Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 04


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After rereading the letter, he set it under Austin's phone so he would see it when he woke up. It was a cool September night, so he only took off his pants and slipped under the covers wrapping his arms around his superman.

"I tried to stay up and wait for you." Austin said in a groggy voice.

"It's okay superman, you need your rest." Eric pulled the covers up tucking Austin in.


"Yeah Austin?"

"Can you hold me all night long?"

"Gladly." Eric pulled him close.

The cool weather was perfect for cuddling as they drifted off to sleep. The next morning Eric got up before Austin and started to make breakfast. When he was in the middle of scrabbling the eggs Mrs. Montgomery came in.

"Well, good morning Eric. I'm surprised to see you here."

"I take it you guys know about the fight too?" Eric questioned as he poured the eggs into the pan.

"Well, all we know is that you boys had a fight and weren't speaking to each other. Austin wouldn't go into detail and frankly it's none of our business."

"I really messed things up Mrs. Montgomery and I don't know how to fix this."

"Eric, let me ask you a question. Are you completely sure that you want to be in a relationship with Austin?"

"What do you mean by that?" Eric turned and looked at her. The look of dismay, because of her question, was apparent on his face.

"What I mean being gay isn't going to be easy at all. You guys are going to have a long, and sometimes, very hard road ahead of you. Things have gotten better for gay people but there is still a stigma around it. Are you going to be able to handle that and the fact Austin has PTSD?"

"Are you telling me you don't want me seeing Austin anymore?" Eric's voice cracked as he avoided looking at Mrs. Montgomery.

"If I wanted to say that I would just come out and say it. I just want you to make sure this is what you want."

"Yes, I've never wanted anything more in my life than to be with Austin. I honestly do love him."

"Then you need to keep that in mind when things get tough." Mrs. Montgomery sounded somewhat stern as she was looking deep into his eyes.

Just before the eggs finished Eric added in shredded cheese. He placed the eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice on the table before he woke up Austin. Still feeling the effects of his meds Austin, even now, upon waking was still groggy. Eric helped him to the table and placed a plate down for Austin, making sure to serve him a big helping of eggs. He watched as Austin slowly started eating, it caused his heart to ache seeing Austin in this state. Eric knew that he was going to have to work fast and hard to get Austin back to his old self.

Over the next few weeks Eric made sure that he treated Austin like he was the only person left on the planet. He walked Austin to all of his classes and made sure they sat together at lunch. The hardest part for him was making sure he didn't show his affection in school. Slowly, over time, he could see Austin return to his normal self.

As the month was coming to an end it was getting closer to the time for the homecoming football game and dance. Eric had been so busy tending to Austin that it almost slipped his mind. It wasn't until the week of the game that he realized it. He wanted to ask Austin to go to the dance with him but he didn't know if that was a good idea. Time was running out and he was going to have to make a decision soon.

Good morning students. Don't forget to vote for your homecoming King and Queen! Nominations for senior class king are Eric Mason and Tyler Stetser. Nominations for senior class Queen are Jennifer McCloud and Stacy Johnson.

"Who are you going to vote for?" Becka asked as she turned to Austin.

"Like you really have to ask." Austin cracked a smile and rolled his eyes. "Besides it doesn't matter who we vote for, we already know Eric and Jen are going to win."

"I'm still going to vote against that bitch, all it takes is one vote to make a difference." Becka grinned. "Speaking of which, what are you doing for homecoming?"

"I'm going to be home watching movies and stuffing my face with popcorn."

"What?! This is senior year! This is the last year we get to have fun before the real world sets in."

"What's the point of going if I can't go with Eric."

"Who said you can't go with him?"

Well, it's only a few days before homecoming and he hasn't asked me. Besides I don't think the school is ready for two guys to be showing up as each other's date."

"Oh horse shit! Screw what other people think. Would you like to go with him?"

"Honestly, yes!" Austin smiled, "But I kind of told him that I didn't like the entire PDA he was showing me. So it's kind of my fault that he hasn't asked me."

