Field of Blooms: The Beginning Ch. 04


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"What happened once the lights where shining on you?"

"I'm sorry detective, I can't remember more than a few bits and pieces."

"Let me tell you Austin, when interviewing others something seemingly minute often comes out and proven to be just the break we needed to identify and apprehend the perpetrator. Just tell me what you can, every little bit helps. "

"Loud voices, flashes of light, I remember being on the ground but that's it."

Alex could see that Austin was getting upset and decided to stop questioning him. "Okay Austin, you have given me a lot of good information."

"I am sorry I couldn't be of more help."

"You've helped a lot." Alex stood up and started to walk out but stopped, "Austin, just so you know whatever you tell me is confidential. Nobody will ever know where any information comes from."

"Thank you Detective Sanchez." Austin was deeply appreciative for the detective's kind words of encouragement but just the thought of disclosing what he really remembered was overwhelming.

"Alex, you can call me Alex. If you need anything or want to talk please give me a call."

"Thank you again, I will call if I need anything."

"Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery I want to thank you again for your time and apologize for not stopping by sooner." Alex offered as they walked out the door.

"So did you get anything from Austin?" Brandon asked as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah I did, he gave me a lot more info than I think he realized."

"Did he tell you who attacked him?"

"No, but now we have a good place to start. We need to go and speak to his boyfriend Eric."


Later that afternoon the detectives drove up the winding driveway leading to Eric's house. When they rang the doorbell Mrs. Mason answered.

"May I help you?" She asked looking down her nose at them.

"Good afternoon ma'am, I am Detective Mays and this is Detective Sanchez. We are here to talk to Eric about what happen the night Austin Montgomery was attacked."

Rolling her eyes, it was obvious that she felt seriously disgusted. "I thought that was done with."

"We've had some new information come up and we just have a few questions to ask Eric. Is he home?" Brandon asked.

"Yes he is, will you please come in, I do not need the neighbors seeing you standing on my porch like a couple of salesmen in cheap suits." She stopped them as soon as they walked through the door. "Please, wait right here while I get him."

She walked up the stairs and knocked on Eric's bedroom door, "Eric open the door."

Calling from behind the door, "What do you want?"

"Eric Mason, it is not polite to speak through closed doors, now please open it."

"What is it?" Eric opened the door in a huff.

"There are two detectives downstairs that want to ask you some questions about the night that filthy boy got attacked."

All of the color drained out of Eric's face as he wondered why they had come to talk to him. He had already answered all of their questions before.

"Tell them I will be right down."

Just as he was closing the door his mother stopped him, "I do not know what they are doing here, but I want them gone as soon as possible. I have a few ladies from the country club coming over in a little bit and I do not want them asking questions."

Eric quickly put on a clean shirt and made his way downstairs where he saw the detectives standing in the foyer.

"Good afternoon detectives, what can I help you with?"

"We just have a few questions we'd like to ask you about the night Austin was assaulted." Brandon offered.

"Sure, I don't know how much help I can be since I already told you everything I know."

"That's okay; sometimes it helps to go over everything again. That night you and Austin had a fight, why didn't you call him later to see if he had gotten home safely?" Alex questioned.

"I was still upset from the fight and I had broken my phone."

"How did your phone get broken?"

"I threw it across the room when I was yelling at Austin."

"Was that before or after you shoved him into the wall?" Brandon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know about that?" Eric gulped nervously.

"It was in our previous notes." Alex lied. "Please, answer the question."

"I think it was before, I kind of blacked out and I don't remember much."

Eric's statement made both detectives looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Eric, I am going to ask you a very serious question and I need you to answer in all honesty. It's just standard procedure. Did you call someone after Austin left to have him beaten up?"

"Are you fucking serious?! Why in the name of hell would I have something like that done to him?!" Eric yelled.

"Why not? You two had a very heated argument; you threw your cell phone, shoved Austin into the wall and in a blind rage could have called someone to have him attacked." Alex pressed harder, "Come on, you're the star football player at your school, no body walks away from you."

