Far Pangaea 27 : Fruit Loop

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Johnny Appleseed. The Spook spooked. BIG SURPRISE!
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Part 27 of the 96 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/06/2017
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Night fall.

While the rest of the survivors slept Malcolm Brand sat outside under a brilliant moon.

They had built him a tent shelter as a temporary measure. After succumbing to the Nordic apples that caused his body to unpredictably grow to colossal size they were worried that he might destroy their new Ganthorian starship home should he enter his old quarters.

He was okay with that. He certainly didn't want to hurt anyone. At least he had the cows and the crops to keep him company. Still, with the moon full and all of these damned Komodo dragons recently he was edgy. He wondered if he should sleep giant sized just for safety.

Palming his trusty apple he would look it over and enjoy it's taste on and off throughout the night. Either this was a gift or a curse. He wasn't certain. No other food sounded appealing.

Feeling his skin he could sense the Nordic markings hiding beneath. He wondered if a translator collar would let him understand what they read. Unfortunately his own broke under the pressure of his growth spurt. He needed someone else to decipher their meaning the next time he grew enough to make the runes legible.

The night so silent he could hear a loud hum in the air made him bonkers. He needed to move around. Maybe, now that he could grow he would make salvage runs on his own. That would keep him busy. Cam would just slow him up under their normal buddy system trips. He could think without the Pilot's constant wise cracks.

As Malcolm pondered the option he felt a presence behind him. Turning his head he notes the ghostlike Madigan Ridge hovering next to him.

"How are you feeling Malcolm?"

"Pretty decent actually. Strong. Aware. Like all of my senses are tuned up."

"You appeared very lonely. I must confess that I feel the same. As a ghost it becomes harder to relate to others. Should you need a friend, I would be honored."

"Thanks Maddy. I was just toying with the idea of doing some salvage runs. I can carry more back now that I can grow."

"You have only grown one time. Are you certain you can increase your size when you want too?"

"I don't know. Let's find out."

Stepping out into the moonlight Malcolm strips his clothing off to avoid shredding them as he had his others. Clothing was hard to come by.

"Sorry about the streaking Ms. Ridge." He blushes at his dangling beast.

Gliding to face him eye to eye she fans her hands over her ethereal form, "Do I need reminded of my own streaking?"

He chuckles, "Guess not. Modest I suppose. Respect Ma'am."

Remaining in his shadow she observes him grow at will. Ten feet tall. Twenty. Thirty. Forty. At fourteen feet she notices his colossal cock literally pass through her body and vanish above her in the darkness.

"Sorry." Malcolm growls noticing the invasion. It was sexy in one way, disrespectful the other. Her reaction if could be read was merely intrigue. It was not as if Madigan Ridge could feel anything. Even emotion. Still, her thoughts were like any woman's. She enjoyed a good male stripper.

Floating higher to compensate his size she again passes through his stone like penis until her full frontal met his eyes.

"Your runes are lighting up." She realizes.

"Yeah? I was just thinking what they might say. I broke my translator to help in that. Everyone is asleep. I'll have James read me tomorrow."

"They are mesmerizing." Madigan reaches toward the rune on his chest, "May I?"

"Sure. Can't hurt I suppose."

Sensing energy coming from the glowing spiral she places her hand on it. Her palm fails to pass through his body.

"Strange. I cannot phase through you. Yet, in my ethereal form I feel it's heat. I don't--" Maddy grows silent then notices her palm. Her body was hardening. Her mind reels with images of proud standing cityscapes. The longer she touched him the more her body went from ghostlike to normal flesh and blood.

With a loud scream she falls from her height. Her body toppling before Malcolm could catch her in his gigantic form. She fell directly over his cock below and sprawled unconscious over it. Malcolm was embarrassed but stunned by her reality. Carefully, he peels her from his beast and palms her in his hand. His size decreasing until he could cradle her in both arms.

"How did this happen?" He pats her cheek. Holding her he feels her cold body. There was no body heat whatsoever. Yet he could feel a pulse within her.

Groggily she wakes up and looks directly into Malcolm's concerned gaze. Noting his body touching hers with sensation she holds her hands before her with a glimmer of shock.

"Am I alive?"

"Not sure Maddy. Should I go get everyone?"

Suddenly, Maddy's flesh returns to its phantom appearance. The result only temporary. She again rises into the air in front of Malcolm. He had to force his gaze to lower as her thighs faced him only inches away. Respect ruled the man.

