughters virginity. So where did this father thing come from and what would be the object?

Then there are those that cannot tell fact from fiction. The prize for this must go to

@anon09/25/16 "all those generations without a male heir to carry the family name again just proves women are manipulative lying adulterers"

The axiom for his "proof" being a fictional scenario bordering on witchcraft written by a male author. Sorry GA no slight intended.

I'll ignore the one star ignorami as their comments generally express what they are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This extension of the original is even worse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

usual shit from another WIMPY FAG "author".

gordo12gordo12over 6 years ago
Unlikely plot

But great writing 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Really wish I would have known the ending then I wouldn't have had to read it. The idea men would be happy to give up the idea of having sons. So much of it was just crappy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I loved it!

I enjoyed reading the original story some time ago, and I think your sequel adds to it perfectly. I do find it implausible that the brides-to-be would go to such lengths to have only daughters. In my experience, mothers-to-be are quite happy to bear sons as well. I am aware that it’s a fantasy, however, and I’m willing to go along with the premise. I feel that you tied up that loose end up nicely.

I also believe that the mothers-of-the-bride perpetuated the “tradition” to get a little something extra on the side. I think you tied that up nicely for Millie.

Thank you for your wonderful writing, and thank you for sharing it. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Way better

A really enjoyable read. Way, WAY better ending than the original.

Five stars and really deserved...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great job thinking outside the box to tight s wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Third and last story I will read by this author.

The wtf is for blackrandles comments on all 3 of the stories I read, seriously what drugs is she on to give such ludicrous and comically over the top comments?

The writing is ok but absolutely nothing special and the stories are just ok continuations of other peoples works, not really original.

3* at best

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Liked how it completed the first story. Find it hard to believe that Penny is the first rebellious family member. This has been going since 1870 and no-one has bucked the system? Kind of think that there had to be a few rebels that are just never mentioned and have been written out of the family history. Or just mentioned as crazy aunt Sarah or the nutjob uncle Dan. You get the idea. And I'm sure that if anyone eloped they would not be able to come back and would never ever be mentioned.

I generally like BigGuy33's stories just could not put myself in Henry's shoes in the first story. This ending was a pretty good one. And no I couldn't write a better one.

It's also a little hard to believe that all these women who were/are sexually active before marriage and None have EVER gotten pregnant before taking the potion.

Not too hung up on it, it's not my story so I accept the authors version of reality.

Good job Mr. Anderson.

DrakenNoirDrakenNoirabout 6 years ago
Scam and Lies

I think at this point in time this is just a scam so the women can cheat on their husbands. Remember Mary drops the bomb on Henry the weekend before the wedding. She tells him what he must do. He must sleep with Millie and in the future he (Henry) or she (Mary) will have to sleep with their childrens fiancees. Mary is lying her ass off. She knows damn well there will never be a male born to them. Now I really like Mary's character but it does seem like there is somewhat of a dark side to this tradition. And she apparently supports these lies. And of course she lied about it being just the one time, and that was said in the first chapter.

About the scam. We know that both Millie and Mary were sexually active before they were married. It's stated by the author in the first chapter. Mary has sex with Henry the weekend before returning to her parents to be with them for the week before the wedding. And Mary's dad, Joe tells Henry how much better the sex will be after the wedding. We assume he's talking from past experience. Now here's the scam. Why doesn't Millie give Mary the potion to use on Henry that last weekend before the wedding. Then the reason for having sex with Millie is gone, apparently much to Millies disappointment. And Henry will only be giving Mary girls. The only reason not to do that is 1) the weight of tradition. And 2) like in the story 'No reply'. The women aren't getting any younger and it's a great excuse to step out on their husbands and know the husbands will never be aloud to do the same.

So if Henry hadn't figured out another way, by the end of the week he would have had a very devoted lying and cheating slut for a wife. Millie is probably sorry that Henry didn't father five or six girls. She might have worn him down eventually.

Was pretty happy with George's ending.

DrakenNoirDrakenNoirabout 6 years ago
Last Thoughts

Why couldn't Mary have taken the potion on her wedding night?

What if Henry had been a virgin and HIS family tradition was to abstain from sex until he was married. See first sentence for a solution. But under the original rules Mary would have had to dump him. Pretty crappy way to treat a good man.

Why is Mary so good at sex? Draw your own conclusion. They never refer to her or any of the other women as being sluts, again, Mary's dad Joe refers to how sexual ALL the women in the family are. He also mentions how much better it will be once Henry marries Mary.

Wonder how the guy with six or seven daughters maintains his sanity. Kind of thinking that he's a prime candidate for becoming an alcoholic and/or a drug addict or maybe just packing up and sneaking away from the insanity. Hopefully the poor schmuck doesn't decide to end it all. But I could see it happening. If Henry, or someone like him was faced with that repeated situation so many times.

The final issue would be how selfish this system is for the husbands. Having any and all possibility of having a son taken from them without their consent. And it's also not fair for Mary and Millie to gang up on Henry when he protests Mary's plans to sleep with their daughters fiance. Mary states that 'you knew this was coming and signed up for it when you married me'. Not really, more like he was a horny 23 year male that was very much in love and was blindsided and manipulated and kind of bullied by a rigged system that had been doing this for over 130 years. What real chance did the poor kid have. Liked George Anderson's solution but could envision a few others. But none as balanced. Good Work.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 6 years ago
Not sure if someone else made this point...

But it wouldn't necessarily only be ONCE that the wife would cheat, sleeping with a son-in-law to be...

If would be potentially (and probably) once for EACH daughter...

And definitely agree with point I think was made by a previous poster... it's not just that the guys are being told they need to have sex with their MIL to be... they're also NOT told they're sacrificing a chance at any sons - ever.

So even if the wife should die young in life, he STILL would never get a son.

OPrimeOPrimeabout 6 years ago
Okay, What a fucked up bunch

Oh Boy, Lets Fight!

Good story, and I must say I have never read one that has made me angrier.

I would not be happy my wife agreed to this crap tradition. Even the suggestion of going forward would have pushed me to the edge.

Mary's refusal would have prompted preparation of a divorce petition, to be server the night of the planned infidelity. I would have looked at Mary and said, "Sleep with david and we divorce, so let's work on the details now."

Soon as I found out about the family's tradition of only having daughters I would have declared war! Divorce, publicity, suits against the wife, grandmother etc. I would have been so angry I would have burned them to the ground.

I certainly would have told Joe and recommended David run for the hills.

What a fucked up family.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Wait a minute

Henry finds out that his wife had him genetically altered so he cannot have a son and he's OK with this? What she did was criminal.

I'm sorry, that whole premise is just sick. Let's see, force a man to cuckold his future father-in-law so that his mother-in-law can make him incapable of producing a y haploid cell. Considering Mary is conspirator in this scheme, makes it very hard to trust her. Run! Run far, far away.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 6 years ago
Good attempt at resolution, but someone is owed a lot of pain and suffering...

For the manipulation, lies, and gendercide against sons. Joes wife is a good place to start. Very Creative GA, thanks for a great one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Several stories like this

And they all SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 6 years ago
Such manipulation hatred

Their ancestor had a good reason not to have sons but they later generations didn't. They said they wanted to avoid the horror of having sons. They were married to men but thought a son would be a horror? Henry should have been pissed and David should have walked when he knew the truth and found Cassie's bias against boys. He agreed to deny himself the chance to have a son? They should have told Joe that he was denied without his knowledge. These are all really screwed up people. At least Penny didn't go along with it.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

Damn good try but a turd can't really be polished.

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