For His Fans


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After I get back to my apartment, it only takes me an hour to get the video ready since it barely needs any editing. I send it to him, and he quickly posts it on the website. The next day, I receive a message from him: "The views are incredible! Highest ever. I know you said not to pay you, but you were in it too, so you're getting a cut no matter what. Come again Friday? I've got plans for a couple of 'teasers' and I need you."

I don't care about the money, although I appreciate the gesture. As far as I'm concerned, though, the best part is the three words at the end: "I need you." If only his "need" was the same as mine right now. It's like I'm constantly in a barely-suppressed lustful frenzy. I get hard twenty times a day thinking about him, have to jerk off repeatedly. I'm not talking about love here; I'm obsessed with his body-his beautiful muscles and his thick cock which I felt twitching and jerking, hot and hard in my hand. Fuck, if only I could have more!

Friday arrives and he answers the door wearing a white dressing gown, but he quickly strips it off. He's totally naked underneath. My eyes automatically rove all over his bulging muscles and his flaccid cock, take in the gorgeous swells of his wobbling ass as he leads me to the bedroom. This time he's set up the lights and cameras around his bed. A hard lump rises in my throat as I stare at the soft red sheets, picturing him lying on them.

"Now, tell me if this is going too far, okay?" He starts to explain his idea to me. "Just like we thought, the fans all loved the fact that there was another guy involved. So, I got an idea. I want to take pictures for the site-not a video, just some 'teaser' shots-of me with that giant cock of yours. Just your cock-you don't need to worry about putting the rest of your body on the site, and you don't need to 'perform' at all. I just want some still pictures with your amazing cock. Think that'd be okay?"

I'm completely shocked by his suggestion. I'd certainly never thought that MY cock would appear on his site. It's a lot different than putting just a video of my hand online. But then again, who would ever recognize me by my dick? And I really want to know what he has in mind when it comes to "posing with" me. So I say, "Yeah, okay. That's fine by me."

"You sure?"

He smiles at me, and now I'm one hundred percent certain. "Absolutely."

"Great! Then, ah, you mind getting ready? I can see you're already hard, at least."

I blush, thinking it's a little embarrassing that he's noticed I'm rock-hard just from looking at him standing there. But what's the use in modesty at this point? I quickly strip off my clothes and stand before him, my thick, quivering erection pointed right at him. And I notice that his own cock is lengthening and thickening as he admires my hard-on. Interesting. Is he just thinking about other things to make himself hard for the pictures? He must be. But still, I love what a hard cock represents. It means all kinds of possibilities.

One of the cameras has been turned to face the wall. "First, I'm gonna kneel here. You stand there, and I'll hold your cock. Sort of wink at the camera. Okay?"

I feel my cock tense even more at the sound of that. But I tell him, "Uh, you might want to skip the winking."

"Too cornball? Well, we'll see if the mood strikes me."

He's decided to shoot video so we can easily pick out the best frames later. Manually taking individual shots also would've been too difficult since we'll both be in the pictures.

He kneels down in front of the wall, and I nervously walk up to him, my erection hovering about even with his mouth. He gently reaches up and places his left hand on my cock-oh fuck, I can sense every inch of my cock responding to his touch. Through his hand, I can feel how powerful my cock is, feel the strength, thickness, and pulsing need of my desire in his tight grasp. It's all I can do not to thrust my cock through his hand, fuck his fingers with my massive member. He looks up at me and grins, turns to face the camera, draws my cockhead closer to his mouth-oh fuck yes-and then lets go, my entire body quivering, my cock still on fire.

"Next, I was thinking like this..." He stands up and turns his back to me. Now I'm looking down at his perfect round asscheeks swelling beneath me. He bends forward slightly, causing them to push up towards me; my cock would fit so nicely between them.