"That didn't last long." She looks sad.

"Strange it happened period. We buried your real body Maddy."

"I know this. Perhaps I was resurrected? We need to explore this more. Should we try again?"

Malcolm hesitates hearing his belly growl. Each time he exerts his body he feels the neediness of the apple. Locating the fully reformed fruit he devours it as Madigan ponders the possibilities. In her emotions she wants to race inside the ship and inform everyone, especially her daughter Sophia who she knew wasn't sleeping. Merely meditating to the soothing song of her parasitic companions. She decides against it in case this was a one time incident.

Malcolm polishes off his apple and stares at it's core. Each time he dines upon it he watches it grow back ready to be eaten all over again. Careful study he wonders how his life could possibly change living like this. Dependent upon a forbidden fruit. Always fearful of losing his apple. Greed obviously kept it nearby. Weakness plaguing him the second he abuses his size altering ability. Shaking off his concerns he devotes his attention back to Maddy.

"Okay. I'm juiced up. Still wanna try this Madigan?"

"Experiment worthy don't you think? If touching the rune has the same result we can get James on to this. I would like to live once again if possible."

"Alright. Let me go big. When touching my runes hover over my hand. That way when and if you become solid you won't fall so far."

Madigan lowers her eyes, "Forgive my earlier trajectory Malcolm. We both know that was unexpected."

"Perish the thought. Accidents happen."

She observes him begin to rise tall yet again. Each time he grew to colossal proportions his manhood increased in size as well. Becoming a force to reckon with under normal circumstance. It was impossible not to notice. Madigan though a ghost still retained her desires. Even though impossible to act upon them.

At 40 feet high his glowing runes erupt like a rash across his body. Different images in different areas. Madigan rises up to stand in front of his chest where she had touched him before. Exploring the spiral she reaches out and waves her hand in the direction of its beginning to its end. With a final hesitation to senses its energy she touches Malcolm. Again she turns to flesh and blood. This time her bone structure shining through as if an x-ray.

He was ready this time. His right hand directly beneath her feet. In a sudden flash Madigan passed out again. Toppling into his palm to lay there on her back. In a rather compromising position. Her legs wide and thighs vibrant. Malcolm kept his eyes on her face as much as possible.

Quickly reviving Madigan again examines her body. Literally touching her breasts, tummy, and for the first time in ages her inner thigh. A living nervous system reacted with a brilliant shiver.

"Oh my God! Malcolm? I can feel everything. Even your exhale down upon me."

He closes his eyes as she stands up in his palm. Reaching out to kiss the bridge of his nose. There was a rune upon his forehead that prompted study. With her fleshly touch she caresses the symbol. This time her body shimmers like glass. Glowing and radiant.

"Look. I feel like energy. As if my body is pulling the moonlight into me."

"Try another rune. Hell try all of them." His voice bellows.

At each temple she caresses the rune upon them. His left temple sets her body on fire that doesn't harm her. The right temple cools the flame encasing her in a sheath of ice. She acts normal even under vicious conditions. Her body adapting to whatever comes her way. Both of them were amazed.

On his right shoulder she touches the writing and her body becomes coal black. As if a living shadow. Only her eyes were white. His left shoulder turns her body into living gossamer. Web like material spewing from her pores.

"This is magnificent." She acknowledges as he lowers his palm to his stomach. In reaching his rocklike abs she presses her fingers on the rune. This rune turns colors from red to purple to green. Her body follows the colors as if a living rainbow. A chameleon effect if you will.

Carefully Malcolm crouches and sits down in the sand. Lowering Madigan to the side of his girth. She does her best to avoid his penis but it was in her way. Left hand touching his length while her right hand reaches between the fold of his legs to touch another.

"Sorry Malcolm."

"Awkward but I'm not offended. Keep touching the runes."

The rune her fingers trace makes her body rubbery. She could feel her arm literally stretch until she reels it back. Amazed she moves on. Looking for the next rune she realizes that it was on his balls.

"Forgive my intrusion." She felt badly touching the stone like nads. In response her body becomes as if water. Collapsing into the dirt then reforming seconds later sitting next to him. This reaction made her mind dizzy.

Once able she stands and walks around his privates. On his right calf was the next rune. This rune moved on her as she reached for it. Like a living thing it avoided her time and time again. Malcolm tried not to laugh.

