Feeding the Beast Ch. 08


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"Yes, Sir!" Stacy replied, turning quickly, placing her hands on the bed, arching her back and sticking her ass out.

Nick easily slid the dildo up the second condom, quickly having the tip reach her loosened hole. He didn't need to ask if she was ready, as soon as Stacy felt the tip she leaned forward and pushed backward, trying to take it inside her. It slid inside her body even easier than the plug had. Nick let the dildo stay buried inside her for a bit, watching her body writhe on the rubber shaft. Nick took his time removing it, smirking as Stacy tried to follow the dildo until she was almost squatting.

"Stand back up." He said, giving Stacy's ass a light swat.

"It just felt sooo damn good Sir!" Stacy mewled.

"I know, but it's time to get dressed," Nick cockily replied, "and I got you a new outfit for today!"

"If this keeps up," Stacy replied, standing and turning to face him, "Betty will have more outfits than I do!"

"I don't think you'll wear any of these as Stacy though." Nick chuckled, pulling a box from under the bed.

Setting the box down, Nick motioned for Stacy to sit on the bed, then opened the box so she couldn't see the contents. Finally, he pulled out the first item, a cheap looking white bra, with barely half a cup made of lace and a front closing clasp. Nick handed it to Stacy, but she was only able to put the bra on, her hands didn't allow her to clasp in. Smiling, Stacy held up her mitten hands, expressing her helplessness.

"I'm sure you can step into these easily enough." Nick laughed, handing Stacy a pair of open crotch panties.

Stacy stepped into the panties, pulling them easily up her legs. The panties were also white lace, and were essentially two pieces of material held in place by an elasticized waistband. The stark white highlighted the two red rings that attached the condoms to the latex suit.

"Let's put this on," Nick said, wrapping an incredibly short red plaid skirt, which had a velcro closure on one side. The skirt sat low enough to allow the waistband to stick out the top and was short enough not to cover her crotch. "I'm not sure why it's easily removable," Nick chuckled, "it doesn't cover a thing!"

"I think that's the point!" Stacy laughed in response.

Nick pulled a semi-sheer blouse up Stacy's arms. The shirt sat barely half an inch below the bra, which Nick clasped and positioned over Stacy's breasts, before tying the two sides of the blouse.

"Have a seat on the bed." Nick instructed as he dug into the box again.

Nick produced two pairs of white ankle socks with lace ruffles, which he put on her feet. Finally, Nick produced a pair of 4-inch black patent heels, which Stacy reluctantly stepped into as well. She walked over to the full-length mirror, taking a long look at her reflection.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you in that outfit outside of latex!" Nick said from behind her.

"I'm not sure that would happen," Stacy replied, "but for Betty, I love it!" She turned slowly to see how the skirt showed off her ass. "But how are you getting me out of the house in this outfit?"

"Don't you worry there!" Nick replied with a wide, Cheshire cat grin.

"Oh, I am sure you do, Sir!" Stacy replied with a subtle eye roll.

"Come on." Nick replied, reaching over and picking up the bag he'd packed. "Time to get going."

Stacy walked cautiously, following Nick to the stairs, then carefully descending them. Each time she'd negotiated the stairs in a pair of Betty's heels, visions of her going to the ER in whatever she had on always filled her mind. The visions were never pleasant. Making the bottom step without incident, Stacy breathed a sigh of relief and followed Nick to the kitchen. She was going to ask what his plan was, but then she saw him produce his tan trench coat. It came to his knees when he wore it, and would certainly cover her almost to her ankles. Without a word, Nick helped Stacy put the trench coat on. They walked out the back door, and after Nick made a quick check to see that the neighbors were not in their backyard, the couple quickly walked to their garage. Safely out of view, Nick helped Stacy out of the trench coat, hanging it on a nail next to the door.

"We may need it when we get back." Nick said with a wink.

"Hopefully it'll be dark by then," Stacy replied as she straightened out the hood of her catsuit, "I'd hate to think I went through all this effort to wear this for us not to make the most of it!"

"Oh, don't worry there." Nick said as he helped Stacy pull the hood over her face and head. "It will be very well worth it!"

Sealing the hood, Nick produced an inexpensive blonde wig with pigtails. Using double sided tape, he secured it to Stacy's head. Next, he attached the Betty collar to her neck, locking it behind her neck with a small padlock which secured the zippers to the catsuit. Turning her slowly, Nick had set up an old mirror against the wall so Stacy could see herself. With the ring and condom in her mouth, Stacy was unable to verbally communicate, but she could act out her responses. Holding a hand up to her mouth, she moved her shoulders, feigning a giggle as she touched one of the pigtails with her hand.

