First Time Posing Pt. 08


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Her husband thinking she is feeling sick the way she ran down the hall to the restroom, he asked. "What's the matter Charlene you feeling sick?"

"No Tom I am so horny that my womanhood is dripping my arousal. I was afraid I was going to orgasm in front of the class." The mature woman said embarrassed and highly aroused.

Walking closer to her he could smell the scent of her arousal causing him to get an erection. "You need some relief for your arousal?" He asked ready to help a woman in distress.

Being so horny she wasn't using her better judgement when she said. "I need it now Thomas." As she stood at the sink, her back to her husband, legs spread and bent over to give her husband access to her pussy.

Being so horny watching his wife modeling, he dropped his pants and shoved his cock into her pussy. She was so wet it was turning on Tom immensely to have his woman this excited. They went at it with a vengeance and urgency that they hadn't had in many years. He is thrusting in her pussy and she meeting his every stroke. In only a matter of minutes they came together. It was easy for Charlene to become presentable she just had to clean up the act, Tom had to get dressed. By the time they put themselves together the room smelled like a whorehouse.

Charlene came out of the restroom with a smile on her face and head held high she was nude, and it was becoming easier for her to make eye contact with the people she passed. She decided that she will have to go through this, so she might as well enjoy the exposure. The sexual release is just what she needed to make this bad situation bearable. The couple walked into the room just as the group was ready for Charlene to model again. While they were gone the group looked at some of the photos taken.

"Charlene, we looked at a few of the photos taken of you. They came out reasonably well for just starting. Now we are going to be doing some sitting poses. Sit on the sofa facing us Charlene." Ned said.

Charlene sat on the sofa with her knees together hands on her knees.

"Very good, okay start taking photos of the model."

"Walk around the model, that's right."

"Charlene, bring your arms up and reach in back of the sofa, good, hold that pose."

The group just stood there admiring the nude older woman. They were rooted in place looking at her beauty.

"Come on we don't have all day start taking photos everyone take turns getting close ups." Ned Said.

Charlene knows it is just a matter of time before she will be spread out showing everything.

The photographers are taking turns photographing Charlene.

"Spread your legs a little Charlene. Alice spread Charlene's legs, adjust her labia a little." Ned said to one of the female students.

Both women were embarrassed as Charlene spread her legs and Alice used her fingers inserting them in the older woman's flower of life to adjust her lady lips. To the Contrary Tom was in hog heaven to see another woman touch his wife intimately in front of the group.

"Good hold that pose. Okay, take turns taking photos of the model." Ned said.

After about fifteen minutes of modeling the professor called a break of five minutes. Charlene and Tom went into the hall and found a beverage machine to get something to drink. They went back to the studio and sat in the class waiting for the class to begin again.

When the five minutes was up Ned called the class to order. "Everyone, Charlene will be doing the kneeling poses at this time. Charlene, come up here and kneel on the sofa. That's right legs spread, spread more, and now look over your shoulder and smile.

All the photographers are focused on her recently fucked pussy, it was bright red and engorged, the lips of her pussy were open and there was the remanence of their passion visible at her labia entrance.

Tom could see his wife's open labia from where he is standing. She looks so beautiful kneeing with her pussy open to the photographers lenses. This is a dream come true for him to see his wife this exposed to the group. Wanting to keep track of how many people will see his wife nude he made a graph in the note book he carried. The first posing session twenty students, seventeen men ages eighteen to forty The women are all in twenties, three men positioned the model touching her intimately and one woman positioned the model touching her intimately.

The hour went by fast for Charlene and Tom. She was becoming used to her exposure and the morning sped by. The other one hour classes went the way the first class went with Charlene ending up in erotic poses before the class ended. The older couple was in the canteen for the lunch break when Jamie and Tammy met them.

"How did the morning go Mom?" Tammy asked.

"Actually I'm enjoying myself, after I overcame the initial embarrassment of being nude in front of so many clothed people. The worst part was having the women touch me intimately. I became very embarrassed that I was so aroused. I liked the men touching me better. Some were very rough; others touched my labia with a reverence. When a woman is nude she is in control of the whole room I realized after the first modeling session." Charlene told her husband, Tammy and Jamie.

