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"You know for --" he stopped short and made a jerking motion.

"Oh, for jacking you off? I think we can say the words; I enjoyed it."

"We did it beneath the water, so I thought you were embarrassed and I didn't want to make it worse."

"No, I should be thanking you! I haven't come like that for a long time." Why had I stopped him going further again? I asked myself. I'd probably be using today's events to jill off for ages.

"I'd do it for you any time," he told me earnestly and then quickly added, "I mean as long as neither of us was in a relationship."

He blushed furiously and went to put on his shorts. I walked further to retrieve my bikini from the rock. He watched me intently as I put it back on and adjusted myself which made me blush again. I felt like a school girl as we each walked back to the car in our own kind of afterglow. The experience left me feeling guilty but exhilarated at the same time. Ronny seemed to have resumed his deep thoughts. He frequently lived inside his head and didn't let things out. The abandonment he felt from his dad had probably led him to distrust people, even those in his family who had remained or perhaps especially those.

"Are you still worrying about Amber?" I asked.

"I don't have much control over that," he replied sadly.

"Look, from what I saw she wasn't upset. Maybe they just needed a mother daughter day shopping."

"Hmm. Okay."

Ronny seemed to have settled down a bit by the time we reached the store. I locked the car and started walking while he grabbed a cart from the corral on his side of the car. He slowly caught up to me and I could feel his eyes on me watching from behind, especially now that he'd seen what was underneath my rope dress and bikini. I turned to look at him and gave him a bewildering look, so he caught up getting along side me to go in through the sliding doors.

"What are we getting?" he asked.

"Just some cook out items, some snacks, fruit and the marshmallow," I told him.

"Maybe we need to get two, just in case?" he joked.

"I still don't know how you broke that plastic jar."

The shopping went fairly quick and I only bumped into Ronny a couple of times although we both kept looking at one another way too frequently. Having seen his handsome cock twice today was making me wet the whole time and I hoped my bikini wouldn't start to have a moist spot. We got everything on my list and Ronny did pick up two jars of marshmallow. When we neared the exit we came upon the beer section, there's a reason they put it there and we stopped to look. I picked out two different hefeweitzens and he picked out a dark and stout. We had a nearly full suitcase of plain lite beer in the fridge at home already, so we had more than enough.

~ Amber ~

My bedroom window faced east and the morning sunlight coming in through my window woke me. It was 10AM, a little later than I'd normally get up on a Saturday. Last night's activities left me a little preoccupied with Ronny's questions. Where is this going? It was way more than sex and there was definitely a deep love involved, but was it boyfriend girlfriend love or potential love of a mate if spouse was unavailable or illegal? I couldn't figure it out. I wasn't having any regrets about what we'd done; in fact, I was trying to decide how long was long enough to wait before we repeated our actions or did something more.

When I finally got out of bed, I found his shorts atop my robe on the floor. I shook my head as I picked them up and went to the bathroom. I tossed his shorts in the dirty clothes hamper and got a quick shower. I washed my tender mons and nether bits as I replayed some of the highlights of our coupling. He'd been so kind and giving, it sent me quivering simply to think about it. I nearly orgasmed washing myself and wishing he were in the shower with me. It was too soon to do anything like that again. I didn't want him to get hung up on me or thinking we were an item. Had we already gone too far down that road? I wondered.

After dressing, I went downstairs to find Mom at the kitchen table. "Morning," I said heading straight for the coffee pot.

"Morning dear. I just made a fresh pot."

"Oh good, I need it. Had a late night."

"Yeah, I heard," she said.

I coughed and ask, "Oh? What'd Ronny tell you?" Even as I said the words, I knew I'd fucked up.

"He isn't up yet, Clair said there was a mishap with the marshmallow cream."

"Yeah, that was probably my fault. I sort of startled him as he was making a sandwich," I said somewhat relieved and pouring myself a cup of black coffee. As I put a little cold water in it from the fridge, she seemed to be looking right through my defenses and I could feel a question coming. "He was really sweet about taking the blame when Clair came down."

"That's what she said," giggling even as she said it.

I nearly spit coffee out my nose. "Fuck, Mom! You know you can't say things like that..."

