February Sucks - the Mulberrry Tree


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"Maybe a glass of red wine will help steady me. Mother, I'm such a fuck up."

Helen said nothing, just set the glass in front of Linda and gave her shoulders a hug. A few minutes later Jim came into the kitchen and Charles not far behind him. He'd been out in the barn with Steve and JJ.

Charles was looking rather stern, "Steve and JJ are going to have supper with Ted and Sue. They are giving us some privacy."

"Mother, dad, Jim, I want you all to know how very sorry I am for my actions. I have brought shame to my husband and my whole family. I will devote the rest of my life to erasing the stain I've made to my reputation. I will do anything and everything within my power to atone for what I've done."

Charles and Jim exchanged a look and nodded to each other. Helen saw that and was comforted. She knew something was afoot with the men, Steve and JJ weren't here just for the fresh air. "Well supper isn't going to fix itself, why don't you boys make sure your hands are clean and stay out from underfoot. Linda honey, give me a hand."

It was a strange quiet supper, nobody really said anything important. Helen and Linda had fixed some home cooking, something to stick to their ribs. Afterwards Jim and Charles did the washing up while Linda cleared the table.

"Jim, Charles - Linda and I are going to retire. You boys keep yourselves busy, don't stay up too late."

"No worries Helen, Steve and JJ are coming back over here in a bit and we're probably going to play cards. A couple of other guys might stop by a bit later. We'll try to keep it down to not disturb you."

Helen went with Linda to her bedroom and told Linda to get a hot shower to help relax her. With the two glasses of wine and filling supper, maybe she'd be able to get some rest.

When Linda had gotten into a t-shirt to sleep in Helen sat on the bed and hugged her daughter. Helen rocked her back and forth like a hurt child as Linda cried into her mother's bosom. Linda was beyond thinking, sobbing pitifully with great gasps as she struggle to breathe. They sat like that for about an hour when Helen felt Linda go limp, she'd finally fallen asleep. So she tucked her in and lay down with her on the bed. She thought she'd stay for a bit and then retire to her own bed. Hopefully tomorrow would dawn with some hope.

Sunday - 2:30am

Seventeen minutes, that's all the time it took. From the moment that Steve cut the power to the property to the minute they drove away with Lavalliere in the bed of the truck, only 17 minutes had elapsed.

Gary and Ken had arrived together around 8pm and had been quickly brought up to speed. All six of them had played cards until the wee hours. They all just had a soft drink or water, and then later coffee.

They had caught a lucky break when they found that the big sliding glass door leading to the back deck and pool area was unlocked. The two bodyguards never knew what hit them; they were both sound asleep in their rooms when they were Tasered. Trussing them up with cable ties took no time at all, and Lavalliere was taken just as easy in his upstairs bedroom. It took Jim and Charles to carry Lavalliere downstairs out to the truck and throw him into the bed.

Now they were driving back and would be at the ranch in no time. There was no traffic to speak of, and they rode on in silence.

Sunday - 4:30am

"Linda, honey wake up."

"Mom, what is it? What time is it?"

"It's about 4:30 on Sunday morning. Get up, hurry. Put on a robe and come with me."

Linda slid out of bed put on her slippers and grabbed her robe, tying it closed as her mother led her to the master bedroom. Her mother motioned her over to the big window which overlooked the front of the property.

"Mother, can we turn on the light so I can see where I'm going."

"No, I don't want to be seen right now. Look out the window."

Linda did as she was told and could see that the tractor was down by the front gate with its headlights on, and her dad's pickup truck with the tailgate down and a lantern illuminating the scene. It took Linda few moments to realize what she was seeing, but when she did she gasped.

Marc Lavalliere was hanging by his hands from the backhoe bucket high overhead. His hands seemed to be tied together and then the rope tied to the bucket. He was suspended over the big hole where the tree was going to be planted. He was shirtless but was wearing sweatpants.

"Oh my god mother, what's going on? We have to get down there and find out what they're doing."

"No Linda. You're going to stay right here with me and we're going to just watch. I think Jim is about to deliver justice to that scum."

