For the Love of God Ch. 01


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"Yeah, I guess I was."

So they had really been there. And I thought I had been discreet with Helena. Shit. Hopefully Amy and Bill were the only ones who had noticed. But shit! They had visited a church? The hopes of watching the couple fuck started to quickly evaporate. Christian couples did not invite young men over to watch them enjoy the marriage bed.

"Anyway," Bill said. "We think we may have a few philosophical differences from the church, but we also think it feels like the right place to start."

"To start what?"

"A revival of sorts," Bill said. "But that can wait. Tonight, we're going to have some fun. Right, Babe?"

"Lots of fun," Amy said. She climbed up the ladder and out of the pool, finally giving me an unhindered view of her breasts. She wore a different bottom than before. This one covered almost none of her perfectly formed ass, and only just enough of her pussy. My cock twitched. I stared after her, wide-mouthed, as she crossed the patio, wrapped herself in a towel and walked into the house.

"God, I love that woman," Bill said. He followed her out of the pool. He was wearing the same bathing suit, but it couldn't hide his erection. He paused at the sliding door and looked back at me.

"Are you coming or not?" he said, eyebrows up. He turned into the house and I scrambled out of the pool, finding a fresh towel on one of the patio chairs. I wrapped the towel around me and walked into the sitting room. My clothes lay where I had left them. I heard a giggle and a light slap followed by a louder giggle. The sound of Bill chasing Amy up the stairs to the kitchen prompted me to continue. When I reached the kitchen, I heard them on the stairs above me headed for the second floor and I followed on.

When I at last reached the bedroom, I stopped in the doorway. Bill's shorts were off. His big hard cock was already in Amy's mouth. My heart pounded and my hands shook again. "Good" Jim almost managed to chortle an "I told you so" before "Evil" Jim punched him in the stomach.

Without looking my way, Bill pointed to a chair against the wall behind him. The chair faced the bed. I gaped at Amy's work on her husbands cock as I passed to have a seat in the chair. Instead of trying to hide my erection, I adjusted my cock so it would stick out as obviously as possible. Bill's back was to me, and I unconsciously admired his tight, muscular ass. He quickly turned to give me a better view, and Amy moved with him, not letting his cock out of her mouth. I reached into my pants and grasped my rigid shaft. I sat on the towel and watched as Amy took as much of Bill's cock into her mouth as she could. She pumped the rest of his prick with her fist while she sucked him.

"Oh, yeah, Babe," Bill breathed. "Suck my cock."

Amy moaned onto Bill's cock. She moved the hand that had been rubbing her pussy up to heft and rub Bill's balls. She took his cock out of her mouth only long enough to suck both of his balls, one at a time, covering him completely in her saliva. She returned to sucking on the end of his cock, still pumping his shaft. I pumped my own shaft and watched Amy move her free hand between her husband's legs. She wiped her own saliva off his cock and rubbed it onto his asshole. Bill spread his legs in his stance and allowed his wife to finger his asshole while she sucked his cock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but I couldn't pull my eyes away. Amy had inserted her entire index finger up her husband's ass.

"Oh, Jesus, Babe!" Bill squealed. "You're gonna make me cum!"

Amy quickly pulled Bill's cock out of her mouth and her finger out of his ass.

"Not yet," she said. She smiled up at Bill as she sat back on the bed, legs apart. She slowly rubbed herself through the fabric of her thong. "I want you to lick me down here," she said, still rubbing her pussy.

Bill knelt at the foot of the bed and I leaned over for a better look as he pulled Amy's thong aside, uncovering the soft, pink folds of her pussy. He leaned in and kissed her lips and her eyelids fluttered. Amy let out a long moan as Bill began to slowly explore her pussy with his lips and tongue. I reached my hand inside my shorts and stroked my cock while I watched. I noticed Amy's eyes on me and her lusty smile brought a flush to my cheeks.

Pull it out, she mouthed to me over her husband's back as he sucked her pussy. The smell of her arousal had started to fill the room, and I breathed deeply of her scent. I slowly pulled my shorts down past my hips to free my raging-hard cock. Amy's eyes widened slightly, whether from the view of my cock or her husband's efforts on her pussy I don't know, but it excited me more than I would have expected from a simple change of expression. I stroked my cock faster, loving it that Amy was watching me.