"Too early or too close to the truth?" she seemed in a very plucky mood.

"He's been kind of nice to me lately. It's a change for the better and I owe him credit I might not have given him before."

"Wow! Have you guys reached some kind of rapprochement?"

"Jeez, what's up with you this morning? Was that in the crossword or you're prepping me for the GRE?"

"Nope, that's just the right word for what I'm hoping has happened," she said.

I joined her at the table, "I guess it's something like that. He might have been being nice to me since before the semester started and I didn't notice. Is that bad?"

I really wanted to get the discussion off of Ronny at that moment. This was exactly how I'd let slip his crush on Clair in middle school. Mom had some kind of crazy sixth sense about us and knew how to needle in on me to get at my secrets.

"I'm just glad things are better between you two. What have you got planned for today?"

"Maybe a nap," I joked and drank a big swallow of coffee.

"I was thinking we might go shopping. The fall is coming and I could use some new clothes."

"Yeah, I might need a few things."

"That bra looks a couple sizes too small, we could pick you up some new ones," she offered.

"Maybe, I've fluffed out a little more, huh?"

"You're catching up to me, but hopefully you won't need a 36D cup until you've had kids."

"Were you and Clair the same size until you had Laura?"

"Yeah, about. She's slightly trimmer than me. I think you might be bigger than her now. It looks good on you though, you're taller than us."

"Did you and she get along when you were around my age?"

"Yeah, she's the oldest and was always pretty nice to me. The three of us were only about a year apart so, we were all pretty close. Why do you ask?"

"Well Peter was the youngest like Ronny. So he was two years younger than Clair? Did they get along?"

"Honey, I think your problems with Ronny are tied up in your father leaving. Clair would be the better person to ask."

"I will. I just thought maybe you had some insight and maybe it is Dad. He left and then Laura a year later."

"You and Ronny played together all the time without issue before that," she assured me.

"That's what I remembered too, but I couldn't tell if that was a trick of memory making everything better in the past."

"Finish your coffee and we can get going. We'll need to be back before dinner time we're cooking out tonight."

"That's right, I'd forgotten.

I finished my coffee and Clair came into the room, "You two heading out?"

"Yeah, just wanted to shop and have some mother daughter time," Mom told her.

"Ronny and I will get the items you wanted," Clair assured her.

"It's nothing formal, I've just been so busy with work, I thought it'd be nice to have a little family labor day weekend celebration."

"You ready?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I'll get my phone and purse."

Mom drove us in her SUV, she worked from home most of the time and occasionally traveled for marketing meetings in various corporate offices. Either Ronny or I drove to campus every day so she almost always drove for errands. It was a beautiful late summer day and I wondered what Ronny might be thinking when he woke up. I had no regrets, but I wondered if he still felt the same.

When we reached the mall, I was fidgeting with my phone and Mom asked, "Who are you texting?"

"No one, I was checking it I had any messages."

"Okay, come clean with me. Were you and Ronny fighting last night?"

"No, Mom. I told you he's been being kind of nice."

"Something is going on, your whole mood is different somehow."

I mumbled, "I can't believe this is what we're doing today."

She must not have heard because she asked, "What did you say?"

"This isn't what I was expecting today. I thought we were going shopping to have some mother daughter time. Now it feels like I'm sixteen again being asked to tattle on Ronny."

"I'm not going to punish you or him. You guys are adults, sweetie. I just worry."

"Things are going better than they have for a long time," I said a little too defensively. I knew my mood was much better since I'd made love to my little brother, but I couldn't tell her that. I could only guess what she would think of me if I did. Something inside me kept wondering and I blurted out the question, "Didn't you ever have any problems with Peter?"

"A few times yeah, but nothing near like you two fight."

"What was the worst problem you had?" I wanted to know.

She thought for a several moments and said, "Well, you're going to say eww gross, but he stole panties."

"I see, and did you tell your mom?"

"Nope. She'd of killed him and then she'd of told Dad and he'd of killed him again."

"How did you resolve it?" Mom was quiet for a long time and her eyes looked distant. "Come on, I'm an adult, I can take it. What was he doing? Was he wearing them or was he perving with your stuff? What'd you do --"

"He was taking the dirty ones and sniffing them while masturbating," she said looking at the seat.