"See mom I told you you're going to have fun modeling." Jamie said.

A woman walked over to the group. "Hi, my name is Wendy Holt I'm with the administration and would like to get your viewpoint of the erotic photography course being that you're a model for them. What is your feeling on the course do your feel exploited in any way?"

"Actually I'm enjoying the modeling sessions. Once you overcome your modesty issues it is fun to be nude and modeling uninhibitedly for the camera. When you're nude, you're in control of the room full of photographers. You should try it sometime Wendy. You have to experience it for yourself to understand what I am talking about." Charlene said smiling at the young woman.

"I don't think I could do as you're doing as you have a better body than I do." Wendy said with a blush on her face.

"Thank you Wendy, but that was my thinking also, my husband, son and Tammy made me see the light that I am a mature woman and beautiful."

"Your son has seen you nude?" Wendy said astonished.

"Yes Wendy I have seen my mother nude. I'm Jamie her son."

"What do you think about your mother modeling nude." Wendy said.

"I think it's great, she is enjoying herself and she is a beautiful woman." Jamie said.

Seeing Wendy talking with Charlene professor Beatty walked over to the group saying. "Hi Wendy, did you interview Charlene?" The professor said looking at Charlene.

"Yes I did, she says she is having a great time modeling and I should try it. I was surprised that her son is standing here with his nude mother though." Wendy stated.

"Well, I could put you in as a model for the classic poses if you like Wendy. This way you will have first-hand experience modeling to know what it is like." The professor said as a challenge to the young woman.

"I think you should try modeling Ms. Holt to gain firsthand knowledge of it. I modeled classic poses for the class a few times. It was fun to be naked and not get arrested." Tammy giggled causing the group to smile.

"I will think about it." Wendy said trying to get away from the group before she gets talked into a modeling session by them.

"Charlene I can see you're more comfortable nude now than you were first thing this morning." The professor said as he looked over the mature nude woman noticing she is in the beginning stages of arousal and she is emitting sweet smelling pheromones attracting the men's attention as they walk close to her in the public concourse.

"Charlene you did a great job in the class this morning I wish I had the courage to model like you do? Tammy how have you been I haven't see you since the beginning of the year." Alice said she was one of the women photographers in the morning classes to adjust Charlene's labia.

"Alice you can go to the women's room and remove your clothes and walk around the Visual Arts building nude it is legal; take it from me it is fun." Charlene said trying to get the young woman to strip and walk around with her.

"No, I will take a rain check on that Charlene. I don't have a body like yours. The people will laugh at me." The younger woman said.

The group went to the canteen for lunch it was free for Charlene. Many of the students in the class she modeled for came over and thanked her for consenting to model. I think there was an ulterior motive, they wanted to spend more time viewing a mature naked woman, getting kick out of conversing with a nuked woman. Some knowing she is the mother of one of their friends is a turn on for them also.

Lunch was done and the mature couple went to the next class.

Charlene was walking around the building as if she was fully clothed. Many of the students stopped to talk to the older woman she could see the admiration in their eyes as they conversed with her. Many of Jamie's friends made it a point of stopping to talk with him to tell him how lucky he is to have a mother willing to model nude and be able to photograph her any time he wants to.

The afternoon went about the same way as the morning, different students same poses. Until the fifth posing session, when Charlene walked into the room there were two students who have been to Jamie's house going to school with him from first grade to high school. They have admired Charlene's mature beauty through the years. They feel privileged to have a chance to take photos of the lovely woman in all her naked glory. Charlene is becoming very aroused modeling and when she was told to kneel on the posing couch and spread her legs she looked over her shoulder to see the young men pitching a tent in their pants. She could feel her pussy dripping.

During the fifteen minute break between the fifth and sixth period class Charlene was so horny knowing what she showed the young men that have been to her house, she grabbed her husband's arm saying. "I need a restroom break." Going into the private restroom, she locked the door and bending over at the waist in front of the vanity saying. "Tom I need to be serviced again."