"You never know, he could just be waiting for the right time to ask you. You know how Eric is, everything has to be perfect. Besides my friend, you could stop being such a girl and ask him!" Becka laughed.

Just then the bell rang and everyone headed off to their first period classes. As Becka was walking to her class she sent out a quick text to Eric letting him know that Austin would really like it if he asked him to the dance. Just as she was about to enter the classroom she got a response from Eric asking her to meet him before lunch.

"Why did you want me to meet you?" Becka asked as she walked up to Eric.

"Because I wanted to hear it from you again, that this isn't a joke."

"Austin told me in homeroom that he wants to go with you to the dance even though he told you he didn't like the PDA."

"I have wanted to ask him but I wasn't even sure I was going to go."

"But you're one of the nominees for King. What if you won?"

"What is the point of winning that if Austin isn't there with me? I'd want to celebrate that moment with him."

"Then ask him to the dance and don't get so caught up in worrying about anything else. You guys just need to have a good time together." Becka smiled. "But don't ask him today only because he just talked to me about it and I wouldn't want him to think that I twisted your arm into it."

"Okay, I'll ask him tomorrow. That should still give him enough time to get things in order." Eric started to head towards the cafeteria but stopped, turned around and gave Becka a big, warm hug. "Thank you."

Becka sighed with a smile, "You're welcome."

The next afternoon, before they left for home, Eric asked Austin to the homecoming dance. Austin was all smiles when he answered, "Yes!"

The rest of the week the school was buzzing with activities dealing with the upcoming game and dance. Friday was the big day and everyone was excited. The game was held earlier in the day so everyone could go get ready for the dance that evening. When Eric made the winning touchdown, the crowd erupted in cheers. Once the game had finished everyone dashed off to get ready for the evening. The girls would be running off to get their hair done up nicely while the guys would go home and relax before getting ready.

When Austin got home he went up to his room and took out the clothes he was going to wear that night. As he looked at them lying on his bed, his mind started to wonder what might possibly happen that night. He could feel the demons start to show themselves. He sat down on his bed, holding his cell phone in his hand. He was trying so hard not to let them get to him but they were starting to win. Finally, he dialed Eric's number.

"Hey superman, what's up?"

"I know you are supposed to pick me up in a few hours for the dance, but I was wondering if you could come over a little earlier."

"Yeah, I can do that? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little nervous about tonight."

"Sure, I can stop by sooner."

About ten minutes later there came a knock at Austin's door and when he answered it there was Eric.

"I didn't mean you had to come over right now." Austin said as he closed the door behind them.

"I know, but I could hear in your voice more distress than you were admitting to. Tell me, what's going on?"

"It's about tonight. I'm really starting to get nervous about being around a large group of people like that. I don't want to ruin this night for you."

Eric sat down on the bed next to Austin, "Are you worried that you will have an episode?"

Austin just hung his head.

Eric pulled Austin into a hug, "I had a feeling that was it. How about this, we stay home tonight and watch movies?"

"Eric I couldn't let you do that! This could be a very big night for you if you won Homecoming King!"

"It's only homecoming. We still have the winter dance and prom. Besides I'd much rather spend this night with you than with a bunch of fake friends. You mean more to me than some stupid plastic crown."

"You really mean that?" Austin asked as he looked Eric in the eyes.

"Yes." Eric smiled at him. "Look, we can order take out and watch movies."

"I love you Eric." Austin leaned in and gave Eric a kiss.

"I love you too." Eric kissed him back. "I want you to take my debit card and go to the store and pick whatever kind of snack foods you like."

"What do you want to do for dinner?" Austin asked as he stood up.

"Anything you'd enjoy." Eric smiled at him as he handed him the card. "While you're at the store I'm going to run home and take a quick shower and get some comfy clothes."

As Eric watched Austin pull out of the driveway he got out his phone and called Becka.

"Hey, I know you are busy getting ready for tonight but I was wondering how quickly you could help me set up an intimate party for two..."