Bill broke contact with his wife's pussy and stood up. He grasped his cock by the base and eased the head into Amy's pussy. She lay back, eyes closed, and pulled her knees up to her chest. Bill slid inside her pussy a little more with each stroke. I continued to stroke my cock while I watched Bill's plunging in and out of his wife's pussy.

"Oh, yeah," Amy gasped between unintelligible moans. "Mmm, fuck me hard."

"You want to get the dildo?" Bill asked, and my eyebrows shot up.

"You want me to give it to you?" Amy replied.

"Yeah, baby, give it to me," Bill hollered before he pulled his cock out of Amy's pussy. Amy rolled out from under him and to the floor where she looked under the bed. Her ass pointed straight at me and I drank in the view of her asshole and her dripping wet pussy. Bill lay back on the bed and lifted his own legs up to his chest. They were not about to do what I thought they were about to do. Christian couples don't have ass play. There was no fucking way. But they did. Amy produced a life-like dildo, a big rubbery thing.

"Yeah, give it to me good, baby," Bill said. "Fuck my ass with that cock."

Amy sucked the dildo slick before she pushed the tip into her husband's ass. Bill eyes clamped shut and his head flew back and he gasped in his pleasure.

"Oh, yeah!" Bill yelled. "Stick it in me!"

Amy obeyed. She started to fuck Bill's asshole with the dildo and I was too blown away to keep jerking myself off. This was too weird. I felt the color return to my cheeks as I watched them. Amy continued to pound Bill's ass until finally he rolled up onto his knees on the bed and Amy joined him. Without pulling the fake cock out of his ass, Bill pushed his pussy-wet cock into his wife's ass. Amy rubbed her pussy while she took her husband's cock up her ass. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she wailed with every thrust.

"Oh fuck! God, yes! I'm cumming!" Amy screamed. She writhed and bucked under Bill's assault as orgasm took her.

"Yeah, yeah, YEAH!" Bill screamed and he stopped thrusting. He pulled his cock out of Amy's ass and she rolled over, as if on queue, just in time to catch a big spurt of Bill's cum on her neck. The second shot landed on one of her breasts, heaving from her breathing. The last spurt she licked off the head of his cock and swallowed, as I had seen her do earlier in the day.

My cock was still an iron rod, pointing up at me, but I stuffed it back in my shorts, now that they were done. I would have to save the spanking for when I got home.

I gave Bill and Amy time to catch their breath, and it took quite a while. Both of them were soaked with sweat, not to mention cum.

"That," Bill finally spoke. "That was incredible, babe."

Amy smiled at him and they kissed, a long, deep kiss. They held each other for a moment before parting again.

"We're going to take a quick shower," Amy said. "You want to meet us down in the kitchen in a few?"

"Sure," I said. I didn't bother hiding my erection as I walked out of their bedroom.

After they showered, Amy and Bill joined me in the kitchen where we sat at the barstools and sipped iced water.

"So what did you think?" Bill asked. The couple looked at me, waiting for my verdict.

"It was incredible," I said. And I wasn't exaggerating. I had never imagined such things were actually possible. "I don't know if this thing will ever go away." I pointed down to the persistent bulge in my shorts.

"Well," Amy said. "You can think about us when you get home tonight." I certainly would.

"Do you think you'd like to come watch us again?" Bill asked.

"Umm," I said. "Sure."

I don't know why I even fucking bother, Good Jim's voice came to me.

"Good," Bill said. "But next time, we want you to film us."

I stopped drinking my water mid-sip. "Excuse me?"

"We want you to film us," Bill repeated. "We have a pretty good camera, and we want you to help us make a porno."

I put down my glass.

"Ok," I said. "I'm just a little confused. First you ask me about church, now you want me to help you make a porno? I mean, you guys don't sound much like the church-going type."

"I know what you mean," Bill said. "I'll admit that it doesn't seem to fit in the traditional Christian mentality, but that mentality is what we want to change. We want to produce videos of loving, Christian couples enjoying themselves in bed. We want to teach other couples that it's okay for Christians to enjoy some oral or some anal. We've already found a few couples who are interested in being filmed, but first we need to show them an example, and that's where you come in."

Holy shit. I am so fucking glad you came here, Jimbo. This time it was Evil Jim's voice.

"We're starting something new and exciting," Bill said. "And with your help, and God's, it's going to be something big." He looked at me, waiting for my reply.

"Christian porn?" I shrugged.