Finally, capturing it with a slapped hand upon his upper thigh she becomes like living wind. The air about her churning up dust. In seconds it wore off. Both of them fanned the air to evade the sandstorm she had riled up.

"Probably some on my back too." He advises.

Silently she crawls under his legs and locates one on his right ass cheek. Jumping to reach it she alters her body into a gaseous state.

Malcolm looking over his shoulder laughs, "I guess you broke wind."

She had to join him in laughter, "Don't fart I might blow away."

Again instantaneously she returns to normal.

"There are three going up your spine. I can't reach them."

Carefully Malcolm drops to his knees and stretches out in the sand face down. Using his penis logging between his thighs as a step she hoists herself up on to his ribs until she could stand upon his back. The first rune between his shoulders turns her body green at first then armors of tree bark grow around her. She could feel chlorophyll oozing from her fingertips.

Returning to normal she eases to the second rune. This rune altering her flesh into liquid metal that hardens. Blades extend all across her in a rash. Then retreat just as quickly. The final rune on his back changes her body into crackling electricity. She could feel the power contained within her. The minute her hand moves away she reverts to human. "What do we make of this Malcolm?" She carefully climbs down from his body and moves away for him to sit up. Once sitting Indian style he hears his belly rumble.

"I don't know. You're still normal though. Hopefully you stay that way."

She touches her body again shivering at her reality. Then she notes something.

Unsettled by the thought she points at his penis. Beneath the foreskin of his crown she spots a smaller rune. It was in the most inconvenient of spots.

"Mal? I see one more rune."

He reaches down and palms his tree trunk cock lifting it to notice the glowing rune. Brow creased he lowers it toward her.

"I'll live. Touch him."

Clearing her throat the beautiful Madigan Ridge steps forward as he parts his feet to give her a path between his legs. Within his corral she hesitantly reaches for it and feels a severe throbbing. Her eyes flare.

"Was that the rune or you?"

"I think I am the rune Maddy."

Ignoring the vibration she touches the symbol and feels her entire body bass increase. Madigan Ridge was growing just as Malcolm had. Only not becoming rock like. Her flesh stretching, bones hardening, muscles compensating.

Malcolm's eyes grow with her as she achieves the 40 foot height he had reached. Between his legs she was forced to topple him backwards. Falling over him in a compromising position. The thunder of their fall kicking up another dust storm.

Around them the cows in their pen panic noisily. The entire area feeling the seismic event.

Laying on top of Malcolm Maddy blushed which turned into laughter. Malcolm joined her in this awkward stance. His beast literally up high between her legs and towering over her ass cheeks.

"Please don't tell the General." Malcolm chuckled with a thunderous echo.

"I'm sooo sorry Malcolm. This was beyond our expectations." Their humor fading they stare into each others eyes with momentary loss of words. Both sensing a sudden urge to do something they might regret. Colossal sex would disturb everyone in the Ganthorian ship.

Suddenly, Madigan Ridge begins to fade. Her body in its increased size again becoming ghostlike. Her whimpers lowering in pitch as her size decreases. Finally she resumes her ethereal floatation over the stretched out Malcolm.

"Nothing lasts forever it appears." She huffs.

Malcolm again reels from his stomach pangs. Deciding it best to return his body to it's original humanoid size. Once normal Maddy drifts down to face him with a glint of sadness. She smiles at him before attempting a hug that phases through his body. It was the thought that counted.

As both of them stand silent they hear a clearing of a throat.

Behind them stood James Ian Pryce walking his dog with two specialized drone orbs trailing him for defense against the night.

"How long have you been standing there?" Mal winces.

"Long enough. I was about to tell you to get an Airplane Hanger."

"Funny, kid." He huffs holding his belly.

As his dog took a healthy dump along the crop line James studies Malcolm's clammy expression.

"How did Maddy become gigantic?"

Madigan drifts next to James, "I touched all of Malcolm's runes. Each made me normal for short moments. Giving me various forms of existence. Energy. Light. Shadow. Metallic skin. Others. Nothing lasted though. The last rune made me grow to Malcolm's size."

"I saw that. Tried not too."

"What do you think caused this James?" She needed to know.

James taps his neck to show his translator collar. He then steps over to the wobbly Malcolm.

"Where's your apple?"

