First Blush Ch. 04


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The only high points of my week were talking to, and emailing Eli.

Then finally, it was the weekend.

I had reservations for dinner, and then plans to take him to a movie. When he arrived at my place he was so enthusiastic and eager. He gave me a big hug and peppered my face and neck with kisses. My plans immediately went out the window. I lead him to the bedroom and got him naked in record time.

I didn't even take off any of my clothes. I pushed him down on the bed, and held his wrists down while I plundered his mouth. Then I kissed him all over, biting the sensitive place where his neck met his shoulder. I lavished his nipples, which made him arch up into me. I worked my way down, marveling at how clean, and smooth, and fresh, and wonderful the skin on his belly was. I nipped at his hip, slid my hands up his thighs, and then I was there. I stood up his hard column and sucked it into my mouth, and the combination groan sigh he made was music to my ears.

I forced myself to start slowly, despite the fact that I was so hungry for him, I wanted to hurry, hurry. I used my mouth and hand, brought him to the edge, slowed down, brought him to the edge again, over and over until he was pleading.

It was so good, so simple, so hot.

"You're delicious," I said.

In a quick move I flipped him over onto his hands and knees. I got what I needed from the nightstand, and prepared him for me. I rolled the condom on my cock and paused, slid one hand over his low back as he arched slightly. I marveled again at how smooth and creamy and young his skin was.

"You're so beautiful, Eli," I whispered. And then I pushed into him. Very slowly, watching our bodies join, feeling like a deep possession was struck as he cursed on an exhale.

"Feels. So. Good." He said.

Once I was fully seated in him to the hilt I paused, letting him adjust.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," he breathed.

And then I started pounding, relentless. Once I started, I just went harder and harder, faster and faster; it was like I couldn't stop. I reached around and grabbed his hardness, stroking him in time with my hammering, until I heard him cry out and stiffen and squeeze around me.

"Greg!" he screamed, and his voice was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. My toes were on fire, and then my legs, and my entire body quaked as I pounded into him one last time, my vision exploding in white light, as I collapsed on top of him.

My panting sounded so loud.

I rolled us onto our sides, still joined for a second. He started laughing hysterically.

"It's not right that it should feel that good," he said. "That's just... you're the physics guy, you understand the universe, but that's not normal, right?"

Now I chuckled. "No baby, it's not. It's exceptional."

"I thought so," he said. "Not that I have any frame of reference. But there's no way the world could function if everyone's mind gets blown that hugely. I don't think I can stand."

"Well the good thing, baby, is you don't have to. You probably shouldn't say things like that though. You'll inflate my ego."

"I don't care," Eli said. "You're probably the best lover in the whole world. You deserve an inflated ego."

I laughed. I pulled him to me so we were spooned together, making sure he had enough pillow tucked under his head.

"You want to rest for a little bit?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"I'll feed you in a little bit," I said.

"That would be great. I'm famished."

"You're always famished," I said.

He shrugged. "What can I say? High metabolism."

I smiled. It suited me; I liked feeding him. It felt like providing for him, every way I could do that pleased me.

"Rest, baby," I said.


I woke up with someone softly kissing my neck. Eli.

Tons of little butterfly kisses, getting firmer. Then he jumped on me. I rolled over on him and pinned him down. He was smiling.

"Am I allowed to do that?" he asked.

I ground my morning wood into him. "Do what? Wake me up with kisses? You bet."

"Initiate," he said.

"Oh," I said. "Is that what that was?"

He blushed. God, I will never get over loving how easily he blushes.

"Yeah, that's what that was. I've been awake for like, 15 minutes, but it seemed like 15 hours, and you looked so good just sleeping there, and I wanted you—"

"Show me," I said, and rolled off him.


"Show. Me." I growled. I threw the sheets and blankets off the bed. Eli was just wearing a pair of my shorts. I took his hand and put it over his slightly growing bulge.

I moved his forearm for him a little bit. "Take your shorts off, E."

He looked at me, with a delicious combination of innocence, lust, and wonder. Like he couldn't believe I just said that, so it took him a minute to process, and as soon as he did, he scurried to follow my direction.

"Stroke yourself for me, Eli," I said. "Let me see how much you want me."

"I want you," he said.