"We've been searching the scriptures and praying about this for a long time now, and I think we've come up with some solid ground rules to eliminate the possibility of adultery," Bill said.

"Ground rules?"

"Sure," Bill said. "For example, the videos will only feature married couples; there won't be any profanity; no extramarital sex; you get the idea."

"But anal and oral are a go?"

"Of course," Bill said. "The Bible condemns homosexuality, not anal or oral sex between a husband and wife."

"So what makes you think that I am in any way qualified to help you with this?" I asked.

"We like you," Amy said. "And you've already admitted that you like watching us. Besides, we've already tried it with a tripod, but it just didn't work."

Christian Porn. They were out of their goddamn minds.

"I'll do it."


I made plans with Bill and Amy to meet them in one week, on the following Monday night to attempt to film their scene. I would have been glad to get started right there, but it was their show, so I had to practice patience.

Sunday approached, and my thoughts eventually drifted back to Helena. The memory of our kiss hadn't been altogether wiped out by the outlandish events at Bill and Amy's. Sunday morning found me rising early for breakfast, shower and shave. I wore my favorite shirt and tie. I doodled and day-dreamed through the service, occasionally managing to steal more of the glances with Helena that had kept me attending church at all for these past months. Her eyes sparkled. She was breathtaking.

During one of the songs, I left the sanctuary to get a drink of water and use the bathroom. When I emerged from the men's room, Helena was there. She smiled at me, head tilted to one side. Her eyes sparkled and her smile made my heart pound.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi." She moved closer to me, stopping at arms length, and staring up with those big, liquid eyes. "My parents are having a bunch of people over after church."


"Yeah," she said. "You should come."

"I don't recall being invited to anything at your parents'," I said.

"Don't be dumb," she said. "I just invited you." She turned without another word and went back to the sanctuary.

I had been to parties at the Porter's house before. It was sure to be a pretty good time, even without the prospect of a chance to be alone with Helena again. There would certainly be food and beer and plenty of both.

After the service, I watched Helena leave with her family. That was when I found Chris standing beside me. We had been friends for as long as I remembered, but with my recently increasing spiritual apathy, I had begun to find his presence irksome. He seemed to be more outspoken about his faith, as if he sensed my disinterest and was trying to shove it in my face. He wasn't a bad guy or anything. He just really wanted me and Jesus to be friends. Sometimes I pretended to care what he had to say, but his continual preaching was finally getting on my nerves. I had every intention of walking away without acknowledging him, but he managed speak before I could turn away.

"Are you going to the Porter's cook-out?" he asked. At least he wasn't telling me I needed to read my Bible more often.

"I was toying with the idea," I said. I didn't want to let on that I had a very good reason to attend. Helena was, after all, only eighteen. I wasn't sure how people would react to my becoming involved with her, least of all my preachy friend Chris.

"You want to ride over together?"

That was probably the last thing I wanted to do.

"As long as you don't mind me smoking a bowl in your car on the way over," I said, looking him in the eye for the first time since I'd noticed him standing there.

Chris darkened. I was pushing his buttons and he knew it. Chris had never managed to convince me that smoking weed was something Christians shouldn't do. He nevertheless made a point of decrying my "destructive habit" at every opportunity. My rubbing it in his face infuriated him.

"You know, Jim," he said. His face had darkened and his posture had tensed. "One day that shit is going to get you in more trouble than you'll be able to handle." He stormed off.

"Sure, Chris," I said to his back. Hopefully he'd be angry enough not to come to the cook-out, but that wasn't likely. At least he'd be mad enough to leave me the hell alone. I didn't even have any weed, either way.

I went home to change and drove to the Porter's. They had a big house and an enormous back yard. A group of people were playing horseshoes, and another group was tossing a football. For the most part, people stood in groups and talked and laughed. Most held beers, the kids had their sodas.

I shook a few hands and said a few hellos as I strode to where I saw Mr. Porter, laughing and talking with a handful of men from the church. They all clutched bottles of beer, except for Pastor Marden, who held what I assumed was a scotch.

Martin Porter was one of the church elders. He was a big man, not especially tall, but built for building houses and camping. He and his wife Elsa had four daughters, the oldest of whom was Helena. It seemed impossible that this rough, hulking man could have produced a daughter as lovely as Helena, at least not until you saw Elsa. She was a forty-five year old version of her daughter; a beautiful woman.

