Firsts Ch. 04

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Gabriel realises his mistake and tries to make amends.
2.7k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/19/2007
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Author's Note: Thanks to coloryourworld and warrior_wolf for editing. This is another chapter from Gabriel's POV, but I think it's better than the last one. Thanks for the great comments and feedback so far! All reviews are welcome, as always. The lyrics are 'Jealous Guy' by John Lennon. Enjoy!


I didn't mean to hurt you,
I'm sorry that I made you cry,
I didn't want to hurt you,
But I'm just a jealous guy...


Just let it happen?Fuck that!He'd thought things were going okay. He'd given her space, waited for her to make the next move, and look what had happened. She'd turned up on his doorstep, looking him from top to bottom with passion in her smouldering brown eyes, and had proceeded to all buttellhim that he was going to teach her to give head.

But it hadn't stopped there. Oh, no. After he'd come in her inexperienced, but oh-so-delicious pink lips, she'd looked so beautiful, with her eyes sparkling, wearing nothing but thosedamnsexy red boy-shorts, that he'd justhadto repay the favour.

She'd tasted so sweet, the small taste he'd had of her juices before hadn't done her justice. He'd kissed her again, thinking his night of pleasure had come to an end, satisfied even though her moans of pleasure had made him hard again.

But then he'd felt her soft hand wrap around his cock and she'd begged him, then flat-outorderedhim to fuck her. He saw in her eyes that that was the real reason for her visit that evening.

Knowing that after this, things would never be the same, he was still unsure. But she was so warm and willing, and he wanted to be inside her so bad, that it was all he could do to remember a condom. When she had quietly told him that she wanted to go bareback he had almost exploded right there.

She was so tight, but somehow he managed to hold still long enough that she grew accustomed to the feel of him stretching her. It wasn't long until she had started moving against him, spurring him on to move. He kept reminding himself that up until a few minutes ago, she'd been a virgin and that he had to take things slow.

Somehow, mercifully, he managed to keep a hold of himself as he felt her inner muscles begin to clench and release around his throbbing cock. When she finally stopped shaking under him, she raised a slightly trembling hand to cup his cheek and said, "Stop holding back Gabriel, just let go." Her eyes were full of perfect trust.

Something inside him lost control. He started slamming into her. Raw and primal, he needed to claim her, make her his, more than she already was. He knew it was not the right way to act with a recently deflowered virgin, but he was so close to the edge.

Suddenly she was coming again, her body writhing powerfully underneath him from his powerful thrusts! Taking his roughness and loving it! The very thought sent his orgasm flooding through his tensed body, his cock spurting heavy loads of hot cum into her beautiful belly.

That night he had fallen asleep withhisKes in his arms and everything had felt right with the world.

It's hadn't been the wildest or longest night he'd ever spent with a woman, but she had been so damnresponsive, and had shared something truly special with him, trusted him so completely that last night had overshadowed every other experience he'd ever had.

The next morning he had woken to find the bed next to him empty. Assured by the scent of sex and the disarray of the bed sheets that the night before hadnotbeen a dream, he began to worry that Kes had had second thoughts and run out.

Walking into the kitchen and looking for signs of her, he had met her coming out of the bathroom, fully dressed.

After a brief moment of awkwardness, everything had been okay between them. Kes wasn't freaking out, nor was she proverbially planning their wedding.

He was still adjusting to thinking of Kes as a woman and not a little girl, and he still wasn't sure what he wanted from her in the future. But they had just spent and amazing night together and Kes wasn't pissed at him, so for the moment he was happy.

That night a friend-of-a-friend was throwing a party and he had decided to go. That's when things had fallen apart.

She'd been there with someboy, looking...well, beautiful. And sexy. It had pissed him off that she would be there with some other guy just hours after spending the night with him.

He had said some really stupid things, especially after he'd found out this 'Ben Shultz' was supposed to be her boyfriend. When she'd called him a bastard, he'd realised that he'd fucked-up big time.

After downing a few shots of Dutch Courage (maybe not his best move) he had decided to go find Kes and apologise to her. He had been near her house when he'd seen thatplayerRico leaning into Kes, saying something that made her laugh.

Convinced that she needed saving, he went for Rico, and laid a good punch on him, knocking him to the ground. As he grabbed Kes to get her out of there, he felt a sudden pain blossom across his face, and it took him a second to register that little Kes Ramirez had just punched him. Hard. Hard enough to split his lip.

It was then that he realised just how much he had screwed up. She might not ever forgive him. When she asked him to leave her alone, he had complied, knowing that anything he said now was just going to make things worse.

