All Comments on 'Font of Fertility Ch. 22'

by BreakTheBar

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NewtScamanderNewtScamander7 months ago

So good and so hot, as always. Thanks for sharing another great chapter!!!

BreakTheBarBreakTheBar7 months agoAuthor

Hey folks!

If you're enjoying Font of Fertility, you can read up to FOUR more chapters over on my Patreon right now! I am thrilled to be able to say I am a full-time erotica writer while also being able to put out all of my writing for free, but that's only thanks to the support of the community. Please consider checking it out!



AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hot sex and plot advancement. Excellent chapter

docholliday0007docholliday00077 months ago

Love these stories keep them coming

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So good. All your stories have fantastic character development and plot pacing. They read easily and fast yet still leave more questions. Since you've introduced Esmeralda I've wanted to know more about her. Plus what was in the note to Lauren from the last Prime? I'm looking forward to finding out. Thank you for the wonderful stories!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ok, I've been rereading to try and find at what point the sisters turned into step-sisters/god-sisters? I'm fine with the change, just wondering when/how/why it happened?

Enjoying the story though, thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Enjoyed. Thanks for sharing! Slainté

TJSkywind from my kindle

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Please keep goin. It's awesome

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

You cannot help but love a story that ends with “We had a dinner date with death.”

OgfyOgfy7 months ago

Jake_anon, the part you are looking for was in one of the introductions before the story, if I remember, the author made the change to adhere to Patreon TOS. Either way with the change, doesn't change too much with the original story, just moved it away from actual incest by blood members. To a more acceptable adoption incest apparently.

Irreverent1Irreverent17 months ago

I have been enjoying this story since the first time it was posted before you changed it. The world has much potential for expansion and exploration. Please continue.

That being said I do have a number of questions that seem a bit obvious but hasn’t really addressed yet. Sooooooo:

1) has Jerry experimented at all with gathering energy for his power reserves? Meaning, is the only way for Jerry to gather power by having sex himself or is he able to collect ANY power by ANY others? Find it hard to believe that Death mages have to constantly die themselves to gather their power.

2) if he’s able to collect fertility energy from others, as I suspect, is it only from humans? Because if he’s able to grab energy from any source then that expands his power base to near infinity. Not just talking about mammals. Nor just animals. What about insects? Sure they’re ultra tiny but utterly massive in numbers. Same can be said for fish. Jerry could be nearly a god.

3) It seems Jerry “inherited” North America but what are those actual boundaries? Does that include the Caribbean? How far into Central America does his territory run before it runs into the South American seat (Esmeralda if I’m not mistaken)? Are there hard boundaries? Some form of markers? It seems important to know who is in your territory and who enters it. There is a Seat wandering around in Jerry’s territory without a care in the world. Maybe Jerry should think about making magical markers that outline what is his and protects it or alerts him when violated. North America is massive. It goes clear up to the North Pole. Out to Hawai’i. Huge. Power potential out the wazoo.

4) What other magic-users (mages/witches/shamans/magical beings/magical creatures/etc) exist inside Jerry’s territory? The email thing could potentially backfire huge because it could be that thousands upon thousands of beings will seek his Judgement. How will he handle an overload? Seems like Jerry would need to make some form of lower court system to handle relatively mundane disputes or things that could be handled at a lower level. Get to know your local mage. Or other being if Jerry deems them worthy. That can be explored.

5) Is there a hierarchy within the mages in his territory? If not, why not? If so, what is it? Does Jerry have subordinates? If not, why not? How could Jerry be expected to monitor everything happening in his territory? It would take up absolutely all of his time just watching and waiting for something to happen. And if something does happen how would he deal with it if he’s busy watching for something else to happen? I get the impression that the other Seats operate on a form of benign neglect. As long as you don’t disrupt their dealings they don’t really care what anyone or anything does. Which leads to…

6) Is Jerry going to operate along the lines of Mafia Family because that seems to be the only model that he can work from currently. He’s been given a “territory” and basically given complete autonomy within said “territory”. As such all within his “Territory” should bow down to him and pay a tax to him. For example, do other Fertility mages run human Fertility clinics? Animal husbandry? Farms of every type? Because DUH! Yet more power flowing to him. That’s merely one example. Hospice care facilities run by Death mages. Small tax. Even more power. Forges run by fire mages. The list is endless. If those scenarios don’t exist, CREATE THEM. His “harem” is asking to be allowed to do something. That’s enough to keep several Fortune 500 companies busy, and literally does.

7) Can Jerry create magical items? Why is this important? Because how will Jerry protect himself from assassination attempts? Or just pure bad luck? What if the Seat currently in opposition to Jerry decides to outright kill Jerry? Sure Jerry can protect himself if he sees it coming or is aware danger is present but what if they use a sniper from long distance? Can’t cast spells as a bullet passes through Jerry’s brainpan. Or someone sneaks up behind him a buries a blade in his skull? Or a drunk driver speeds and jumps a curb out of nowhere? Jerry needs to create multiple magic items upon his person for a myriad of reason. And also for the Harem to protect each of them from people seeking to get to him through them. It’s only common sense. There are several items he should create. A mobile magic battery for emergencies. A teleport ring to get him and others to safety. It goes on and on once you dive into it.

