Far Pangaea 95: I DO!N'T


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"Welcome back Mother of Mothers."

"Mother of? Holy crap."

Serena Dorsey had an epiphany.

A return to Celestial City...

"Where is everybody?" Obadiah scans the area to find very little activity. Behind him Psi fiddles with her crown grimacing at its discomforting feel.

"I need to get this damn thing off so I can read things."

Obadiah examines it gritting his teeth, "Alien tech. I'm afraid I'll hurt you trying to remove it."

"Yo Boss? There's the pooch slobbering over that ball." Buku points down the hall. Renee beside him feels a sudden weight lifted from her arms.

"Not again. Come on Jimmy..." She locates her son who had teleported to sit directly with Sparky and Fenway. As Sparky pants Jimmy found himself giggling.

"Puppy Xander. Ball."

The dog leaps up and licks Jimmy across the face. Buku suddenly recalls how vicious the pooch was at killing the guard. Also his acidic urine. He prayed the dogs saliva wasn't as harmful. Luckily it was just saliva. Jimmy pets the dog as it wags its tail. Fenway rolls away then levitates. Without a warning the drone zips off. Sparky let it go he was happy beside Jimmy. Renee joining them took time to pet Sparky as well. "I owe you a steak Fido. That's twice you've saved my son."

Obadiah rounded a corner following Fenway and found the drone at a door. Using its ability Fenway crumpled the metal door as if it were paper. It clanked to the floor as if lead however. Watching it enter the room Obadiah reluctantly checked it out.


Renee hearing her last name picks up Jimmy and follows Obadiah's voice. Sparky dogging her heels looked up as Jimmy waved down at him. Fast friends for certain.

"You call me Obadiah?" She reaches the General who looked horrified. Slowing her he takes Jimmy from her arms before allowing her to peer inside the door. A good thing.

Renee charges head on into the room. Something she hadn't expected was within.

"OH MY GOD!" She rushes a Man's body chained in a crouched position on his knees. Looking up at Renee with strained eyes there seemed to be no recognition. Regardless of his bruised face and bloody cuts this was certainly..."JACK!" She holds his cheeks in her palms crying in shock. After an eye contact Renee charges in for a kiss to his trembling lips. The kiss went without feeling. Jack wasn't home.

As Psi enters followed by Buku they stare at one another with worry. Obadiah outside with Jimmy held away from the scene had trouble with the fussy tike. He wanted to see. Grumpy Jimmy Jack teleports from Obie's arms leaving him to shake his head. This kid was a pain in his ass. The thoughts then went back to his own kid at Jimmy's age. Piper Sophia was a hand full too.

Appearing to sit beside Renee Jimmy looks up, "Da?" Renee tries to cover her son's eyes to no avail, "No Da."

Jack let his eyes drift down to the boy. With struggling lips Jack expels, "Reflection?"

In trots Sparky who captures the scent and yelps on his hind legs before going over to Jack. Climbing Jack from behind the dog licked Jack's ear. Jack showed fear at that moment.

Renee shivers ready to introduce Jack to his son when Obadiah pushes inside to whisper, "Guards."

In response Buku scowls, "I got this Boss." Shuffling out to greet the surprised Interrogators Buku thumps them on the head with his fists dispatching them in lumps on the floor.

Renee felt sadness at her Husbands torture. She could see his agony although false. As Jack blows his breath up at Sparky they hear Jack say, "Stop that Sparky."

"He knows the pooch?" Psi is taken back.

"Who knows. Let's unshackle the Colonel." Obadiah moves behind him after locating more keys from the Interrogators being dragged in by Buku.

"No." Jack hisses, "Leave me. I will not fail the Creator."

"Say what?" Psi mumbles.

Renee leans back in for another kiss. This kiss more tender and devoted. Jimmy tugged at his Mother's pants. Again he pouts, "No Da."

He was correct. While their lips were locked Jack's body deactivates its illusion. The Angel known as Kariloa looking with bulbous eyes at the woman kissing her. Opening her eyes Renee looks directly into the Asian woman's gaze. Falling back at the sudden shock Renee stares with confusion. "What the hell?"

"You must leave. I cannot be discovered by the vile Wanderer."

"Who?" Psi questions.

"Dorsey." Obadiah growls, "Wandering Jew remember?"