"Get a little closer, okay?" he says, and I step forward, my huge hard cock sticking up over his ass. I can feel the heat and the electricity, can practically sense how firm his ass must be, and my cock is twitching tentatively a few times from the unbelievable pressure of my cock muscles being swollen so hard I feel like I'm going to burst. He backs up a little towards me and my balls and the underside of my cock actually make contact with his fucking taut skin for a moment, the hot tension of his muscular ass pressing against my dick, nearly causing it to explode. I gasp, my knees shaking, the pulse pounding in my temples. Fuck, I need some friction-my hand, his ass, SOMETHING! I need something grinding on my fucking tight cock so I can blow my pent-up load all over the place. Fuck, I need to cum so bad! But I can't. I can't do that now, here, in front of him. He'd fire me for sure.

"Great, that's good for that one," he says, and he walks away, but I notice his cock's also fully raised now.

He's swinging his arms, flexing and rubbing his chest, getting his nipples hard. "Let me know if this is too much, but..." He takes one of the cameras off its tripod and hands it to me. "You hold that, and I'll lie down on the bed. Then you climb on top, film me from above."

I'm hardly able to believe my luck. I follow his instructions. He lies on his back and has me sit on his stomach, my knees straddling his trim waist, my balls resting on his unbelievable tight skin. I can feel the hard swellings of his abs contracting beneath me, and his rigid cock is just behind my ass, curving up so that his rubbery cockhead pokes me in the small of my back, driving me absolutely wild with lust. I wish he'd just shove that thick cock inside me and fuck me for HOURS.

"Now lay your cock right in the middle of my pecs," he says. "They'll really go crazy for that, right?"

Is he seriously asking me to do this? My cock's so hard I have to forcibly bend it down to get it to lie flat in the deep groove between his burning chest muscles. I can feel the corded muscles tightening as he presses his arms close to his sides, the muscles swelling around my cock. I slide forward, slipping between his massive pecs, and the hot tension of them presses on my cockhead as I push forward, feel the power slide along my shaft, the deep roiling pleasure shooting up and down my dick, my balls churning and the blood thundering through me.

"Keep going."

And my massive cock slides further between his pecs as I capture it all on camera. My cockhead emerges on the other side, thick and purple and twitching, the gasping cumslit approaching his chin, and he's looking up at me with his fuck-me eyes, a grin twisting up one side of his mouth, my cock's burning and throbbing and I'm getting close to losing it but I need to stay calm, need to keep under control-

And then he starts to flex his giant pecs, first one then the other, the massive pads of muscle massaging the sides of my cock, a cheeky grin on his face; and suddenly he flexes them both hard at the same time, the thick cords of muscle twitch, and his fucking hard pecs SQUEEZE my cock between them and my eyes roll with pleasure. He's looking straight at me, but I don't know if that's just because of the camera in my hand. He grins again, flexes his chest hard, and his muscles grip my trembling cock between them; he's flexing again and again, the waves of muscles rippling up and down my cock, clenching it tightly, and the pressure's building at the base of my cock, electric tension jittering through my testicles, my cockhead swelling and straining, my entire body shaking, sweating, I'm struggling to keep the camera steady on my huge cock pressed between his swollen pecs, quivering, twitching, wrenching-

And then he grins, sticks his tongue out and-oh fuck, he licks my cockhead, the insistent wet muscle of his tongue sliding over my cumslit, a jolt of uncontrollable ecstasy rockets through me and suddenly my cock jerks HARD against his tongue and a blast of cum rockets out of it, sprays all over his face and into his hair, the incredible pressure hurtling out of my clenching cock muscles, and my cock jerks again and pumps a hot wet blast of cum all over his face, up the headboard of his bed, hallway up the wall, and my cock jumps and jerks and bucks again and again, the cum bursting out in furious torrents of milky salty spunk, drenching his hair, clinging to his stubble, spraying into his nostrils and eyes and mouth, and I'm shivering and gasping and struggling to film it all. When I suddenly realize what I'm doing to him, I try to wrap my fingers over my twitching cockhead to try to spare him the continued blasts, but the forceful sprays continue to rocket through my grasp, rebounding off my fingers, spraying all over his chest and neck, and I'm thinking Oh fuck I am so fired-

But he's laughing, grinning as my cum continues to fly, and now he opens wide, sticks his tongue out, so I let the last pulses of my semen coat his tongue. He laps at my cockhead, and then finally I'm twitching dryly, he wryly wipes the cum away from his eyes, looks up at me and grins. That must be the signal. I shut the camera off.