For a moment Alex thought he saw Eric's eyes flash red, "Look, I love Austin and I would never in a million years hurt him or call someone else to do it either. He left that night because I acted like a dumb jock. Instead of talking to him about what was said on the phone I lashed out and took it out on him, that is why he left. I didn't call him that night because I was mad at myself for how I acted."

"The phone call you mentioned, what was that about?"

"It was my bitch of an ex-girlfriend. She just couldn't get it through her thick head that I am gay and I left her for Austin. She tried in the past to get me back but I kept telling her it doesn't work that way. It took me a very long time to accept the fact that I am gay, some people just can't deal with that."

"Eric, we would like to thank you for your time. If we have any more questions can we call you?" Alex asked as he opened the door.

"Sure, and if there is anything I can do to help please let me know, I have a lot to make up for."

"Why did you stop questioning him?" Brandon asked as they got back in the car.

"Because I have a very strong feeling about who attacked Austin."

"You're thinking it's the ex-girlfriend?"

"Bingo. Think about it for a minute, Eric's on the phone with her and she is trying to get him back. Eric probably told her that Austin was over and that pissed her off."

"We have both seen Jennifer; there is no way she could have taken Austin down all by herself. Austin might be gay but he is still bigger than her."

"Then she must have had other people with her, she is one of the pretty girls and they never do their own dirty work."

"I guess we need to start asking around about who she hangs out with."

"She's a cheerleader; they all hang out with other cheerleaders and guys from the football team."


They spent the next few days canvassing the school and all the local hangouts. They talked to over half of the student body about who Jennifer hangs out with and who they think could have assaulted Austin. Some of the kids where more reserved when talking while others told them exactly how they felt about Jennifer.

"She's a fucking bitch with a capital B. God help you if you cross her, she will do everything possible to make your life a living hell."

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Alex asked the tall brunette.

"Becka, my name is Becka."

"Okay Becka, how well do you know Jennifer?"

"More than I'd like too. She thinks that she runs this school because her father owns the largest factory in town. She walks around as if no one and nothing could ever touch her."

"Let me ask you this, does she seem like the type to take revenge on someone if she feels they have taken something from her?"

"If you mean do I think she had something to do with the attack on Austin, then hell yes! I've never trusted her from the moment I met her and ever since Eric realized he's gay and left her for Austin she's been even more of a bitch."

"Thank you Becka for your time."

"You're welcome. I know she did it, I just don't know how to prove it."

"Don't worry about it that is our job."

Alex just knew he was getting closer and closer to finding out the truth. All signs were pointing towards Jennifer McCloud, now if he just had to find the evidence to support it. Once he got back to the station he went over everything again, rereading all the statements and looking at what little physical evidence there was. Coming from New York City he was used to working with a lot more, he wasn't used to small town crimes. He looked over the rock; it still had dried blood and hair on it, and decided he was going to take a ride out to the scene of the crime. When he got there he looked everything over. He noticed that there was a small drop off between the road and the woods. There was no way someone of Jennifer's stature could have dragged Austin down that and off into the woods. He stood in the spot where they had found Austin and just closed his eyes and listened to the wind blowing through the trees. He imagined the horror Austin went through that night, he could almost hear his screams echoing in the dense woods as he begged for his life. The sounds of bones breaking as the rock smashed down over and over again. If only the trees could talk, they could help provide justice and closure for Austin and his family. As he opened his eyes he looked down at the spot and noticed, hiding under some leaves was a used condom. Not knowing if it would amount to anything, Alex put on some gloves and stuck it in an evidence bag.

"I know this is probably a long shot, but is there any way you could run a DNA test on this?"

The Medical Examiner looked at the old condom, "Where did you find this?"

"In the woods under some leaves. I know that a lot of time has gone by and the elements have probably destroyed the evidence, but I want to cover all of my bases."