Tom looking at his wife's engorged labia and her sweet scent of arousal he dropped his drawers and Charlene reached back and guided his pecker into her honeypot. He thrust forward and seating his erection in her pussy as far as he can. She pushed back to see if she could get a little more in her. They coordinated their thrusting that became frantic. Charlene screamed out her orgasm. She made so much noise that they heard through the door.

"Are you alright in there mam or should I call security?" A male voice said on the other side of the door.

"No everything is great in here." Charlene said giggling.

"Okay, have fun." The voice said.

For the second time today Charlene cleaned up the act and Tom dressed. They arrived at the last class just as it was ready to begin. During her erotic poses it was obvious to all there witnessing her exposure that she had intercourse, as the product of the couple's lust was escaping her pussy during the modeling session.

With the last class finished Charlene went to the dressing room with her husband and had him pick up her clothes. "I think I am going home nude if it's okay with you?" Charlene said with a smile knowing what the answer will be.

"Most definitely I would love it if you ride home nude." Tom said.

The door opened after a knock and professor Beatty entered. "Charlene you did a great job today modeling, all the professors love you. You're a natural. Same time tomorrow, here is your payment for today, Charlene thank you, for consenting to model for the course." The professor said as he handed her a bank envelope. The professor smiled as he watched the mature woman still nude walk through the concourse and out the door.

The mature couple were walking to the car. Tammy and Jamie met them in the parking lot.

"Mom, can I get a ride home from you, Jamie has to do some work in the library and has a late class today?" Tammy asked.

"Sure, you can ride with us." Charlene said.

They entered the car, Tom opening the doors for the two women and then entered the driver's side.

"Don't you want to put on some clothes mom?" Tammy asked.

"No, I'm good I want to go swimming and will just have to take off my clothes when I get home anyway." Charlene said as a reason to stay nude. The real reason is she was enjoying being nude.

"How was the modeling today Mom?" Tammy asked wanting to know the older woman's feelings on her exposure.

"Actually Tammy I really enjoyed myself and made more money for modeling one day than I did for a week as a secretary." Charlene said.

"I think I should become your agent and quit my job." Tom said joking with his wife.

"Don't you dare even think about quitting your job Thomas Carter?" Charlene scolded her husband, with a smile on her face.

"Mom seeing you today modeling and how comfortable you are nude do you think I should model for the classes also?" Tammy asked blushing at the thought of exposing herself again to the lenses of the camera; she got out of being required to model to keep her scholarship, because she moved out of the dorm.

"That is up to you Tammy, but I would consult your mother first to see what she thinks. Before you had to model to keep your scholarship now it is your choice." Charlene said as she doesn't want any conflicts with Tammy's parents.

"Mom, I guess you're right when I talk to my mother next I will run it by her to see what she says."

Arriving home, Tom put the car in the garage, Charlene exited the vehicle nude and Tammy entered the kitchen and stripped. Tom started supper and the two women went for a swim. After the supper was in the oven Tom stripped off and went swimming also with the ladies. He was a gentleman today in the pool as his pecker was well used and didn't raise its ugly head, but stayed at ease.

Tammy noticing Tom's relaxed state said. "Dad, you don't like mom anymore." Pointing to his organ she continued. "Mom did you two play around during class today?" The younger woman hearing a rumor that someone was having sex in the private restroom in the Visual Arts building about the time that the erotic poses classes have breaks.

"Of course not Tammy what gave you that idea?" Charlene said turning red, thus giving herself away.

"Don't lie to me mom, look at your lady bits they are red and engorged and very moist." Tammy said before Charlene had a chance to cover her womanhood with her hand.

"Yes, Tammy I was horny and had to be serviced and Tom being a kind gentleman took care of it at great expense to himself." Charlene said laughing.

"I love living here mom, you guys are cool, it's not wrong to have sex it's fun, am I right?" Tammy said as it was the first time the young woman could talk to someone about sex. She could never bring the subject up with her mother. She was just given books to read on the subject that didn't give her answers to the questions she had.

