Folie à Deux Ch. 02


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"We'll both be there," I said soothingly.

Natalie came up beside me at just that moment, standing very tall in her heels, and smiled pleasantly. "Are we ready?"

"We were just waiting for you," my mother said, smiling thinly.

"Okay! Well, I'm here now!" After a moment's pause, she leaned slightly forward. "Hey," she said, lowering her voice, "was that Uncle Jim up there next to you?"

Mom's back stiffened almost imperceptibly, but her expression never faltered. "He's an old friend."

"Yeah, he'sDad's old friend."

I did my best to remain absolutely still, with only my eyes moving to follow the back and forth.

"Do you have a problem," Mom said, "with someone being there for me in my time of need?"

"Oh no! No, it's just that he and Dad were friends for so long that they're almost like brothers." Natalie's eyes glowed from within. "It just makes the whole thing look kind of... I don't know...incestuous."

Mom looked positively apoplectic, and only at the last moment seemed to remember that she was playing the martyr role. "When family fails you so completely, friends are all you have left."

"Hey," I said. Natalie didn't react, but Mom seemed to have either forgotten I was there or was shocked I hadn't spoken up earlier. It was impossible to tell the source of her disbelief. "We should get going if we're going to follow the column."

"Don't let her sit behind you at the gravesite," Mom hissed. "The minute you turn your back on her, you might find a dagger in it."

Natalie bit her lip and shook her head as our mother stalked away. Fortunately for us, in her furor it only took a few seconds to get out of earshot, so we didn't have to keep straight faces for very long.

"Did you plan that?"

"Yes!" she said, jumping slightly, although her feet and legs were oddly close together as she did so. "I thought of it while I was in the women's room and wasprayingyou'd have her alone where I could sneak that in."

"Well played."

She bowed, slightly, and for a moment I thought she made just the tiniest little whimper, but she was laughing as she stood back up with a flourish. "Give me your phone."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it," she said, holding out her hand expectantly.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. She frowned slightly, focusing, as she used her middle finger to slice through some menus. I tried standing up a little on the tips of my toes to see what she was doing, but she just scowled at me and tilted the phone where I couldn't.

"Why do you not have bluetooth enabled?"

"It eats up the battery," I said defensively. "Plus it's not like I use it for anything."

She shook her head as she swiped around a bit more, and then waited with uncharacteristic impatience. Not that Natalie had ever been possessed of an abundance of it.

"Okay," she said finally, as she handed it back to me.

"What did you do?"

"Don't look at it now," she said under her breath. "Later."

I frowned and slid my phone back into my pocket, and her smile came right back. As bright and excited as I'd ever seen her, and then I held out my arm, elbow crooked just so. Her brightness softened as she looked around, realizing that no one would care, and gently linked her forearm with mine. Her cheeks warmed, and we walked arm-in-arm down the steps and out toward our car.


Natalie gave my hand one final squeeze before we exited the car. The column had taken quite a route through town, and there was no shortage of grumbling from the people ahead of and all around us.

"Shit," Natalie said, as she surveyed the path. "Can you... um... hold my hand?"

I blinked and looked around. "Sure?"

Natalie groaned. "There's no carpet or anything to get out to the grave, and I'm in heels."

"Oh! Sure."

"Sometimes it sucks being a woman," she grumbled. She held my hand tightly as she stepped along, putting all of her weight on the balls of her feet. She mumbled something that might have been, "Thank you," about halfway across the grounds, and then said nothing further until we reached the site.

The casket was already in place, and there were dozens of black folding chairs set up in a single block. Most of the guests had arrived ahead of us, and were already seated. Natalie squeezed my hand again and turned to face me. Her expression was more severe than the words coming out of her mouth.

"Here's the play," she snarled. "You took her side. You're mad at me, and I'mreallymad at you. Got it?"

"Got it," I said, scowling immediately.

"So much so, that you're not going to sit with me!"

"Oh, you'd like that! Wouldn't you?"

"And you're certainly not going to let me sit behind you. No no.You're going to sit behindme. Where you can keep an eye on me."

"We will talk about this later, young lady!"

