Flowers of the Sapphire Moon Ch. 01

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A scientific expedition takes a unique turn for adventure.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 05/15/2009
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Writer's Note: This story is completely different from the first one I wrote, because I remembered a few stories I read a long time ago and how strange/erotic I found I decided to jump from incest to...well this. The plot is fast-paced because I'm impatient. If you have any comments or suggestions, again I'd love to hear them. Assuming I get another day off in the next week, I'll probably write another chapter of Forbidden.


The year was 1990 when Jennifer headed out on her first field expedition. She was young, brimming with confidence and eager to make a name for herself in her chosen field of botany. In fact, she was by far the youngest member of her research group.

Some people claimed that she was only sent off for the entertainment of the other researchers on their long and arduous expeditions into unexplored regions. On the other hand, she was more eye-candy than a man could take if they couldn't look, and she made it no secret that she wasn't interested in anything beyond friendship. "I'm already married;" she'd often say during mealtime if the subject came up. "My mind is married to my work, and my body belongs to god." The only response would be a chorus of forced agreement, effectively muffling the comments like "I'd like to be her god."

Most men would have liked to be her god. She was home schooled during her childhood, to keep her out of the public school system. Her parents were concerned about not giving her a religious upbringing, but their concern was quelled by her deep devotion to her church. This fear was soon replaced by another, however. By fourteen, she had developed a set of pert breasts and defined curves. This added to the image of her tall, thin body, with flowing chestnut brown hair and deep brown eyes. Her parents called her a vision of god, and felt that they had a responsibility to keep her away from men -- a task that they took very seriously.

At eighteen, she started college. She stayed in her room studying all through the semester, and didn't go out for anything but emergencies. The few boys who saw her were captivated, but she never talked to anyone outside her group of church friends from back home. A few of the professors who were impressed by her work encouraged her to be more social, but she insisted that she felt it would come between her and god, so they mostly left the subject alone.

After graduating, she got a job at a laboratory as an assistant to the head botanist. She helped process and catalogue samples from expeditions, but wasn't allowed to join the team on their extended trips. She wasn't allowed, that is, until that day.

Only a week before the team left, she was contacted by the head of research at the lab. They explained that her boss had become ill and they needed a replacement botanist. She was the only one available on short notice, and so either she went or they scrubbed the whole trip. She thought it over, and then agreed to go.

When the team arrived, it was dark and gloomy. There had been reports from the local military base that the natives feared the cavern formations in the area. Being neophobic, the natives were scared of anything that they weren't familiar with. This suggested to the researchers that there could be fungi, plants, or even animals which inhabited the caves. It was an opportunity to discover all new ecosystems, and it was too good to pass up.

The researchers set up camp just outside of the largest cave entrance. They set up lights within the camp to keep everything lit, and to keep animals away. After setting up, the consensus was that they should get some rest before beginning their collection and analysis.

The next morning, Jennifer woke up early. She was still tired, but too excited to sleep any more. She got dressed in her black sweat pants and dark blue dress shirt, and then began wandering the perimeter of the camp. She found that she was terribly unimpressed by how normal everything looked. Just as she was ready to give up and make some coffee, she saw a small plant that she couldn't recognize. It looked like a wheat stalk, only shorter, and the tip was red. She moved closer to the plant, and saw that the end was made of five curved barbs instead of being covered in seed pods. It definitely wasn't wheat.

She reached down and felt the texture, which was smooth. There was a prick on her hand, and she pulled back. She was surprised to see that the plant had pierced her skin with its barbs and she was bleeding slightly. Giving herself a rap on the wrist for not expecting a barbed plant to have a reflex reaction like a Venus fly trap, she decided not to tell the others about her blunder.

She made a note of the plant's location and moved back to camp.

After an hour of prep, the team decided to make their first trip down into the caves. Of the ten scientists, three went down and seven stayed behind to watch their equipment. The teams would cycle, three at a time, leaving the head scientist and the other two trios behind.

Jennifer was sent down, along with John the geologist and Brett the microbiologist. She felt relieved that she was sent down with them and not others. Brett was married and John was a good-natured guy, so she knew that there wouldn't be any awkwardness to get in the way of her work.