"Over there." Malcolm staggers toward it. Picking it up from the ground he dusts it off before taking a bite. Instantly his demeanor became healthier.

"That did the trick."

"I don't really know the full effects of that apple but at least it keeps you alive. Can you grow again so I can try and read your tattoos? I can't sleep anyway."

"Let me finish my meal."

Mal chomps bite after bite until his body feels energized. Holding the core he allows Maddy and James to witness the apples rebirth into a firm juicy fruit all over again.

James fidgets, "I hope I don't make matters worse but I have an idea."

"What is it?" Maddy questions.

"Mal? Eat the entire apple. Core and all."

"Say what? What if I need it later?"

"Well! We do know where to get another one if its necessary. I was thinking that the seeds would stay inside your digestive tract. Each time your energy gets low the apple will feed you from within."

"What if I crap it out?" Mal winces.

"Then, I guess you clean it good and have dinner later."

Maddy grimaces, "Was that image needed?"

Both men shrug, "Sorry."

"Worth a shot I guess." Mal devours his apple again and begins growing. At twenty feet tall he lobs the apple down his throat and swallows it whole. The effects minimal. He continues growing to thirty feet tall as the runes begin charging up. More brilliant this time.

"Alright. Let's do some reading up." James prowls around Malcolm trying not to look at his dangling penis. Hard to miss as it was.

Maddy floats high to point at his chest, "This rune made my body become living once again."

Malcolm lowers his palm to lift James higher. Below him Xander barks.

"Chest reads the Nordic word for "Rebirth".

"Forehead says Mani which is the personification of the Moon. Right shoulder means Darkness. Left shoulder Destiny. Left temple Forge. Right temple Jotunn which means Frost Giant. Stomach recites Hidden."

"Gonna get personal now." Mal lowers him between his legs. James grimaces at being so close to his genitalia.

"Thigh is Binding. Nut sack means the Sea. Calf is Breath."

Setting him back on the ground Maddy joins him to hear of the rest.

"Ass cheek means Surtur. He was the destroyer of Asgard in Mythology. Fire and brimstone."

"Great. A portal to Hell." Mal chuckles loudly.

Stepping back to read the glowing runes upon his spine James finishes his task.

"Top to bottom. Earth. Armor. Lightning." He looks lower, "Is that all of them?"

Maddy points at Mal's cock. Mal lifting his penis to display his underside. James covers his eyes, "Seriously?" He then forces himself to examine the smaller tat.

"Wow. It says World Tree. The embodiment of the universe."

"Meaning what?" Maddy looks confused.

"My best guess is Growth. Expansion."

Mal begins laughing forcing James to hold his ears. Xander to whine.

"So what? If I jerk off I'll keep getting bigger?"

Maddy giggled at his outburst.

James frowns shivering, "Please don't."

"No worries Kid. Y'know since I ate that entire apple I feel really good. Like my energy level has no peak. Hope I stay this way. I'm liking the boost."

"I'm going back to bed. If there's any change wake me up. Maddy that is. You had better stay out of the ship. Until we see how well you maintain your normal size."

"I'm good out here. Maddy never sleeps so she can keep me company. I'll build a shelter from salvage runs."

James nods then mentally calls Xander to follow him back inside the craft.

Once alone Mal returns to normal.

Eying Madigan he gets dressed. She watches him relax on a sleeping bag under a tent. As Malcolm stretches out to rest Madigan enters his tent and hovers over him. She would be his guardian angel.

"Rest well."

Malcolm Brand was out cold.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Another five stars it really needs more!

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Dang you!

Lol. Sorry to keep you awake. I appreciate your enthusiasm. Take a nap after work and relax. I'll be here with more chapters. Working on Chapter 35 today.

Keep in touch.

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Well response

Sorry my work has lost your interest. Not every chapter just like any TV series episode is perfect. Episodes falter then become brilliant then lose something later down the line. All I can do is my best to keep folks entertained. Some stay some go. I'll survive and keep on writing what I feel suits my series.

Sorry Buddy. Hope you stick around. If not I thank you for giving this a shot.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
damn you!

i could not stop reading this series and now i have to be up in four hours for work.

Simply Amazing! Please never stop writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

As a fan at first of your writing I can honestly say this is not the best story they are getting kinda bland i don't mean that in a disrespectful way but this just isn't doing anything for me but bore me

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