Fetishes Awakened Pt. 02


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"Watched some baseball," I grunted as I arched my back a bit to drive my cock head into her g-spot with each downward motion of hers. "Carol stopped by too."

"Did you fuck her?" she asked coyly.

"I did not," I moaned. "I think she's still skittish. And," I continued. "I think I may know why?"

"She's too uptight?" Renata giggled.

"We can discuss it later," I moaned as I leaned up a bit and took one of her ample tits into my mouth.


"Oh my goodness," Renata said in astonishment as she sat down across from me at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of her. "We made love for over two hours!"

Indeed we had. I only glanced at the clock as we made our way from the bedroom to the bathroom to shower after we were finished and it was already 10am. Now we were sitting across from each other naked with our coffees and it was almost 10:30.

"Well," I said with a smile as I blew on my coffee before taking a sip. "Time flies when you're having fun," I finished after taking a sip.

"So what were you saying about Carol?" Renata asked as she lit herself a cigarette and passed the pack and lighter to me.

"It's not that she's uptight," I said as I lit a smoke of my own. "Well it is, but it's what she's uptight about."

"And that is?" she asked as she propped her elbows up on the table.

I smiled as I noticed her tits resting comfortably on the table-top. "It's about someone finding out. Specifically her husband and her son."

"From what Robert told me," she added after a sip of her coffee. "Her husband is not a nice man."

"He may not be," I replied. "But what about her son?"

"How would he find out?" she frowned. "You told Carol yourself that we haven't been recognized in this city."

"I dunno," I shrugged. "But that fear is paralyzing her."

"How do you know this?" she asked.

"Guess who I saw at the restaurant on Saturday celebrating her birthday?" I asked.

"Who?" Renata replied.

"Becky," I replied. "She was with her husband and her two sons."

"Oh my goodness," she seemed genuinely shocked. "How did that happen? You seeing her? Did she see you?"

"Well," I explained. "The mechanical glass-washer at the bar broke. So I had to handle cleaning all the bar glasses that night. And at one point I was helping the bartender take some racks of glasses up to the bar and that's when I saw her. And yes, she did see me."

"And?" she asked after another sip of her coffee.

"Nothing," I replied. "I just went back to work. We didn't even acknowledge each other or anything."

"Well that's good," Renata sighed.

"See?" I said with a smile. "You get it. That's what's holding Carol back."

"Oh but Becky is different than that, she," Renata trailed off.

"Actually has done it?" I finished for her. "But the key is her husband and her boys don't know about it. Except as she's sitting there blowing out her candles, someone who she's fucked on camera walks by."

"I wonder if I should ask Robert for her number and check up on her," Renata mused.

"No need," I replied as I stood up to refill my coffee cup. "She found me walking to work on Sunday, and wanted to make sure I wasn't going to blab or something."

"Did you put her mind at ease?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"I think so," I nodded as I sat back down and took a sip of my coffee.


Later that afternoon Rob and I were being served a couple of beers by Gino at our usual meeting place. Rob had stopped by the apartment and dropped off the latest video, and some cash for both Renata and myself, and then we headed out for a drink.

"So Becky gave me a call yesterday evening," he announced as we each filled our glasses.

"I take it she told you about our encounter at Red Lobster?" I replied with a smile.

"She did," he smirked at me and held up his glass. "Everything's cool," he said as we clinked glasses. "She just likes to keep her private life apart from what she does for me."

"I can understand that," I nodded.

"In fact," he leaned in closer to the table. "She pitched me an idea for you two and I think it's great."

"What happened to the nephew you were planning on keeping her exclusive with?" I asked.

"Total fucking loser," Rob snorted. "Hopped a bus to Windsor on the weekend. Fucker."

"Okay," I shrugged.

"Anyways," he paused and took a sip of his beer. "What she pitched is that her character's sister, y'know the nephew's mother?" he continued. "Finds out. Raises hell."

"Gotcha," I nodded.

"Her hubby is out of town and she's freaking out," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"So she calls her step-son to console her," I smiled knowingly.

"Bingo," he winked.


"Oh, you are back dear," Renata said happily as I walked through the front door of the apartment. "Look who is here."

"Hey Carol," I smiled and nodded at her as she stood up from the sofa.

"Hi," she waved nervously at me. "Renata called and said Rob dropped of the video and wondered if I wanted to watch it with you."

