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"The nearest hospital is over forty-five miles away. It's just a broken nose."

"And maybe a concussion."

"I'm feeling better already. Let's get the bill and get out of here."

Lisa decided she couldn't wait to tell Anthony about the threatening message. "You need to hear this first. The man who attacked you sat right there and threatened our lives if you continue to say Ted's disappearance wasn't an accident."


"He sat right there," she pointed across the booth, "and told me he knew you told the Marshall that Ted's message couldn't have come from Ted. He said if you don't forget about it, he'll come after you and me. He knew our names and even knew I went to school at Stanford."

"Let's get out of here. I'll call my mother."

"What are you going to do about your nose?"

"Dad told me when he wrestled at Penn State that one of his teammates broke his nose during an important meet. The guy had Dad bend his nose back, put a cotton ball in each nostril, then went out and finished the match. Dad said the guy still won." Anthony got up and headed back to the restroom.

Lisa gave him a look before talking to his back, "You macho men are all crazy!" But deep down, she was glad to have a guy who could take a punch without whining.

While Anthony was in the restroom Lisa paid the bill and asked the waitress for a takeout bag. Anthony returned to the table in time to see Lisa place one of the glasses in the takeout bag.

"What are you doing?"

Lisa almost laughed when she saw Anthony standing there with a wad of toilet paper shoved up each nostril, but she held it in. "The guy moved your water glass when he sat down. Maybe he left a fingerprint so the Marshall can find out who he is."

Anthony shook his head in wonder. "How come everyone I love is a detective? Damn, you are smart." Lisa smiled at the compliment. Before leaving, Anthony asked the waitress and the bartender if they knew the name of the man who had sat at their table. Both claimed to have seen him before, but he wasn't a regular and never struck up a conversation with anyone else. He would have a few drinks, sometimes a burger, but always paid cash.

As they walked out of the BB&B, they stopped to look both ways and kept their eyes open as they approached the pickup. "You know, this is going to give your father one more reason why you shouldn't be with me."

Lisa looked worried. "I thought of that. Let's see what your mother has to say before we get my dad involved."

Anthony wasn't certain this was the smartest move but decided this wasn't the time to argue the point. They kept alert on the way back to cabin.

"Why aren't we going to the Marshall?"

Anthony answered, "Because right now I don't trust him. How did this man know what I told the Marshall about Ted's text? Let's wait and see what Mom thinks."

As they pulled into his driveway, Anthony had a funny feeling. He stopped the truck, put it in reverse and started back toward town.

"What are you doing? Where are we going?" Lisa asked with some alarm in her voice.

"We'll get a room in town. The cabin is too isolated. This guy must know where I live if he knows so much about us. It's less likely he'll break into a motel room in town."

"You're scaring me Anthony."

"Let's get to a safe space and call my folks. They'll know what to do."

Since it was the start of the off season and hunting season was still a few weeks away, they didn't have any trouble getting a room at the motel in the center of town. On the way to the motel, Anthony stopped by the Ranger Station and grabbed two cans of bear spray. Back in the car he showed Lisa how to use the spray.

"Now you're really scaring me." Is all she said on the way to the motel.

As soon as they checked into their room, they called Karin. Karin put her phone on 'speaker' to let Bill listen in. Anthony explained to his parents what happened at the BB&B, including the shove into the bathroom wall that resulted in his broken nose and their reason for not calling the Marshall.

"Where are you right now?" Karin asked.

"We got a room in town. I thought the cabin was too isolated."

Bill and Karin exchanged a brief smile before Bill spoke for the first time. "Good thinking son. We're on our way. You and Lisa stay in the room until we get there. It shouldn't be more than eight hours. Are your phones charged?"

"Yeah, Dad. Are you sure you want to drive tonight?"

"Don't worry about us. You just stay safe 'til we're there."

Everyone including Lisa exchanged, "I love you" and the call ended. Lisa watched Anthony wedge the desk chair under the doorknob. She was still scared, but happy she was with Anthony. Just like that night in downtown Portland last year when they were approached by a couple of street toughs, Anthony kept his cool and seemed to know what to do. The young man was mature beyond his years and it was one more reason why she loved him.