"Hmm, how'd you find out that last part? Did you catch him jerking off with them?"

"Yeah, actually I did. I was angry but we'd always been so close, I just decided to talk to him about it."

"And that stopped it?"

"Sort of. Hold on a second... What's going on here; is Ronny doing that?"

"No," I said honestly. "I'm interested in how you dealt with the tension between the two of you, though. What'd you mean by sort of?"

"We sort of fooled around a bit," she admitted.

"Fuck. Sorry Mom, I had no idea."

"I didn't know I was going to admit that. That's a very personal secret, okay?"

"Of course, I'd never tell anything you said in confidence. That's kind of where I'm heading career-wise anyway. Do you regret anything you did with him?"

"No. Is something like that happening with Ronny?" she asked and I felt all the blood drain from my face. She closed her eyes and said, "Fuck!"

I sat silently waiting to hear the next question, stream of questions or even a verbal thrashing. The discussion had led me right into outing us and I dreaded what she'd say or do about the admission. She shook her head and laughed, maybe even snorted and looked at me with a loving smile.

"Okay, neither of you is pressuring the other?" she asked.

"No, it just sort of happened," I said feeling relief.

"Well -- I'm glad you're getting along. I don't want you to hurt one another but you're both adults."

"It surprised me when it happened; was it like that for you too?" I asked.

"Yeah. It definitely surprised me when it happened. We were close, but I didn't realize how much he loved me or I him."

"I never saw you two argue when they visited us. Sharon seems to like you, so I guess you're still on good terms afterward?"

"I don't think he's told her and they live in Maine so there's not much chance of it occurring again. So, yeah, we're on good terms. Maybe even better than if it hadn't of happened," she confided. "You're still on birth control, right?" she worried.

"Yes Mom, even though the last guy I was with was almost a year ago," I assured her. "Were you?"

"Not at first, but eventually yes," she seemed to be remembering the source of her question. "Should we go shopping or just go to a bar and drink?" she joked.

"I'd like to go shopping with you. I didn't expect this conversation to happen so soon after -- um -- it um. Anyway, I'm kind of glad we had it though. Please let Ronny tell you in his own time if he even wants to, alright?"

"I won't interrogate him, but I may have to mention how well you're getting along," she giggled.

"You're relentless aren't you? So who started it between you and Peter?"

"I can't answer that question," she said sort of conspiratorially.

"Huh. Did Clair, get involve with Peter too?" I wondered aloud.

"You'd have to ask her, and that might mean telling on yourself," she said ominously. "Let's go shopping, now. I could use a drink first though..."

Inside the mall we window shopped for a time. We got stuck in a chocolate shop tasting dark chocolate truffles for a while. Eventually we left there and found a place to get some drinks and a snack. Mom had two doubles of something strong and I was sipping a beer. We ordered some fries so we didn't just have alcohol on our stomachs. We were chatting and getting along a lot better than our initial start to the trip. Right after the basket of fries came out she got a text from Clair and told me she was checking up on us.

We weren't in any hurry and I ordered a tea so I would be safe to drive. Mom was seeming a little too happy, I guess my disclosure had really put some stress on her. She kept coming back to topics of sex and love and then out of the blue she started telling me how much Ronny was the spitting image of Peter. She'd loved her brother's tall form and grey eyes.

"They could be twins separated by time travel," she cooed.

"Really? He doesn't look like him now does he?"

"No, Peter's losing some of his hair line and isn't nearly in the shape Ronny is. I'm kind of jealous of you though."

"What?" I asked incredulously.

"He's so cute, I could just eat him up..." she almost slurred the words.

"Oh, okay I think you're cut off. We've still got shopping to do," I told her.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not going to steal him away. But you might need to watch out for Clair. Oops..."

"I guess I'm driving home too."

"How sweet of you," she told me with a big hug. "We need to get you some nice clothes and some bras that fit," she said a little too loudly.

"Jeez Mom tell the whole mall."

"Sorry, I should just have one more though. Waitress?"