"Sounds good to me," I replied with a smile as I kicked my shoes off and headed to the fridge to grab myself a beer.

"How did your talk with Robert go?" Renata asked in a somewhat tentative voice.

"Fine," I said as I closed the fridge door and undid the screw top off the bottle.

"Any mention of Becky?" she asked again.

"As a matter of fact yes," I replied. Then I took a swig of my beer. As I lowered the bottle from my mouth I could see Renata had a hand covering her mouth, and when I glanced over at Carol she had a hand to her ample chest. "It's all good," I chuckled. "In fact," I continued as I walked into the living room. "Becky pitched Rob an idea and he likes it."

"Oh really?" Renata sounded intrigued.

I sat down and explained to them both what Becky's idea was.

"So," Carol said as she pulled her big legs up onto the sofa and bent them at the knees. "She wasn't too freaked out that you saw her with her husband and sons?"

"She was," I nodded. "Initially, but did Renata tell you that she tracked me down on my way to work on Sunday?"

"Yes," Carol replied with a nod as she reached for her coffee cup on the table in front of the sofa. There was Bailey's in this one. "She did."

"Well I put her mind at ease," I explained.

"So what is her idea?" Renata asked as she put a hand to my arm.

I explained it to them both and while Renata nodded with a smile on her face, Carol nervously kept sipping at her cup.

"Let me get you another dear," Renata announced as she stood up and reached for Carol's cup.

As Renata shuffled to the kitchen, Carol tugged at her hair. "So," she started nervously. "She's okay with you," she continued. "But what about the kid who was pretending to be her nephew?"

"Rob said he's on a bus to Windsor," I said with a shrug.

"Wow," she whispered. She placed her bare feet back onto the floor and stared out the window behind the TV.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she seemed a bit startled but turned to nod and smile at me. "Just thinking."

"Here you are dear," Renata announced as she came back to the sofa. She held out the cup and Carol accepted it with a smile.

"Thank you." she took a quick sip and then smiled at the two of us. "Listen, I don't mean to seem like I'm in a rush," she paused as she looked at her watch. "But I sort of am in a rush."

We watched the video of the three of us together. I had to give Rob credit, it really was edited together well. It started with Carol in the bus depot and then cut to me and Renata, and then everything we did together in the apartment played out before us.

After it was over, Carol stood up quickly. "Okay," she said with a broad smile as she reached down for her cup and downed the remnants in one gulp. "That was great, but unfortunately, I have to get going."

Renata and I both got off the couch and saw her to the front door.

"Is everything all right dear?" Renata asked as she held Carol's purse for her as she donned her sandals.

"Perfectly fine," Carol said with a smile when she straightened up. "Just have a lot of things to do. I'll see you both," she added with a wink.

Then she was out the door.


Rob had called on Tuesday and asked about my availability, and I told him that I was off until Thursday, and then I'd work through the weekend.

But, as it turned out the assistant manager gave me a call later that day and told me to take Thursday off, because I had killed it so well the previous weekend.

So I called Rob and told him I was now available until Friday.

"Please," I said with a chuckle over the phone. "No more shoots on days that I gotta work. I was a fucking zombie last Saturday."

"Don't worry," Rob assured me. "We can do what I've got planned in two days."


I let Rob into the apartment around noon on Wednesday.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" he announced as he entered with his gear. "I don't know what you two did," he straightened up after lowering his gear to the floor. "But holy shit!"

"Robert," Renata called out from the kitchen table where she was sitting in her robe. "What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?" he grinned broadly at both of us. "Carol is IN!"

I nodded slowly then looked over at Renata who had a smile on her face. "I think that is worth a 'holy shit'," I said with a smile.

"I was hoping she'd be here already," he said with a touch of concern in his voice. "I hope she didn't chicken out."

Just then the buzzer went off, so naturally I answered it. It was Carol and I buzzed her up.

"Okay," Rob said as he sat down at the table. "She just told me last night, so I haven't come up with anything yet. I should probably call Becky and cancel though."

"No," I said as I opened the front door to let Carol in. I smiled and nodded at her as I closed the door behind her. "I don't think we need to cancel."

A few moments later we were all seated at the kitchen table. I had a beer in front of me, as did Rob. Carol was nursing a coffee and Bailey's while Renata was just on straight coffee. Then I outlined my idea.