Jen mentioned when she saw another of the small barbed plants, and said that they must be spreading from somewhere in the caves. In order to satisfy her curiosity, the three headed through the caves searching for a larger collection of the plants. This took them deeper and deeper, finding the plants scattered along their path. They made their way down through a series of winding tunnels, obviously natural, continually marking their point of origin at each intersection.

Eventually, they found themselves in an open cavern bathed in a deep blue light. The light shone in through a giant crystal formation in the ceiling which looked almost like the moon. John walked over to a wall by where they had entered, noticing that it had a texture similar to shale. "Hey Brett, come look at this. It looks like rock, but I think it might actually be some kind of fungus."

Jennifer had seen a natural arch formation opposite them and wondered if the grotto continued beyond, so she carefully walked over to it. When she peered through, she was shocked at what she saw. There was a massive plant in the center of an open area, surrounded by fifty or sixty of what looked like green cocoons.

Excited and not wasting any time, she pulled out her recorder and plodded off towards the central plant.

"I have located what appears to be plant life. There is one dome-like structure about fifteen feet tall, and over fifty swellings scattered on the ground in the region of the central organism."

She noticed along the way that the cocoons were connected to the center organism via tubes, likely seedling forms of the main plant body. She ensured that her gloves and arm guards were secured, and then examined the main plant. It seemed to be a bud, closed off from the outside by several layers of large petals.

"Specimen seems to be a flower structure. I am going to attempt to locate the center and confirm my proposal."

She checked her protective equipment once more, and then slowly pushed each layer of petal to the side to get at the core. The petals tried to spring back into their natural form, so she gave up on holding them at bay and merely pulled herself into the center of the flower. Once inside, she took a few deep breaths and looked around.

Once again to her shock, the flower was unlike anything she had seen in her years of study. The walls were a beautiful deep green, with specks of blue scattered on the surface.

"The structure appears to be a flower bud; however, there are some odd discrepancies. The bloom is missing stamen altogether, and the pistol is a single curved tubule capped by a stigma which looks...odd."

She couldn't quite put her finger on what was wrong with the stigma. It was something about the whole pistol, too. The flesh of the tube was dark blue, but textured like there was something beneath. Jennifer blushed as she looked at the head, realizing that it looked like the glans of an oversized penis. Examining it closer, she found that it was a bit less rigid than one might expect, but the exact texture wasn't clear through her thick gloves. She decided to remove her gloves and carefully touch it.

She slipped off her protective gloves and her hand slowly moved towards it, anticipating the feeling of it. Jen finally touched the head, and found that the suface was smooth, and covered a squishy layer over the firm inner cylinder. As she felt the tube, it pushed up and out from the base at an angle away from her. She felt warmth between her legs, and a dark thought sprung up from deep inside her. She had promised god that she would never let a man inside her, but she had longed for fulfillment since she had been a teenaged girl.

She looked around and realized that John and Brett couldn't see her through the layers of petal. They were probably off doing some sort of nerd thing like always; talking about a fascinating rock formation or a pool of slime. For the first time, she saw a petal which was laying across from the pistol.

"There appears to be a petal sitting within the flower, perhaps designed to attract whatever organism carries the pollen for this plant."

She approached, confirming that it was something to do with the pistol. One petal was firm and looked like a softly grooved trough, supporting some larger organism while it drank from a small pool of nectar. Another petal was standing up behind, ready to fold over and enclose the creature. It had a 'plus' of slots which would probably fold open, leaving a hole for the pistol to collect the pollen from whatever was ensnared inside the trap.

Jennifer looked at the setup of the petals with a smile, realizing that it was perfect. If she got on her knees and laid into the grooved petal, she would probably have enough weight to trigger the automatic reaction of the flower's other parts. If the other petal went down right on top of her, its opening would line up with her sacred channel. She felt flushed at how wrong that was, but the wrongness just excited her more. There was no one here to know, and she knew god would forgive her.

She quickly pulled off her sweat pants and threw them aside, revealing her lacey pink panties. Instead of throwing them off, she carefully stepped out of them and put them on her pants. She felt somehow sentimental about them, knowing that they had gently held her virgin lips, caressing and keeping them safe all these years.

Slowly, she laid into the smooth shapely grooves of the petal, trusting them to hold her now. Her face smelled the sweet nectar, and she took a taste just to satisfy curiosity. The sweet juice seemed to dance in her mouth, then tingle all through her face, her stomach, her chest, and down to her toes. She felt it linger between her legs, the tingling growing to a burning plateau within. Her juices filled her opening, flowing out between her lower lips and dripping slightly down her thighs.