After she finished her third drink and we'd eaten the basket of fries, I paid and we headed out hunting for the perfect bargains. Mom was affixed to my arm through the first couple dozen stores. Then when we got to the higher end department store she had to try on several things. I tried on a few as well and we each ended up getting several items. She'd gotten a couple of fall/winter dresses and some casual pants. I had a weeks worth of different bras that fit my new 34C chest. I also got a couple of winter dresses and a couple of casual pants and a weeks worth of shirts that fit my chest too.

Mom had recovered pretty much from her earlier drinking, but I still had her give me the keys. I had to adjust the seat and mirror since I'm taller, plus her fancy SUV was much newer and had lots of unfamiliar electronic gizmos. The most difficult one was the gear shift, which was just a lever on the right hand side of the steering column that you have to tap up for drive and down for reverse. I'd driven it before, but it was non-intuitive German engineering.

As I drove us home Mom said, "Sorry for what I said about Ronny earlier." She seemed a little ashamed of what she'd admitted.

"I don't think we're exclusive, this morning just sort of happened. If you come right out and ask him if he's interested you might be surprised," I told her trying to soften the embarrassment.

"No. I couldn't he's --"

"Yeah, but I can't tell him I want him only for myself, there's no future for us like that, is there?"

"Well, you might be surprised about that. Clair can't give me names, but she's seen several patience that are in relationships with a relative. I actually know a non traditional bisexual couple in an open relationship."

"Oh really? Hmm, I guess I've never really thought about how that might work," I said as I wondered if Ronny and I could have each other on the side with different partners in our lives.

~ Ronny ~

When we got back to the house Mom and Amber weren't home yet. It seemed a little odd, but I didn't think too much about it. Clair and I unloaded the car, put the groceries away and beer in the beer fridge out in the garage. Together, we started preparing items for the cookout. She made the baked beans while I cut up fruit for the fruit salad. We bumped into each other several times on purpose this afternoon. I felt like she'd kept herself from fooling around mostly because of our age difference.

When everything was prepared with the exception of the burgers and brats, I said, "We can do the rest when they get here, I'm going to rinse off that spring water."

"Okay, I should probably do that too," Clair said.

"You're welcome to join me," I offered.

"You should join me," she countered. "My shower is more private."

"Huh, alright," I responded surprised she'd changed her mind so soon.

"Wait, I thought you were joking," she said quickly.

"You didn't tell me to stop asking, so I thought you were keeping an open mind."

"You're right, let me text Krista to see where they are."

"We could just risk it," I encouraged but then heard the reply come in to her phone.

"Nope, no risk. They're having some drinks and haven't even started shopping yet."

"I see. I'm so fucked!" I groaned.

"Not yet, but maybe, come on," she said heading for the stairs.

"You're shower is kind of small, we could use the Jack-and-Jill one."

"Nah, we'll use Krista's," she said eagerly.

Mom had a huge walk-in shower covered in natural stone with two rain fall shower heads, a hand wand, some misters at waist level and a long stone seat across the back wall. Clair was already removing her rope dress and undoing her bikini as we entered Mom's room. I pulled my shirt off and then my pants as I followed. Clair's nipples were hard as rocks when she turned to me. Her pussy was very nicely trimmed in a V and I got to see it at a better angle. The lips were excited and puffy with moisture glistening between them.

"It's crazy to ask again, but are you sure?" she asked staring at my raging boner.

"He thinks I am, but if you're unsure, you can back out. No pressure other than you know I want you. It's not a middle-school crush, I'm twenty-one and was a virgin until recently," I said and kind of regretted adding that since it told her I'd probably had sex with Amber. I figured she'd already deduced that, but the statement made it more concrete.

"Alright, I hope my old body doesn't disappoint you," she worried.

"Clair, I love you. There's no way you could disappoint me. You've been the constant my dad never was," I told her and wrapped her in a hug.

She hugged me back strongly and gave me a brief kiss on the lips. Well maybe it was longer than brief, it was nice, but not as long as I would have liked. She turned to get the water warming up.

"You know I love you too, Ronny. That you find me attractive means more than you could ever know. Would it be okay if I gave you a real kiss?"

"Yeah, that last peck left me wanting more," I told her.
