Finding a New Friend


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Both sets of parents were beaming. All of the relatives were beaming, too.

Now this fact might not come as a surprise. Not one member of the Rosenberg family was in attendance.

Cindy and I just couldn't have been happier. I managed to get through all the rituals that were part of the Jewish tradition. Cindy and her father helped me master the few words of Hebrew I managed to learn.

We knew that there wasn't going to be any honeymoon, but were hoping for one the following summer.

The Grossman's kept our kids overnight, so we could do what most newlyweds do on their wedding night.

And, boy, did we do just that.

In every conceivable position. We were both so overstimulated we didn't really fall asleep until nearly four in the morning.

Waking up, I realized my wife had my cock entirely down her throat. Damn, but that felt good. Almost as good as her dripping wet pussy felt in my face, with my tongue lapping up as much of her sex juices as humanly possible.

Dragging ourselves back into the shower, we each soaped the other with as much love as we could share.

Laying back in bed, we laid in each other's arms, talking about how we hoped our lives would move forward as one.

We talked about the possibility of adding a child, or two, but waiting a while to get our new family dynamic up and running.

When my in-laws called close to noon, asking us to come over for lunch, we couldn't resist.

Over the summer, with both of us working at the same camp where we met, it became very obvious that we were married.

As a married couple, we still didn't overdo the public displays of affection. But we didn't hide the fact, either.

As school was going to start, with Michael going to kindergarten, and Jill in preschool, and both of us with full-time positions, we were enjoying every facit of married life.

As summer was turning to fall, and our sex life was hotter than ever, we sat down and started to discuss the possibility of adding to our family.

"You know, Rob, that if we start now, and are successful, our baby would be born in summertime, with me missing just a minimum of teaching time."

"You have that all figured out, don't you?"

"Uh hum."

"Are you absolutely positive we should enlarge our family?"

"Yes, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes, even though I consider our two as mine, I really think I'd like at least one more."

Birth control stopped, and our sex life shifted into a higher gear, if that was possible.

Nothing was off the table. Well, we had long since decided that the back door was off limits.

Other than that, we were as active as could be. Before work. After work. In the middle of the night, if we found ourselves awake. We certainly didn't lack for trying.

Even with a first missed period, we didn't rush off to her doctor.

But, after a second missed period, off we went at breakneck speed.

A week before Christmas, we did find out our family was going to get larger. By two! Yes, we were going to have twins. And no, we didn't want to know their sex.

Hearing Cindy explain naming children after deceased relatives gave us ample names to choose from. Since we had about six to seven months to decide, we weren't in any real hurry.

Both sets of parents were overjoyed to hear our news.

My mother started to offer her assistance, when she remembered this wouldn't be her first birth. She still offered any help, if asked.

At the end of her fifth month, and starting to complain how large she was getting, we met with both sets of parents to discuss possible names.

While Cindy's folks talked about some of their relatives, my mom asked if we could consider a cousin of hers, who had appeared in quite a few movies, on both sides of the Atlantic.

"Have we heard of this actress?" my mother-in-law asked.

"Her name is Ione Skye, and she has made more than a few movies."

When both my in-laws looked a little dumbfounded, I spoke up, saying they might have heard of her singer/songwriter father.

"He sings under just his first name, that's Donovan. His last name is Leitch, which is my mom's maiden name."

For the uninformed, Donovan has had many hits in the 60's and 70's. Mellow Yellow. Hurdy-Gurdy Man. Atlantis. Plus many others.

We did narrow down our names, both for two boys, two girls, or one of each.

All during this pregnancy, Michael seemed not to be excited at any of the commotion going on.

But Jill was right by mommy's side for the entire time.

"Mommy, what's going on, now?" she would ask at least twice a week.

My wife would sit her down, and with a very well done book, that would explain each change. After a few months, Michael started taking some interest, too.

As her tummy grew, our sex life shrank. I wasn't upset, as I would put my ear to her expanding belly, and listen for any sounds.

Every so often, into her seventh month, I would be rewarded with a little kick.

About the only thing that began to bother me, was the declining time the two older kids were spending with Doctor Dickhead. And, yes, it was Dickhead's idea.