"Yes Tammy it is fun, but you have to respect each other and their points of view on many issues other than sexual ones. You should make sure you're compatible with your partner before you become intimate, because a relationship is more than just sex." Charlene explained to the young woman.

Jamie came home, seeing everyone was nude he stripped not wanting to be the odd man out, and the extended family had dinner.

"We will clean up Mom you and dad can relax." Tammy volunteered her and Jamie for K.P. duty.

"The professor asked me if you wanted to pose any more for the figure study classes when I gave him the zip drive of the photos last week." Jamie said remembering the conversation with the professor.

"Jamie you tell me this a week later, you getting dementia or something." Tammy asked.

"No, I told him to call you. I didn't want to get in the middle of that conversation, because I thought you didn't want to model anymore."

"Well after seeing the fun mom was having modeling today I think I would like to try it at least once. The money is good also. If I model a few days we will have some money for a summer vacation." Tammy said finishing cleaning the after dinner dishes she continued. "Jamie I need help with my homework."

The couple walked up to Tammy's room. She shut the door and began to remove her clothes. "I need to have you groom my kitty Jamie." Tammy said as she ran her fingers through her pussy hair. "It looks like a scruffy kitty and I want to model for the classes a few times more I have decided. That is as long as you're okay with me posing for the class?" Tammy asked as she walked to the bath vanity to get her shaving gear for Jamie.

Jamie retrieved a towel from the linen closet and laid it on the bed for Tammy to get on. Thinking about his girlfriend modeling he said. "I think it is a good idea if you comfortable being nude in front of the students."

Tammy came back with a pan of warm water along with the shaving equipment. Sat on the towel, spread her legs so Jamie could get busy grooming her pussy. "I would really like to model now that they will pay me and it isn't part of my tuition to model."

The young man took great care trimming the red pubic hair into a heart. Tammy then laid back and spread her legs as wide as she could for Jamie to shave her lady lips putting his finger in her pussy and stretching the slippery lips so he can run the shaver over them without injuring the precious organ. By the time he was done grooming Tammy he didn't have enough skin to close his eyes his erection was stretching his skin so tight.

"Lay down on my bed Jamie and I will take care of your problem. You look uncomfortable with your organ pointing at me and bumping into everything." Tammy said as she climbed onto the bed and spread her legs crawling over Jamie to sit on his organ, I need to be hosed down to put out the fire in my loins.

Jamie feeling her labia she was very wet, he slid up aiming her pussy, she reached down and inserting him into her honey pot. She slid onto him as he played with her breasts. He was thrusting and she was matching him. They didn't last long as they have been celibate for a few days. Finishing their sex play, Tammy rolled off her boyfriend luxuriating in her after orgasm bliss. He contented himself by playing with the lovely young lady's breasts.


Before Tom retired for the night he took out is pad and calculated how many people has seen his wife nude today just in the class not including when she was walking around in the public areas nude.

The total score for the day is Men eighteen to fifty; one hundred and nineteen, men intimately touching posing the model; twenty, women all in their twenties; eighteen, women touching model intimately posing her; six. Two students have been at the Carter house they are Jamie's friends. "Not bad for the first day." Tom thought.


Tuesday Charlene took a shower with Tom, letting him service her in the tub, to take the edge off their excitement. Charlene put on a warm up suit without undergarments because it was cold. The couple went to a corner breakfast diner and then to the college, getting there at five minutes to eight. The door was open and Charlene went to the dressing room while Tom talked with the professor.

The two men were still talking when Charlene came out in the hall nude to find her husband. "I was wondering where you were Tom." The nude woman said to her husband.

"I guess you've overcome your embarrassment Charlene." The Professor said and continued. "The human species is very adaptable which is proven by you Charlene. Yesterday you were very embarrassed by your exposure today you're here as if you are dressed."

"Yes I'm getting used to the exposure. Am I posing in the same room 2A?" Charlene asked.