"Renee kissed a girl and didn't like it." Buku chuckles then bites his tongue at Renee's aggravated glare. She rises to her knees and picks her son up. Renee was pissed. Bad enough those damn tremors shaking everything without discovering this crap.

"Where's my Husband?" She didn't understand. Not at all.

Sparky continued his own torture of Kariloa. He had missed the Angel.


Across the City the witch from Poland Circe shudders at the disruption in her illusion casting. Shocked by the interference she looks to Jack Ramse beside her talking to the Hordakian known as Tuskorog.

"Jack?" She winces, "I think we have a wee problem."

"Spill it."

"Your wife is here. She just discovered our lovely Kariloa."

"Thinks she's me."

"Not anymore." She grimaces, "Sorry Jack."


"If it's any consolation...Your son is cute."

"My...son?" Jack suddenly felt a tug to his chest. Not of longing to see Renee nor of any son. This was that damned curse activating within him. "No. Not now." Forced to begin traveling he cloaks himself in a hood. "Tuskorog look after everyone. I can't stay." A swift face to face with the Angel Grace alias Seraph he pats her arm, "Do not let Dorsey win. No matter what."

"What of the Creator?" The 8 foot beauty tilts her gaze with worry.

"That's the Creator's body but not his mind. Do not trust him. Do not obey him. Am I clear?"

"Yes. Where do you go?"

"I was cursed by a demon named Verago awhile back. It won't allow me near family and true love. I have to remove myself. Just do me a favor and keep Renee and the boy safe from Dorsey."

"I will let no harm come to them. Of this I swear Oh Lord." She knew he wasn't the Creator but the Creator had spoken through him. That was enough for Seraph. That was enough for all of the Angels.

"Don't leave me Jack." Circe suddenly appeared lost.

"Behave yourself. Do the right thing for once Circe...Olga."

"Goodbye Jack." Without care she kissed him on the lips. He accepted it but felt nothing. As their lips broke he nods his goodbye. Carefully he moves beyond the hangar and out into the chaos. He could see ships leaving by droves. In the distance a swarm of battle. Over the Mountain tops a giant. Then two of them. The second one caught his curiosity.

"Malcolm and...Malcolm?"

Growling Jack took off in the opposite direction. He wondered why the once populated city was becoming a ghost town. Surely not every soul here was off to war. What of the human slaves? The indigenous tribes? At a loss he said another goodbye beneath his breath.

He was the wanderer now. Dorsey be damned.

Where had everyone gone?

To the Chapel of Love.

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

Glad you're still with me ZZ, you had me worried that I offended you with that Mary Magdalene reincarnation thing. She herself has no clue outside of a strange flashback as to who she was in a prior life. Denial if she did. Therefore she has her own mind, her own life in this brave new world.

Fair warning to all Christians out there, there are still some shockers coming that might still offend you. Please understand that in the END TIMES of Pangaea, things will...RELAX. In a scenario like this, people make decisions that might not appear moral but to preserve friends and family, heck entire realities, some things just happen. GOD KNOWS THIS...he is a forgiving God. Baby at the moment or not.

I'm finally gearing up to get back into finishing this monster. It will still be at least late November before BIRTH CONTROL is submitted. Every time I think I'm ready to sink my teeth in, life has setbacks medically or job related. A series like Far Pangaea is never easy to write to begin with, unlike an Erotica story which writes itself. I can write a 100 of those without waver as you've all seen. The more technical a series is the more time it takes to perfect. Just ask George R. R. Martin. ( Game of Thrones )

Faith people, the END is near.

God love us all for our patience.

oMEga, as James Ian can attest.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago
Kinky, am-I-right?

""Ever since we've been here it's been like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I think everyone has been locked into someone's body at one point."

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

"Revealing a full breath by lifting her shirt she offers up a tit of milk." Baby God wants milkies, Baby God gets milkies. Saw that coming a mile away, lol.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

"She could feel her babies kicking right and left. All five of them." Five now? Oops, who are the others?!?

SZENSEISZENSEIover 5 years agoAuthor

I just entered Chapter 96: COME TOGETHER it should be on here in a day or two. It's an extra long chapter. Covers a lot of territory. Loads of shocks, twists, revelations, and reunions.


Off to 97 : BIRTH CONTROL...Things are going to get crazy people.

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