Far Pangaea 95: I DO!N'T


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"You're forgiven." Sabbath smiles, "Khonsu loves you and likes your new identity of Detroit."

"Same here. Ra left a cooling feeling in my stomach. He forgives you too."

"Maybe that's why my stomach growls so much. I thought I was just hungry. Horus welcomes you back too Sis."

Smiles were vibrant. Until the Pyramid shook like a 6.5 earthquake. In reaction Ophelia offers information. "Your Grandfather is dragging the ship down. Hurry Bastia."

"Let's go Horus. Let's see if we can slow him down enough to give Bastia time."

"You're kidding me. Gramps is bigger than Mount fucking Everest and you think we stand a chance."

"We have to try. I refuse to let Malcolm down." Lightmare starts to turn when Ophelia's hologram appears in his way.

"One moment Ra. You forget your battle armor."

Cam freezes in awkward balance against the shockwaves, "Armor?"

A wall shimmers and fades away, behind the veil are numerous armors and battle gear. Everyone outside of Bastia dropped their jaws. Both Cameron's immediately teetered against the swaying Pyramid to examine the arsenal.

"I'm going to jizz." Horus admits claiming his own Hawk crest battle armor and a pair of spiked maces. A gauntlet with a shield symbol. Pushing a button upon it a force field generator conceives the shield into reality. He looks at Cameron his twin, "I'll jizz for you being we're the same guy."

Sabbath looks at Horus queerly as she herself is drawn to a silvery armor with different phases of the moon etched into it. It was beautiful. Getting dressed was tedious in the balancing game of Atum jarring the Pyramid while Malcolm did his best down below to grow ever larger to compensate against the chaos.

Cameron's Ra armor was pure gold with sun symbols on both shoulders. A helmet reminding him of a Spartan's fashion made him grin, "Ohhh yeah!" A swift dismissal of his human clothing he found the interior padding of the armor comfy in their absence. They all did. Who needed their old clothes? None of them.

Fully armored up Lightmare ignites his light armor into a skeletal array that encased Ra's suit. Sabbath got wet at his noble appearance. Cam staring at Sabbath thought the same of her stunning transformation into a warrior. Horus? Meh!

"No armor Bastia?" Ophelia reveals a black armor befitting her build and dark complexion.

"No. I am free of the past. Let us begin the soul shift before the ship crumbles around us. Brothers and Sister go. Help the giant one. I will join you shortly." She turns and morphs into a panther enabling her to run under the conditions. Sparks from damages to computers were intensifying. Bastia knew time would run out if the souls were not injected into her very soon. The necessary power to release the souls would weaken them beyond survival.

Dodging falling panels the three warriors took flight leaving the Pyramid to Bastia. They immediately engaged the Kytani fighters that were swarming the area. Horus in an amped up battle armor increased his strength a thousand fold. One slam of a mace devastates fighter after fighter. He was living the dream.

The same could be said of his counterpart. Cameron Scott being a fighter pilot long before a mere passenger plane transporter shot about like a ricocheting bullet from various alien fighters disabling them into a spiraling crash. Sabbath could hear his deafening "WAHOOOO!" in her thoughts. She was more concerned about Malcolm. He was showing signs of wear. Trying to hold back a larger giant was tiresome. Only the fact that Atum seemed intent on destroying the Pyramid kept the colossus from shrugging off Malcolm. She knew once Atum achieved the goal of ending his Son's legacy he would turn his attention back toward the black mountain. In a daring maneuver Sabbath soars on wings that molecularly managed to morph through her armors back. She was amazed that this was even possible. Willpower meant everything. In her flight she flew until she literally faced Atum. Dark shadowy gazes meet as Sabbath tries an appeal eyes to humongous pupil.

"Grandfather please do not do this. We loved you once." Khonsu speaks through Sabbath.

"Love? A petty emotion." Atum roars like a sonic boom. "If love meant anything the Creator would never have made us at all. We exist as nothing more than his sport. There is nothing left but to remove that emotion. He whom loved his creations has grown weak. Can you not sense him around us? He is here on this pathetic planet. This one above those others that appear in the sky as the end nears. He chose this world for a reason. For its power. I will claim this power before all others may. Begone Khonsu. Petty annoyance."

He devotes his energy now on the Pyramid. Sabbath is forced to evade her position as Atum draws the Pyramid ever closer to his maw. Jaws wide he grows larger still in his attempt to devour its mass. Knowing Bastia and her family are still inside her desire to save them fuels her to return while she can to offer assistance. Reaching the entrance without any obstacles she lands just as stones crumble about her. The exterior of the ship was shedding its final camouflage of granite. Beneath its skin shimmering mirrored glass like steel. Perhaps much harder than steel. Alien alloys combined.