Mr. Porter, as I was accustomed to addressing him, noticed me approaching and waved. "Big Jim!" he called. The other men, deacons and elders all, turned and added their greetings.

"You look like you need a beer," Mr. Porter said as he shook my hand. His grip nearly cracked my fingers.

"Thanks for having me," I said. "And I'd love a beer."

I shook the hands of the others, and stood listening to their conversation quietly while I looked around. Hoping to see Helena, I instead saw Chris, glaring at me from where he stood with a group of some of the older church kids. I made a circle with my thumb and forefinger and held it up to him, as if offering him a joint and he glared harder. I chuckled. He'd definitely leave me alone.

It was after a few minutes of listening to the church men talk about politics and tractors that I suddenly noticed that Bill and Amy were at the cook-out. I almost choked on my beer. They were sitting at a picnic table with some other couples, all laughing and talking. Helena was sitting across from them. This was going to be interesting.

I excused myself from the men's conversation and walked over to the picnic table. Helena saw me and smiled. "You made it," she said.

"Who'd miss this party?" I raised my arms and motioned around me. Amy turned around at the sound of my voice and she smiled.

"Jim," Helena said. "This is Amy and Bill. Amy and Bill, this is Jim."

"Cable guy!" Bill said when he had turned around. "We meet again."

I shook his hand and Amy's. "Hey guys," I said.

"So you've already met," Helena said.

"We have," Amy said. "Jim helped us out on Monday."

Helena jumped out of her seat and walked around the table to me. "Come on," she said, grabbing my arm. "I need to show you something."

"Nice to see you guys," I said to Bill and Amy before Helena pulled me away.

I followed her around the house and back to the driveway. Helena led me into the garage. Once the door closed behind me she turned, and her arms flew around me. We kissed, a deep, yearning kiss. I pulled her body against me as our tongues met. Her breasts pressed against my chest, and my cock stirred against her stomach. When we finally parted, breath came in deep gasps.

"I've been waiting for that all week," Helena said, still holding me. "But we can't hang out here too long or someone will catch us."

"Do you want to go out sometime this week?"

"I don't know," she said. "I mean yes, I do want to go out, but I don't know what my parents will say."

"Do they have to know?" I asked. "I could just pick you up and go for ice cream or something."

She smiled. "Ok, take my cell phone number."

I saved her number in my phone.

"Pick me up at work on Wednesday at nine, I'll tell my mom I'm closing."

"Sure," I said. "But where do you work?"

"Dudley's," she said. Dudley's was a fairly local restaurant chain that dreamed of being a Chili's or Uno.

"Wednesday," I said. "I'll be there."

She pulled me to her again and we our lips met again. Her scent filled my nostrils, and her body warmed mine. This time, I couldn't stop my cock from poking her. I tried to back away, but she grabbed me through my pants.

Helena smiled up at me. "You'd better put this away before my dad sees it." She gave me another peck on the lips and squeezed my cock before skipping out of the garage, leaving me breathless and horny.

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Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

So sad you've never returned to finish this great story as it showed great promise. That being said this was a very well thought out and written 'chapter'. I've read most of your work posted on Literotica and definitely look forward to reading more. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Zoomie69Zoomie69about 7 years ago
Great Story, One Lousy Comment

Firstly, great story 5*. I like most of the rest, WISH YOU WOULD FINISH IT.

As to the comment, reader_3634, I checked your listing, you have no stories, you haven't been back to your listing in over a year and a half.

Please give us something to base our opinions of your skills on.

reader_3634reader_3634almost 9 years ago
Pity - this story had potential but I understand why it was never finished

The story l written and interesting and I would love to have found out more about Jim & Helena. The interaction with Bill & Amy was also interesting but that was what killed the story. While the idea that belief in an all powerful old man in the sky with a white beard should be incompatible with sexual expression seems ridiculous on all sorts of levels - the idea of 'Christian Porn' is equally ridiculous and requires too much suspension of belief. The thing that really killed the story, though, was Bill stating that Homosexuality, Adultery and Profanity were still wrong to his 'open & liberal' mind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
where is the next chapter?

very uncool to title a story chapter 1, not finish the story, and post other things

NateBlackNateBlackabout 9 years ago
Loved it!

I really enjoyed this story. If you ever decide to continue Bill and Amy's story I would love to read it. I think they've got a great perspective. Very, very cool!

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