After the call ended, Bill asked Karin to pack an overnight bag for each of them while he put what they'd need in the SUV for the journey -- water, snack bars and a thermos of coffee. The SUV was ready by the time Karin came down with the two bags.

Bill took the bags and set them on the back seat. "Are you bringing the nine-millimeter?"

"Yes, better safe than sorry until we know what we're up against here."

"Let's go then. I'll drive and you sleep. One of us needs to be fresh in the morning."

Karin didn't argue, Bill made sense. With Karin strapped in, Bill pulled out of the garage and headed to I-5 for the long trip up north. By the time they reached the freeway, Karin had the seat back reclined and was asleep.


As much as they wanted to sleep naked in each other's arms, Anthony and Lisa kept their underwear on as they laid in bed. They talked for a while until Anthony saw it was eleven. Anthony noticed Lisa was about to nod off, he whispered in her ear. "Sorry for how tonight turned out."

Half asleep, Lisa answered in a low tone. "Don't ever apologize to me unless you do something wrong, Mr. Roland. You have nothing to apologize for."

Anthony kissed her forehead. "Thanks -- now go to sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day."

It was two-thirty when Lisa opened her eyes. The room was pitch black and she was alone in the bed. Something had woken her up. "Anthony?"


Lisa's reached for her glasses on the nightstand and focused. Anthony was sitting by the window with the curtains cracked only an inch or two. Lisa crept over to where he was sitting and looked through the crack into the ink black night.

"Did you hear something?" she whispered. She noticed he held one of the canisters of bear spray in his right hand.

"I thought I did. Now I'm not so sure." Just as the words left his lips, a shadow crossed his field of vision, followed by a second shadow.

"Son of a bitch!" He almost laughed as he said it. Two deer, a doe and a fawn, walked past the window, on their way to the river. Anthony rose from the chair and gave Lisa a tight hug. "Let's go back to sleep."

Lisa face snuggled into his chest, then she looked into his eyes. "Fat chance of that for a while! My heart is beating like a rabbit's."

"Okay, we'll lie in bed, try to relax." Within fifteen minutes, an exhausted Anthony fell asleep. Lisa quietly rose out of bed and sat by the window, watching and waiting. That's how Anthony found his sleeping girlfriend the next morning when he woke to his cellphone alarm at six.

Chapter Seven

Less than an hour later Bill pulled into the tourist town just as the sun was coming up. The GPS led him straight to the motel. Karin had been awake since six, was on her second cup of coffee from the thermos and had already texted Anthony to make certain the kids were safe. Karin felt rested, having slept most of the trip, only waking up at three when Bill pulled into a truck stop to stretch, relieve himself and fill the tank and thermos. They already discussed what their plans for the day would be.

While Bill grabbed an hour nap in the hotel room, Karin took the kids to Anthony's boss to explain why he wouldn't be able to finish out the season. Between the broken nose, the possible concussion - Anthony was still playing down how bad he was stunned by the blow to his head - and the implied death threat, Bill and Karin thought it best Anthony leave town immediately. On the way to Larry Page's house, Anthony called his landlord to arrange to meet her at the cabin later that morning.

Karin and Lisa waited out in the car while Anthony knocked on Larry's door. Larry answered the door in his robe and his eyes registered the surprise at seeing the young man with two black eyes and a bruised nose standing in front of him.

"Anthony, what happened?"

Anthony gave Larry the rundown on everything that happened the previous evening -- the assault in the bathroom, the threat on Lisa's life, including the man's knowledge of where she went to school, that the man knew everything he told the Marshall. Anthony told Larry that his parents were advising him to leave town immediately considering no one in the bar knew the name of the man.

Larry was initially upset until he gave it some thought, he had to agree that Anthony's life may be in danger. Despite the adverse effect it would have on what needed to be accomplished over the next two weeks, Larry wished Anthony goodbye and good luck, telling him to be careful and offering him another internship next summer.


After picking up Bill at the motel, all four drove out to Anthony's place to load up the few belongings he had there -- some books, clothes and outdoor gear. It didn't take more than an hour to get it all packed in the back of Anthony's truck. The landlord came by and Anthony explained the situation. The landlord was already aware Ted was missing and agreed to leave everything until the end of the month or until someone from his family came to collect it.