Hovering above the collapse zone she sees a lithe black cat racing from stone to stone. Eyes glowing Sabbath knew Bastia had claimed the souls of the Royal family. In a long distance leap Bastia lands in Sabbath's gentle hands. Taking flight just as Atum swallows the Great Pyramid ship into his gullet. Sadness overcame all four warriors as their home was now but a memory.

With one mission accomplished Atum now chose to rid himself of Malcolm. Enough territory had been ravaged beneath their mountainous weight. Atum needed to be omnipotent. No mere floating gas without substance. This new body as his host he could be the planet himself by growing so large he could encompass the entire world. All he needed was the power of the mountain to achieve his goal.

"We're losing guys." Horus united with the others. "There's no beating Gramps."

Maybe they were right.

Half a world away the Ganthorian ship X'Orr now back under Harpea's rule searched the frozen wastelands for their lost friends. James Ian Pryce, Sophia and Madigan Ridge were hurled to their deaths by Orin Ridge before his transference into the body of God himself. They knew they had somehow survived but finding them was a little like needle in a field of hay. The size of Texas.

"We should be over the impact site." The Ganthorian pilot/scientist Mav'Ryk divulged as the bridges windows became magnified monitors. Sitting beside Harpea was Colonel Ruby Goddard rubbing her belly nervously. She could feel her babies kicking right and left. All five of them. This whole ordeal had taken its toll on her emotions. A strong woman inside her entire life she, now was feeling a bit too much anxiety. Not only was she somehow carrying James Ian as a baby which she wanted to name Noble. A name she promised Jack but felt badly because that would mean James would be left without his current identity. This whole Mother thing was a mess. She was somehow even carrying a Ganthorian baby. How the fuck is any of that possible she constantly questioned. She wasn't Ganthorian in the least. All of these babies had ties to the multiple Earth's. Five Earth's and 5 moons. 5 babies. But, how can a Ganthorian baby be a part of the equation when they were not from Earth at all? Answers were needed and the only one to offer them was...another baby. Baby God in Orin's Ridge's abandoned shell. Strangely though God did seem happier and more aware. If not of who he really was. This was a new beginning for even he.

"There!" Harpea rises from her seat pointing. "There's a crater. Your Sophia with her Tyrant Tears would have survived that fall. We land and begin our search there."

James Ian now back within his original body joins her at the monitor. "Yep! That's where she belly flopped. No need to land though. Remember we were in flight inside SeVen's enlarged drone. All we need to do is track the drone. That is if Moe didn't shrink them with the gun I was holding when our minds switched back. That would be bad."

"Can't you just telepathically link up with Moe for directions?" Elle Franklin enters the conversation leaning on the back of Ruby's seat.

"Yeah if you wanna get directions to the closest banana tree." James chuckles, "Sorry. Let me try something else. I did manage to contact Jack so maybe I can reach Maddy or Sophia."

"Do it." Ruby directs and repositions uncomfortably in her chair. She felt horrible suddenly. Morning sickness? Behind her Greta Winston held Baby God bouncing him up and down. He really liked the attention. Just as suddenly God gets cranky. Reaching for Ruby Greta takes note.

"I'm thinkin' our young God is hungry."

"So get him a bottle." Ruby studied the monitor then feels compelled to abandon her inspection of both the crater and a distant volcano spewing smoke. Definitely active. Drawn briefly to James who had taken a seat on the floor Indian style to begin his telepathic journey before grimacing. Peering over her shoulder she sees the baby wanting her. Rolling her eyes she knew what he was after.

"I'm so going to regret this."

Waving Greta to her side Ruby takes the baby and lowers him to her bosom. Revealing a full breath by lifting her shirt she offers up a tit of milk. Baby God went to town. Beside them Elle smiled.

"When was the last time you let a God belly up to the bar?"

"Don't start Sargent."

"Just giving you shit. Relax Big Momma."

"I'm NOT big." Emotions hit her about her size like a brick.

"I am detecting vapor trails on a near invisible scale." Mav'Ryk reports as Harpea hovers behind him. "A Pleidian drone soars. It does not have the necessary engines to fly at great speeds. The vapor is the leftover concentration of Korythian crystals powering it."

"What of heat shields? The drone would generate heat to keep it's parts from freezing." Harpea points out.

