Family Traditions Ch. 02

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Eric participates in the spanking session.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 12/21/2009
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A week had gone by since Karen's punishment in front of her daughter, Nikita and Dave made no mention of that evening in front of Nikita.

Nikita however, had quizzed her mother about her domestic discipline sessions, much to her mother's embarrassment.

"One day, you too may do things to spice up your sex life," said Karen, trying to make Nikita understand.

Cutting to the present, Karen, Nikita and Eric were discussing the wedding plans and drawing up the guest list.

Dave, was going about his weekly task of sorting through the mail. He opened one, his face turned red in anger.

"Karen, honey," he said waving a letter in his hand. "I thought we had decided once and for all that you will not carry a balance in your credit card?" he thundered.

Karen flushed at being reprimanded in front of Eric.

"Honey, things got out of hand. Let's discuss this later?" she pleaded.

Nikita smiled as she detected the implicit agreement to another private domestic discipline session.

"Actually, I am tired of repeated, broken promises on this front. Eric needs to learn to how to deal with this kind of situation in his married life," the normally agreeable Dave, said unreasonably.

Karen turned pale at what was being suggested. Nikita almost choked on her beer. Eric was looking pretty non-plussed except being a little annoyed with Dave for his lack of tact in discussing these matters in front of him. Granted, he was now almost family, but surely this was uncalled for, he thought.

Karen ran up to Dave and whispered in his ear, "Honey, please? Don't humiliate me in front of Eric? I will make it up to you later, I promise," she pleaded in the most seductive voice she could muster.

Dave whispered, "Sweetheart. I am tired of having had to deal with this matter over and over for years. My mind is made up. You will be punished publicly for this," he whispered back.

Karen held his gaze for a while to see if she could make him relent.

Nikita squirmed uncomfortably as Eric stared at her quizzically as if to ask what was going on.

Nikita shrugged her shoulders and pretended to have no idea.

Dave was firmly unrelenting and Karen threw up her hands in frustration.

Karen looked as if she was going to storm out of the room and go up the stairs to her bedroom when she turned and moved to the center of the room, stood with bowed head and said, "I am sorry I did not pay off the credit card as promised, Honey. Please punish me and teach me a proper lesson."

Eric was astounded. He looked at Nikita to see if this was real. Nikita blushed and nodded.

"Nikita and I had planned to go out for dinner, Sir. We better get going," he said diplomatically looking at Dave and avoiding looking at the poor embarrassed Karen standing with bowed head in the middle of her own living room.

"Eric, Son. I request both of you to stay. Karen's overspending and lack of impulse control has been a long-standing issue for us. It has threatened to tear up our marriage several times. I had to bail her out of all her past debts when we got married and she is still not able to keep her finances in control. In this bad economy, when hardly any job is guaranteed, she wants to splurge and pay exorbitant interest rates on her credit cards. I am afraid Nikita has inherited some of her habits and I have had to bail her out a few times too. You need to learn how to keep Nikita in control as far as this issue goes otherwise you are going to be spending many evenings fighting over it," he said sadly.

"I, I don't really know, Sir," said poor Eric, not knowing what to make of it.

Yet he was getting turned on at the sight of the demure Karen and he pictured Nikita standing in front of him like that.

"Karen sweetheart, please convince Eric and Nikita to stay. You know you really need this corrective humiliating punishment," said Dave.

'I have turned my mild mannered husband into a monster. Or was the monster always there lurking under the placid exterior encouraged to surface by her continued irresponsibility. Or was he just trying to up the ante to keep their sex life white hot. Humiliation had always turned him on,' thought poor Karen as she contemplated her next act.

Deciding to accept her punishment whole heartedly, she went and knelt before Eric and said, "Eric, please stay and witness my punishment. It will make it all the more humiliating for me and correct my financial behavior."

Eric gracefully took her hand and kissed it gallantly.

She now had to undergo the indignity of kneeling before her own daughter and requesting her to witness her punishment.

"Nikita, my daughter, please stay and witness my punishment. Let his also be a lesson to you," said poor Karen, wondering if she would be able to be a wise mother to her daughter ever again.

"Oh mommy! I am sooo sorry you have to go through this," said Nikita genuinely, and shot an angry look at her step father. Her sympathy though had the unintended effect of heightening her embarrassment.

Karen then stood in the middle of the room and asked her husband to commence the punishment.

Dave arranged the dining room chair so that Karen could kneel on it. There was a mirror facing her and behind her was a mirrored wall.

Once Karen knelt on it, he asked Nikita to stand in front of her and hold Karen's hands.

"I want you two to look into each other's eyes at all times," instructed her husband.

"Eric, you may stand with me and observe," he continued.

Karen knelt on it as instructed and Dave rolled her jeans down and started spanking her panty-clad bottom.

"Ten thank you, Sir," said Karen as he completed his first round of spanking.

"Please roll down my panties and expose my bare ass to my family," said Karen wallowing in her humiliation without being asked to. Dave smiled as he noticed Karen getting into the act.

