All Comments on 'Feedback Frenzy...'

by bluefox07

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simply_cynsimply_cynalmost 17 years ago
OMG ... lmao!

First of all, let me wipe my coffee off my monitor from the spew of laughter that came at the end! With that said, bravo! I had almost forgotten the beauty of your sense of humor. Oh, and thanks for the compliment. Bring on the January nights ... I miss 'em. *winks*

Still love ya ... always will.

Keep reading!

SoCalOvidSoCalOvidalmost 17 years ago
Don't let the bastards grind you down

Your essay is too true. I got a kick out of it. With just a couple of things on LE, I have already gotten some angry people out there. But, lemonade from lemons, I must admit most of the negative remarks make me laugh (they are often so badly written that the thing speaks for itself!) And, like you, I've actually gotten ideas from their ranting! ;->

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 17 years ago
Fixing toilets will never be the same…

I don’t know where you have been but I do know where I haven’t, and that is reading more of your stories! Then upon reviewing your productive line of stories I got a partial answer, your line of genres seems to run parallel to most of the stories I prefer to read, which now proves to be a very big mistake indeed! <P>

On the other hand (there always is one, isn’t it?), I can already tell you, based on reading only one submission of yours, that you were missing something too. Not too hard to guess eh? Now where are all your humor stories and where are all your essays? And best of all, where are all your humoristic essays (except for this one of course). So, excuse me while I take my anti anxiety meds before I start reading one of your horror stories. In the meantime, you should sit - right now (I mean, please) and write another humoristic essay or an essay about humor, anything that will make us laugh AND think at the same time! <P>

On my part I promise to write VERY constructively as soon as the nurses in the ER allow me to do that, that is as I recuperate from the horror story (no worries about liabilities though, I hereby declare that I know what risks I am taking upon myself!) <P>

I Hope to read you again soon under one or another category.

moonstormermoonstormeralmost 17 years ago

thank you so much for this piece! i have had such a mixed experience here on literotica, of feeling so proud of see my words in 'print', but at the same time dealing with the negative (and positive) feedback. i guess that's all part of being an author, but thank you for not only putting the trolls in their place, but also reminding all of us why we're here. we come to literotica to read stories that make us succumb to our baser instincts, or to expose our fantasies to the world. as long as we get what we need, screw everyone else ;)

really, thank you for taking the time to write this, and i almost hope some trolls come to prove your point - you should hold your head up high...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
He he he

Yep, really all I could say. Such a funny and so true story.

HnyscklRose4HnyscklRose4almost 17 years ago

SO true! Loved this bit

backwoodsman1952backwoodsman1952almost 17 years ago
Great little essay

I thought your essay was great and on target. I posted a series of stories that were 95% true to start my time on literotica. I thought it would be a place where I could share my wants and fetishes without judgement. I got great comments for the most part but a few were really brutal and some of the emails sent were downright nasty. It is funny how so many of the mean comments come from people who are annonymous isn't it? Thanks for your sense of humor and now I have to go find and read your stories.


backwoodsman1952backwoodsman1952almost 17 years ago
Great little essay

I thought your essay was great and on target. I posted a series of stories that were 95% true to start my time on literotica. I thought it would be a place where I could share my wants and fetishes without judgement. I got great comments for the most part but a few were really brutal and some of the emails sent were downright nasty. It is funny how so many of the mean comments come from people who are annonymous isn't it? Thanks for your sense of humor and now I have to go find and read your stories.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
For heavens sake, stop moaning.

If you dont like the feed back, dont ask for it.

bluefox07bluefox07almost 17 years agoAuthor

...and thank you for proving my point. Not only did you troll my story, not only were you not helpful with any sort of constructive criticism, you clearly didn't read my piece well enough to comprehend the entire purpose. I love getting feedback. Getting feedback is the whole point, but it's anonymous folk like you that just make me laugh. Troll away, my secretive friend. Troll away.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Mostly True and All Human

Talented writing and talented venting are always flawed in 1 sense or another. Your striving to be the best or better is evident in your other work and here.<P>

Then, it is good to want utopia but better to understand that that isn't the way it works in real life or here in real life.<P>

For example the only way to insure totally private comments is to write totally private stories that way your comments will be the only one[s] and they will all be lucid or so it will seem. Do mushrooms come to mind?<P>