"Then do it. Let me see."

He did. His head tilted back into the pillow, and his low back arched up, and his cock was completely hard and beautiful in a few strokes. I took one of his nipples and rubbed it between my fingers, and he moaned.

I thrust my hand into his hair, fisted a handful, and pulled gently, and his body jacked up hard while he moaned loudly.

"Don't come yet, baby," I said. The hair pull had almost put him over the edge. I'd have to remember that.

"Oh, God, Greg. I need you. Please, I need you," he said. "I'll do anything, please, Greg, please."

I leaned down until my mouth was at his ear. "Please, what, babe?"

"Please be inside me, Greg." His eyelids fluttered. "Please make love to me. Don't make me wait anymore, please, I'm begging you."

"Okay, okay, baby, don't worry," I said. "I'll take care of you."

I kissed him. I let all the hot, fierce need that had built in me from watching him, pour into the kiss. I broke away for a minute to get what I needed from the bedside dresser, and lined myself up with entrance.

I kissed him again, stroked his cock, let the urgency wash over me.

"Please!" Eli said again and I plunged into him.

His hands were on my hips and ass immediately, pulling me, begging me, urging me to pump right away. I felt triumphant; I wanted to laugh and roar and shout. But I just stared at him. He had his eyes closed and his head tipped back and his mouth open, and he looked like he was in the best place in the world. And maybe he was.

I let loose with my hips, driving into him, moving small circles with the in and out and side to side. The headboard banged against the wall as I increased the force of the rhythm, and I had a vague thought that I was denting the drywall, but who the fuck cared? This was Eli, I would fuck the bed through the wall and not stop if it would get him to look like that.

I wanted to palm him, but I needed both hands for leverage, the way I was going.

"Do it for me, baby," I said. "Come for me, Eli. Show me. Explode."

And he did. No sooner had I finished the word explode then I felt his release between us, and with a huge shout, and the universe expanding, I followed a second after.

"Now that's the way to wake up," I said at the same time he said,

"I guess it's okay then if I initiate sometimes."

"Initiate anytime you want, Blushes. I like knowing you want me as much as I want you. Because I do want you, I want you big time."

He smiled at that, a pure, huge smile.

"I love your smile," I said.

He blushed and looked down.

"Come on, babe. Let's shower and clean up. I've got plans for today."

"Really? What?" He said, sounding like an eager puppy.

"You'll see," I said and slapped him on the butt as he ran for the shower. "Come on."

I took time washing his hair for him in the shower, and remembered how hot it was being under the water with him last weekend. I cleaned up quickly myself. I dried him off, glad that I sprung for the new fancy towels.

"All right baby," I said, and I went to fix him a big break breakfast. I made a stack of waffles, and eggs, and bacon, and gave him a bowl of cut berries. He put the eggs and bacon between two waffles and ate it like a sandwich, and then asked if he could have a bowl of ice cream to put on his next set of waffles for the berries.

I laughed silently, feeling my stomach move with my chortles. "The rest of those waffles were going to be for me," I said.

"Oh," he said, and blushed.

I got out some vanilla ice cream and gave him the rest of the waffles. I kissed the top of his head and went about making more batter.

Then I turned and saw how great he looked, enjoying his food. He had folded a waffle like a cone, scooped the ice cream inside, put the berries on top, and was licking and biting the thing.

Fuck more cooking.

I made a purring growl deep in my throat. I pulled out a chair, so hard it made a scraping noise, and sat down. Then I yanked him up and sat him down on my lap.

"That's better," I said.

He looked startled for a minute. I shifted him a little bit to make sure he was comfortable.

"Go ahead, baby," I said softly, "Finish your breakfast."

Eli smiled at me, shrugged, and then went back to eating his cone-like concoction.

I held my arms loosely around him and nuzzled my nose in his neck.

"You smell so good," I said.

"Whatever," he said. "It's your shampoo and soap."

"No baby, it's my shampoo and soap on you."

I nibbled gently at the sensitive skin between the base of his skull and the back of his ear. "You're what I want for breakfast."

His skin colored a little at that.

"But, we already missed the dinner and a movie I had planned for last night." I gave him a tap on the thigh. "Come on, E. Let's get going; I don't want to be late."