Eric was getting an irrepressible boner and fast getting addicted to the thrills of pubic punishment. Even though he was very fond of Karen, he had noticed she was a little domineering and tended to try and influence Nikita quite often.

'How do I prevent her from interfering too much in my life with Nikita,' he had wondered. Now events were shaping in a way as to make any action on his part unnecessary.

Karen's well rounded, firm ass gradually came into view and she kept her legs pressed close together to avoid revealing her pussy. Dave let it be, knowing it was just a matter of minutes before she would stand in front of them completely naked.

Karen contemplated the ignominy of kneeling with her panties and jeans resting at her knees and bare ass revealed to her future son-in-law. Her daughter holding her hands and looking into her eyes noticed and affirmed her humiliation.

"One thank you, Sir. May I please have another," said Karen as the first spank fell on her naked ass.

After every spank, Dave rubbed her ass and stroked her blouse clad breast. Nikita was embarrassed at this act of intimacy so close to her, but Dave was intoxicated with power.

"Two thank you, Sir. May I please have another," she continued as Dave gave her the next spank.

Eric was fascinated by the whole proceedings and seemed like an eager puppy not knowing where to look. He looked at her ass, submissively thrust out to meet Dave's hand. He looked at Dave stroking her breasts. He looked at his sweetheart, Nikita holding her mom's hands and looking terribly embarrassed by her mom's ordeal. And he looked at the little he could see of Karen's beautiful face in the mirror.

"Stand a little to your right, Nikita. Let Eric enjoy the view in the mirror," said the perceptive Dave. Nikita complied and Karen turned another shade of red looking at Eric's naked enjoyment of the event.

'Naked is right. Soon it is I who will be naked,' mused Karen.

Soon her ten spanks were over.

Dave leaned forward and unbuttoned her blouse exposing her magnificent bra-clad breasts for the first time to Eric. Plenty of women have commented on the fact that a bra reveals just as much as a bikini top, yet it is humiliating to be seen in bra while it is OK to walk around the beach in your bikini. Karen found it true as she noticed Eric now shamelessly drinking in the sight. The eroticism of the event was too much for his gentlemanliness to handle and he was overwhelmed.

Dave to everyone's surprise proceeded to unhook Karen's bra and slowly pull it down her shoulders and expose her considerable breasts to Eric.

Karen blushed uncontrollably. Dave had upped her humiliation by exposing her breasts sooner than expected, thereby not allowing her to steel herself for it.

Dave now held her exposed left breast with his left hand as he stood to the left and started his set of ten spanks.

Eric noticed Karen slightly wincing at very spank and Eric thought she looked beautifully vulnerable when she did that.

When the ten spanks were over, Dave rolled up her panties, asked his wife to stand up and rolled her jeans off her.

He turned her around to have her standing before Eric and him, topless in just her panties. He motioned Eric and Nikita to go and sit on the couch again.

Karen stood with her head bowed in shame, yet her face was flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement.

"Karen, go and stand before your future son-in-law and ask him to roll down your panties and look at your pussy," said Dave again unexpectedly.

"Dad!" said Nikita outraged.

"I am sorry, Nikita dear. Humiliation is a big part of this punishment and Karen agreed to go through with this," Dave reasoned.

Nikita was still not comfortable with her fiancé looking undressing another woman and looking at her pussy, let alone her own mother and his future mother-in-law.

Eric, however showed no sign of reluctance and was now fully in the flow of things.

Karen looked pleadingly and Dave and Dave silently pleaded back with his eyes asking her to go through with it.

The excitement in the room was palpable and no bachelor party would be able to exceed this, mused Eric.

Karen slowly shuffled across the room and stood in front of Eric. Eric sat up a little so that his eyes would be in line with her panties.

She looked at Eric with her beautiful big round eyes and said, "Eric, my future son-in-law, my daughter's fiancé, please roll down my panties and take a good look at my pussy."

Now it was Dave who almost choked on his beer. He had not instructed her to emphasize the future son-in-law part and she had done that on her own.

Clearly, despite protestations to the contrary, she was getting considerably aroused by her abject humiliation.

Nikita too was taken aback at her mom's increasing submissiveness and noticed that she herself was intoxicatedly aroused.

Karen was pretty self-aware and knew that if she had been ordered to lie on the carpet and writhe through the whole room, she would have happily done so, at this point.

Eric put his strong hands on Karen's hips and gently started easing the panties down taking to turns to look at her flushed face as well as her crotch.

Her neatly trimmed bush slowly came into view and with his face so close to her pussy, he could see her pussy lips and smell the signs of her arousal.

Both Karen and Nikita blushed as the smell of her arousal permeated the area.

Nikita stared at her mom quizzically and her mom rolled her eyes and shrugged helplessly.

Nikita had never imagined she would see her mom in this predicament.

Karen, despite having all this happen to her in private, had never imagined she would be so ruthlessly humiliated in public, let alone in front of her own daughter and her fiancé. And if someone had told her that she would be incredibly turned on by this instead of being terribly outraged he would have called that person insane.