"I knew you'd appreciate those!" Nick chuckled in response. "Let's get going," he said, opening the back door to his truck, "it may be safer if you lay down as we leave."

Stacy shrugged her shoulders while awkwardly climbing into the truck. The pinholes hidden in her large cartoon eyes allowed Stacy some vision, but certainly not much. Once in the truck, Stacy shuffled her but toward the center before lying across the large bench seat. She heard Nick close the door behind her before he got into the driver's seat. While the back windows of the truck were tinted fairly dark, Stacy was sure part of the concern was a full-size blow up doll being seen in the backseat. Or, if the neighbors saw, wondering why Stacy was sitting in the backseat when Nick left. They weren't the prying type, but, neither Stacy nor Nick were in a position to answer questions about Betty. There was also the additional rush, if Stacy remained this way in the backseat, she would have no idea where they were when they arrived. It was a bit of a rush as time went on. She also had no concept of time, all she knew was the encasement of the latex suit she had on and the feeling of the three condoms penetrating her body. Those took a bit of getting used to, but eventually they would become a part of her and not even a second thought.

Stacy wasn't sure if she'd dozed off or taken a quick nap, but soon Nick was pulling his truck into a garage. Stacy's stomach seemed to twist as she realized they'd arrived at Shawn's office. Before she knew it, Nick was helping her out of the truck. Looking around, they had pulled into a large garage area with tool boxes and lifts, but definitely larger ones than a normal mechanic would use.

"Why don't you pull your truck out," Stacy heard Shawn say, "then we can get started."

"Sure thing!" Nick answered.

Stacy turned to see Shawn standing by the garage door. He was wearing a polo shirt, jeans and black shoes and was eyeing her up. Stacy flung her arms out, making a mincing kind of run toward him until she almost fell into his arms. Shawn pulled Stacy close, as Nick backed past them, giving her body a tight squeeze with one arm and her butt an even tighter squeeze with his other hand.

"And how is Betty doing this morning?" He asked with a grin. Stacy lay her head on his shoulder, giving him a tight hug. "I take it you're doing great then," Shawn replied as he slowly loosened his hug, "and my don't you look like hot sex on a stick!" Playing up her reaction, Stacy held both hands in front of her mouth, moving her shoulders as if she were laughing. "You are getting quite good at that aren't you?" Shawn asked, slowly releasing her. "Now turn around so I can see this outfit of yours."

Stacy took a few tentative steps backward, before slowly turning around. As she faced Shawn again, she watched with pride as he adjusted his crotch. Nick reentered the garage, at which point Nick pushed the button to close the overhead door. Walking the couple toward the middle of the garage, where one of the party vans was parked, Shawn had Nick put the bag he'd brought on one of the mechanic's tables nearby.

"Okay, so let me tell you what's going on today," Shawn said, turning to face them, "Betty just give me a thumbs up if you're okay with stuff." Giving Shawn an enthusiastic double thumbs up as a response, Betty found it hard to hide her excitement. "Marguerite is in the office with the photographer, who's doing this as more of a favor for me than anything," Shawn explained turning to face Betty, "now I was going to give him some cash as thanks, or Betty, you can thank him." The response was another double thumbs up. "That's what I figured you'd reply with," Shawn replied, "at some point the other guy who would drive if I'm not available will be here as well."

"Obviously you trust him." Nick's voice was a bit uneasy as he spoke.

"I do," Shawn replied, "and it would be very rare, he's only had to fill in for me twice in the past year or so, but we also have brought separate parties to the same location before, like the strip club."

Betty replied with another enthusiastic double thumbs up while Nick was a bit less enthusiastic. The idea that the next time Stacy went with a group of guys, Nick wouldn't be there, had him a bit concerned. Now, there also existed the potential where Shawn wouldn't be with her either. At least he would meet the gentleman today, and he and Stacy would have a chance to talk about it after they got home. Ultimately, she had to be the one to trust Shawn and the other guy.

"Just so we're clear though Betty," Shawn continued, "you know what I'm saying about paying the photographer right?"

Aside from giving two thumbs up, Stacy motioned with one hand signaling a blow job while using the other to reach under her short skirt and pull it up. Both men laughed at her response, her answer was more than clear.

"Okay, I just wanted to check." Shawn laughed. "I'll go get them, you two just wait here."