Either he was too busy. Or at a very important meeting, but he seemed not to excited to have his two kids around him.

I definitely made up for his lack of fatherly duties, by making sure they both knew how much they were loved.

With three weeks left in the school year, Cindy was told at her appointment, to go straight to the birthing center, as she was starting to have major contractions.

I was right by her side, getting prepped, and following the gurney into the delivery room.

I had texted both sets of parents what was happening, keeping them informed

Just over an hour later, Rachel O'Leary made her appearance. Just over four and a half pounds, with a minimum of light brown peach fuzz on her head, looking very much like daddy.

Four minutes later Donald O'Leary followed, weighing in three ounces larger than his older sister. Nearly the same hair and eyes, and blessed with the same set of lungs as his sister.

Getting my very tired wife cleaned up, and letting us hold them both, before setting them into their incubators, we just stared at our two miracles.

Nearly an hour after getting into our room, my in-laws brought the older kids, who were both more that a little excited to see their new siblings.

Michael went up to each little incubator and said hello, but when Jill went to her new sister and said, "hello Rachel" I was so very impressed how well she was doing with her speech teacher.

Both of us were literally exhausted. Cindy from giving birth, and me from being on edge these past few days.

Before my in-laws left, Arthur let me know that in eight days, Donald would have the joy of entering the Jewish community with his 'snip'.

"Do I have to watch?" I cringed.

"It's not mandatory, and I don't think Donald will hold it against you, if you close your eyes. Oh, your father can help me hold him, if he wants."

"I think he'll pass, too."

Just then my parents arrived, and just stood staring at both little ones, who were sleeping in their little cocoons.

"Enjoy this while you can, because these quiet times will be few and far between for the next several years," mom said, with a laugh.

With our twins being so small, they were kept in the neonatal unit an extra three days.

Each morning all four of us would go to the hospital, gown up, and sit and hold our treasures.

Both of the older two would just sit and admire their new siblings, while mommy got the joy of feeding each one. I'd hold the one just having been fed, while the other would bond with mommy.

Both Rachel and Donald were doing so well, we were able to take them home earlier on their third day than originally thought.

It must have been the third or fourth morning at home, when Jill, who had been showing her dolls to Rachel each day asked, "can Donald play dress up with us when he gets bigger?"

"All of you can play anything you want to," I answered.

On Donald's eighth day, the families were assembled for his big day. True to form, every member of my Irish Catholic family had their eyes closed as tightly as possible as our little boy was welcomed into the Jewish community.

All summer long, we got our routine in place. Both older kids knew that nap time for the twins, was quiet time for them.

Quiet being a relative term, with a very active six year old, and another very active four year old.

If any of you readers think that little girls are quieter than their brothers, you've got another thing coming.

The entire school year, with Cindy just doing some substituting, we were running like a well oiled machine.

Just a little before Christmas, I learned all about the holiday of Chanukah. The festival of lights. Both of the older kids knew about it, so they got the added holiday of Christmas.

With our school year nearing its end, my parents came over one night, saying they wanted to see their grandchildren.

After putting the little ones down, and the two older ones quietly playing, dad started by asking if we thought about a vacation.

"Not really, dad, maybe next year, when we can better afford one."

"Have I told you about my friend, who owns some property in and around the city of Seaside, Oregon?"

"Yes. And?"

"He told me he has a fairly large house a couple of blocks from the ocean, that he will let all of you use up to ten days, free of charge. All you have to do is supply your own food, and leave the place clean?"


Dad just nodded, grinning like the cat who caught the canary.

He told us the dates this four bedroom house was available, so Cindy and I just couldn't contain our happiness.

We started thinking all of the things we would need, knowing that our full sized van had enough room, and with the twins both just starting to walk, this could be a trip of a lifetime.

It took a few days to get all the necessary clothes, toys and the portable beds for the twins together, and carefully packing our van, we were off, for our eight or nine day vacation.

Luckily, the kids slept most of the way, except for stopping for lunch, and a well needed rest break.

Arriving at this house, it took us nearly an hour to unload four children, plus all the necessary things we had packed into our van.