Aside from that my only [continued] quibble is your and others position on the meaning and value of the word anonymous. It seems distasteful in your mouth and words yet is "Squirrlybuttfriendlybluehare in bumfuck ornegon" more locatable and honorous in and of itself? So while silly names like that belie their vast value and create mind pictures of wonder are they not anonymous - like say bluefox07?<P>

There ain't instant credibility in either name or anonymous nor is it meaningful or healthy to really know who and where you or I are to communicate - or not. That's what this public comment of anonymity vehicle is for. Credible comments are like credible stories - they have and drive value for the recipient.<P>

See - its good to vent but never 100% pure or of value except in my or your eyes.<P>

Free Speech is a good thing but the interpretations are as predictably varied as there are writers and readers likes and dislikes.<P>

This site works because of all it's intended flaws and strengths depending on your viewpoint at that human moment.<P>

So bless the anonymous site owners and operators in their wisdom of business procedures and options.<P>

Thanks Author - You are talented and provoke thought - and comment - both anonymous and anonymous.<P>

With High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Nice easy & understandable piece of work!

Thanks for the entertaining look at the many facets of people who provide feedback. Liked it!

bluefox07bluefox07almost 17 years agoAuthor

To the poster of the comment "Mostly True and All Human." Thank you for the feedback. Anonymous or not, your words were insightful. I agree, my hopes for this site are rather utopian, and I know that realistically it cannot be reached. People are people. My thoughts on posting scathing feedback in private was more in line with respect for the authors who do put their work for all to see. Even for a story I think is a literary suppository, the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of quality and thought, I wouldn't resort to trolling or bad mouthing them in public. It's disrespectful, rude and a sign of bad taste. That's just my take on it. I don't expect anyone to change their ways because of this peice, nor would I want them to.<P>

Anonymity is essential to Literotica's success, the alias of our pen names essentially becoming an alter ego to express who we are deep down. I believe there is a lot of emotional investment in these stories, both from the writers and the readers. Being bluefox07 has allowed me to say and do the things I might have felt inhibited to express otherwise. I agree, there is value in being anonymous. My beef is the misuse of such a privilege. No one comes to Literotica to be humiliated in the public forum. Writers, both amateur and professional, come here to express, learn and grow. If you don't like the story, tell me why and help make the next one better. Name calling and being an irredeemable prick doesn't help much. The best feedback I ever recieved was from an anonymous reader who emailed me in private after story and tore my work apart. He was brutal, but I believe he was actively trying to make me see the flaws in my style. It worked, and I respected his integrity.<P>

And here, I respect yours. You spoke of credibility, and you have proven yours here. I didn't agree with everything you said, but I did agree with most of it. Either way, your words made me think. And I will use that when I sit down to write next time.<P>

The credibility of a story, in my mind, is measured by the heart and soul the author put in to it. Only the writer knows the ultimate worth of his work. Still, a person who tears down another person's work or trolls for the sake of trolling lacks any credibility at all. Instant credibility isn't found in a screen name or in the shadows of being anonymous, it's in the quality of the words left behind. You proved that tonight.<P>

Thank you for taking the time to read my work here. Your thoughts and words have made a difference. Its readers like you that make this worth while from the point of outside satisfaction. Here's to you, Anonymous P. Hancock, wherever you are. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Such an interesting piece.

I haven't been doing much reading lately but when I saw your name on this, I had to give it a shot. You always manage to see the humor in everything you write. I had a good chuckle over the "Home of the Whopper". Plus I agree with you about the trolling. But then again, trolls are people too, I think. Good or bad, feedback is feedback. Thanks for the mention, that was a surprise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Thank God For Humor

Thank God you have a sense of humor and it shows in your writings. In my life I've read more books than I could easily manage to guesstimate much less count. The most enjoyable books and your writings have the same quality in common. An understated sense of humor that peeks thru from time to time. After all, you are writing about sex, and sex is pleasure, just as humor gives pleasure also. Keep up the good work, & I'll keep being addicted to your writings.


darksexdarksexover 16 years ago
sex scenes, and plumbing

I will admit that I also often stop reading a story if there is something wrong with how things work in the first few paragraphs. Here is how I see it. I want the whole story to be well constructed. Sex is the easy part. Its getting the people to and from the sex, that requires more effort. More often then not the sex is often juvenile, and poorly written if the first paragraph is as well. If it was an author that I love, I might send a note, on how plumbing works for a fix later. I am not 14 any more. I want prose, not a locker room description on how I banged this bitch ala high school. It means mechanical things work like they are supposed to do, because the writer took the time to check on things they did not know. If I want to write about a HVAC system breaking down. I would just ask someone about what the most typical failure is, and go from there. Honest that 5 minutes extra is what separates stroke from mental decadence.