"Okay, I will do my best. What case should I put this under?"

"Montgomery, let me know either way. How long do you think it will take?"

"Give me a few days. I have to bounce between here and Philadelphia, and Philly is swamped right now."

"Okay, just let me know the moment you find out anything."


"Austin Montgomery was raped." Alex tossed the M.E.'s report on the captain's desk.

"How did you find that out?"

"I went back to the scene of the crime and while I was looking around I found a used condom under some leaves. I know that it was a shot in the dark that any DNA would have survived being in the elements so long, but it so happened that when the rapist took off the condom he pulled it from the top turning it inside out. Unfortunately the DNA from the rapist was ruined. How did CSI miss this when they were going over the crime scene?" Alex asked as he sat down.

"That is a good question."

"If they had found it then the hospital could have done a rape kit and could have found the perp's DNA."

"Alex, it is still a good find." Blackburn reassured him.

"It complicates things."

"How so?"

"Because not only is this attempted murder, it's now a rape case too. I really thought when I left New York I wasn't going to have to deal with this anymore."

"Okay, I want you to work up a timeline of events from that night. That way when we have some suspects we can question them about where they were during that time."

"Yes Captain, I will get right on it."

Alex sat at his desk, took out his legal pad and starting writing up a timeline. He knew that Austin left Eric's house around midnight. The distance from Eric's house to where they found him was about a fifteen minute ride so that put the time around twelve-fifteen in the morning. Alex figured the attack happened somewhere between twelve-fifteen and twelve-thirty since it was a main road and the attackers wouldn't want to take the chance on someone stopping. The 911 call didn't come through until almost three-thirty in the morning; that left three hours for the rape to happen. That wasn't a small window of time but he had worked with worse in New York.

"What are you working on?" Brandon asked as he set down two cups of coffee.

"There've been some new developments in Austin's case."

Alex brought Brandon up to speed on everything that he found out.

"Did you even go home this weekend?" Brandon asked seeing Alex's tired eyes.

"No, I just napped in the back room." Alex rubbed his aching eyes.

"Come on, it's time to take a break." Brandon offered.

"I can't take a break, things are starting to happen and I need to figure it all out."

"What good are you going to be if you are exhausted? Now, I said it's time for a break."

Reluctantly Alex stood up and followed Brandon behind the station and sat at the picnic table. For a few moments they sat in silence to the sound of passing cars.

"You should be proud that you found that condom, it really was a good find." Brandon spoke, finally breaking the silence.

"I should never have found it. CSI should have been the ones when they were going over the scene! If they had found it then this case could have been solved already and Austin could be getting on with his life." Alex clenched his fist.

"Yeah you are right they should have but the thing is you did and it still will help us out. It might take a little more work but I know it will help."

"The really fucked up thing is we have to tell Austin that he was raped that night. That poor boy has been through hell for months now and this is just going to start him right at the beginning. We are about to tear down a wall that is holding back a horrible memory and who knows what else is hiding behind it."

"When do you want to tell him?"

"This afternoon, let him have one more day of innocence before we rip that away from him. This could possibly change him even more than what he already has."

That afternoon when Austin came home from school he saw a maroon Crown Vic sitting in his driveway, he knew it was the detectives.

"Afternoon detectives, what brings you out here?" Austin asked as he grabbed his book bag from the back seat.

"Austin we need to talk to you. Are you parent's home?" Alex questioned.

"No, they aren't. They are working a double shift tonight and won't be home until after midnight."

"Is Eric going to be stopping by?"

"He is at football practice for another hour. What is this about?" Austin unlocked the door and let them in.

"We really would rather talk to you about this with someone here. Could you please have Eric come over as soon as he is done with practice?"

"Um, yeah I can do that. Do you want to wait inside?" Austin offered.

"Thank you but no, we will wait in the car." Alex thanked him and they walked back to the car.