"Fuck, I didn't know it was possible to cum that much," he laughs, swiping more of my jism away from his eyes. "Incredible!"

"S-sorry. I couldn't control myself," I stammer, and awkwardly climb off him, a few last drops dangling off my member.

"No, that's awesome!" He sounds genuinely excited, which makes my heart leap. "I mean, if they liked our last video, they'll LOVE this one."


"So long as that's cool with you. I mean, how can we pass up using that footage? You did record all of it, right?"

I did at least manage to do that.

He's sitting up now, grabbing tissues from a box on the nightstand next to his bed, beginning to mop up the cum all over his face. I know how much it hurts to get cum in your eyes, but it's hard for me to feel sorry for him when he looks so fucking good with my spunk all over him. "It won't be a long video, but I bet we could charge more for it than any of my longer ones. I mean, if you're comfortable with that?"

The fact that he was so impressed with my cumshot gives me a strange sense of pride. Also, hearing him say "we" like that really gets to me. There's a little more of my body in it than I expected, but I'm in pretty good shape and I don't have any recognizable tattoos. Suddenly, I can't wait to share the video with the world. "You bet!" I say.

"Great! I guess that's enough for today, then."

I notice he's still completely hard, but I don't press the issue. I've already crossed too many lines today. I wish I could ask him if he was just thinking about his fans when he decided to use his tongue like that. I'd love to ask him if it was for me, even just a little bit. But I'm worried it will make him defensive. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, and all that.

The video goes up a day later, and the response is incredible. He sends me a list of comments all about how amazing my cock is, how incredible the cumshot was, that it's his best video ever and the hottest thing they've ever seen. He insists on splitting the profits with me 50/50 even though I repeatedly tell him that's unnecessary.

"It's your cock that made the video so great," he writes to me. "You're amazing!"

The fans are demanding more from both of us, so he asks me to come to his house again on Friday. Figuring I'll be participating again somehow, it's hard for me to concentrate all week long. Just the slightest thing gets me incredibly hard, and now I've got all these unedited videos of him on my computer. Somehow, blowing my load last time has only made my desire even stronger.

On Friday, he answers the door just in workout shorts, and I can tell by his pumped-up, sweaty muscles that he was working out to get in top condition for the shoot. His pecs are so full and round, his abs clenching and rippling with every breath, although shiny with sweat. "Hey, let's go in the bedroom again today," he says. "Last time was just a taste, but I'd like to take it a bit further. If you're okay with that, I mean."

"Uh... tell me what you have in mind?"

We arrive in the bedroom and he slips off his shorts. Surprisingly, he's already got a semi. He looks into my eyes, reaches over, and in a surprisingly intimate move pulls my shirt off. I'm not sure what's happening, but I'm already dragging off my pants. In seconds, we're both equally nude and now both of our cocks are hard. "Come over here, next to the wall."

He leads me to the spot where he posed with my cock last time. A camera is facing the wall, like before. He kneels down and looks at me expectantly, so I stand in front of him. I swear I can see desire lighting up his eyes; he's a good actor. He's gazing up at me, and then he bends his head forward and-fuck, he slides his lips over my sensitive cockhead, I feel my cock push through his lips and meet the soft wet muscle of his tongue, which rolls over my cockhead, laps at my cumslit, and my eyes roll back in my head and I lean against the wall, my knees trembling. He takes me further into his mouth, sucking and licking, forcing more of my cock into his hot wet mouth, and then he's sliding back, my cockhead rubbing against the roof of his mouth. I slide out through his lips, and then he purposefully sticks his tongue out and licks up my shaft, from the base all the way up to the quivering tip. He's got such a strong, agile tongue. He grins, my cock tapping at his teeth, and then he's sucking me in again, so deep, all the way to the back of his throat. He's obviously done this before.

I'm struggling not to groan with the pleasure because I don't want my voice to be recorded, but he's sucking at my cock and it's sliding back and forth over his groping moist tongue and it's all I can do to stay on my feet. My balls are tight and the pressure is building in them, my stomach's twisting and my heart is throbbing. I don't think I can take much more of this.