Iris_LemonIris_Lemonover 16 years ago
I like your sense of humor

Hello bluefox07,

I like that you can keep your sense of humor and perspective when dealing with trolls. It shows and inspires confidence in others. I got my first troll comment recently on my first submission, and it was disheartening to see that. I applaud your lighthearteness (is this a word?) in the face of mean reviews about your plumbing skils. I look forward to reading more of your submissions.


Selena_KittSelena_Kittover 16 years ago
Spot on

This was spot on! Glad I found it... I long ago stopped checking scores. But I always read the feedback. :)


MoondriftMoondriftalmost 16 years ago

One question posed is, "Why do it?" Like you bluefox07 I do it primarily for my own pleasure, but if it gives others pleasure,good.

Like Selina I stopped counting scores long ago.

I do look at the feedback sent to me and have over the years noted certain things about it. The negative feedback, especially the abusive, seems to say more about the abuser than the story.

With some I think it is envy that they can't do as well. This is often fairly obvious because of the low standard of their own literacy displayed in their comments.

I also think that there are many angry and frustrated people in our world, and they are looking for someone to take it out on.

Your "plumbing" problem need not really have been a mistake because in many places the sink plumbing accords with your description (I used to be a plumber).

You mentioned people who only read a few paragraphs, give up, and then make biting remarks.

It may amuse you to know that half an hour ago I got feedback in which the writer said he only read the first sentence, which from memory was six words. This did not stop him from commenting negatively on my education.

If I have any advice at all to give younger and new writers it is, don't be put off by negative comments, remember you will often find positives among the negatives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Get help if you are writing about something you don't know at all! Professional authors do some research (sometimes years) or write about stuff they really know (you could possibly learn scuba diving just from reading Cussler) or get help from some geek (John Ringo mostly asks some guy named Travis for anything related to physics).

An editor eliminates many and adds some typos.

The problem with factual errors is the same as with typos (at least for me): they are breaking my concentration and my suspension of disbelief, so that I cannot enjoy the story.

Nevertheless, keep on writing (nothing new since 2007?) and take care!

lipsnlacelipsnlaceover 12 years ago
Nice work.

This made me giggle inappropriately at work, and for that I thank you. Any excuse to make my weird, uptight coworker slightly uncomfortable is very welcome.

And if anyone were to describe someone's penis as a narcoleptic jalepeño, I would feel very sorry for the owner of said penis. Green, wrinkled, crooked, small, and have to wear gloves to handle it? Sounds like my ideal cock... >_>

Thanks for writing this. Drives me crazy when people are unnecessarily rude. It makes me want to defend the writer whether I liked the story or not. Especially since typically it's people with no stories submitted and nothing on their profile who are the biggest critics.

xo L&L, a fellow Oregonian and fan of your musings :)

GoesGruntGoesGruntover 9 years ago
Well, Yes and No

" smell like really bad cheese and by the way your dick looks like a narcoleptic jalapeno!"

First, if the comment originator is really that intimate with the author, why aren't they saying this face to face? And if a public forum is really needed, why not something like their place of business where it might be useful to would be romancers? (i.e. personal attacks only show only the lack of intelligence of the originator of the comment)

I must say I agree that completely Anonymous posts are cowardly. Posting under a pseudonym (e.g. GoesGrunt) is slightly less cowardly only to the extent that regular readers can form an opinion on the commentator and decide if they're insightful and erudite, or a blithering fucktard (and thus know to ignore/avoid their comments).

On the other hand, suggestions about mistaken grammar and punctuation can actually be helpful, if they aren't too cryptic or generic. (Note: If you're going to bitch about someone needing an editor, try offering to BE one.)

As an author doing research is good, although on a site like Literotica it isn't fair to expect unpaid authors to do good research. On the other hand, if you know little or nothing about something, try just one damn Google search and read a couple things before you write about it (or at least before you post the story) and be prepared to add an Author's Note to the beginning telling the readers you intentionally ignored the reality of plumbing (or whatever) to fit the needs of your story (if you don't want to be bothered rewriting it).

And another thing... *cancel rant here*

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