Finding a New Friend


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Coming back to bed, she snuggled up next to me, with just a hint of tears in her eyes.

"Are you OK, Cindy?"

"More than I can explain. I just hope you aren't disappointed in any way."

"Never. So please put those thoughts out of your mind."

I had to make sure I was gone by the time her kids reurned.

Back home, both my parents sat down with me to express their concerns.

Mom was concerned about the age difference, and dad voiced his concerns about the volatility in her previous relationship.

After talking for over two hours, we all agreed that we had to learn how to live apart, and what would that slight distance do to any possible relationship.

Monday morning we had to act as if nothing happened all weekend, which made it very difficult for me.

During lunch, we were off from the main group, when she softly told me her jackass ex glared at her asking why the entire house reeked of sex.

She told him it was none of his business, and not to bring up that subject again.

Hearing all this made me think if this could really have a future.

Over the next several weekends, we would spend as much time together as possible.

We even were able to spend time together, in bed, without fucking our brains out.

The final week of camp, with two more weeks before I moved back to my dorm, we were talking one afternoon, when I asked again, if we could spend Thanksgiving together, at my parent's house.

"I hope you know, Rob, I've hinted to my folks about seeing 'a man' again, but haven't told them much more than that."

"Would they be more upset about my age or religion?"

"Age first, then religion."

"I don't think I can do anything about either, but if you chose, I'd like to meet them, just like my folks are wanting to meet you."

"Should we do this before you go back to school?"

"I think so. Let me interject something, if I may."

"OK, am I going to like what you're going to say?"

"Not sure, but here goes nothing. Cynthia Rosenberg, I think I'm falling in love with you."

"Dammit, Rob, I thought I told you about that. Even so, I have to admit that at first, I thought it might be just a rebound thing, but you just might be the best thing to come into my life since my kids."

I did detect just the start of a tear in one eye, so I just took her in my arms, holding her close to my body.

"I know what you told me, and I'm not going to apologize for falling for you. How about we meet each others parents, for now and see what's what by Thanksgiving."

"OK, I guess."

The Saturday after camp ended, I went with Cindy to meet her parents, Arthur and Ellen Grossman.

Not knowing what to expect, I just played everything close to the vest.

Cindy told me just to answer any questions as honestly as I could.

The first question out of Arthur's mouth was, "are you related the big shot in the Sheriff's deprtment?"

"He's my father," I replied.

"Did he have anything to do with the two detectives rousting our asshole of an ex son-in-law a couple of weeks ago?"

"I'm not sure, but I told him to back off, for now."

Ellen's question was about my age and education.

"I just turned twenty, and have under a year left for my degree in secondary education."

"Didn't want to be a cop?" Ellen asked.

"Not really, I can't tell you what my mom and my brother and I have had to put up with, having the very erratic work hours, and the inherent danger associated with his job."

"No issues with our religion?" they asked together.

"None. I like to think of myself as being very tolerant and open minded."

"Where do you see this relationship going?" Ellen asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but right now I know I have strong feelings for your daughter, and would never let any harm come to her, if I can help it."

After this questioning, we had a pleasant dinner, just talking about life in general. Every so.often, both of her parents would say something in a foreign language, that I didn't understand.

Cindy did warn me that there might be some Yiddish spoken, when her parents didn't want me knowing what was being said.

I tried not showing any emotion, knowing I was the topic of their discussion. But, it didn't set well with me, hearing these words being said right in front of me, but really behind my back.

Heading back to Cindy's condo, I was silent by choice.

"Do I take it, you didn't have a good time?"

"It was just OK, not counting the foreign language spoken when they didn't want me to know what they were saying."

"Rob, would it put your mind at ease to know what they were saying was nothing derogatory?"

"If it wasn't derogatory, why not speak in English?"

"I can't answer that, but I can say they like you a whole lot better than they did before meeting you."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but it would have been nice to hear that from them."

"I'd be lying if I didn't tell you they still have some reservations, about your age."

Sitting in our living room, silently thinking about my experience at dinner, I heard Cindy's phone ring. She answered it in our bedroom, but after a few minutes, she handed me her phone.

"Robert, we both want to let you know just how well we think about your relationship with our daughter. You have to know she is our primary concern."