While Austin was walking through the store getting snacks, he started to feel a little guilty that Eric was going to miss homecoming for him. He knew Eric loved him but he also knew how much this night meant to him. Austin cursed the demons inside for getting the better of him. A small part of him wondered what really would have happened if they went. Maybe he would be fine and there wouldn't be an episode, or maybe he would have another humiliating one. He made the decision right then and there that he wouldn't dwell on it but rather just enjoy the night with Eric, because being with Eric was all that really mattered to him.

He finished at the store, after putting the goodies in his car he walked over to the pizza parlor and picked up the two pizza's he had ordered ahead of time. On his way home he tried to call Becka to let her know they weren't going to the dance tonight but she didn't pick up. So he shot her a quick text figuring she was busy getting ready. Little did he know what she was really up to but he would soon find out.

As he pulled in the driveway he noticed that the fence around the pool had streamers wrapped around it, and when he looked at the pool he saw it was filled with balloons. Eric walked out to the car and opened his door.

"What is all this?" Austin asked as he got out.

"I figured we could have our own homecoming dance." Eric smiled.

"Oh my god, everything looks so nice. How did you get all this done in the little bit of time I was gone?"

"Let's just say I had some help."

Eric helped Austin bring the food inside before escorting him out to the pool. Austin nearly swooned when Eric had him sit on a beautiful bamboo sofa with all sorts of comfy pillows. Sitting quietly, he watched as Eric plugged in an extension cord. Then suddenly he was enveloped in sparkling lights with his favorite music playing in the background. Eric had covered the bushes around the pool with twinkling white Christmas lights. As the song Somewhere Out There began to play Eric bowed slightly at the waste and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance Mr. Montgomery?"

Austin took Eric's hand in his and they danced their first dance. Their bodies swayed to the music, and then Eric started to softly sing to Austin.

Somewhere out there, someone saying a prayer. That we'll find one another, in that big somewhere out there. And even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we are wishing on the same bright star...

Austin pulled in closer to Eric as he let the words fill his soul.

Somewhere out there, if love can see us through; then, we'll be together, somewhere out there, out where dreams come true...

Austin's eyes were filled with tears by the end of the song, but these were tears of happiness. He had never had anyone sing to him like that before. All he could do was gaze into Eric's eyes as he kissed him. If he had tried to speak he would have cried.

That night was one of the best nights of his life, there would only be one other in his life that would outdo this one. Eric had the perfect mix of songs to make the night romantically memorable. They were having such a good time they didn't even hear the text tone going off letting Eric know he was crowned Homecoming King. Since the weather was surprisingly warm for the end of September they decided to take a dip in the pool.

"Do you still want to watch a movie?"

"You've made this night so beyond perfect I completely forgot about watching a movie, but I'm up for it if you are." Austin smiled.

"Okay, wait right here."

Austin watched as Eric went into the house and wondered what he was up to now. He saw Eric return with a DVD player, projector and a screen, after Eric set everything up he tossed a float in the pool and the two of them lounged as the movie started. Eric played Austin's favorite move, The Never Ending Story. The night was perfect as the two of them enjoyed watching the movie under a blanket of stars.


"Any new leads on the Montgomery case?" Captain Blackburn asked from his office.

"No yet sir." Detective Sanchez replied.

"You two, come in my office." The captain ordered. "Close the door and sit down.

Both detective Mays and Sanchez sat in front of the captain.

"It's been over three months since I have heard anything about this case, what is going on?" Though he tried to hold his frustration in, the captain's irritation was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

Both men shifted ever so slightly, with nervous energy, in their seats..

"Well Sir, we have followed all of the leads but we still haven't locked down any suspects." Sanchez offered knowing the captain wasn't pleased.

"That is unacceptable! That young man was beaten and left for dead in the woods! You will go over every lead again and re-interview everyone if you have to. I will not let this case grow cold. Someone knows something about what happened that night, find them!" The captain exclaimed as his fist slammed on his desk.

"I knew that was coming." Mays said as they walked back to their desks.

"He is right though, someone knows something."