He had gone home, not to his apartment, but to his Ma's house around the corner. He'd spent the night sleeping in his old bed with the cowboy sheets he'd had since he was nine.

The next morning he'd stumbled into the kitchen, only to be met with his mother's disapproving glare. After a few moments of that treatment, he broke and told her everything, leaving some of the moreintimatedetails out.

Gabriel was by no means a mommy's boy, but he loved his ma, and she was a smart lady. Tough too. She had raised him alone after his dad had died of a heart attack when Gabe was twelve. If anyone knew how he could fix this, it would be his ma.

"First off Gabriel Demachi, you are an idiot. You shouldnevertalk to a girl in such a disrespectful manner, I taught you better than that. What will everyone think? I'll tell you what they'll think. They'll think I'm a bad mother. Do you want everyone to think that, hmmm?" she scolded, hands on he wide hips, shaking he head in disbelief.

"Sorry, Ma," Gabriel muttered, not meeting her fierce green eyes.

"I should think so!" she nodded. Softening at the lost look in her only child's face, she continued, "You know you need to apologise to the other boy as well, don't you?" Like many mothers, she persisted in the belief that her twenty-one year old son was still a little boy.

"I know an Aida Shultz. Her boy Benjamin is about the same age as Kes," Teresa Demachi was a second generation Albanian Jew, and although she wasn't particularly religious, she was on every committee, and knew every respectable Jewish family in the area.

She handed him a slip of paper with an address scrawled on it. "You go there right now and apologise to that nice boy. I won't have everyone thinking I raised a disrespectful son. Come back here afterwards and we'll figure out how to fix the rest," she shook her head in exasperation, sighing, and noticing Gabriel still sitting at the table added, "What are you still doing here? Go! Shoo!"

He had left then, fearing his mother's wrath.


He walked to the Shultz's home, it was only fifteen minutes by foot, and he needed the time to think.

Last night had been a mess. Granted, Kes hadn't told him she had a boyfriend, but he hadn't asked. He had flown of the handle. The things he had wasn't him. He was the laid back guy, if a girl didn't want him, he found another. Not that it happened that much, but still. Henevergot this worked up about women. He couldn't figure it out. But he knew that even if he and Kes never even kissed again, he still had to find a way to make things right, heneededher as a friend. Heneededher in his life, one way or the other.

He should never have let things go so far. When she had first asked him to kiss her, he'd had been worried that she'd get attached, see their relationship as something more than it was. He'd never expected that she'd be the one keeping her distance, andhe'dbe the one getting attached. Big joke, huh?

He came to a stop outside the Shultz's house, hoping that it wasn't the same family, but knowing it probably was. He took a deep breath and walked slowly up the front steps, and knocked on the front door, which was answered by the one and only Ben Shultz.

"What do you want, Demachi?" he asked, his tone bored.

"I wanted to apologise for last night. The things I said were rude and uncalled for, and I'm sorry," he replied, meeting Ben's eyes.

"You weren't lying though, were you? You may have acted like a prick, but you were telling the truth." It wasn't a question.

Gabriel nodded his answer, then added, "You shouldn't end things with Kesare just because of what I said though. She and I, we're not...we're not anything, really. I doubt she'll speak to me again after what I did."

"What else did you do? Wait, I don't want to know." He looked at Gabe for a moment, then sighed. "Look Demachi, you were a jerk last night, but I know that wasn't Kes' fault. We broke up because I don't want to take second place to you. She's obviously still hung up on you, and I can't compete with a guy who loves her."

Gabriel's head snapped up. "Loveher? I don't..." Well he did, he always had as a friend, a sister. But was heinlove with her?

Ben watched him, and noticing Gabe's confusion, he murmured, "My mistake then." Sighing, he continued, "I care about Kes, she's a great girl, but we'll never be anything but friends. Not because of anything you've done Gabe, but because ofher. What ever she is to you, just don't hurt her, okay? She's special."

With that he slowly closed the door, leaving a very bewildered Gabriel standing on the Shultz's front porch.

He walked slowly back home, thinking over what Ben had said to him, trying to convince himself that hehadn'tfallen for Kes, trying to ignore the thrill that went through him every time he thought about what Ben had said."She's obviously still hung up on you..."


When he got home, he told his ma that everything was okay with Ben. "We talked, sorted a few things out, but he's not angry,"

"Good boy. Now, I have to go to the market to get the ingredients for dinner. It's your turn to choose, I assume you want the usual?" She asked, grabbing her purse, and moving towards the door.