Jennifer could feel the other soft petal finally come down and trap her, even as she started coming to her senses and struggling.

"What was I thinking?" she asked herself in futility.

The poison from the barb that morning had affected her judgment enough to get her alone inside the flower, trapped and naked. Now she felt movement at her rear, as the petal curled back, revealing her pussy to the thick cylinder which was curving towards her. She continued to struggle, but her support was perfectly shaped to her form.

After only moment of horror and sinful anticipation, she felt the tip of the tube touch her labia, pushing them aside slowly. As if to prepare her, the thin hairs on the petal she was lying on began to quiver and caress her skin, focusing on her breasts. She felt herself getting even wetter, panting approval now.

"Please god, give me the strength to refuse it" she pleaded, to no avail.

Slowly, she felt the tip push all the way in. It sped up as the head popped into her channel, then slowed as it continued. The tube was ribbed further down, rippling in and out and changing in colour from blue to violet. As the first knot slid in with a surge and tore through Jen's hymen, she gave a ragged moan of mixed pleasure and pain.

She felt each bulge push in, one by one, until the flower bottomed out inside her. She could feel the tip pushing against the entrance to her womb, shoving but not moving any farther into her.

The most that had ever been inside her was a finger, and now she felt fuller than she could ever have imagined. Her body continued to shake and resist the giant invader, but her mind began to falter. In all her life, she had never felt such pleasure. She found that it was much harder to call it all evil when it was pulsing through her in all its splendour.

She could feel something inside the tube moving, the gel beneath the skin flowing and undulating within her pussy. She suddenly felt waves of pleasure from her center moving outwards, bathing her in ecstasy. She felt three knots pop out of her, then thrust back in as the curved appendage pumped her.

Her mind surrendered to the throes of passion the animal instinct taking over her body and grinding back against the pole. This animal mind didn't know what was in it, whether or not it was human. Frankly, it didn't care. All that mattered was the thick rod thrusting into her and the endless surges of pleasure rushing through her.

"Oh god, how you've rewarded me," she whispered to herself, "and I accept your bounty unto me."

She could feel her mind trying to slip away to another place, trying to free itself from the physical world and surrender completely to the experience. She tried to hold on to her perceptions, her sensations, but each deep thrust pushed her farther from her body.

She realized in a moment of understanding that this central tube was a stamen, not a pistil. It was about to deliver its pollen to the carrier. The only question that remained in her mind was where the female organ of the plant was.

Her mind had receded to where it felt only echoes of her carnal delight, until a new sensation drew her back to reality.

A few minutes passed and the flower had stopped thrusting, resting deep inside her and pulsing slightly. Jennifer gave a grunt as she felt the first knot of the tube swell, stretching her and sealing the engorged head within the depths of her maidenhood. Against all intuition, she knew what was about to happen.

The gel began shifting beneath the surface of the stamen, and Jen gave an almost silent gasp. She felt the waves of pleasure surging to new heights, reaching a place that she had never been before. Her pussy began to massage the invader, just as the light-blue gel within began to spray out of its tip. Feeling the cream fill her depths sent her into a frenzy of excitement, moaning loudly while her womb opened to a torrent of gelatinous seeds.

She lay in place, still trapped, as the pressure from the fluid inside her eased. The knot deep inside her pussy persisted, but most of the pollen had been pushed through her cervix and was now resting inside her womb. Thick globs of it streamed farther into her, going deeper and deeper. A single egg was intercepted inside her and found itself assaulted by millions of tiny organisms from within the fluid. Of the millions, a single one bonded with the egg and carried it to rest within the mass of light-blue gel. There, it began splitting; becoming unlike anything to come before.

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DBRN84DBRN84about 8 years ago

This is kinda hot...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This story is fantastic! It's one of the best plant erotica I've read yet! I'm gonna recommend my friends to read it :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

A bit too religious but I love it its amazing that plant this story makes me feel like that plant is real

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good start, should have described her pussy like you do in the next chapter

She needs to become pregnant with something unnatural, like have that sweet brunette pussy opening wide to give birth to what looks like a pliant pulsating watermelon, only to have it split open revealing(___) Good start

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Absolutely, epicly awesome, hurry up and write part 3! (reread this so many times.. not even funny)

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