The two women couldn't hear what was being said, but they could see that Lavalliere had his feet tied together too. And his mouth was tied with a rag so he couldn't speak. Jim was standing right in front of Lavalliere and Charles was standing over next to the tractor.

Linda could see that Jim was waving his hands around and clearly saying something to Marc. Then Jim reached for the sweatpants Marc was wearing and yanked the waistband down to his ankles. Marc was naked under the sweatpants. His big cock swinging about as he struggled.

Jim walked over to the truck and retrieved a big hunting knife from next to the lantern on the tailgate. Linda could see that Jim was taunting Marc with the knife. She wondered what Jim might be saying to him, making him sweat for cuckolding him. She thought he was really trying to put a scare into Marc.

Suddenly Jim reached out and grabbed Marc's cock and with a swipe from the knife cut it off! He held it up so Marc could see it and then threw it into the hole.

"OH MY GOD! Mother Jim has cut Marc; he's going to kill him!!"

"You stay put daughter and don't take your eyes off what's going on." Helen grabbed Linda by the shoulders to keep her from moving from the window or turning away.

Marc was clearly in agony, twisting under the rope and trying to scream through the gag. Jim waited a few moments and then he plunged the big knife straight into Marc just below his heart. Then Jim put both hands on the hilt and pulled the knife powerfully downwards. Jim had just opened Marc's whole front from sternum to pubic bone. Guts and blood spilled onto the knife hilt and Jim's hands.

Linda was horrified, she couldn't look away. Here breath came in short gasps and her heart was beating a mile a minute.

Marc continued to struggle, he was somehow still alive! Jim motioned to Charles and he pulled one of the levers on the tractor controls and slowly lowered the bucket. When the rope holding Marc's hands came level with Jim, he reached out with the knife and cut it. This dropped Marc into the hole. Jim and Charles both went to the edge of the hole and looked down.

They didn't seem to be saying anything for a few moments, then got to work. They moved the tractor over to the new tree and rigged ropes around the root bowl. As the bucket was raised the tree righted itself and they maneuvered it over the hole. Jim was guiding Charles to place the tree squarely in the center of the hole. Once the new tree was down they cut the ropes and Charles turned the tractor around and using the front scoop proceeded to drop dirt around the roots. Jim used a shovel to spread it around evenly.

Just when the root ball was half covered Uncle Ted came into view with a wheelbarrow. When he got to the hole he and Jim started unloading its contents into the hole with the new dirt. It appeared to be the hide and leftovers from some animal that had been butchered. Jim made a point of plunging the big knife into the animal parts. Once the wheelbarrow was empty, Ted turned around and made his way back to the barn with it. Ted hadn't said a word.

Charles resumed filling the hole with dirt, and Jim again spread it around evenly. They worked quickly and were just finished putting a ridge around the hole, when Helen said, "They'll be a little bit longer finishing up and putting the tools away. It's about 5am now. Go get dressed and meet me in the kitchen."

Linda was in shock, she'd just witnessed her husband and her father, literally butcher a man in cold blood. She was running on autopilot as she got dressed, pulling on some jeans and a sweatshirt. She stopped at the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face then made her way down to the kitchen. Her mother had just come down ahead of her and was filling the carafe to get the coffee started.

Linda started weeping, the shock of what she just saw plus the tension she'd been under since Saturday morning overcame her. She sat at the kitchen table and wept into her arms. Helen gave here a few minutes and then, "Your father would probably say that a bad dog has been put down. I don't have any more sympathy for Lavalliere than I do for Lester. They both got what they deserved. You don't touch another man's wife. Punishment has been served."

Linda's voice was just a hoarse whisper, "Mother, Jim just killed Marc. He cut him open like he would an animal. I never thought Jim was capable of such violence. He murdered a man just now."

"Linda, as you process what you just saw in the coming days, weeks, and years, I hope you understand that it couldn't have been any other way. Lavalliere was not a man, he was a menace. He harmed your family and Jim acted to protect what was his, and your father helped him because Jim's family is Charles's family too. Together they eliminated the threat. Those two men reverted to their most primitive selves. Their bloodlust had to be quenched. They didn't just kill Lavalliere, they destroyed him. They made him watch as they cut his dick off, gutted him, and dropped him into a hole still alive. He probably lasted quite a few minutes while they lowered that tree onto him. He had plenty of time to understand his punishment, and then his soul made its way to hell where it belongs."