As Mav'Ryk runs tests on the terrain around them James Ian reaches out in his telepathic phone call.

"Can anyone hear me?"

Forty miles from the X'Orr's position James pet German Shepard cocks his ears.

"Is that my Master?" Xander communicates within his mind.

"Xander ole buddy. We're searching for you guys now. I popped back into my body on the X'Orr. Has your course changed?"

"Still white outside Master."

"Of course it is. I meant are you flying toward the sun or away from it?"

"See sun on Xander's left." The dog peers left making Madigan and her daughter Sophia wonder why the pup was so alert. In front of them Moe the primitive was snoring away. Their pilot SeVen lost in thoughts of Serena his mate.

"You alright Boy?" Sophia pets the dogs scalp with a normal hand. Her Tyrants compressed on the top of her own head in a tight formation. Luckily they were able to generate enough heat for everyone in the confined drone.

Xander turns his attention toward Sophia and licks her face almost excitedly. Sophia giggled at his unexpected reaction. Fending him off finally she settles him down. That was when it got weird. Xander spoke telepathically.

"Good to be back. Everyone doing okay?"

"James?" Madigan and Sophia question the tone.

"Yep. Listen guys I need coordinates. Have SeVen figure those out and we can locate you faster. I'm back on board the X'Orr. Ruby and the others are back in control of it."

"They beat Orin?" Madigan offers a bewildered expression. Was it that easy?

"No. He tricked everyone in Eden by using my body to bypass the defense barrier. Orin took over God's body and cast him out. It get's stranger. Now God seems to be trapped in Orin's baby body."

"Ever since we've been here it's been like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I think everyone has been locked into someone's body at one point." Sophia winces then looks at Xander, "Sorry Xander. You were a nice home while it lasted."

"He's glad you didn't make him squat to pee like a girl." James laughs.

SeVen overhearing things tilts his head slightly after a careful calculation of the speed of the winds and the travel time since leaving their base camp. "We have flown 40 miles Northeast of our original zone."

"Got it. Let's see if I can split my telepathic call into a private line." After a few seconds a voice is heard inside Ruby's mind. Ruby wincing at God's hunger upon her tit reacts to the intrusion.

"James what have you discovered?"

"Whoa! Sorry Mom. Didn't mean to catch you at a bad time."

"Don't you dare tell Maddy and Sophia I'm breast feeding God. Let alone the fact the body is Orin's. This is embarrassing enough."

"Too late. I have a foursome going on. Well, five if we count Xander."

Maddy sighs hearing the dilemma, "None of us are mocking you Colonel. You did what you felt was required. If that really is God inside of Orin he will bless you."

"Anyway!" Ruby was beet red. Both Greta and Elle knew something was up. "Where are you?"

"SeVen said 40 miles Northeast of Sophia's drop zone."

Speaking out loud Ruby gave Mav'Ryk the rough coordinates. In three minutes he had them beneath the X'Orr. Everyone in the drone saw the shadow over them keeping pace. It was like the world went dark being so consumed beneath the ships massive size.

A tractor beam captures the drone and SeVen immediately releases what limited control he had over the device. Sitting back he smiles. He was one step closer to being reunited with Serena.

"Got you guys. I'll see you inside." James reports through Xander.

Ruby concurs as her voice slips through the canine just before the disconnection. "Welcome home people."

Drawn into the X'Orr's hanger for small shuttles the bird is rested on a locking plate and the beam deactivates. SeVen was first to exit. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the gloom he realized that six Ganthorians were around them. Leading the band was Harpea's right hand T'Ule who ran a recorder over SeVen from head to toe to be certain of no carried on diseases from the future nor Pangaea's current conditions could inflict the crew. None revealed SeVen steps aside for Sophia, Xander, then a now human Madigan Ridge. Once released warmer clothing was offered to all. Even Sophia for the first time since her travel to Pangaea got to wear life fiber. Her Tyrants were getting grumpy though. They were tired of being cooped up in a tight location in her upper skull region. She told them to relax she would free them in awhile.

Leaving only the slumbering Moe, SeVen kicked the side of his drone while preparing the sizing gun to shrink his bird back to its original size. Moe merely rolled over ignoring him. It took another intrusion by James Ian yelling "WAKE THE FUCK UP." to startle the primitive Reflection causing him to pee on the controls out of sudden shock. SeVen creased his brow. Now it would require him to clean up his drone. Moe screeching at the top of his lungs bolted out of the drone and huddled with fear next to Xander. Then, he realized that he was home.