Mommy kept the twins occupied, while Michael and I emptied everything out of our vehicle.

I couldn't believe how much stuff was needed for our family to travel just the two hundred miles, or so, it took from our home to this vacation spot.

As soon as we got organized, we put the twins in our double stroller, and off we went to walk to the shore of the Pacific Ocean.

We realized that we weren't the only family doing exactly the same thing, so we stopped, and let our kids play in the sand.

With Rachel and Donald just starting to walk, we made sure to keep a very close eye on them, as the older two quickly found their pails and shovels and were digging in the sand, having the time of their lives.

Casually strolling back to our house, we were just basking in our good fortune.

Having my dad knowing the man who was giving us his rental house for a week. Having four of the nicest kids anyone could ever hope for. Plus Cindy and I finding each other in the most unlikely of places.

Our vacation couldn't have gone better. With all the outdoor exercise our kids got, each day, there was nap time. As all four would nap, mom and dad would quickly take advantage of the quiet time and renew our love for each other.

We had long since decided that four kids was our maximum, we didn't lack for practicing.

We made good use of the master bedroom being set off from the kid's rooms, allowing us the needed privacy for our lovemaking.

All too soon, we were back on the road heading back home. The return trip was sort of sad, knowing we might not be able to do this again, for quite a while.

Not long after our return, we got a visit from Doctor Dickhead, who wanted to take the older two on a vacation to Mexico with his twenty something new girlfriend.

The dates he gave us ran into the start of school, so we had this bone of contention to deal with.

The evening after he told us of his plan, Michael came to us, crying, that he didn't want to go.

When we asked him why not, he told us his dad's lady friend had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with 'two rugrats' as she called them.

When Cindy and I confronted both of them, we asked what were they planning to do with these two children while they were out partying all night.

When their answers just struck a wrong chord, we put out foot down and told them they weren't going. End of story.

With the two older kids seeing less and less of their father, we just wouldn't force any get-togethers, that seemed to be fewer and farther between.

As our blended family grew closer and closer, it became evident they wanted as little to do with 'dad' as I became 'daddy' in all aspects of their lives.

With both of us teaching full time, now, and the twins becoming world class trouble makers, just kidding, we never even gave it a second thought calling all four children my kids.

As the time passed, the older two saw less and less of any member of the Rosenberg family.

Both Mike, as he wanted to be called, and Jill became the absolute best big brother and big sister anyone could wish for.

With the O'Leary family and the Grossman family, all four kids had loving and caring grandparents.

As Rachel and Donnie grew, all four kids became more than just family. They became best friends.

Oh, yes, both Jill and Rachel had both of their brothers playing with dolls, and the boys always included their sisters in playing catch with any ball within reach.

Were we the perfect couple? Not really. We did have an argument or two, which we were quick to solve.

Our kids were simply delights to be around. All four could play by themselves, or as a group of four.

Anything any of them ever did was met with support from both of us.

Did the kids have arguments? Of course they did. Show me a group of four siblings who never argue, and I'll tell you it's impossible.

Laying in bed one night, I looked over at my wife, with that 'just fucked' look on her face, and told her how lucky I was to take those sunglasses off her face, all those months ago.

There you have it, my loyal readers, a story of true love.

At least thats what we discovered, as out one year anniversary.

Life is definitely good in the O'Leary household. Four loving children. Plus a husband and wife, as different as they come.

Like Bobby Rydell sang, 'We Got Love."

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DeLord12804DeLord128048 months ago

This was a fun read. "Doctor Dickhead" made me choke on a half swallowed mouthful of coffee, at least my laptop was still dry after I regained my shattered composure. Thanks again for entertainment that requires no TV.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeff8 months agoAuthor

I guess I need to remind all who read this story that it is PURE FICTION. If I get to take twin children home from the hospital on their 3rd or 4th day, its my story.

Tx77TumbleweedTx77Tumbleweed8 months ago

Pleasant read. 5 stars

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc9 months ago

Little too much narrative driven for a perfect score but an entertaining read. Only complaint was how quick the twins came home being premature and only 4 lbs. 3.8*

RRC2RRC29 months ago

Another winner from Jeff

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