"Mother, what did you mean just now when you said you didn't have any more sympathy for Marc than you did for Lester?"

"Linda, what you just saw was a repeat of what your father and Grampa Jack did to Lester. He's been at the bottom of the old mulberry tree these 40 years. Now get your ass in gear and help me make breakfast for the men. They will be very hungry when they finally finish up."

"WHAT! HOW! Mother, what the hell do you mean!!

"I didn't tell you the whole truth about what happened between Charles and me. Grampa Jack and Charles brought Lester here to the ranch on the Wednesday night I told you about. They trussed him up just like you saw with Lavalliere. And Charles did to Lester exactly what you saw Jim do tonight. I've never told Charles that I spied on them that Wednesday night. I saw the whole thing. The next day, Thursday, when your father's mood had changed I knew he had taken care of the situation in a way that gave him peace, and a sense of justice. The rest of that week happened just like I told you.

"When your father went back to the Marines after his leave was up I went out to the mulberry tree to make my peace with Lester. I saw the initials that your father had carved and realized that I hadn't been punished for my role. Lester was in the ground for what he had done, but I had gotten away without a scratch. But there are two sides to every pancake; I had led Lester on with my flirtatious ways. I didn't mean anything by it, but I did give Lester the impression that he had a shot. If I had shut him down immediately, if I had not gotten close to him that summer, Lester might still be alive.

"I needed to atone for my part of the whole mess. Somewhere in my mind I recalled reading about the Yakuza criminal gangs in Japan, probably in History class. Anyway, they have an honor system where if you had brought shame to your clan you had to atone. And one of those ways was to cut off one of your fingers. I just happened to have my pruning shears in my apron that morning. I bet if we dug around the base of the old mulberry tree under where our initials are, we'd find my finger bone."

"Every day since that time I have carried the reminder of how badly I screwed up. I had played a role in the drama. I can never forget, because a part of me was gone. Every time I reach for something with my left hand I remember to be a good wife to Charles. Every time I use my hand I remember that I had done your father wrong." Helen began to cry at that point and so Linda embraced her mother and they both cried together.

Jim and Charles didn't finish up until almost 6am. When they'd washed up at the basin outside they took off their work boots and left them outside the door. They came into the kitchen to find eggs and bacon, biscuits and hot coffee waiting for them. Both men looked weary but calm. Not much was said except please and thank you as they served themselves from the stove.

Finally Charles said, "We have a little bit of time before we need to get to church this morning. Jim I think we should ride in your car after we get cleaned up and dressed. Service starts at eight; we should leave here around 7:30."

"Charles, I didn't bring Sunday clothes with me. I just have the clothes I wore for the drive up here. I'm glad you told me to bring these work clothes, they're all dirty from the work this morning."

"Yeah about the clothes - let's both strip outside the door and leave the clothes out there. We'll take care of them after church." With that the two men went outside and a few moments later came back in just their underwear, they had stripped everything off down to their socks.

Jim said, "I hope there's enough hot water for the four of us to get showers." He smiled at Linda, "come on Linda, let's go upstairs and get cleaned up."

Once in their bedroom Jim quickly stripped and got the shower running. Linda didn't wait for her turn; she walked right into the shower with Jim as soon as the water was warm. Linda immediately hugged Jim from behind, holding on to him as hard as she could. Then she was wracked with sobs, she cried into his shoulder with the hot water cascading down on them both.

"Hush now, Jim said, "it's all over now. Today is a new day, we have some work to get us back to where we belong, but we'll get there."

"Jim, I've ruined everything. I've been so selfish, only thinking of myself. I never gave a thought to how you would feel, how my family would be affected, not even the kids. I've been such a bad person - I'm so very, very sorry."

"You'll be even sorrier if we run out of hot water, let's get the soap and I'll do your back then you can do mine." And get soapy they did, which had the usual effect on them both. They turned off the water after they rinsed, but never even got to the towels. They stumbled together onto the bed and fucked.