And then he slides my cock out of his mouth and says, "Close your eyes." I don't know why he'd say something like that to me in the middle of the video, but I instantly obey him. A tense moment of trembling anticipation passes, and then his firm hands push me against the wall, I feel the hard muscles of his chest and abs press against my body, feel his iron cock press against mine-I can sense that he's covered it with a lubed-up condom-and he kisses me against the wall, slides me further along it. He breaks away and I open my eyes, stare into his and see that they're dilated with desire. I say, "We're out of frame. The camera's not going to get this," and he says, "I know. This isn't for them. I want this to be just for us. I've wanted it since I met you. Is that what you want too?" and I'm saying, "Yes yes, fuck yes, more than anything." I glance at the camera and realize that the usual red "on" light isn't lit. He never turned it on.

And then he pushes me down onto the bed, his massive arms on either side of my head, his biceps flexing and his shoulders tensing. He's pressing me against the mattress, pinning me between it and his rock-hard body, and his cock presses against my ass, teases me, makes me want him to shove that thick pecker deep inside me. I moan into his ear Yes please yes I want you inside me, fuck me as hard as you can, and then finally he relents and pushes into me, he's filling me with the driving warm force of his thrust, and I'm kissing him and feeling his abs flex against my cock as he pushes into me, his giant cock moving all the way inside. And then he withdraws, pulling his tight ass back, pressing me against the bed, his cock sliding out, more more please more-and then he starts fucking me with incredible power, his cock driving into me again and again, his sweaty body rubbing against my dick, which I start to jerk off with one of my hands, feeling it agonizingly hard and hot in my grasp.

His deep breath is rushing in my ears, and his hips are thrusting against me, I can feel his cock swelling in me, feel him building up speed, feel his muscles bulging and bouncing against my entire body, smell sweat and sex, hear his pelvis pounding against my ass, and I'm saying Fuck yes fill me with your cock fuck me with your massive cock; and my right hand is between us, sliding up and down my dick, and everything's hot and hard and dripping with sweat, and getting tighter and faster and, fuck, his deep groans are vibrating in his chest, rumbling against my ears, the pressure's building in his cock, it's swelling bigger and harder and his legs are shaking, he's groaning, gasping, tensing, shouting I'm gonna cum, fuck I'm gonna cum-and he starts to jerk inside me, I can feel the contractions rumbling through me. I cry out and-

My cum shoots up between our joined bodies, I'm kissing him and it splashes against our chins, our mouths part and my next shot bursts up between us, sprays over our faces, splashes our lips, and I kiss him again and taste my salty spunk on his lips, feel its heat on his face, the seed still pumping out of me all over his abdomen, and he's still fucking me hard with his pulsing cock, his powerful thrusting hips driving into me while our tongues grapple and my cum sprays between us and he's fucking me and I'm groaning and the ecstasy's vibrating through every part of my body.

His legs are shaking and my cock is twitching a few last times when he finally slides out of me. I continue to kiss him as he lies down next to me, drenched in sweat and cum. I'm staring into his face and now suddenly I'm laughing, and he starts too.

"If only your fans could see that," I say.

"Some things are for them, but not that. We can have it both ways, can't we? Is that all right with you?"

In answer, I start to lick my cum off one of his hard nipples, and he gasps with pleasure. "It's perfect," I say. "Looks like my fantasy came true."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

That was fucking hotter than hell baby

MuscleaddictMuscleaddictover 7 years ago
Hotter than hell

Crayrei stands for first class writing. What makes this story so hot is the subject. There is no elaborate story line, just one encounter with Adam, a hot muscled porn actor, producing his own videos. He asks for a helping hand with the filming, with which the author complies all too willingly during two sessions. The rest is a wonderful intercourse which is reported circumstantially. Very empathetic, nothing painful, a pleasure to read.

CuriousPeteCuriousPetealmost 8 years ago
Hot as hell!

Really loved this. The sex was scorching hot. Hope you continue. Maybe reverse the top/bottom.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Very well written.

Excellent story. HUGE turn-on, literally. Best story I have found on the sight so far. Wild, hot, and enough to make you jealous.

sj_53sj_53almost 8 years ago

Great story, very well written.

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