She glared at me, broken only by a wink when she knew she'd turned enough that Mom couldn't see, and angrily stalked into the second to last row. For her part, our mother was definitely watching, and even had the gall to look pleased with our spat. I moved into the last row, which I had all to myself, while Natalie sat down next to an elderly woman in a Sunday hat. After a few moments, another gentlemen sat down on Natalie's other side. I had the back row all to myself. With everyone seated, the ceremony began a little early, and within a minute my phone was buzzing in my pocket.

Hey, read the message.Check out that new purple icon

I blinked and dropped her chathead into the trash can. It took me another minute of staring at the home screen of my phone to see the little purple sphere that pulsed when I touched it. It brought up a more or less blank screen with some grayed out controls at the bottom, but after another minute, another section of it began to blink.


I felt it move, read another message that popped up on my screen.Do you like the name I gave it?

Gave what, I typed back incredulously.

Instead of answering me directly, Natalie looked back over her shoulder and smiled. Her hands moved to the hem of her skirt, and she slowly began to pull it out from underneath herself. The elderly funeral guests to either side of her were too focused ahead to notice what she was doing as she tugged and pulled and wiggled until the back side of her dress began to slide up over her beautiful pale ass. I hadn't even noticed that she was wearing stockings, as the color so closely matched her skin tone, until I saw the straps leading up to a garter belt around her waist. No panties... but there, peeking out between her two perfectly sculpted orbs of flesh, was a small, curved piece of pink silicone. I tilted my head, trying to imagine how she could have sat on—

And then it hit me. Why she'd been in the bathroom so long. Her unusual posture afterwards. Bluetooth device. MySistersAss.

It was vibrator, a remote-controlled one at that, and no sooner had I sorted out the whole affair than my phone finished its lengthy handshake and I was greeted with a simple, singular analog control. Basic intensity. More and less. It was agony to tear my eyes away from the phone, but Natalie was still staring at me with a mixture of composure and sheer delight. I rewarded her with a gentle opening salvo.

After a minute, I had the motion of it down where I no longer needed to watch my thumb. I could just watch her. Studying the way her body moved and reacted. The shivers. The twitches. The moments where her arms drew in tight against her sides. When she sat up very straight. I couldn't wait to see how long it was so that I could retroactively appreciate how deeply she was feeling this. Given the way she'd been so stiffly posed, back as straight as an arrow, my guess was that it was long enough.

I settled into a pulsing rhythm, reaching the same intensity and backing off to almost none, as steadily as I could. Reaching the perfect intensity was not as important as maintaining the rhythm. Perfect rhythm. Natalie's eyes closed, and she gave a weak whimper.

Suddenly, the woman next to her took her hand and gave her a sympathetic smile. Natalie nodded emphatically, and then bit down on her lip. Allowing herself to show more of what she felt on the inside. Others around us, experiencing grief both real and imagined, masked and recontextualized her whimpers to appropriateness, but I knew. I knew, and Natalie knew. Knowing made it better.

She looked down, typing on her phone with one hand, and smiled.

Ar3 you gonna make me cun? surrounded by family?

I typed no response, pausing only to dump her chathead into the trash, and when she looked at me over her shoulder I smiled warmly.

Im ur whore

For the first time since sitting down, I had to adjust myself. Shifting my legs every so slightly to hide the tented zipper. I kept the rhythm but ramped the intensity up dramatically, and Natalie lowered her head. Chin tucked to her chest. The elderly woman reached over to pat the back of Natalie's hand, gripping it from both sides, and that feather proved to be the final one.

She started nodding emphatically, her eyes pinched shut, and I backed way off on intensity. Keeping it steady at just shy of 'off'. Her cheeks were flush with color, with perspiration dotting her brow. The elderly woman leaned over to check on her, whispering softly, and Natalie nodded again. I backed off the rest of the way and closed the app, and the phone was back in my pocket by the time she turned around to smile gratefully at me.

The casket was heading down, already lowered beneath the ground around it. We'd played through almost the entire ceremony. On one hand, this was far and away the most dangerous attempt we'd ever made to get away with something under the noses of others, and my skin felt absolutely electric. On the other hand, it also felt like Natalie and I had moved into a realm where the most important part ofanyfamily gathering was how we would subvert it for our own desires. I didn't feel guilty, but I almost felt like I should.