"I understand, but it would have been nice to hear this face to face. I do thank you both for this call."

After hanging up, I looked at Cindy trying to judge her reaction to the entire evening.

Getting into bed, and holding her in my arms, she just looked me in the eye and said, "Robert O'Leary, I'm certain I'm falling in love with you."

"Wow. I know now that I'm making a right choice. Now all we have to do is convince a pair of hard headed Irish Catholics that I'd be happy with a Jewish wife."

Both of us slept with silly grins all night, and woke up as horny as we'd ever been.

We made love in nearly every position imaginable. Missionary. Cowgirl. Doggie. Reverse cowgirl.

Finally collapsing, we looked at each other, knowing we were going to my parents for dinner tonight, which should be interesting.

Even though Cindy's family didn't keep kosher, there were some foods they just didn't eat.

I had warned them in advance, but I still had some concerns.

Getting to the house I'd lived in my entire life, I just opened the door and showed Cindy inside.

"Mom, dad, this is Cindy Rosenberg. Cindy, my parents, Kevin and Erin O'Leary."

The greeting seemed a bit friendlier than with her folks.

Carrying on light conversation during dinner, dad asked Cindy as we were finishing, if there were any repercussions from his sending those two detectives to talk with her ex.

"Not really, Mr. O'Leary, and I don't think he's dumb enough to try anything else."

"Please, it's Kevin and Erin, and I'm happy about that."

"I've got to ask, if you kids are thinking about children," mom asked.

"Mom, we haven't even said one word to each other on that topic. As a matter of fact, I haven't met her kids, yet."

"But that's going to change, very soon," Cindy added.

Looking at her face, I saw the smile, and knowing we had talked about this, that she finally decided I should meet her kids.

I had a few errands to run Monday morning, and as I was finishing, I looked at my phone, seeing the text from my girlfriend, telling me lunch would be served in a half hour, and I shouldn't be late.

As I pulled up in front of her place, I was hit by a sudden case of nerves.

Calming myself down, I went to the door, stopping to ring the bell. I didn't want the kids telling their dad that I just walked in.

As the door opened, I stood there, seeing two adorable little ones just standing, staring at me. Michael just stood there, but Jill ran up to me and gave me a million dollar smile.

"Hi misteu Wob, mommy told us to make you feel welcome."

I quickly reasoned she had difficulty with saying the letter R, but I knelt down and told her they both were doing just fine.

Grinning like there was no tomorrow, Cindy guided us into the dining room for lunch.

After our lunch, with mommy cleaning up in the kitchen, I was in the living room with her kids.

I noticed a little nerf football in Michael's hand, so I asked him to throw it to me.

"My dad won't let me play catch inside."

"Oh, I see. Since he isn't here, he won't see, will he?"

"I guess not."

"Just toss it to me, and nobody will know."

Just the grin on his face let me know all that I needed to know about his asshole father.

As we were playing catch, Cindy walked in, causing Michael to stop playing catch with me, and looking down at the floor.

"Sorry, mommy," he said.

"Michael, I didn't tell you to stop, and your dad isn't here."

After a few more tosses, we stopped, and he came and jumped into my arms, thanking me for playing with him.

Cindy took them both to their rooms, putting them down for naps, and came back, still grinning.

"Rob, I just can't thank you enough for this afternoon. I just can't."

"Well, we could start fucking on the couch, and that would top off the day."

Punching me in my arm, knowing I was kidding, she just sat on my lap with her head resting on my shoulder.

As my return to school was nearing, I was seeing Cindy almost every day.

I just couldn't stop thinking about all the what ifs connected to this wonderful woman.

Two days before I was to go back to school, I pulled up in front of her house, and saw an unfamiliar, very fancy car.

Yep, Doctor Dickhead was there.

"Just what do you think you're doing with my children?" he bellowed.

"I'm trying to make them feel wanted, and appreciated," I replied.

"Fuck around with my children and I'll take that cunt to court and sue for full custody!"

"Just try that, and I'll have Detectice Andy Rice and Detective George Moss in court so fast it'll make your wife-beating head swim. Add to that, I'll invite Sheriff Kevin O'Leary to the proceedings to add his two cents worth, and you'll never have an unsupervised visit again. Never! Furshstay?" I was fairly certain that was Yiddish for 'understand'.