"Look, I know you just transferred from that special victims unit in New York, but these aren't your run of the mill type of people. They have a lot of money and they will protect their own no matter what the cost or offense for that matter."

"No offense Brandon, but I don't give a shit how much money they have. The law isn't blind when it comes to matters like this. The captain is right, we have been slacking on this case and I bet the town has already forgotten about it."

"Sorry Alex, I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. So what do you suggest we do besides going over the leads again and re-interviewing people? You know, they are all going be circling the wagons to protect whoever was involved in the assault."

"Simple, we start adding pressure to these kids. We start showing up at football games, their houses, wherever they like to hang out. Questioning everyone and anyone who we even think could possibly know something. If we make our presence known then it will start putting pressure on big time and the guilty ones are going to get nervous, someone is going to slip up sooner or later. Something this big isn't going to stay a secret for long."

"Oh right, I can just see the expressions on all their snooty faces when we show up at their swanky country club!" Brandon chuckled. "Seriously though, where do you think we should start?" Asking as he tapped his pen on the desk.

"The beginning. I think we should act as if this is a brand new case and we are starting from scratch. So, in my opinion, we should start with Austin. Maybe he can tell us more since some time has passed giving him a chance to recover some and hopefully remembers more details."

"You know, for a rookie you have a good mindset for this. Alright, let's start with Austin. Tomorrow is Saturday so we are more likely to find him at home."

The next morning when the detectives arrived they saw the Montgomery's outside working around the pool. Everyone stopped and looked at them as they got out of the car.

"Let me talk to Austin, if you don't mind." Alex said to his partner as he stepped out of the car.

"That's fine I'll talk to his parents."

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, Austin, how are you folks doing this morning?" Alex asked as he walked up to the fence.

"Good morning detectives, we are doing well, thanks for asking. Has there been some development in Austin's case?" Joan asked almost as if in a plea.

"No, and that is why we are here. We want to start over from the beginning. We want to talk to Austin about that night, maybe there is something he remembers now."

Austin's face went as white as a ghost. He knew who attacked him that night but he was terrified that it was going to cause a lot of problems if he told.

"Of course, please come inside." Joan offered as she opened the gate.

She placed a fresh cup of coffee down for everyone then took a seat at the table.

"Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, would you mind if we talk on the porch?" Brandon asked.

"Sure, that's fine with us." Mark replied as they stood up.

Now that Austin was away from the safety of his parents his nerves started to go into high gear.

"How have you been doing?" Alex asked as he sat back in the chair trying to make the atmosphere more relaxed.

"I have good days and bad ones." Austin looked down into his coffee.

"I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I hate to do this to you Austin, I really do; but I have to ask, can you please tell me what happened that night?"

"I don't remember much."

"That's okay; just tell me what you can remember."

"Well, I was at Eric's house and we had been having a really good time together."

"What do you mean HAD been? Did something happen?"

"We had a stupid fight. I overheard him on the phone with his ex-girlfriend Jennifer. I don't know what was said specifically, but I could tell that whatever she had said to him made Eric furious."

"How did that turn into you guys having a fight? Did Eric take any of his fury out on you in any way?"

"When I walked in the room I acted as if I didn't hear a thing and asked Eric what was going on. He kind of snapped at me and said that he knew I heard everything. Things got heated from there and I ended up leaving on my bike."

"When you say things got heated, did Eric hit you?"

"No, he didn't hit me. I got in his face and he shoved me out of the way. He really didn't mean for me to hit the wall, I never should have gotten in his face."

"After you left, how long do you think it was before the attack?"

"I honestly don't know. I was so upset I just got on my bike and peddled as fast as I could to get home."

"Okay, just a rough estimate, five, ten, fifteen minutes?"

"Maybe fifteen minutes, I don't think it was that long since I was still crying when the car that passed me turned around."

"Can you tell me anything about the car? Anything special stand out like sound, shape anything like that?"

"I know the headlights were very bright, almost blinding when the high beams came on. That's why I couldn't see anyone's face, the lights were shining directly in my eyes."