As they finished loading, Karin asked Anthony again, "What about the Marshall? Do we stop at his office and tell him what happened last night?"

Anthony answered, pleased his mother was asking his opinion. "I'd rather not. Like I said last night, there's always been whisperings at the ranger station that something's wrong at the Marshall's office. Then last night, this guy knew everything I told the Marshall when he threatened Lisa. Something is definitely wrong there."

Karin nodded in agreement. "Okay, I'll hold off until we get more information. Hopefully the prints on the bottle will give me a place to start."

Karin's statement caught everyone's attention. "What are you thinking Mom?"

Karin's voice was grim. "Nobody threatens my babies." Karin hugged Lisa as she said it, Lisa nearly broke out in tears at the gesture. Karin had always been kind to her, but this was the first time she referred to her as one of her children.

The three-vehicle caravan made its way south to Portland, Lisa riding in Anthony's truck while Bill drove her car. They decided to wait until the next day before Lisa returned home, her parents weren't expecting her until Sunday evening. Karin spent Sunday afternoon lifting the prints from the bottle and contacting her former partner in the New York investigators' office, Hank Price. Hank would use his contacts to run the prints. Her former partner was upset when he heard that his godson's life had been threatened; he'd do all he could to assist.


No one could have predicted the fallout when the Roland family accompanied Lisa to her home and explained the events of Friday evening. Lisa's father began berating Anthony for putting his daughter in danger.

It was too much for Bill Roland. The usually mild-mannered six foot-five man stood toe to toe with Mr. Collins and, looking down on the man, he let him have it.

"Listen asshole; I don't know what your problem is with my son, but he's a good man and he's always treated your daughter with respect -- which is more than I can say about how you've treated him. Anthony went to the police because he thought it was the right thing to do and if you disagree with that, then you're a bigger coward than I thought."

Collins stood there, his mouth practically open. No one had ever talked to the high-priced lawyer in this way. He had to admit to himself that he was more than a little intimidated by the huge man standing in front of him. Before he knew what to say, Bill continued. "I'll tell you this -- nobody threatens my family. Karin and I have already discussed it. She's heading back to Wolford and she'll find out what going on."

Karin, Anthony and Bill turned to leave. Both Karin and Anthony did their best to hide the smiles on their faces, having witnessed one of the rare moments when Bill lost his cool. Mrs. Collins walked the Rolands to the front door and apologized for her husband's behavior.

After the Rolands left, Lisa's parents began to argue. Gary Collins was livid. "Can you believe that? He comes into my house and insults me?"

Beth Collins had enough and couldn't hold it in any longer. "What did you expect? Did you think Bill and Karin were a couple of peons like your staff at the law firm? That they'd let you insult their son and get away with it?"

Gary stood there, he couldn't believe his ears. Who was this woman? "What are you talking about, Beth? Whose side are you on?"

"Lisa's. I made the mistake of backing you up when you made them break up last Christmas. Lisa loves Anthony and Anthony loves Lisa. There are a lot of frogs out there; Lisa is one of the rare lucky ones because she picked a prince without kissing all the damn frogs to find him."

"They're too young to know what love is."

Beth wasn't about to back down, she was on a roll. "Love? What do you know about love? Were you in love when you were screwing your admin the first four years of Lisa's life? I don't know how many bimbos there were since then, but I'd bet money there were quite a few because I know there was more than one. I only stuck around because I had a toddler and knew you'd leave us high and dry if I divorced you. Just like your partner Hap did when he divorced Lucy.

"I stuck around because I thought it was the best option for Lisa. What a fool I was to waste my life waiting for you to realize what you had at home. I almost had an affair with a guy at work but decided two wrongs don't make a right."

"Are you saying I was a bad father? I gave that girl everything!"

Beth wasn't buying the Kool-Aid. "Everything but spend time with her. Should I call Lisa downstairs and ask how many of her soccer and softball games you made it to when she was in high school? Maybe twenty?"

"I was busy making a living!"

"Bullshit. If you spent a tenth of the time with your daughter as you do with your bimbos, I'd be amazed."

Gary was stunned. How much did she know?