And then Natalie looked back at me, and I forgot about everything else.


As soon as we were back in the car, we were holding hands. We always held hands in the car. Since I did most of the driving when we were together, I'd gotten very adept at doing everything with my left hand and using my knee to hold the steering column in place if I needed to reach for something else.

The cars ahead and behind us were parked so closely that we were effectively trapped until those ahead of us were moving. As soon as it looked like there would be no more people walking past our car, Natalie smiled and leaned closer to me. She stayed upright in her seat, but her left hand was in my lap, tugging and pulling on the zipper of my pants, the second she thought she had the cover to do so.

In our world, cover was not the same thing as privacy. Cover was enough of an obstruction that othersprobably wouldn't see, and as long as the parts of us that otherscould see met their expectations (smiling, affable, calm, or whatever the situation called for), then they usually gave it no further thought. Cover was all we needed to get started.

At no point since playing with her vibrator had I stopped being hard, and Natalie laughed and waved at a distant cousin as she started to stroke me. Slowly up and down, pushing the soft outer layers of skin up to surround and cradle the mushroomed head. Instantly, my hips were sliding forward, back arching slightly, to let her reach just that little bit extra.

The speed of it, the manual stimulation, was so much less exhilarating than the thrill. I laughed and nodded at the same cousin, but it was hard not to melt under her touch. Then the cars started moving, and we pulled into the flow of it.

"I have an idea," I said, saying it only as the idea was forming. Each of the cars ahead of us were following the same path, and I turned at the first opportunity to head elsewhere.

"Yes," Natalie said. She turned in her chair, watching as the two cars immediately behind us continued on with the rest of traffic, and lowered her head into my lap. I groaned loudly, slouching just a little bit more, and ran my fingers through her hair. Our car ambled slowly through the cemetery, bouncing along uneven pavement toward points unknown. "Mmmmmm." Her lips were warm on my shaft.

Suddenly, a glint of light in my mirror caught my attention.

"Shit," I said. "Someone followed."

Natalie made a little noise in her throat before sitting back up, and immediately reached back down to stroke and spread her own saliva.

"What are you gonna do?" she laughed.

"I got this," I said, feeling flush with inspiration.

The road we'd taken was merely an offshoot of the main road, one that headed out into a section of the cemetery grounds that had not yet started to be used. In other words, it was paved but there were no graves there and it went nowhere. It wound down a hill and behind a treeline before terminating in a loop. I slowed as we approached the loop and shook my head.

"It's a shame they followed us," I yelled, "because now I have to do this!"

"And I think webothknow I'd rather be sucking your cock!"

"So would I!"

"Then why are we yelling?!"

"Because," I said, pointing wildly, "They'll just think we pulled over here to have it out about God only knows what."

She held a quivering finger right under my nose, a pose that would silhouette perfectly when viewed from behind, and snarled, "You didn't just pull over here so I could suck you off, did you? Admit it!"

"Of course not!" I shouted back. I pulled the car halfway around the loop, so that it was perpendicular to the winding road behind us, and stopped. "I'm gonna bend you over, behind this car, and fuck your slutty—!"

"They're turning around," Natalie said, grinning and peeking past me. "Oh my god, they don't want any part of watching us fight. That's amazing!" She reached for her purse absently while she watched the car pulling a tight three-point turn.

"Good," I said, "because I don't know how much longer I could have kept that up."

I quickly tucked myself back into my pants and stormed out of the car. Natalie was already waiting for me on the far side, and there was only a small cloud of dust to where the follower cars had been.

I pushed Natalie against the car so that she was facing it, with her backside to me. She bit her lip, hands settling against the tops of the door frames, and looked back at me over her shoulder. She cooed as I pulled up on her dress, and brought my hands in to cup her beautiful ass. Squeezing.

The curved end of her vibrator hooked nicely in the crook of my finger, and I gave it a gentle tug. She let her head slide back into her shoulder and groaned as I pulled just a little more. And just a little more. And then, with a low moan, the whole thing came sliding out of her.