Even butchering the pronunciation, I got my point across, and Doctor Dickhead backed off.

Cindy ran up to me, throwing her arms around my neck and sobbing against my chest.

"I really didn't want you to get involved with him, I truly didn't."

"Cindy, if you and I have any sort of a future, and I truly hope we do, the kid's father will be in the picture, for better or worse. I just wanted him to know that I have a pretty good handle on his bullshit."

"Robert, there's very little doubt in my mind that I'm definitely falling in love with you."

"Will we both be able to last until Thanksgiving?"

"I hope so. And be sure that we both will visit each other's family over that extended weekend."

Just then both Michael and Jill came running up to me, with Jill jumping into my arms, and Michael waiting to throw his football to me.

I just couldn't get enough of this interaction.

Walking into her house, with Jill in my arms, I just felt like a million dollars.

Michael and I went back outside and tossed his football around for a few minutes, before Cindy called us inside for lunch. A true family lunch.

The night before I had to leave to start my final semester of school, having changed my schedule so I'd graduate mid-year, my girl got really brave and invited me to stay the night.

"Are you 100% positive?" I really don't want to upset anything in your life."

"Rob, I'm fairly certain you're going to be a large part of our life, so we might as well see what happens. Besides, both my kids are fairly sound sleepers. I hope."

Spending the entire day with the three of them was both exciting, and tiring. I didn't realize how active a nearly five year old, and nearly three year could be.

When they were busy playing a board game together, we just sat in the living room, with Cindy sitting on my lap.

Just holding her close to me, I realized I was getting hard. With a look of pure lust, we both quietly went into her bathroom, locked the door, pulled down our shorts and undies, with me bending her over the sink and shoving my cock into her soaking wet pussy and fucking her for all I was worth.

Cuming in near record time, it took a minute, or two for both of us to catch our breath.

I was first back into the living room, hoping we weren't missed.

When my lover returned, Jill jumped into her arms and whispered something that made her smile.

"We'll see sweetheart, we'll see."

"Want to share, sweetheart?"

What she whispered in my ear nearly made my heart skip a beat.

My new, little friend asked mommy if I was going to be their new daddy.


"Cindy, if I had to make a decision this instant, I'd say yes. Shouldn't we wait until Thanksgiving?"

"Or not!"

Staring into each other's eyes I just couldn't find a reason not for us to get married. Yes, I needed to finish school, and get a running start on my fifth year/Master's Degree. Yes, I needed a job. Duh.

"Cynthia Rosenberg, would you marry me?" I whispered.

With tears streaming down both cheeks, all she could do was nod her agreement.

Just holding each other, and grinning, we both turned to her kids, and asked, "kids is it OK with both of you if we get married?"

"Today?" Jill asked.

"No, sweetheart, Rob has to finish school, first."

I couldn't believe what I just did, but didn't regret anything that transpired.

"Rob, do you want to spend the night?"

"You don't have to ask me twice."

Cuddling most of the night, we did make love, slow and very sensuous.

Just as we were going to get out of bed, we heard Jill knocking on the door.

Realizing we didn't have any clothes on, we quickly threw some clothes on, and let her jump on the bed.

"Can I call you daddy even before you guys get mawwied."

"Yes, my precious little girl."

After lunch, as I was preparing to leave, with both of us telling our parents, I noticed a very large luxury sedan in front of her house.

As I start walking out to my car, this older man gets out and starts yelling for me to leave his grandkids alone.

"And just who might you be?"

"I'm their grandfather, Dr. Rosenberg."

"Well, Doctor, in about five or six months, I'm going to be their step-father."

"Over my dead body, you impudent shit."

"Be careful what you wish for, and I see where your asshole son gets his endearing personality. And that's not a compliment. Ask him what relationship my father has with him?"

"Who gives a shit who your old man is?"

"Kevin O'Leary, Under Sheriff of King County."

Seeing his neck turn bright red, with veins sticking out, I just couldn't resist my next comment.

"Careful, you fucking quack, or you might have a stroke, right here."