"Are you ready for this?" Nick asked, the concern reflected in his tone and face. Stacy quickly nodded, throwing her arms around him, burying her head in his chest. "Okay, just checking." Nick sheepishly said. Stacy hugged him tightly again, then stood up as she heard the door open behind her.

"Well, that is NOT what I was expecting to see today!" the other gentleman with Shawn and Marguerite said as he eyed Betty.

"Oh, you're going to love her!" Marguerite boasted. "Isn't that right my sweet Betty?"

Moving forward quickly, Stacy embraced Marguerite, feeling the woman's hands roam her back and bottom as they hugged. Feeling adventurous, Stacy let her hand slide to Marguerite's butt, giving it a firm grasp in full view of Shawn and the photographer.

"Naughty girl," Marguerite whispered as her hands cupped and squeezed Stacy's butt, "just for that, you're definitely licking my pussy today!"

Stacy trembled with excitement at the thought. She had never been attracted to women in the least, but just a couple weeks ago Marguerite and she had shared more than an intimate moment. While Stacy hadn't thought about it much in the time in between, she was more than ready to dive between Marguerite's legs at the first opportunity!

"Okay you two," Shawn said moving them apart slightly, "let's get things going here." He turned to the photographer, waving him up to meet Stacy. "Mike, this is Betty," he said waving to her, "and Betty this is Mike." Mike gave a smile while Stacy did a quick curtsey. "Mike I was thinking of a few pictures out here in the garage," Shawn said with his authoritarian tone, "then the majority of them in the van, or the Betty bus, followed by some action shots." Mike managed to pull his eyes away from Betty long enough to agree. "Nick, why don't you lay out the outfits and such you brought with you and Mike can get set up."

Stacy stood by waiting while everyone else seemed to have something to do. It was rather odd for her, usually when she was Betty she was the center of attention. Right now, the hub of activity was all around her, but no one was paying attention to her. She then chuckled to herself; they were all going to be giving her all the attention she could handle soon enough! A couple minutes later, she found that thought to be an absolute fact. Shawn worked things with military precision, he directed Nick with costume changes or adjustments, had Marguerite posing Betty in one position or another, all while getting Mike to take the best picture and angle possible. Of course, each time Marguerite, Nick or Shawn got close to Betty, they all managed to touch her in one fashion or another. Pretty soon Betty was more than ready for some real attention.

Marguerite, Mike and Betty were in the bus, with Betty wearing the black fishnet and faux leather outfit she'd worn the first time out when she headed Shawn and Nick talking to someone else. She assumed it was the other backup driver, and went about doing whatever Mike and Marguerite wanted. Much to her delight, she'd been given a 7-inch realistic dildo, which she was happily feeding into her pussy as she sat on a bench with her legs spread wide. Mike may have been trying to instruct Betty on what to do with her other hand, but she was in desperate need of an orgasm and not really paying attention to his commands. Just as she heard voices entering the bus, Betty thrust the dildo into her pussy, savoring an intense orgasm.

"Well, well, well," a distant and unfamiliar voice said, "what do we have here?"

"I believe our Betty just had an orgasm," Marguerite answered as she approached Betty, "is that what we just witnessed Sweetie?" Marguerite lightly touched Betty's latex covered face as she spoke, feeling Betty's faint nod in response. "Our friend Jake has arrived," Marguerite said, standing up slowly, "he's got a gorgeous cock, you're going to love him!"

"You say the nicest things," the voice started to sound familiar to Betty, then when he came into view she was glad her face was hidden behind latex, "to the sluttiest girls!"

"Fuck!" Stacy screamed to herself. "Fucking Jake!?!"

Stacy's mind raced; she was certainly thinking far too much at the moment as her mind was still recovering from her orgasm. They were talking, Jake asking questions and making derogatory statements about Betty, but she couldn't focus on that. Jake was the office "lady's man", and had flirted with and hit on Stacy for years. That became even worse when it got out that Stacy was moving in with Nick. He was the type of guy who treated women like conquests, and more than a few spurned former lovers were still in the office. They all agreed on two things, he had an impressive cock and it was attached to a complete asshole! Stacy had been quite proud of herself for resisting Jake's advances, now there was no resisting.

Running the scenarios through her head, there weren't really any great options for her. If she got up and ran, where would she go and how would she explain it? Could she trust Marguerite and Shawn enough to keep it a secret from Jake? What would she tell Nick? Thankfully schedule conflicts had kept Nick from the last few company events, but this would ensure he never attended one with her! How could he? She only saw Jake a few times a week at best, all she needed to do was let Betty enjoy herself and go from there. Plus, another orgasm would certainly help, the last one was big, but she needed more.