"Okay so we were going to start with me and Renata going at it anyways right?" I began.

"That's right," Rob replied.

"And Becky's supposed to call freaking out," I continued.

"Why is she freaking out?" Carol asked.

"She's been having sex with her nephew," Rob explained with a grin. "And her sister has found out and taken the kid home. That explains why that loser is out of the picture nicely."

"And Dale is supposed to go over and comfort her," Renata interjected with a smile.

"And fuck her?" Carol giggled.

"That's what I do," I grinned.

"Okay," Rob jumped in as he lit himself a cigarette. "So how do we incorporate that with Carol?"

"Okay," I nodded. "So mom is still here on her visit. She walks by in her robe as Renata and I are going at it, and she sees us. No biggie though, right? She's seen it, she's accepted it."

"Go on," Rob said with a nod.

"She can make a cute remark to the both of us, and then she heads over to the sofa," I said as I pointed at it. "Pulls off the robe and gets herself off while we're in the background."

"I like it so far," Rob said with a grin. "Keep going."

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "We fade from that to the three of us all sitting around the kitchen table talking about what we're going to do that day. That's when the phone rings," I finished with a smile as I reached for my smokes and fired one up.

"And it's Becky," Rob pointed a finger at me and winked.

"Exactly," I replied as I exhaled. "She's still in freak out mode, so I tell her I'll be over," I took another puff of my smoke. "But I know mom hates her. So I lie."

"And you're off to Becky's," Rob said with a nod.

"How does that get me involved?" Carol asked. "Do I break down the door at her place or something?" she said with a laugh.

"A mother protecting her young," Renata giggled as she stood up and reached for Carol's empty cup then turned to the counter to get her a refill.

"Actually," I said with a smile. "That's kinda what I had in mind. Not the door kicking down, but the protection thing."

"What are you thinking?" Rob asked with intrigue in his voice.

"Okay," I continued to explain. "Once the scene with Becky is done, we cut back to here. It's the next day. We can start the same way, or just with us all clothed. We're making plans again, and then the phone rings again."

"Becky again," Rob nodded.

"Bingo," I replied. "She's upset about something again," I explained.

"Your dad is due back this afternoon and she doesn't want to be there when he gets back in case her sister has called him on the road and told him the dirty news," Rob mused as he narrowed his eyes.

"I like that," I said. "So as mom and grandma are getting ready to head out the door, I lie again, and say I'm going to stay home."

"So you can be here when Becky gets here," Rob added with a nod. "Do you go at it again?"

"Oh hell yeah," I replied with a grin.

"Oh my god!" Carol gasped. "We're going to come back and catch you aren't we?"

"Exactly!" I said with a broad smile on my face.

"Intriguing," Renata said with a giggle.

"And that's her motive for finally fucking you," Rob said with realization in his voice. "I'll fuck you so long as you don't ever fuck that woman again."

"That kind of makes Becky a villain doesn't it?" Carol asked.

"Not at all," I said.

"Oh I can't wait to hear this," Rob chuckled.

"Naturally mom goes bat-shit crazy, right? Grandma here," I gestured towards Renata. "Tries to be a calming influence, but Becky eventually runs out of the room in tears, so grandma follows."

"Go on," Rob said.

"So while mom and I go at it in the bedroom," I said.

"Grandma and step-mom are enjoying some girl-on-girl action on the sofa," Rob said with a big grin.

"Are you okay with that?" Carol whispered to Renata.

"Oh of course dear," she smiled and waved her hand. "I've done it before."

"And the kicker," I pointed a finger up in the air for emphasis. "Is that when I start fucking mom, a wave of realization comes over her. She cries out to Becky that all is forgiven because she gets it now."

"Oh fuck," Rob whispered. "That is perfect. We can even end the scene with alll four of you on bed together."

"My god," Carol laughed as she held up her empty cup. "I am dealing with some truly sick fucks here."


Rob had called Becky and confirmed that it was still okay to come over and film her planned scene later that afternoon - and then he asked if she was also okay filming a sex scene with me too. He winked and flashed me a thumbs up.

So Rob set up his cameras and lights in the bedroom first. As he did, Renata, Carol and I waited out in the kitchen. Carol was finishing off another coffee and Bailey's.

"Do you need another dear?" Renata asked nicely.

Carol sighed. "Yes please."