This was not love making; Jim was between Linda's legs pounding away like a beast. He mashed her breasts with his hands and bruised them with his kisses and bites. Linda's lips and neck got equal treatment. For her part Linda couldn't get enough of Jim inside her, she found out later that her inner thighs were chafed with how roughly she was thrusting up to meet his every stroke. She lost her sense of self in their coupling and so did Jim. They melded together body and soul. Neither of them lasted very long at all, in only a few minutes Jim was grunting his orgasm and Linda joined him with hers. They came down slowly, regaining their senses locked together. Jim collapsed on top of Linda and nuzzled her neck. Linda's legs were still locked around Jim's waist and her arms were around his back, still trying to get as close to him as possible.

And then the emotions overcame them both as Jim wept his own tears as his face was buried in Linda's neck. His whole body convulsed with his sobs, threatening to knock him off and out of Linda. But she held on even tighter, her own tears running down her face as she held on for dear life. She heard herself repeating over and over, "I love you, I love you, I love you" like a mantra.

A bit later, after another rinse in the shower, they came back downstairs as presentable as they could be. They found Helen and Charles in the family room, waiting for them. Even a blind man could see what Linda and Jim had been up to. Besides, the walls were thin in the old house.

"Let's go see what the padre has to say to us sinners this morning," said Charles trying to lighten the mood.

Sunday - 11am

When they pulled up in front of the house after church, they saw Uncle Ted by the barn poking a little fire with a shovel. No one asked what became of the pile of clothes that had been by the door to the kitchen.

Monday - morning

Jim woke to find Linda propped up on one elbow looking at him. "I love you." Jim pulled her towards him and she rested her head on his shoulder, bringing her arm over his chest and her leg over his. Linda nestled in as close as she could get, even grinding her crotch into his thigh a bit. "I love you too," Jim said.

"Jim can you do something for me this morning before breakfast?"

"Sure what?"

"I don't want to talk much about this weekend, but I would really appreciate it if you'd carve our initials into the new tree."

Jim looked a bit confused but figured it was a ritual that meant something to her. Something to mark their troubles with a positive thing. "Of course, let's get dressed and do it now."

After getting dressed they walked hand in hand down to the gate and the trees. Linda led Jim to the old mulberry first and ran her hand over the heart with her parent's initials. "I want one just like this on the new tree."

Together they walked over to the new tree and ironically Jim had his hunting knife. He carefully carved a heart, and then their first names instead of just initials inside heart.

"Here, give me the knife Jim, I want to add a little something of my own." She placed her hand under the heart as if to steady herself for whatever she was going to carve next but instead reared the knife back and with a forceful swing brought the blade down on her hand, cutting off her pinky.

"Fuck!!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

Jim yelled, "Linda what have you done!?"

And in the same instant Linda yelled, "That hurts worse than I thought!" She dropped the knife and pulled a rag out of her back pocket wrapping her hand in it. At the same time she forcefully ground her severed finger into the dirt with her shoe.

Jim grabbed her bleeding hand and said, "Let's get you to the hospital, I'll get the finger and they can sow it back on. What did you think you were doing!?"

"No Jim, leave the finger in the dirt; it belongs there." Linda was breathing hard; her whole hand was on fire and throbbing. She managed to gasp, "I need to pay for my betrayal, pay in a way I will never, ever forget. I hurt you in a way that has left a mark in your heart, in a place that doesn't show. You've been so brave and strong, but I know you are wounded. I need to be wounded too, but in a more visible way. This is my punishment for forgetting that I'm your wife, your partner, the mother of your children. It guarantees that I will never forget again; and anybody that sees my hand will know too. Now help me up to the house, I don't want to go to a doctor. Let's find out how good mothers sewing skills are."


The papers and TV news carried the mystery of Lavalliere's disappearance for days. The two body guards were no help, they'd been taken in their sleep. All they could say for sure was that the men who tasered them hadn't said a single word. They had been like ninja's dressed all in black. There were no clues other than the disconnected power at the service entrance, no fingerprints on anything. The front drive to Lavalliere's house was gravel so there weren't even tire tracks to trace. There was never any ransom, nor extortion note; Marc Lavalliere seemed to have just disappeared from the face of the earth.