7) How are Jerry’s Judgements and Proclamations enforced because, truthfully, Jerry currently looks like a bitch. Sorry, but he does. Jerry made a Proclamation mere days into his tenure and it is currently being defied on several levels. In PR terms amongst all the magical beings in North America, probably the planet, his Proclamations don’t mean shit. Jerry will just say shit and never back it up. No one, currently, has any reason to listen to a word he says. Jerry is a weak, ineffectual Seat that won’t enforce his own edicts or rules. Recipe for disaster. Someone needs to grab Jerry by the scruff of his neck and inform him that he needs to be a Man and right fucking now. It’s all fun and games as the girls figure out who Jerry is going to fuck next and join the Harem but they all need to realize that Seat Politics comes with Seat problems and if no one respects or fears Jerry he’s going to have an extremely short run. So far, the girls are acting like exactly that. Little girls. He needs a man in his entourage. Someone that will tell him that he is fucking up big time. Ever nanosecond he doesn’t deal with Annalise’s father gets him closer to being outright killed or someone’s bitch. When Jerry comes down on him it now has to be an example set. Jerry is the one that made it all worse by dealing with it as a little kid would. “I don’t wanna hurt nobody” sniveling. And only thinking about where he’s going to stick his dick next. It’s no longer about being fair/unfair/ or outrageous. Now he needs all others to fall in line and they have no reason to. Sitting the father in the corner for a timeout can no longer be an option. Jerry fucked that up. He can’t say that another Seat interfered because so what? That’s a danger every single time. People only respect power. Jerry has to drop whoever the Seat is interfering but to bring the Hammer of Thor down on the defiant father. There is no choice. Everyone else must be made to be absolutely terrified of crossing Jerry. Jerry created this mess.

8) Jerry’s biggest advantage is he was born in the modern era. He has the enormous advantage of other peoples imagination. To the other Seats the greatest thing they’ve seen is literally sliced bread. None of them have huge imaginations filled with story after story of what mages an magicians can do if given infinite power. To Timojin the most imaginative thing in his entire life was creating massive horse cavalry and sweeping across a plain at speed. He had only himself to rely upon in his own head. Sun Tsu may or may not have been read by him but either way, Timojin never got to implement it in true battle. Nor was Timojin likely to accept it because in his mind he was successful without it. And that’s merely the mundane shit. What magical imagination is Timojin likely to have? Wyngardem Leviosa was and will never be within Timojin’s lexicon. The idea would never occur to him. That goes for all of them. Esmeralda is the youngest of the Seat other than Jerry and she’s 100+ years old. Same problem. Jerry meanwhile grew up with Comic books, animé, Marvel MCU, Lord of the Rings, DCU, Harry Potter, etc, etc, etc… Jerry’s one great advantage is that he can come up with and create surprises for whoever his adversary is that they wouldn’t think of in a million years because it’s never occurred to them. They most likely believe brute overwhelming force is the best maybe only answer. They come in straight and use megaton power blasts that Jerry can’t match. Nor anyone else for that matter. Where as Jerry can imagine of freezing time and stepping out of the way of the blast. Ritual magic, they have Jerry dead to rights. Fast paced battle magic Jerry will be the equivalent of Bruce Lee. Super fast, unbelievably innovative and nearly untouchable. They’ve never seen it before. That will be their undoing vs Jerry.

Sorry I got wordy. Just would like to see this story and world fleshed out

Lions86Lions867 months ago

Jesus fucking Christ are you writing a comment or a fucking book?

James G 5James G 57 months ago

"pump the breaks" should be BRAKES

Enjoying the tale!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

love this story. Please, please, please don't abandon it midway like plenty of other authors do. I know this isn't one of your most recognized work but it's definitely my favorite. I look for a new chapter almost daily if not every other day. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This story is called Font of Fertility. The main character is a feritility shaman.

What would be more natural than a woman - single or married, witch or druid, elf or were - were to visit Jerry, and say "I want a child"? And becoming a father would boost Jerry's magic, too.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

When will ama be updated

AmbivalenceAmbivalence7 months ago

Damn... I've restarted this series twice and finally got around to actually reading all there was of it...

And now...

I'm stuck waiting for more of it... erf...

Like it.

drkwolflstdrkwolflst7 months ago

I have really loved this story, more than alot I have read... please continue this line...there is so much potential. I loved reading it so much, I was upset to find out I was reading the last one.

JodailyJodaily7 months ago

Mmmmmm, Bring Maya in to the inner circle, then give her the serious boning she desires and so deserves.

And please oh please, give us more FOF!! Soon.

EriktheAwfulEriktheAwful7 months ago

Building an excellent universe here. Wish it would come out more often but I know stories can’t be rushed.

MakehandpartyMakehandparty7 months ago

I just re-read the entire series to-date. It is still excellent. Please, you do NOT have to listen to me and do not take what I say as an attack. I mean it only as constructive criticism. You are more than welcome to tell me to fick off....I still say the change in the relationships between Lauren and Lindsey, from siblings to step-siblings-by-marriage and between Stacey and Jeremiah from siblings to "god-sister" and "god-brother" was seriously jarring to the flow of the story, it took a lot away in terms of heat (incest stories are a big thing for me), and it's like you're trying to make this group so perfect compared to the rest of the "magical community". We are 22 chapters in and we have met the council briefly, Anna, Aidra, and Anna's dad. We don't have really any idea what, if any, reason the guy behind Anna's is back is behind her Dad. Nor is there a plot beyond Jerry falling in love with everything he fucks, which differentiates him from Ndia. If the Council of Threes is set up for Creation/Fertility, Life/Stasis, Death/Entropy as the driving forces, then why is there none of that woven into this story. Granted, I get that this is erotica and that this is a free story and a great one at that. I am not trying to poke holes here. You do not have to listen to me or agree with anything I have said. I only offer this critique as, perhaps, things to bear in mind as you continue your journey as a writer. Please, please continue to write because your characters are alive, to me, that is the hardest thing of all and you have mastered that. Sorry about the run-ons. I have a tendency to do that.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

“… in the throws of a big orgasm.…”


JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBB5 months ago

Totally agree with Makehandparty. Also you definitely need an Editor to check the spelling of the words you intend to use because a spellchecker will only tell you that your worms are actually words, not that they are bean wrongly used (sic)

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