The minutes seemed like hours as Austin waited for Eric to show up. Soon he could hear the exhaust note from Eric's car coming down the road and he could tell Eric was in a hurry. Eric raced up the driveway and yanked up his parking brake as he stepped out of the car.

"Austin, what is going on and why are the detectives sitting out in their car?! Your text message has me worried."

"They want to talk to me but they said they wanted someone else here. I don't know what it could be."

"It's okay, go invite them in."

Austin walked over to the car and invited Alex and Brandon inside. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"No thank you." Brandon replied as he took a seat.

Alex took a deep breath; this was the part of his job he hated the most. "Austin, what we are going to tell you isn't going to be easy to hear and that is why we wanted someone else to be here."


"I went back to the scene of your assault; I found a used condom there. I had it sent out for DNA testing and it came back positive for your DNA."

"What? How is that even possible?"

"We have a strong suspicion that you where raped after the attack. At some point we think one of the attackers came back and raped you."

"Why are we just now hearing about this?!" Eric's temper was starting to show.

"Unfortunately, CSI missed the condom when they were at the scene. I cannot apologize enough for their mistake and I promise you it will be taken care of."

"If Austin was raped, then shouldn't the hospital have a rape kit or something?" Eric was getting even more pissed.

"If there were no signs of rape then the hospital wouldn't have done one." Brandon replied.

"But they cleaned him up! Wouldn't they have seen the blood coming from him?!"

"If Austin was unconscious during the rape then his body was relaxed so, there would a chance that nothing could have torn causing blood."

"What the fuck! I cannot believe this!" Eric stood up and walked out the door, Brandon followed right behind him.

"Austin, are you okay? You haven't said anything." Alex noticed the look on Austin's face. It was a look he had seen many times after he told a victim they had been raped.

"What's there to say? I don't remember it happening so to me it's just words."

Even though Austin was acting like it was just words, Alex knew better than that. "Even still, I want you to get tested right away for STD's. Even though the perp wore a condom you want to make sure you are okay. Also, this is a card for a therapist who deals with things like this, please give him a call."

"Eric! Eric Stop!" Brandon shouted after him.

"I can't fucking believe this right now! How the fuck does something like this happen?!" Eric yelled.

"I know this is hard for you but think about Austin. He needs you more than anything right now." Brandon stood in front of Eric and looked him in the eyes. "Right now you have to be strong for Austin. At some point he is going to crack and lose it, you need to be there for him. I know you love him by the way you are acting, and I know it sucks that we had to tell you guys this. Trust me it's not something I like to do."

"Austin has been through so much already, he was finally starting to come back to normal. I just know this is going to set him back."

"You're right it probably is and it is not going to be easy dealing with this but he needs you to be there for him. Even though he doesn't remember it happening there is a possibility it could come back to him now." Reaching in his pocket he pulled out the same card Alex had given to Austin. "I want the two of you to make an appointment with this therapist; you both need to talk to him about all of this. Do not think that you can deal with this all alone, it could end badly."

"A shrink, really?" Eric glared at the card.

"Yes, you need to talk to him as well. You are dating a victim of rape and assault so you need to know how to deal with whatever may happen."

"God! Austin already is dealing with PTSD and now he has to deal with this?! I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't try and kill himself."

Brandon pulled out another card and handed it to Eric, "This is the suicide hotline, if at any time you think Austin or yourself have any suicidal thoughts please call this number."

Eric's hands started to shake as he looked down at the card, "I can't believe this is happening. I feel like this is my entire fault." Eric's eyes filled with tears. "Ever since we started dating Austin has been having nothing but trouble. Please find the son's of a bitches that did this to him."

"We are going to do the very best we can." Brandon reassured him.

"And when you do, please give me five minutes in a closed room with them." Eric wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I am going to pretend that I didn't hear that, okay?" Brandon cracked a smile. "Now go be with your boyfriend."

Eric thanked the detectives again as he sat down next to Austin placing his hand on his.