"Moe in big place again? Find food." He swiftly ran past the Ganthorians before they could test his body for disease. They would track him down in the galley.

Escorted through the ship James and Elle met up with them half way. James seeing Sophia in her life fiber smiled. "Nice Prom dress."

"You made Xander slobber all over me. Asshat." She barges by him. Trailing her like a lost puppy he tried to apologize. She just wanted to stretch her legs. Not once did she allow him to see her smile. He knew exactly where she was headed though. She knew that Ruby would never leave Elder James behind so presumed he was back in his preservation tank. She was not wrong.

Elle eyed Maddy with a grin, "So we presumed right. When Briar left your body you returned to normal again."

"You buried me in Eden?"

"No better place than God's Country."

"Agreed. Thank you my friend."

"Can you still ghost up?"

"I believe so. I am exhausted. Can I try later?"

"Absolutely. Go get some food and warm up." A Ganthorian assists her until she convinced him she was fine on her own. Elle then turned her attention to SeVen. "You're a big boy. SeVen correct?"

"Not Seven. SeVen as in SAY VAUGHN."

"Gotcha Sayvaughn. My name is Elle. Good to have you. Thanks for looking out for our friends. Forgive me but what race are you?"

"Pleidian. I hail from the future as you do. We came in search of Madigan and Sophia."


"Yes. Obadiah Ridge and our crew. Milo Greyson. Renee Ramse and others." He remains quiet concerning Serena's relationship to Lucas Dorsey.

"Whoa there Cowboy. General Ridge is in Pangaea? Jack's...wife?" She looks away long enough to ponder what they meant for Ruby. She knew she and Jack had grown close.

"Yes. We must find them."

"We've already set our sights on this Celestial City whereabouts. Let's get you upstairs and introduce you to Colonel Goddard."

The two headed up. The news of Obadiah was good. Renee not so much.

Way up North...

"We be in for it now." Lowball the Leprechaun in his metallic gravitationally powered wrecking ball, in the form of armor flew above the trees as the ground below shook. The jungle along the mountainside was being torn asunder. Rockslides. Trees toppling. Even the skies were alive with thousands of small fighters which blackened the early morning sky. Moving higher still he was able to witness the giants Atum and Malcolm wrestling over a Pyramid. Watching the bigger giant swallow the Osirian ship whole made Lowball cringe. "Why canae we have stayed on the island?" He evades Kytani fighters easily by mere thought. They seemed more invested on stopping the giants than him. He was an anomaly. However with his pinball machine maneuvers he struck two separate Kytani fighters sending them spiraling toward the mountain. Ejecting, the Kytani somehow survived beyond Lowball's notice. He wanted a better look at the war in the foothills beyond the mountains. Soaring off left his friends in danger.

Down below in the Jungle it was all about survival. The Angel Razorhide did her best to protect those less fortunate. Namely Serena, Addison, Bianca, Wretch, and the troll Synu. Those who were also safeguarding Renee Ramse's infant son Jimmy Jack.

Addison weaving about to avoid falling trees was protected by Synu. His size allowing him to throw his massive form into blocking the tree fall letting she and Bianca duck and stagger. Amid the chaos Addison eyes the sky.

"All of those ships leaving that City out there is leaving it defenseless, that might give us a chance to get in there safely."

"Yes." Serena Dorsey holding Jimmy Jack to her chest tightly knew it also, "I must find the Princess."

"Yea about that? You're not telling us everything are you?" Addison grunts in favor of guiding she and Jimmy on a safer path.

"Can we worry about everything after we survive this end of the world crap?" Bianca TeLeone looks over her shoulder as Razorhide flies about carving tree trunks like a sword through butter. The Angel was sparkling as she tore into the jungles collapse. Bianca's own rings were throbbing on her fingers. The Beast wanted out. She refused its urge not knowing if it would help or harm the others. It couldn't be trusted like she herself could. Not to mention she herself was terrified of what she becomes. A massive female Satyress with enough muscle to take out a fleet of tanks. Or...kill everyone in sight. Nope! Bianca would just have to escape on her own.

Weaving about the grapefruit sized drone Jack Ramse had nicknamed Fenway used his gravitational impulses to shove rocks in the air away from Wretch. Wretch seemed distant while running. As if chewing gum and walking at the same time. She was seeing a vision of many ships over the Earth. Confused because of the Armada in the skies over them now gave her mixed intuition. Then came that same sign of words Wretch had witnessed before.