"Do you mind if I ask?" I whispered to Carol as Renata was over at the counter getting her another refill.

"What made me change my mind?" she whispered back with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"When you told me about seeing Becky and her family," she leaned into me a bit as she whispered. "And you set her mind at ease so easily," she sighed. "I figured these are people I can trust."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Besides," she gave me a playful nudge. "I told you I wanted to fuck you. At least this way I get paid for it too."

"Oh how flattering," I whispered sarcastically as I smiled at her.

"Okay," Rob announced from inside the bedroom. "All set. Let's get ready people."

The three of us headed into the bedroom and we all stripped down. I couldn't help but ogle at Carol's naked body as she did. When Renata and I were both naked we got onto the bed, as Carol slipped into a white terry-cloth robe, and then headed out of the bedroom as she cinched it up around her waist.

"Okay," Rob said as he positioned the still camera and then got behind the video camera on its tripod. "How do you think we should start?"

"Pucker?" Renata smiled at me.

"Works for me," I said.

We assumed the position and a moment later Rob was once again filming me with my tongue up Renata's asshole wtth two fingers working into her pussy and hitting her g-spot. Out of the corner of my eye at one point, I saw Carol standing in the doorway watching us with a smile on her face.

Rob filmed us like that for about five minutes then instructed Renata to suck my cock. As she did I was able to see Carol grinning widely and at one point she even licked her lips and winked at me.

Rob stood up from behind the camera. "All right, fuck time," he announced.

"What position?" Renata asked the moment my cock was out of her mouth.

"I dunno," he shrugged. "Doggy I guess."

Renata flipped over and braced herself on her elbows and knees and I got into position behind her. Rob gave the cue and away we went.

We did the obligatory calling each other 'grandma' and 'grandson' and a lot of moaning. We were still going at it as Rob shut off the camera and moved it out towards the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to tell them you aren't filming anymore?" Carol asked as Rob moved past her.

"Like it would make a difference," he chuckled. He placed the camera and tripod on the floor and then headed back into the bedroom and unplugged one of the lights he'd set up and took it out of the bedroom.

"Mmm," Renata moaned softly as I slowly pumped in and out of her inviting pussy. "I am so glad you don't stop."

"Me too," I moaned back.

All of a sudden I heard Rob cue Carol outside of the bedroom. She walked into the frame of the camera and I saw her outside the corner of my eye when she appeared in the bedroom doorway.

"Oh my god," she chuckled the moment she saw us. "Do you two ever stop?"

"No little one," Renata said with a giggle as she turned to face her. "It's much too enjoyable."

"Oh mama," Carol giggled with a wave of her hand. She then followed Rob's direction to head to the counter and pour herself a cup of coffee. She reappeared at the doorway briefly taking another look at us, and then followed Rob's direction to head to the sofa.

Renata and I didn't stop. We were having a wonderfully intense and slow fuck. At one point though, as Rob was setting up to film Carol on the sofa, I was surprised by what Renata said to me.

"Be careful not to cum baby," she whispered as she looked over her shoulder at me with a smile. "You should save it for your scene with Becky later."

"Filming again," Rob called out from in front of the sofa. "Not that it matters because you two haven't stopped," he added with a chuckle.

I glanced out the bedroom door and could only see the top of Carol's head just above the back of the sofa, and her bare feet braced on the edge of the coffee table. The second I saw Rob reach for a handle on the tripod and saw he was raising the camera up to capture me and Renata, I looked back down at her big ass cheeks jiggling slowly as I continued to pump in and out of her.

I was so into what I was doing I had no idea how long Rob had been filming before he finally called the scene.

"Oh," Renata moaned at me. "Just a bit more baby, I am about to cum."

"I know you are," I said coyly.

"Oh," Renata giggled and then moaned once more as I pushed my cock up inside her. "Do you know when I'm close as I do you?"

I leaned over and kissed her back. "You bet I do," I grunted as I pushed myself up inside her ensuring I would hit her g-spot with my cock. A few moments later, I felt her slick goo coating my cock. "That's my girl," I moaned with a smile.


I got dressed and waited until Rob moved the camera to the bedroom door. Then I headed out past the camera on his cue. Inside Renata rolled off the bed and shuffled over to the closet. Carol walked in and dropped the robe to the floor and the two of them began chatting about what the three of us would be doing that day.