Watching him turn and get back into his car, I hoped this would be the last I'd have to deal with this pompous jerk.

Moving back into my dorm room, I was very ready to get my classes started.

Over the phone, each night, we discussed all the little things necessary for our upcoming wedding.

The remaining things would be discussed over my Thanksgiving break.

Getting together with both sets of parents, plus the Grossman's Rabbi, to make some final decisions.

After talking about all the rituals involved, Rabbi Rose looked me in the eye and said, "you know I'm going to have to prick you with a pin?"

"Do I dare ask why?"

"The alternative is having our Mohel (pronouced moyel, the man who performs ritual circumcisions) perform The Bris."

"Cindy, you told them!?"

"Its a must, sweetheart. So I'm guessing you're choosing the pin prick."

I was so embarrassed, I could hardly speak. Here my future in-laws were learning a fact no couple should know about their son-in-law.

I then thought, they already would have known if I were Jewish.

When I looked over at my dad, I thought he was going to burst out laughing, but held his composure.

"Rabbi, Arthur and Ellen, would it be possible if we asked our priest to attend, but stay in the background?"

"By all means, Robert already asked, and since Father O'Brian and I know each other, we're fine."

Our Thanksgiving couldn't have gone any better.

My parents fell in love with my soon to be step-kids, but still hinted at us adding to the family.

Going back to school for my last two weeks was pure torture.

I knew I had to ace my finals, but with my pending wedding it proved to be extremely difficult.

I was in a constant state of horniness, hoping my bulging pants wouldn't give me away.

I couldn't talk all day with my love, with her teaching, and me in my classes.

The morning of my last final, I woke up to find a text on my phone.

When I clicked on it I found a short video that Cindy sent me.

It was a close-up of her neatly trimmed pussy, with two fingers inserted as far as they could go. That, along with the accompanied moaning sent me rushing to my bathroom, jerking off for the first time in years.

At least I knew that release would hold me over until I returned home, that afternoon.

As I was driving home, my phone rang, and when I answered all I heard was a classroom of fourth graders singing the song When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, first published in 1912.

At the end of their singing, I heard my fiance saying they'd practiced all week, and her class all wanted to meet me before they had their Christmas break.

God, I was in love with this amazing woman.

Getting all my things unloaded from my car, with some of them being left at my parent's house, I sped over to what was now our condo, putting my clothes anywhere I could find room, and making the mad dash to Cindy's school.

With this day being the last before Christmas break, I knew I wouldn't be interrupting much schoolwork, so I just quietly opened the door.

Seeing my wife to be, in person was all I needed.

"Class, this is Mr. O'Leary, who will be starting teaching at Liberty High School, next month."

Yes, I'd been offered a temporary position teaching American History at this school, with the very high probability of the job becoming permanent the following school year.

What made my day was when this little boy, who was by far the smallest fourth grader in the school, walked up to me and told me I'd better treat their teacher like a queen, if I knew what was good for me.

I assured the entire class that I knew I was the luckiest man in the world.

It was all I could do to stop myself from giving this class of nine and ten year olds their first sex-ed lesson. I just settled on a quick peck on her cheek.

Bringing her, or should I start saying our kids home from their pre-school, we started the process of becoming a family.

Yes, both kids had seen me stay overnight, more that a few times, but they both knew this was going to be permanent.

The one thing Cindy had started was to have her school's speech teacher work with Jill at least once a week to work on her 'R's'

Talking at dinner both kids let me know they had told their classmates all about mommy getting married, as soon as summer break started.

We set a date for late June, with Rabbi Rose officiating.

I had long ago decided my seventeen year old brother would be my best man, plus a few of my very good friends, plus a very close cousin of Cindy's would be my groomsmen.

Cindy had another close cousin for her matron of honor, plus several friends for her bridesmaids.

At our rehearsal dinner, my little brother seemed smitten with the youngest bridesmaid, who was either twenty-two or twenty-three.

He just sort of sat and stared at her. Each time she looked at him, he seemed to blush more and more with each glance.

Anything more to that is entirely a story for a different time.

On a bright, sunny Sunday afternoon, with family and friends gathered, one of the more unlikely couples became man and wife.