I watched him while we got dressed. Eli had his back toward me. He put on a T-shirt that fit him very nicely, in some medium shade that there was no way I could even guess at the color, and worn jeans, that also fit him nicely. I realized that I was ogling his ass, and that was not going to help us get out of the house. I put on black jeans and a white button-down shirt. I grabbed a hoodie for Eli, in case he got cold, and off we went.

When we were in the car Eli said, "My youngest brother, Joe, had an idea that we should see as many movies as we could with the word Dead in the title. So we watched Dead Poets Society, and Dead Man Walking, and Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Man's Chest."

I took my eyes off the road for a second to look at him. He was turned completely facing me in his seat, animated.

"Then we watched 'Shaun of the Dead'," Eli said.

"Mmn, that's a classic."

"And that turned into, how many zombie movies could we watch this week."

"Oh," I said.

"So I have a new genre I love. I saw Evil Dead, and Evil Dead 2, and Dead Snow, and—"

I started laughing. "I get it."

"Deadgirl, Braindead, Land of the Dead, Return of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead."

The more he went on, the funnier it got.

"Then World War Z. Did you see that?"

I shook my head.

"It was pretty good."

"Dude. You have too much time on your hands. You need a job."

"Yeah. Starting Wednesday, I'm working part-time at the community college near me cataloging back library inventory until the fall when I start that assistant position there."

"Did you think about what I said, about UW?"

He didn't answer so I had to glance over to see him shaking his head.

"What did you say?"

"Remember, last week, I said, that I know the math prof and I think she could use an upper level TA. I could put in a good word for you."

"Work at Washington? With you?"

He didn't make it sound good.

"I mean, you wouldn't be working with me, the math and physics departments are totally separate at UW. But yeah, where I work."

He was silent for a minute, and I wasn't sure how to interpret that. We were getting close to where we were going and I needed to pay attention to the roads, so I didn't want to keep glancing over at him.

"I mean, it would make it very convenient to meet up for lunch," I said.

"It's just...ah... I have a job. I'm going to be assistant TA-ing at Community in the fall."

I didn't say anything for a minute.

"I mean, obviously UW would be more prestigious," Eli said.

"And the pay would be higher," I said.

"I would probably have other opportunities there, like with new research, which I certainly wouldn't have where I am."

I took one hand off the wheel and caressed his thigh. "And you could tell me the summary of new Dead of the Deader-Dead over lunch."

I found the right marina and pulled in an empty slot.

"We're going to the beach?"

"Nope. Come on." I opened the car door for Eli. I checked my watch. "Come on." I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me until I found the boat. I dug the tickets that I'd printed out online out of my pocket.

I looked up and Eli was starting at the boat.

I put my mouth near his ear. "Wanna go on a romantic sunset dolphin watching cruise with me?"


"Let's go."

I ushered him up the ramp, and a spiffy-uniformed first mate took our tickets. "That's everybody," he called up and over his shoulder to someone we couldn't see as he locked a gate behind us.

"I've never been on one of these before," Eli said.

"Me neither. Let's walk around."

A pre-recorded overhead announcement started, which reminded me of the announcements on airplanes telling you how to fasten your seatbelt. I was half listening, but I could tell Eli was paying close attention as he looked around at the lifejackets, and other emergency features.

The boat had an upper deck, with a lot of lounge chairs jammed in close together and that seemed to be where everyone was. Eli and I found a pair of seats together in a corner, near a bulkhead.

"So do you want me to talk to her?" I asked, continuing the conversation from before.


"Jane, the math professor."

"I guess. I mean, that's a pretty long commute."

"Move up here," I said. "There are plenty places with cheap rent. You're already sharing with two guys there; you can't possibly have that much stuff. You could do the same thing here."

"I guess," he said. "The thing is, I would just want to make sure they found someone there so they weren't left high and dry."

I didn't tell him that I wanted him closer, or that it would be nice to see him more often. "You have to do what you think is right."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to her, forward a resume."


I kept my cool and nodded.

"I'm sure there's five times as many zombie fans in the math department up here," Eli said.

"Never want to underestimate that," I said.

The boat's motors were loud as we pushed away from shore. An announcement came overhead that a five-year-old passenger was going to pull today's horn cord, followed by the repeated low blast of the foghorn.