A thought struck him.

"Actually Ma, I feel like having something different this time," he smiled.

"Like what?" she sighed, hoping it wasn't too 'different'.

"Jani me Fasul, Byrek me Sqinaq and Tulumba for dessert,"

She gave him a knowing smile, a left to get the ingredients for Kes' favourite meal.


A few hours later, he answered the door, greeting the guys as they elbowed their way past, muttering their, 'Hi's and hellos' as they went in search of food. Kes came in quietly behind them, not looking Gabriel in the eye.

"Kes..." he began, only to be interrupted.

"Don't bother trying to talk to her, Gabe. She's been a bitch all morning. She drank to much last night," Luis smirked.

Kes glared at him, "I didnot. Fuck off."

"How else to you explain the blood-shot eyes and the headache you keep complaining about?" Luis shot back.

Kes pursed her lips a looked away. Gabriel felt sick as he realised the real reason. She had been crying. He had made her cry.

"Mrs. D. says to take a seat at the table," Tomas said, following Mateo through to the dining room.

"I was just telling Gabe about Kes' little adventure last night," Luis said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, well at least she came home last night," Matt grumbled, shooting Kes a dark look.

"Oh, yeah! That's right! Kes didn't come home Friday night! And she won't tell us where she was, or what she was doing. Or should I saywho." Tommy gushed, sharing the gossip like he was an old lady at the salon.

Gabriel was about to spin some lie to get her out of trouble, when Kes exploded.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! How many times have I had to drag your heads out of the toilet seat, and clean up your puke? How many times have I tiptoed around the house, just so I wouldn't make your heads hurt worse? Even if I was drunk, which IWASN'T, I think I've earned it okay?! Andyouguys have been 'staying out all night' since you were about fifteen! Stop treating me like a fucking CHILD!" she screamed.

"Don't youdare..." Matt began.

"Enough!" Teresa Demachi yelled. "You," she pointed at Kes, "Watch your language. And you," she looked at Mateo, Luis and Tomas in turn, "stop treating your sister like a child. She's a grown woman, and she's got a sensible head on her shoulders, which is more than I can say for the rest of you sometimes. She can make her own decisions and, if need be, her own mistakes. You let Tommy run around doing God knows what, you cannot hold her to a different standard." With a decisive nod of the her head, she smiled, saying, "Food's ready,"

And just like that, the argument was over.

"What wonderful feast have you cooked for us today, Mrs. D.?" Luis asked, giving her one of his most charming smiles.

"Bean soup and spinach pie. For dessert, we have Tulumba." She left, getting Tommy to help her carry through the food.

"I thought it was your turn this week, Gabe." Luis frowned.

"Yeah," he replied, looking at Luis, "I just felt like a change,"

"Lucky you, eh Kes?" Luis shrugged, digging in as soon as the food was placed on the table.

When everyone was distracted with the food, Gabriel looked at Kes, only to find her staring at him, her expression unreadable. After a moment, she nodded once, and then turned to chat with his Ma. Neither of them noticed the odd look Matt was giving them.


Later, when the boys were playing basketball in the driveway, Gabe ducked back inside to grab a glass of water. He found Kes at the sink doing the dishes.

"You don't have to do that, you know. It's my job." She just shrugged.

He leaned against the counter, watching the guys horsing around in the evening glow, his mother laughing from her deck chair.

"Ben called me. He told me that you went to see him, to apologise." Kes remarked, not lifting her head from her task.

"Yeah. I...I screwed up last night. I said stupid things, and I'm really sorry about hitting Rico, I though he was gonna hurt you. I was alittledrunk by that point, but that's no excuse. The night we was important to me, and I guess I just didn't like seeing you with someone so soon after. I don't know what I can do to make things better, Kes, but I'll do anything. I don't want to lose you from my life."

She paused a moment, but to Gabriel it felt like an eternity. "You haven't," she said, her voice void of emotion.

He knew he was pushing his luck, but he had to know. "Are we okay?"

"No." He felt his insides plummet. She turned to him finally, with a sad smile on her face, "But we will be."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Can't wait...

To read more! I thought the length was perfect in leaving us in suspense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Loved it, just the right length to leave us in suspense.

Please write more soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I'm not sure how this would be made longer, which is a sign of a good length.

It's important to have trouble, even in stories.

And equally important for relationships to be mended without sex.

Bravo! Wonderfully done, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Has the makings of an excellent story. Nice Flow. Keep it coming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
too short!

but still fabulous...please make the next submission longer

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