Before the week was out, Beth had Gary served with divorce papers. It seemed Gary's attack on Anthony was the straw that broke the camel's back. Six months later, Beth was forty-four, single and happy. She was a beautiful woman with many years of life ahead. She wouldn't be lonely nor broke since her attorney was able to squeeze a nice settlement out of Gary's attorney. Half their assets, maintenance for six years and Lisa's college tuition through grad school. Gary got to keep his bimbos and Beth kept a little of her dignity after years of trying to make a bad marriage better.

Chapter Eight

Karin pulled up to the PDX airport terminal just as April Coons walked out the doors. Karin stepped out of the Expedition and waved April over. They gave each other a quick hug, placed April's bag in the back and started the journey north.

Karin was finally able to ask the question that had been bugging her for the past twelve hours. "I don't understand why Hank insisted you come with me, what's this all about?"

April looked at the woman she considered her chief rival for Hank's affection. "Hank has been worried about you ever since the incident in your office with Jesse Clarke. He thinks you take too many chances."

"Who is he to talk? Or you for that matter?"

April smiled at Karin's retort. It was true, all three of them spent too many of their nine lives already. She decided to come right out with it. "Hank asked me to marry him. We both want children before I'm too old."

Karin took her eyes off the road and stared at April, who was waiting to hear Karin's reaction. Karin squeezed April's left hand and noticed there wasn't a ring on it. "That's wonderful, and it's about time, you two."

"I haven't said yes - yet."

This surprised Karin, Hank and April have been living together for almost three years and seemed to be in love and compatible. "Why not?"

"Because I've always worried that if your husband wasn't around, that Hank would leave me for you in a second."

Karin was beside herself, April Coons was one of the toughest women she knew. Karin held back from telling April she was being ridiculous, the male part of Karin's persona, telling a woman how she should feel. Instead, she answered April as a woman and a friend.

"Hank does love me, it's true, but as a friend, like a sister even, but not a lover." She squeezed April's hand tighter, keeping her eyes on the highway. "We had a short affair twenty-some years ago when we were both single, but even during those five months of intimacy, we never fooled ourselves, we never exchanged words of love. Yes, we had a child together because the diaphragm slipped and we've been close because of Hannah. I can honestly say we've never crossed a line since I married Bill, even during the years we partnered in our detective agency. The love Hank feels for you is how Bill loves me. Tell Hank 'Yes' April and you'll never regret it."

April felt comfort in Karin's words. Deep down she felt it was true and it helped to hear Karin confirm it.

"There's one more thing that I'm worried about, it's irrational I know." she paused before continuing and Karin sat in silence waiting for what's next.

April took a breath before continuing, "I've killed a half dozen men and now I wonder if there's some crazy karma that will prevent me from having a healthy, happy, sane child."

"You're right, that is irrational, but I understand it, it comes with the territory in our profession. I dealt with the same thing when Bill was fighting cancer -- was Bill being taken from me because of the men I've killed? But I got help. I'll give you Dr. Larsen's number later, she helped me through it. I'm certain she can help with your fears. You and Hank deserve this, don't let it pass you by."

April held Karin's right hand with both her hands. "Thank you."

Another half hour passed with neither woman talking. Karin broke the silence. "Now, tell me why Hank's concerned enough to send his fiancée out west."

"The prints off the glass came back. The man who attacked Anthony and threatened his girlfriend is Alex Crawford, a retired Army NCO who currently works for Clayton Industries, specifically as James Perrison's personal security. He has a nasty reputation for violence."

"That doesn't explain Ted Harris' disappearance."

"Then maybe this will. Hank had Singh hack Harris' cloud account. There were photos of some incriminating documents taken on the night he disappeared."

Karin heard the name 'Singh' before, the Price Investigations' 'Resident Einstein'. Jefferson Singh is half Black-half Sikh; his parents' marriage didn't make either family happy, even after they named their first-born son after his maternal grandfather.

"Any chance Ted went into hiding?" Karin asked, knowing it was a long shot, but she had to ask anyway.

April busted that bubble. "Unlikely. Harris doesn't have the knowledge or resources to fall off the grid. There hasn't been any activity on his financial accounts or his cloud account since the night he disappeared. Hank figures Crawford got to him at Perrison's request."