"Oh shit," Stacy said to herself, "he's naked already! If I didn't have this damn ring in my mouth, I'd bite him!"

"Don't worry Betty," Jake's tone was overly confident, almost arrogant, as he approached her, "you caught me off guard, he'll get bigger soon."

Sitting up, she let the dildo slide out of her pussy and set it aside after rubbing her mitten hands over it. Now that Betty had lube on her hands, she slowly rubbed Jake's cock and shaved balls, finding out rather quickly that he was getting bigger. Not obscenely big, but thicker than Nick.

"Oh, it seems you're my favorite type of girl," Jake chided, "the horny silent type! Let's get your mouth in on this action!" Jake stepped forward, pushing his cock into Betty's permanently open mouth. "I guess deep throating is out huh?"

"Shit!" Stacy hissed to herself. "Marguerite is right," Stacy felt her body moving back and forth as she automatically started to work his cock with her mouth, "his damned cock is gorgeous! Alright, maybe not gorgeous, but he's not tiny!"

"I've never fucked a blow-up doll before," Jake's voice grated on Stacy's ears, but she never stopped working his cock with her mouth, "but there's a first time for everything!"

"Take it easy Jake," Shawn said sternly, "there's a real person in there, and she's not here for your shit."

"Sorry, sorry," Jake's tone belied his words, "I'm just playing." Jake backed away, offering his hand for Betty to stand. "If it's okay, can we get some other shots?" He said as he started to turn Betty around. "You're gonna love me in your ass sweet thing!" He said as he grasped her hips, getting her into a kneeling position on the bench.

Stacy could feel him rubbing the head of his thick cock against her pussy. She tried to convince herself not to enjoy it, to be as repulsed by it as she was the man wielding it, but her body had other ideas. Her pussy squeezed his bulbous head as it entered her, the fat shaft slowly following. It seemed to be a never-ending rod of meat entering her, much to her pussy's delight.

"Oh you like that don't you?" Jake's cockiness was almost larger than his cock. "I can feel you're enjoying it, aren't you Slut?"

Stacy couldn't really speak, regardless of the condom filling her mouth and the ring holding her jaw open, his cock filling her pussy left her speechless. He wasn't painfully big, but he was close. Just long enough to fill her and not so thick she felt like he was tearing her in two. Her body spasmed, emitting a low, animalistic groan as she orgasmed again. Stacy felt as if she were going to pass out, behind her Jake paid no attention to the matter and began to slowly pumping his cock in and out of her body.

"Betty huh?" Jake grunted. "That's what they used to call easy girls in college," he increased his pace as he all but taunted her, "is that where the name came from?" Jake held her hips firmly, his body slapping into hers, as he kept thrusting. "Oh yeah, that's it Betty!" Jake suddenly stopped, holding himself as deep inside her as their bodies allowed. "Oh, not yet," he panted, "I still haven't tapped that ass yet."

Stacy shuddered at the thought, he was almost bursting her pussy, she couldn't imagine how he'd feel there. Again, she wanted to hate the idea, but she could feel her body reacting positively to the idea. Betty was obviously overruling whatever common-sense Stacy could muster.

"Let's get you up just a bit," Jake said, pulling Betty back until she was standing, "you remember Mike, don't you?" Looking forward, the photographer was now standing on the bench Betty had just been kneeling wearing only a smile. "He said you'd agreed on payment like this," Jake whispered into her ear while rubbing his lubed cock against her ass ring, "what does that make you Betty?" Mike was barely in position before Betty managed to get his cock into her mouth while managing to push her ass back into Jake's throbbing cock. "Seems you like more than one huh?" Jake's tone was condescending and hurtful, but he wasn't exactly wrong. "Tell you what," she felt him move away as he spoke, "let's see how full you like being."

Betty's knees went weak as the purple dildo she'd recently gotten off with found its way back into her pussy. Mike held her head with one hand, holding onto the railing on the ceiling for balance, as he fucked her mouth. Then she felt it, Jake's meaty member pushing its way into her ass. She couldn't remember how to tense her ass, it wasn't possible, instead she seemed to try to suck him inside her. She began to wonder if she would pass out before Jake made it all the way inside her ass, but hoped she wouldn't. She desperately wanted to feel as full as he was going to make her! Jake and Mike were talking, possibly Shawn as well, but Stacy couldn't hear any of it, it wasn't possible. The only bodily input she could focus on were the cocks inside her.