"Wanna pull the horn cord, Blushes?" I asked Eli, leaning over toward him.

"That's not what I want to pull on," he whispered back, and I laughed.

A female steward came around handing out bags of croutons. I let her give our bag to Eli.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"In a little bit, we'll come up near Cragg Island," she said. "You can feed all the birds there."

Soon after that the island came into view. A group of kids near us ran to the balcony and began throwing their bread in the air. A flock of seagulls swooped down and plucked all the pieces up.

As we got closer to the island we could see different birds, and they came by in groups to greet us and get fed.

"Those are tufted puffins," Eli said excitedly at as he fed three birds that looked like a cartoon combination of a penguin and a fruit cereal spokesman. All the rest of the birds sort of looked like flying ducks to me but Eli said. "There's the loons, spearwaters, coromants, and a heron and an egret over there." He pointed and I nodded.

After we passed the island, it was calm seas for a while. "Come on," I said. "There's a viewing window, I think, on the lowest level." I pulled Eli along, and we gathered around a bunch of people who were looking through the section where the boat had a glass bottom. Eli watched the schools of fish, and coral, and seaweeds with fascination, and I watched Eli.

After a bit, I was ready for a change, and I steered Eli up to a place on the main deck. We found a little walkway, and there was no one around at all. I stood behind him as he looked at the water. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and rested my head on his shoulder.

The wind was brisk.

"Look!" Eli said. There was a school of dolphins jumping in the distance. "Uh-huh," I said. Jumping for joy just like I do when I see you. But I didn't say anything. I'm not one to say what I feel.

The boat slowly made a wide turn and began heading back. A few minutes later a school of dolphins swam right up to the side of the boat, practically at our feet, and sped along with us for a few miles.

"They're beautiful," Eli said.

"Uh-huh," was all I said. Not nearly as beautiful as you.

The dolphins got bored, and after a few minutes there was nothing to see.

"You hungry?"

"Hell yeah," he said. "My boyfriend skimped on my breakfast."

I laughed. We went inside. I bought us each a fish sandwich, and a basket of coconut fried shrimp for us to share, and two hot chocolates.

We sat on the same side of the bench at the tables, and I definitely crowded into his space as we ate, pressing my thigh against his thigh, occasionally leaning my face close to his.

A couple came in and I moved away from Eli an inch in order not to embarrass him. The couple smiled at us, and I smiled back. When we were done eating we went back to the spot we were at previously, portside. I reached over and zipped his sweatshirt up before I stood behind Eli and tucked his body into mine, wrapping my arms around him.

We watched the sunset as the boat began to pull in to shore. Then everyone was coming down from the top deck, and up from below deck, and I pulled away from our oh-so-wonderful hugging while watching the water position, and just gently put my palm on his lower back.

"This was magical," he said.

"Yeah," I said. Because of you.

We were mostly quiet on the drive home. When the roads permitted, I drove with one hand on his thigh.

The roads were hypnotic, and as I relaxed I began thinking about all the positions I wanted to do with Eli as soon as we got home, and I got a little bit hard.

When we got home I lit every candle I owned, put on soft music, and held him in my arms as we swayed back and forth. That lasted a few minutes before I started kissing him, softly at first and then more passionately, and his tongue danced perfectly with mine.

I undressed him slowly, and stripped for him, hopefully making the most of the candlelight. I kissed him all over before I slipped into him, and his groan of pleasure made everything so right.

I kept the pace slow, wanting him to know this was more making love than fucking, concentrating 100% on his pleasure. Waiting until he shouted my name in his orgasm before I followed him over the abyss.

He yawned after I cleaned him up.

"What do you have to eat around here?" he said.

I shook my head at him. Unbelievable. I smiled. Just more opportunity to provide for him. "Pizza delivery?"

He smiled back at me. "Perfect."

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Then you don't even have to get dressed. In case we decide we want a round two."


The summer flew by.

We had fantastic celebration sex the day he accepted the job with Jane. I helped him find an apartment that was only about a mile from my place. When I told him it was only a few minutes away he said 'perfect' before he even saw it, which I have to admit, warmed my heart as well as my ego.