"Here," she said, twisting one arm behind herself. In her palm was a small, orange-and-clear bottle of lube. "I assume that's where you want to fuck me?"

I laughed as I stood up, my body pressed tightly against hers. Pinning her against the car. My lips against her ear as I whispered, "The thought of accidental pregnancy is—" She shivered hard, and I chuckled. "See?"

"Yeah," she purred back, grinding against me, "but I think we both know that what you really want is mydirty little asshole." She clenched her teeth, as I guided the lube-streaked head between her cheeks, and rolled up onto the tips of her toes. "To —nnngh oh God— to fuck your little sister's ass? Huh?"

Thrusting was almost a straight up-and-down motion, and Natalie grunted with every push. Head popping up ever so slightly. I reached around her, holding her tightly against me, and grabbed her breasts through her dress. Curling my palm just so to pinch her nipple through the fabric.

"Yes," she grunted, chin falling to her chest again. "Oh God."

It was a shallow fuck, limiting the depth to which I could penetrate as well as the strength I could put into each push, but that was just fine by us. I tilted my head, bringing my lips to her neck, and kissed her repeatedly. She leaned her head the other way, granting me greater access, and I took full advantage of it. Crushing her against the car.

"Fucking fill me up," she moaned. "Jeesus that feels good."

Both of us still completely clothed. The skirt of her dress pinned against the small of her back. Her stockinged legs, in her four inch heels, planted just to the outside of my feet. Against the passenger side of my car. In broad daylight. Right hand still clutching at her breast, I brought my left hand up to wrap around hers. My palm to the back of her hand. She stretched out her fingers, between which I interlaced mine, and we both squeezed.

"I want it inside of me," she said softly, tilting her head back to nuzzle against my forehead. "I want your cum inside me."

"I love you," I grunted, throat tightening, as I felt the peak approaching.

"Fuck! Yes! I love you too!"


My cock quivered inside of her, pulsing with energy. My hips kept moving, in quick, halting thrusts that mashed and pushed her rounded flesh outward. As soon as I started to slow, Natalie let go of my hand and reached back.

"Stay inside me," she whispered. "Just stay inside me."

"Okay," I whispered back.


I nodded, brushing the my forehead against the side of hers, and brought my hands down. One pressed against her pelvis and one over her belly button. There was no need to hold her against me, as I was also using my legs to pin her between the car and me, but it felt right to hold her and keep her close.

"Just another minute," she whispered. "Stay there."

"Are you... are you close? Are you gonna cum?"

She shook her head, and bit her lip as she smiled. "Just..."

"Okay," I said, as I kissed her cheek and nodded. "I understand."

Her hands came to lay over mine, and we stayed just like that for the next several minutes.


I gave her hand one final squeeze before we got out of the car. Natalie climbed halfway out of the car and looked back down.

"Okay good," she said with a grin. "No stain."

"Istillcan't believe you just squatted there in the grass until it all fell out."

She smirked and nodded. "Does this girl know how to party or what?"

I laughed, and it took a considerable exertion of will to compose myself, to take full control of my faculties and present properly, even though I knew it wouldn't matter. There he was, already coming toward us.

"Jesus," Dad said, as soon as we were within earshot. "You two look like you're going to a funeral."

"Hi Dad," Natalie's body language was so much more relaxed, and I don't think it was from the orgasms. Shoulders down, hips less stiff. Head tilted slightly as she moved in to give him a hug.

Standing just behind, in a polar opposite in posture, stood Dad's new girlfriend Denise. Arms folded. Hip cocked. One foot planted slightly in front of the other like a dagger.

"Hi Baby," Dad said.

"Hey Dad," I said, coming up beside her. Dad smiled and extended one hand, and I settled for a firm shake. Par for the course.

"Hi," Denise sang, a little more bitingly than was strictly necessary. Natalie and I both smiled and nodded at her, and she stopped just shy of rolling her eyes. Pleasantries exchanged, we turned and headed into the hotel. Natalie and Denise flanked my father, while I brought up the rear. There were signs in the lobby for us to follow, directing us to the second of the two large reception halls.

"I'm glad you guys could make it," Dad said, ostensibly speaking to both of us but directing it toward my sister with his body language.