Eric drank in the sight of Karen's beautiful pussy as well as delightfully naked form and hoped his sweetheart would look as beautiful 21 years from now. If so, he had a lot of fun to look forward to, he thought happily.

He did wonder about Dave's mention of Nikita taking after her mom as far as spending habits went too and decided he would have to get to the bottom of it, in more ways than one, sooner or later.

Eric decided to voice his thoughts about Karen's beauty and figure and his hopes that Nikita would be just like her, and both Karen and Nikita beamed at the compliment.

"Well, Karen. Do you feel chastised enough for one evening?" asked Dave.

"Yes Sir. More than amply chastised, Sir," said the contrite Karen.

"You will be punished increasingly humiliatingly every week until you pay off your credit card balance," said Dave and again took Karen by surprise.

She had hoped this session was it, for her credit card overruns and was dismayed to note that it wasn't so.

'God, it will take me a few months to pay it off,' thought the terrified Karen.

She was about to put on her clothes when Nikita suddenly got up and stood before Dave and said, "Dave. Please punish me for running a balance on my credit card."

Karen exclaimed, "Nikita!"

Dave and Eric were equally surprised but looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"This is going to be a fine family tradition," said Dave and Eric agreed wholeheartedly as Karen still stared at Nikita with a 'What-the-fuck' expression.

As Nikita stood submissively before her step-dad, Dave wondered if he should repeat the same process he had done with his wife or change things in order for it to not become monotonous.

"All right, Nikita. I am glad to see you volunteering to be punished and have your errant financial habits corrected out of you before it gets totally out of control," said Dave appreciatively, as Nikita nodded silently.

"Ok. Take off all your clothes," instructed Dave.

Nikita was surprised as were Karen and Eric. They had expected a gradual disrobing much like Karen giving her a chance to gradually get used to her nudity and this would be more humiliating.

"And Karen, stand next to Nikita while she is undressing," said Dave much to Karen's chagrin.

The naked Karen went and stood next to the soon-to-be naked Nikita.

Nikita took off her jeans and blouse quickly, not wanting to prolong the act and look like a stripper. Karen had it easier when she had someone else remove her clothing. It is always more embarrassing to have to do it yourself voluntarily.

Nikita now took off her bra and exposed her youthful breasts to her step-dad for the first time.

Dave drank in the sight happily as Karen glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders at that.

Now came the moment Nikita dreaded but yet strangely looked forward to. She remembered that her mom had Eric take down her panties and wanting to maintain the symmetry, walked up to her step-dad and said, "Dave, Step-dad dear, will you please roll down my panties and take a good look at my pussy?"

Dave was delighted and like Eric, cherished every inch of Nikita's exposure until her panties were resting at her thighs, her youthful pussy lips glistening with excitement.

Dave inched her panties down to her knees and said, "Now make sure your panties don't slip down further and walk to the punishment chair and assume the position.

Nikita blushed as she realized she would have to spread her legs in order to do that and expose more of her pussy to her step-dad. Nonetheless, she did as instructed and hobbled over slowly to the punishment chair.

Now Dave, struck by a desire for symmetry, asked Karen to stand in front of Nikita and hold her hands while she was being spanked. He asked Eric to do the spanking as he stood by the side much like Eric had done during Karen's spanking.

The perfect symmetry was not lost on Eric and he acknowledged it.

He stood to Nikita's left, grabbed Nikita's breast with his left hand and started spanking her with his right hand.

"You are going to get 50 spanks. Count each one till ten and start over," said Dave as he stood where Eric had stood during Karen's spanking and admired the excellent view on offer. He had never drooled over Nikita and had always kept a safe distance but the events of the week had changed things considerably. He knew however, that sex was out of the question and he would restrict these sessions to humiliation and voyeuristic delight.

He had married Karen just four years ago and he was getting a glimpse of what Karen must have been like in her youth.

'Eric is one lucky SOB to get someone like Nikita, so young," he thought ruefully.

Eric again noticed how beautifully vulnerable Nikita looked as she winced with every spank. He was now hooked enough to know that spanking would be a regular part of his married life and had every reason to believe that Nikita would go along with that.

'I will be forever grateful to Dave,' he thought as he finished his 50th spank.

Nikita stood up with her panties still around her knees and hugged her naked mom and Dave and Eric stood back to enjoy this delightful scene.

"I can't remember the last time, I was this aroused," said Dave.

"Karen honey let's go up to our bedroom and I will show you my gratitude for this delightful evening. Eric and Nikita, you are welcome to use Nikita's old bedroom," he continued.

Eric nodded enthusiastically as the two males eagerly led their naked partners upstairs and vanished into their bedrooms.

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Gym52Gym5210 months ago

Another excellent short story.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

good until the 50 spanks for step daughter as wife only got 10

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I postulate.

I wonder if such wanting ladies exist. Lucky guys. I would take part with great pleasure to their predicament. What about including some male from the neighbourhood. I postulate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Loving it. Thank you.

victimeastmanvictimeastmanalmost 11 years ago
VISA vis balanced punishment

OMG! i forgot to pay my VISA bill on time. Now there will be a balance subject to penalty.

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